Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Federal Elections Fees Tariff (SOR/2021-22)

Regulations are current to 2024-07-23 and last amended on 2021-03-01. Previous Versions

Federal Elections Fees Tariff



Registration 2021-02-23

Federal Elections Fees Tariff

P.C. 2021-90 2021-02-22

His Excellency the Administrator of the Government of Canada in Council, on the recommendation of the President of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada and of the Chief Electoral Officer, pursuant to subsections 542(1) and (1.1)Footnote a and 544(1) of the Canada Elections ActFootnote b, makes the annexed Federal Elections Fees Tariff.


Marginal note:Definitions

 The following definitions apply in this Tariff.


Act means the Canada Elections Act. (Loi)

actual and reasonable expenses

actual and reasonable expenses mean expenses that are paid by a person, that are specified on a receipt and that do not exceed a maximum amount, if there is one, for the expenses set out in the Travel Directive. (frais réels et raisonnables)

designated holiday

designated holiday means New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Victoria Day, Canada Day, Labour Day, Thanksgiving, Remembrance Day, Christmas Day and Boxing Day. (jour férié désigné)

election administrator

election administrator means the following election officers as described in paragraphs 22(1)(a), (a.1), (b) and (c.1) of the Act: a field liaison officer, a returning officer, an assistant returning officer, an additional assistant returning officer and a person designated under subsection 28(3.1) of the Act to act in place of a returning officer. (administrateur électoral)

election worker

election worker means an election officer appointed under section 32 of the Act, a person appointed as staff under section 61 of the Act, an interpreter appointed under section 156 of the Act whose services are retained by a returning officer, a special ballot officer appointed under sections 183 or 184 of the Act, a witness appointed under section 294 of the Act, a person whose services are retained under subsection 304(6) of the Act to assist with a recount and a handler or a recorder appointed under section 3 of Schedule 4 to the Act. (travailleur électoral)

new electoral district

new electoral district means an electoral district established by the most recent representation order made under section 25 of the Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act. (nouvelle circonscription)

transition period

transition period means the period that begins on the day on which the proclamation under subsection 25(1) of the Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act is issued and that ends on the day before the day of the first dissolution of Parliament that occurs at least seven months after the day on which that proclamation was issued. (période de transition)

Travel Directive

Travel Directive means the Travel Directive of the National Joint Council and the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, as amended from time to time. (Directive sur les voyages)

travel time

travel time means time spent by a person in any mode of transportation, using the most direct route, while travelling to and returning from the place where a task is to be accomplished or where a training or other session on an electoral or related matter is being held, and includes time while awaiting immediate connections. (temps de déplacement)


week means the period of seven consecutive days beginning on and including Sunday. (semaine)

PART 1Fees Payable to Election Administrators

Returning Officers

Marginal note:Outside of election period

 A returning officer is entitled to be paid, during the period beginning on the day that is three months after the end of an election period and ending on the day before the date of the issue of the writ, the monthly rate set out in item 1, column 2, of Table 1 of the schedule, for services performed and expenses incurred, including keeping current with communications, conducting a reconciliation of all time and financial account statements, appointing and training an assistant returning officer and storing election materials at their residence.

Marginal note:During election period

 A returning officer is entitled to be paid, for services performed during an election period, if a poll is held, the base fee set out item 1, column 3, of Table 1 of the schedule.

Marginal note:After election period

 A returning officer is entitled to be paid, for services performed during the three months after the end of an election period, the base fee set out in item 1, column 4, of Table 1 of the schedule.

Marginal note:Recount

 In addition to the base fee referred to in section 4, a returning officer is entitled to be paid, for the preparation for and attendance at a recount, for each hour worked, at the hourly rate set out in item 1, column 5, of Table 1 of the schedule.

Marginal note:Assignment

 A returning officer who, at the Chief Electoral Officer’s request, carries out an assignment other than the services set out in sections 2 to 5 or participates in a working group studying a particular aspect of the federal electoral process is entitled to be paid, for each hour worked for services performed in connection with that assignment or that participation and for each hour of travel time, at the hourly rate set out in item 1, column 5, of Table 1 of the schedule.

Marginal note:Payment during transition period

  •  (1) A returning officer is entitled to be paid the monthly rate set out in item 1, column 2, of Table 1 of the schedule for each month of the transition period in which the returning officer

    • (a) is in office; or

    • (b) has been appointed as the returning officer for a new electoral district.

