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Version of document from 2018-05-30 to 2020-11-29:

Fishery (General) Regulations



Registration 1993-02-04

Regulations Respecting Fishing and Fish Habitat in General and the Payment of Penalty and Forfeiture Proceeds Under the Fisheries Act

P.C. 1993-186 1993-02-04

His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, pursuant to sections 8, 43Footnote * and 79.7Footnote ** and subsection 87(2) of the Fisheries Act, is pleased hereby to revoke the Fishways Obstructions Removal Regulations, C.R.C., c. 814, and the Penalties and Forfeitures Proceeds Regulations, C.R.C., c. 827, and to make the annexed Regulations respecting fishing and fish habitat in general and the payment of penalty and forfeiture proceeds under the Fisheries Act, in substitution therefor, effective February 24, 1993.

Short Title

 These Regulations may be cited as the Fishery (General) Regulations.


 In these Regulations,


Act means the Fisheries Act; (Loi)


band[Repealed, SOR/93-333, s. 1]

Convention Area

Convention Area has the same meaning as in subsection 2(1) of the Atlantic Fishery Regulations, 1985; (zone de la Convention)


Department means the Department of Fisheries and Oceans; (ministère)


document means a licence, fisher’s registration card or vessel registration card that grants a legal privilege to engage in fishing or any other activity related to fishing and fisheries; (document)

fisher’s registration card

fisher’s registration card means a fisher’s registration card issued under any of the Regulations listed in subsection 3(4); (carte d’enregistrement de pêcheur)

fish landing station

fish landing station means any place, premises, vessel or vehicle used to receive fish landed, whether directly or indirectly, from a fishing vessel; (poste de débarquement du poisson)


licence means any type, kind or category of licence issued under any of the Regulations listed in subsection 3(4) or under these Regulations; (permis)

licence number

licence number means the number assigned to a licence by the Department at the time the licence is issued; (numéro de permis)


observer means a person who is designated under section 39 or 39.1; (observateur)

Regional Director-General

Regional Director-General means a Regional Director-General or an Associate Regional Director-General of the Department; (directeur général régional)

registered vessel

registered vessel means a fishing vessel registered with the Department under any of the Regulations listed in subsection 3(4); (bateau enregistré)

Regulatory Area

Regulatory Area means that part of the Convention Area that lies beyond the areas in which any country exercises fisheries jurisdiction; (zone de réglementation)

vessel registration card

vessel registration card means a vessel registration card or vessel registration certificate issued under any of the Regulations listed in subsection 3(4); (carte d’enregistrement de bateau)

vessel registration number

vessel registration number means the number assigned to a vessel by the Department at the time the vessel is registered as a fishing vessel under any of the Regulations listed in subsection 3(4). (numéro d’enregistrement de bateau)

  • SOR/93-333, s. 1
  • SOR/95-497, s. 1
  • SOR/98-481, s. 1


  • SOR/93-333, s. 2
  • SOR/94-296, s. 1
  • SOR/2002-225, s. 8
  • SOR/2003-369, ss. 1, 4
  • SOR/2010-270, s. 8
  • SOR/2015-121, s. 34
  • SOR/2018-110, s. 6

PART IPeriods of Time and Variation of Close Times, Fishing Quotas and Size and Weight Limits of Fish

Periods of Time

 Where a period of time is set out in any of the Regulations listed in subsection 3(4), the period

  • (a) unless otherwise specified, begins at 00:00 h on the first day set out and ends at 24:00 h on the last day set out; and

  • (b) begins and ends in each calendar year except that where the period is stated to end on a day in a month that occurs earlier in a calendar year than the month in which the period begins, that period begins in one calendar year and ends in the next calendar year.

  •  (1) Subject to subsection (2), a reference to time in a provision of any of the Regulations listed in subsection 3(4) or a notice given under section 7 is a reference to local time in effect in the province or portion thereof that is closest to the waters in respect of which the provision or the notice applies unless, in the case of a notice, it is otherwise stated in the notice.

  • (2) Where notice is given under section 7 in respect of any close time set out in the Foreign Vessel Fishing Regulations, that time is a reference to Greenwich time.

