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Version of document from 2006-03-22 to 2017-05-04:

Potato Stabilization Regulations, 1977



Registration 1978-05-12

Regulations Respecting Stabilization of the Price of Potatoes in Canada in 1977

P.C. 1978-1545 1978-05-11

His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Agriculture and the Treasury Board, pursuant to section 2, paragraph 8.2(1)(b), paragraphs 10(1)(b) and 10(1)(c) and section 11 of the Agricultural Stabilization Act, is pleased hereby to make the annexed Regulations respecting stabilization of the price of potatoes in Canada in 1977.

Short Title

 These Regulations may be cited as the Potato Stabilization Regulations, 1977.


 In these Regulations,


Act means the Agricultural Stabilization Act; (loi)


Board means the Agricultural Stabilization Board; (Office)


potatoes means potatoes of the Canada Number 1 Grade as defined in the Canada Agricultural Products Standards Act, grown in Canada in 1977 and sold or to be sold on or before June 30, 1978; (pommes de terre)


producer means a person residing in Canada and producing potatoes in Canada. (producteur)

Designated Commodity

 Potatoes are hereby designated as an agricultural commodity for the purposes of the Act.

Prescribed Percentage

 For the purpose of determining the prescribed price of potatoes for the year 1977, the percentage of the base price of potatoes for that year is hereby prescribed at 90 per cent.

Prescribed Price

 The prescribed price of potatoes for the year 1977 shall be the aggregate of

  • (a) 90 per cent of the base price of potatoes for that year; and

  • (b) the index applicable thereto calculated in the manner set out in the Production Cost Index Regulations.

Payment to Producers

 Subject to section 8, the Board may, pursuant to paragraph 10(1)(c) of the Act, make payments to producers in the Provinces of New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island on a maximum of seven thousand five hundred hundredweight of potatoes per producer of $0.60 per hundredweight of

  • (a) 75 per cent of the anticipated sales of potatoes per producer, as determined by the Board, or

  • (b) 75 per cent of the seeded acreage of potatoes per producer multiplied by the provincial yield of potatoes per acre,

whichever is the lesser amount, of potatoes grown by those producers in those provinces excluding any potatoes sold by those producers to processors under fixed price contracts that were entered into prior to harvesting.

 Subject to section 8, the Board may, pursuant to paragraph 10(1)(b) of the Act, make payment to producers in the Provinces of Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland on a maximum of 7,500 hundredweight of potatoes per producer of

  • (a) $1.47 per hundredweight of potatoes sold as fresh potatoes, and

  • (b) $1.06 per hundredweight of potatoes sold for seed or processing purposes,

less any amounts paid per producer pursuant to section 6.

  • SOR/78-802, s. 1

 Where there is more than one person in a production unit as determined by the Board, the Board may make payments for each such person up to a limit of three payments per production unit.

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