Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
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Rules of the Supreme Court of Canada

Version of section 29 from 2021-01-27 to 2024-09-16:

  •  (1) Within the deadline for filing a response under subrule 27(1) in the case of an appeal for which leave is required or, in all other cases, within 30 days of service of a notice of appeal, a respondent who seeks to set aside or vary all or any part of the disposition of the judgment appealed from may apply for leave to cross-appeal by

    • (a) serving a copy of the application for leave to cross-appeal on all parties who are named in the style of cause referred to in subrule 22(2) for the application for leave to cross-appeal;

    • (a.1) filing with the Registrar the original and two copies of the printed version of the application for leave to cross-appeal and a copy of the electronic version of the notice of application for leave to cross-appeal, the memorandum of argument and any motion related to the application for leave to cross-appeal;

    • (b) sending to the parties referred to in paragraph (a) a copy of the electronic version of the notice of application for leave to cross-appeal referred to in paragraph (2)(a), a memorandum of argument in accordance with paragraph 25(1)(c) and any motion related to the application for leave to cross-appeal by email, and filing with the Registrar a read or delivery receipt; and

    • (c) sending to any party in the court appealed from who is not named in the style of cause for the application for leave to cross-appeal a copy of the notice of application for leave to cross-appeal, and filing with the Registrar confirmation that the notice was sent.

    • (d) [Repealed, SOR/2020-281, s. 6]

  • (2) The application for leave to cross-appeal

    • (a) must be bound and consist of a notice of application for leave to cross-appeal in Form 29, and must be otherwise in accordance with Rule 25, with any modifications that the circumstances require; and

    • (b) may be joined with the response to the application for leave to appeal.

  • (3) A respondent who seeks to uphold the judgment appealed from on a ground not relied on in the reasons for that judgment may do so in the respondent’s factum without applying for leave to cross-appeal.

  • (4) In the circumstances set out in subrule (3), the appellant may serve and file, in accordance with subrule 35(3), a factum in response that is bound and does not exceed 20 pages.

  • SOR/2006-203, s. 10
  • SOR/2011-74, s. 14
  • SOR/2013-175, s. 20
  • SOR/2016-271, s. 17
  • SOR/2020-281, s. 6

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