Variation Orders

  •  (1) Where a close time, fishing quota or limit on the size or weight of fish is fixed in respect of an area under any of the Regulations listed in subsection 3(4), the Regional Director-General may, by order, vary that close time, fishing quota or limit in respect of that area or any portion of that area.

  • (2) Where a close time or fishing quota for herring or salmon fishing is fixed in respect of an area by the Pacific Fishery Regulations, 1993, a fishery officer may, by order, vary that close time or fishing quota in respect of that area or any portion of that area.

  • (3) Where a close time, fishing quota or limit on the size or weight of fish is fixed in respect of an area of non-tidal waters for any species of fish other than salmon under the British Columbia Sport Fishing Regulations, 1996, the director responsible for fisheries management in the Ministry responsible for fisheries in the government of British Columbia may, by order, vary that close time, fishing quota or limit in respect of that area or any portion of that area.

  • (4) Where any close time, fishing quota or limit on the size or weight of fish is fixed in respect of an area of non-tidal waters for any species of fish other than salmon under the Yukon Territory Fishery Regulations, the Director of the Fish and Wildlife Branch of the Department of Renewable Resources for the Yukon Territory may, by order, vary that close time, fishing quota or limit in respect of that area or any portion of that area.

  • (5) Where a close time, fishing quota or limit on the size or weight of fish is fixed in respect of an area of the province of New Brunswick under the Maritime Provinces Fishery Regulations, the director responsible for fisheries management in the Ministry responsible for fisheries in the government of New Brunswick may, by order, vary that close time, fishing quota or limit in respect of that area or any portion of that area for any species of fish listed in Appendix A of the Canada-New Brunswick Memorandum of Understanding on Recreational Fisheries, dated June 18, 2001, as amended from time to time.

  • (6) Where a close time, fishing quota or limit on the size or weight of fish is fixed in respect of an area of the province of Nova Scotia under the Maritime Provinces Fishery Regulations, the director responsible for fisheries management in the Ministry responsible for fisheries in the Government of Nova Scotia may, by order, vary that close time, fishing quota or limit in respect of that area or any portion of that area for any species of fish listed in Appendix A to the Canada-Nova Scotia Memorandum of Understanding on Recreational Fisheries, dated September 17, 2003, as amended from time to time.

  • SOR/98-481, s. 2
  • SOR/2003-369, s. 2
  • SOR/2006-209, s. 1
  •  (1) Subject to subsection (3), where a variation order is made under section 6, notice of the variation shall be given to the persons affected or likely to be affected by the variation by one or more of the following methods:

    • (a) broadcasting the notice over a commercial or marine radio station, a radio station operated by the Department or a radio station located on a vessel under contract to the Department that broadcasts in the area or in the vicinity of the area affected by the variation;

    • (b) publishing the notice in a newspaper that is circulated in the vicinity of the area affected by the variation;

    • (c) posting the notice in the area or in the vicinity of the area affected by the variation;

    • (d) transmitting the notice by electronic means to those persons;

    • (d.1) posting the notice on the web site of the Department or of the province;

    • (e) having a fishery officer or fishery guardian give oral notice thereof to those persons; and

    • (f) publishing the notice in the next issue of a sport fishing publication, published periodically by the applicable province or by the Department.

  • (2) [Repealed, SOR/2006-209, s. 2]

  • (3) Where a variation order is made under subsection 6(1) in respect of the Foreign Vessel Fishing Regulations, notice of the variation shall be given to the persons affected or likely to be affected by the variation

    • (a) by one or more of the methods set out in paragraphs (1)(a) to (e); or

    • (b) by transmitting the notice to the consular or diplomatic authorities of the flag state of the foreign fishing vessel carrying those persons, or to the representative of the flag state named in an application referred to in paragraph 7(f) of the Coastal Fisheries Protection Regulations in respect of the foreign fishing vessel carrying those persons.

  • (4) and (5) [Repealed, SOR/2006-209, s. 2]

  • SOR/95-242, s. 1
  • SOR/2003-369, s. 3
  • SOR/2006-209, s. 2
  • SOR/2011-39, s. 10

PART IIDocuments and Registrations

Application for Documents

  •  (1) The Minister may require an applicant for a document to submit

    • (a) such information in addition to that included in the application as may reasonably be regarded as relevant; and

    • (b) a statutory declaration verifying the information given in the application or verifying the information submitted under paragraph (a).

  • (2) An application from a corporation for a document shall be signed by an officer of the corporation.

Signing of Documents

 Where it is indicated in a document that it is not valid unless signed, the holder of the document shall, on receipt of the document, immediately sign it in ink in the space provided.

Expiration of Documents

 Unless otherwise specified in a document, a document expires

  • (a) where it is issued for a calendar year, on December 31 of the year for which it is issued; or

  • (b) where it is issued for a fiscal year, on March 31 of the year for which it is issued.

Carry and Produce Licence and Fisher’s Registration Card

 Every holder of a licence or fisher’s registration card shall carry it at all times while engaged in any activity to which it relates and shall produce it on the demand of a fishery officer or fishery guardian.

 The operator of a vessel in respect of which a vessel registration card has been issued shall have the vessel registration card and the licence authorizing the use of the vessel on board the vessel whenever the vessel is engaged as a fishing vessel and shall produce them on the demand of a fishery officer or fishery guardian.

 [Repealed, SOR/93-333, s. 3]

Amending Documents

  •  (1) Notwithstanding paragraph 15(1)(a), a fishery officer who is employed by the Department or any employee of the Department engaged in the issuance of documents may, on the request of the holder of a document,

    • (a) amend the document and sign and date the amendment; or

    • (b) cancel the document and issue a replacement document.

  • (2) Where a document contains an error or was issued in error, a fishery officer or an employee referred to in subsection (1) may request the holder of the document to surrender it.

  • (3) Where the holder of a document receives a request referred to in subsection (2), that person shall immediately comply with the request.

Alteration and Use of Documents

  •  (1) No person shall

    • (a) alter or deface any document;

    • (b) use or produce any document that has been altered or defaced; or

    • (c) use or produce any document issued to another person under the pretence of being the holder thereof.

  • (2) No holder of a fisher’s registration card shall permit another person to use that registration card.

  • (3) Where a licence specifies the person or persons who may fish under the licence, the holder of that licence shall not permit any person other than the person or persons so specified to use that licence.

Transfer of Documents and Rights and Privileges

  •  (1) A document is the property of the Crown and is not transferable.

  • (2) The issuance of a document of any type to any person does not imply or confer any future right or privilege for that person to be issued a document of the same type or any other type.

Change of Name or Address and Replacement of Documents

  •  (1) Where a person is the holder of a document and has a change of name or address, or the document is lost, stolen or destroyed or becomes illegible, that person shall notify the Minister in writing within 15 days after the occurrence of the event and the Minister may issue a replacement document showing any applicable changes.

  • (2) On receipt of a replacement document, the holder shall immediately return to the Department the document being replaced if it is still in the holder’s possession.

  • (3) A holder of a replacement document who recovers the document that was replaced shall immediately return it to the Department.

Transfer of Ownership or Loss of Vessel

  •  (1) Where there is a transfer of ownership of a registered vessel or a loss, destruction, dismantling or other removal of a registered vessel from use as a fishing vessel, the person in whose name the vessel is registered shall

    • (a) notify the Minister in writing of the event within 15 days after the occurrence of the event; and

    • (b) where the person is still in possession of the vessel registration card or any licence issued in respect of the vessel, return the document to the Minister with the notification required under paragraph (a).

  • (2) A notification of transfer of ownership given under paragraph (1)(a) shall include the name and address of the new owner.

 Where there is a transfer of ownership of a registered vessel and the vessel is not registered in the name of the new owner,

  • (a) no person shall use that vessel as a fishing vessel; and

  • (b) the new owner of that vessel shall not permit another person to use the vessel as a fishing vessel.

 Where a transfer of ownership of a registered vessel is to take place and it is not intended that the vessel will be used in any activity that requires the vessel to be registered, the person in whose name the vessel is registered shall, prior to the transfer, remove the vessel registration number that is painted on or affixed to the vessel in accordance with section 26.

 Where there is a change in the registered ownership of shares of a corporation that holds a licence that results in a different person being the registered owner of the largest number of shares of the corporation or that results in any one person being the registered owner of more than 50 per cent of the shares of that corporation, the corporation shall notify the Minister in writing of the change within 15 days after the date of the change.

Conditions of Licences

  •  (1) For the proper management and control of fisheries and the conservation and protection of fish, the Minister may specify in a licence any condition that is not inconsistent with these Regulations or any of the Regulations listed in subsection 3(4) and in particular, but not restricting the generality of the foregoing, may specify conditions respecting any of the following matters:

    • (a) the species of fish and quantities thereof that are permitted to be taken or transported;

    • (b) the age, sex, stage of development or size of fish that are permitted to be taken or transported;

    • (c) the waters in which fishing is permitted to be carried out;

    • (d) the location from which and to which fish is permitted to be transported;

    • (e) the vessel from which and to which fish is permitted to be transhipped;

    • (f) the period during which fishing or transporting fish is permitted to be carried out;

    • (g) the vessel that is permitted to be used and the persons who are permitted to operate it;

    • (h) the type, size and quantity of fishing gear and equipment that is permitted to be used and the manner in which it is permitted to be used;

    • (i) the specific location at which fishing gear is permitted to be set;

    • (j) the distance to be maintained between fishing gear;

    • (k) information that the holder of the licence shall report to the Department prior to commencement of a fishing trip with respect to where and when fishing will be carried out, including the method by which, the times at which and the person to whom the report is to be made;

    • (l) information that the master of the vessel shall report to the Department from sea, including the method by which, the times at which and the person to whom the report is to be made;

    • (m) the location and times at which landing of fish from the vessel is permitted;

    • (n) verification by an observer of the weight and species of any fish caught and retained;

    • (o) the method permitted for landing of fish from the vessel and the method by which the weight of the fish is to be determined;

    • (p) records that the master of the vessel shall keep of any fishing activity carried out under the licence or of the sale or transporting of fish caught under the licence, including the manner and form in which the records are to be kept, the times at which and the person to whom the records are to be produced and the period for which the records are to be retained;

    • (q) the type, size and colour of containers to hold or transport fish and the marking of such containers for identification of the source of the fish;

    • (r) the marking or tagging of fish for identification of the source of the fish;

    • (s) the segregation of fish by species on board the vessel;

    • (t) the time within which findings and data obtained as a result of fishing for an experimental or scientific purpose are to be forwarded to the Minister;

    • (u) the manner in which fish caught for an educational or public display purpose are to be held and transported;

    • (v) the species and quantities of fish that may be released or transferred under a licence issued under Part VIII;

    • (w) the period during which the release or transfer of fish is to be carried out under a licence issued under Part VIII;

    • (x) the waters or fish rearing facility into which the fish are to be released or transferred under a licence issued under Part VIII;

    • (y) the waters or fish rearing facility from which the fish are to be taken under a licence issued under Part VIII;

    • (z) the method and manner of transporting the fish to be released or transferred under a licence issued under Part VIII; and

    • (z.1) the method of disposing of any water, container or other material used in the transporting of fish under a licence issued under Part VIII.

  • (2) The Minister may, for the purposes of the conservation and protection of fish, amend the conditions of a licence.

  • (3) A notice of any amendment referred to in subsection (2) shall be

    • (a) sent to the licence holder by registered mail; or

    • (b) personally delivered to the licence holder by a fishery officer.

  • (4) An amendment referred to in subsection (2) is effective from the time the licence holder receives the notice referred to in subsection (3).

  • (5) A notice referred to in subsection (3) forms part of the licence to which it relates and the licence holder shall, on receipt of such a notice, attach the notice to the licence.

  • (6) Compliance with the Act and the regulations made under the Act is a condition of every licence.

  • (7) No person carrying out any activity under the authority of a licence shall contravene or fail to comply with any condition of the licence.

