Antarctic Environmental Protection Regulations
Marginal note:Assessment of impacts of activities
14 (1) The preliminary environmental evaluation that must be included with an application for a permit must
(a) indicate whether, in the opinion of the applicant, the activities to which the permit is to relate will have more than a minor or transitory impact on the Antarctic environment; and
(b) contain enough details of the impacts of those activities on that environment to allow the Minister to assess whether the activities will likely have more than a minor or transitory impact on that environment.
Marginal note:What must be included
(2) The preliminary environmental evaluation must include
(a) a description of each proposed activity that includes the purpose, nature, location, duration and frequency of the activity;
(b) a consideration of alternatives to the proposed activities, including the alternative of not proceeding, and the consequences of those alternatives;
(c) a description of any environmental impacts that the proposed activities may have, including a description of predicted cumulative impacts in the light of existing and planned activities;
(d) a description of the initial environmental reference state with which predicted changes are to be compared and a prediction of the future environmental reference state in the absence of the proposed activities;
(e) a description of the methods and data used to predict the environmental impacts of the proposed activities;
(f) an estimation of the nature, extent, duration and intensity of the likely direct environmental impacts of the proposed activities;
(g) a consideration of possible indirect or secondary environmental impacts of the proposed activities;
(h) an identification of measures, including monitoring programs, that
(i) could be taken to minimize or mitigate the environmental impacts of the proposed activities and to detect unforeseen impacts, and
(ii) could provide an early warning of any adverse effects of the proposed activities and could deal promptly and effectively with accidents;
(i) an identification of the unavoidable environmental impacts of the proposed activities;
(j) a consideration of the effects of the proposed activities on the conduct of scientific research and on other existing uses and values;
(k) an identification of gaps in knowledge and uncertainties encountered in compiling the information relating to the evaluation;
(l) a non-technical summary of the information provided;
(m) the name and address of the person or organization that prepared the evaluation; and
(n) any other information relevant to the proposed activities.
- SOR/2010-196, s. 1(F)
- Date modified: