Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Veterans Well-being Regulations

Version of section 6 from 2006-03-23 to 2009-07-29:

 The definitions in this section apply for the purpose of Part 2 of the Act.

barrier to re-establishment in civilian life

barrier to re-establishment in civilian life means the presence of a temporary or permanent physical or mental health problem that limits or prevents an individual’s reasonable performance of their roles in the workplace, home or community. (entrave à la réinsertion dans la vie civile)

suitable gainful employment

suitable gainful employment means, in relation to a veteran, employment for which the veteran is reasonably qualified by reason of education, training or experience and that provides a monthly rate of pay equal to at least 66 2/3% of the imputed income of the veteran as referred to in subsection 19(1) of the Act. (emploi rémunérateur et convenable)

totally and permanently incapacitated

totally and permanently incapacitated means, in relation to a veteran, that the veteran is incapacitated by a permanent physical or mental health problem that prevents the veteran from performing any occupation that would be considered to be suitable gainful employment. (incapacité totale et permanente)

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