  • Marginal note:Clarification — new electoral district

    (2) For greater certainty, a returning officer who, during the transition period, is in office and has been appointed as the returning officer for a new electoral district is not to be paid the monthly rate set out in item 1, column 2, of Table 1 of the schedule more than once for any given month.

Assistant Returning Officers

Marginal note:During election period

 An assistant returning officer is entitled to be paid, for services performed during an election period, if a poll is held, the base fee set out in item 2, column 3, of Table 1 of the schedule.

Marginal note:After election period

 An assistant returning officer is entitled to be paid, for services performed during the month after the end of an election period, the base fee set out in item 2, column 4, of Table 1 of the schedule.

Marginal note:Recount

 In addition to the base fee referred to in section 9, an assistant returning officer is entitled to be paid for the preparation for and attendance at a recount, for each hour worked, as certified by the returning officer, at the hourly rate set out in item 2, column 5, of Table 1 of the schedule.

Marginal note:Assignment

 An assistant returning officer who, at the Chief Electoral Officer’s request, carries out an assignment other than the services set out in sections 8 to 10 or participates in a working group studying a particular aspect of the federal electoral process is entitled to be paid, for each hour worked for services performed in connection with that assignment or that participation and for each hour of travel time, as certified by the returning officer, at the hourly rate set out in item 2, column 5, of Table 1 of the schedule.

Additional Assistant Returning Officers

Marginal note:During election period — full time

  •  (1) An additional assistant returning officer appointed on a full-time basis is entitled to be paid, for services performed during an election period, if a poll is held, the base fee set out in item 3, column 3, of Table 1 of the schedule.

  • Marginal note:During election period — part time

    (2) An additional assistant returning officer appointed on a part-time basis is entitled to be paid, for services performed during an election period, for each hour worked, as authorized by the Chief Electoral Officer and certified by the returning officer, at the hourly rate set out in item 3, column 5, of Table 1 of the schedule.

Marginal note:After election period

 An additional assistant returning officer appointed on a full-time basis is entitled to be paid, for services performed during the month after the end of an election period, the base fee set out in item 3, column 4, of Table 1 of the schedule.

Marginal note:Assignment

 An additional assistant returning officer who, at the Chief Electoral Officer’s request, carries out an assignment other than the services set out in sections 12 and 13 or participates in a working group studying a particular aspect of the federal electoral process is entitled to be paid, for each hour worked, for services performed in connection with that assignment or that participation and for each hour of travel time, as certified by the returning officer, at the hourly rate set out in item 3, column 5, of Table 1 of the schedule.

Field Liaison Officers

Marginal note:Outside of election period

 A field liaison officer is entitled to be paid, for services performed during the period beginning on the day that is three months after the end of the election period of a general election and ending on the day before the date of the issue of the writ for a general election, at the monthly rate set out in item 4, column 2, of Table 1 of the schedule.

Marginal note:During election period of general election

 A field liaison officer is entitled to be paid, for services performed during the election period of a general election, if a poll is held in at least one electoral district in their region, the base fee set out in item 4, column 3, of Table 1 of the schedule.

Marginal note:After election period of general election

 A field liaison officer is entitled to be paid, for services performed during the three months after the end of the election period of a general election, the base fee set out in item 4, column 4, of Table 1 of the schedule.

Marginal note:During election period of by-election

 A field liaison officer is entitled to be paid for each hour worked and for each hour of travel time during the election period of a by-election, at the hourly rate set out in item 4, column 5, of Table 1 of the schedule.

Marginal note:Recount

 In addition to the fees referred to in sections 17, if applicable, a field liaison officer is entitled to be paid, for each hour worked and for each hour of travel time for attending a recount at the Chief Electoral Officer’s request, at the hourly rate set out in item 4, column 5, of Table 1 of the schedule.

Marginal note:Assignment

 A field liaison officer who, at the Chief Electoral Officer’s request, carries out an assignment other than the services set out in sections 15 to 19 or participates in a working group studying a particular aspect of the federal electoral process is entitled to be paid, for each hour worked for services performed in connection with that assignment or that participation and for each hour of travel time, at the hourly rate set out in item 4, column 5, of Table 1 of the schedule.

Other Payments

Marginal note:Adjusted payment

 If an election administrator works for only part of the period for which they are entitled to the monthly rate or base fee set out in column 2, 3 or 4 of Table 1 of the schedule, they are to be paid only for those days worked and the monthly rate or base fee is prorated accordingly.

Marginal note:Exception — payment when poll not held

 Despite section 21, if a poll is not held, a returning officer, an assistant returning officer and an additional assistant returning officer appointed on a full-time basis are entitled to be paid, for services performed during the election period,

  • (a) if the poll is not held because of a return by acclamation or if the writ is withdrawn on or before the close of nominations, a fee of 33% of the amount payable under column 3 of Table 1 of the schedule that corresponds to the position set out in column 1 of that Table to which they have been appointed; or

  • (b) if the poll is not held because of the withdrawal of the writ after the close of nominations, a fee of 33% of the amount payable under column 3 of Table 1 of the schedule that corresponds to the position set out in column 1 of that Table to which they have been appointed and, for each day after the close of nominations, a fee of 3% per day of the amount set out in column 3 of Table 1 of the schedule that corresponds to the position set out in column 1 of that Table to which they have been appointed.

Marginal note:Training and other sessions

 An election administrator who attends a training session or other session on electoral or related matters is entitled to be paid, for each hour of attendance at the session and for each hour of travel time, at the hourly rate set out in column 5 of Table 1 of the schedule that corresponds to the position set out in column 1 of that Table to which they have been appointed.

PART 2Rates Payable to Election Workers

Election Officers

Marginal note:Election officer

  •  (1) A person appointed by a returning officer as an election officer under section 32 of the Act is entitled to be paid, for each hour worked, as certified by the returning officer, at the hourly rate set out in column 2 of Table 2 of the schedule that corresponds to the level of the position set out in column 1 of that Table to which they have been appointed.

  • Marginal note:Standby election officer

    (2) A person appointed as a standby election officer is entitled to be paid for three hours at the hourly rate set out in column 2 of Table 2 of the schedule that corresponds to the level of the position set out in column 1 of that Table for which they are on standby, unless

    • (a) they are called in to work before the end of the three hours and are not available to actually come in to work, in which case they will not be paid for the standby hours;

    • (b) they are called in to work before the end of the three hours, at which point they cease to be on standby and will be paid at the hourly rate that corresponds to the level of the position to which they have been appointed; or

    • (c) at the request of a returning officer, they remain on standby for more than three hours, in which case they will be paid for each hour on standby, as certified by the returning officer, at the hourly rate that corresponds to the level of the position for which they are on standby.


Marginal note:Staff

 A person appointed by a returning officer as staff under section 61 of the Act is entitled to be paid, for each hour worked, as certified by the returning officer, at the hourly rate set out in column 2 of Table 2 of the schedule that corresponds to the level of the position set out in column 1 of that Table to which they have been appointed.

Other Election Workers

Marginal note:Interpreters

 A person whose services are retained by a returning officer to act as a language or sign language interpreter and who is appointed for that purpose by an election officer under section 156 of the Act is entitled to be paid, for each hour worked, as certified by the returning officer, at the hourly rate set out in item 2, column 2, of Table 2 of the schedule.

Marginal note:Special ballot officers

 A person appointed by the Chief Electoral Officer to be a special ballot officer under sections 183 or 184 of the Act is entitled to be paid, for each hour worked, at the hourly rate set out in item 2, column 2, of Table 2 of the schedule.

Marginal note:Witnesses

 An elector acting as a witness at the validation of the results in accordance with section 294 of the Act is entitled to be paid, for each hour worked, as certified by the returning officer, at the hourly rate set out in item 1, column 2, of Table 2 of the schedule.

Marginal note:Recount support staff

 A person whose services are retained under subsection 304(6) of the Act to assist with a recount is entitled to be paid for their attendance and services, for each hour worked, as certified by the returning officer, at the hourly rate set out in item 4, column 2, of Table 2 of the schedule.

Marginal note:Handlers and recorders

 A person appointed as a handler or a recorder under section 3 of Schedule 4 to the Act is entitled to be paid for their attendance and services during a recount, for each hour worked, as certified by the returning officer, at the hourly rate set out in item 4, column 2, of Table 2 of the schedule.

Other Payments

Marginal note:Travel time

  •  (1) An election worker who is required to travel while exercising their duties is entitled to be paid for each hour of travel time, as certified by the returning officer, at the hourly rate set out in column 2 of Table 2 of the schedule that corresponds to the level of the position set out in column 1 of that Table to which they have been appointed.

  • Marginal note:Exception

    (2) An election worker is not entitled to be paid for travel time for travelling between their home and the location where they are expected to report for work, as identified by the returning officer in accordance with the instructions of the Chief Electoral Officer.


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