  • SOR/93-333, s. 4
  •  (1) This section does not apply in respect of a licence issued for the purpose of recreational or sport fishing.

  • (2) Where the holder of a licence or the operator named in a licence is unable to engage in the activity authorized by the licence or use the vessel specified in the licence because of circumstances beyond the control of the holder or operator, a fishery officer who is employed by the Department or any employee of the Department engaged in the issuance of licences may, on the request of the holder or the holder’s agent, authorize in writing

    • (a) another person to carry out the activity under the licence; or

    • (b) the use of another vessel under the licence.

  • (3) Where an authorization is given under subsection (2), the authorization forms part of the licence and the person given the authorization shall attach it to the licence.

Suspension or Cancellation of Licences

  •  (1) Where considering suspending or cancelling a lease or licence under section 9 of the Act, the Minister shall notify the holder thereof in writing by

    • (a) sending a notice by registered mail to the holder; or

    • (b) having a fishery officer personally deliver a notice to the holder or, if the holder cannot conveniently be found, leave a notice for the holder at the holder’s last known place of abode with any person who resides therein who appears to be at least 16 years of age.

  • (2) A notice referred to in subsection (1) shall set out the reasons for the suspension or cancellation being considered and the period of suspension or the effective date of cancellation, as the case may be.

  • (3) Where the holder of a lease or licence receives a notice referred to in subsection (1), the holder may, in writing and within 30 days after receiving the notice, make representations to the Minister.

  • (4) Where the Minister receives representations pursuant to subsection (3), the Minister shall, within a reasonable time, review the matter and, in writing, inform the holder referred to in subsection (3) of the decision.

  •  (1) Where a licence is suspended or cancelled under section 9 or 79.1 of the Act, the holder of the licence shall

    • (a) immediately surrender the licence to a fishery officer; and

    • (b) immediately remove from the water all fishing gear operated under the licence.

  • (2) No person whose licence is suspended under section 9 or 79.1 of the Act shall, during the period of suspension,

    • (a) engage in fishing for any species of fish for which fishing was authorized by the licence; or

    • (b) be on board a vessel engaged in fishing for any species of fish for which fishing was authorized by the licence.

  • (3) No person whose licence is cancelled under section 9 or 79.1 of the Act shall, during the remaining period for which the licence was issued,

    • (a) engage in fishing for any species of fish for which fishing was authorized by the licence; or

    • (b) be on board a vessel engaged in fishing for any species of fish for which fishing was authorized by the licence.

PART IIIIdentification of Fishing Vessels and Fishing Gear

Identification of Fishing Vessels

  •  (1) No person shall operate or cause to be operated a registered vessel

    • (a) on which the vessel registration number is not painted or securely affixed by some other means; or

    • (b) that displays a vessel registration number that does not meet the requirements set out in subsection (2).

  • (2) A vessel registration number shall be

    • (a) legible and unobstructed when viewed from an aircraft in flight, from another vessel or from shore;

    • (b) in solid Arabic numerals without ornamentation;

    • (c) white on a black background or black on a white background;

    • (d) aligned horizontally;

    • (e) of dimensions in accordance with the table to this subsection and subsections (4) and (5); and

    • (f) located on the vessel in accordance with subsection (6).


      ItemColumn IColumn II
      Overall length of vesselMinimum height of numerals
      125 m or more1.0 m
      220 m or more but less than 25 m0.8 m
      315 m or more but less than 20 m0.6 m
      412 m or more but less than 15 m0.4 m
      55 m or more but less than 12 m0.3 m
      6Less than 5 m0.1 m
  • (2.1) Where compliance with paragraph (2)(e) is impossible because of a vessel’s structural characteristics, the vessel registration number may be of dimensions that are smaller than those prescribed in this section if the numerals are of the greatest dimensions permitted by the vessel’s structural characteristics.

  • (3) For the purpose of subsections (4) and (5), “h” is the height of the numerals forming the vessel registration number.

  • (4) The numerals forming the vessel registration number shall

    • (a) have a stroke width of h/6; and

    • (b) be spaced apart not less than h/6 and not more than h/4.

  • (5) The background shall extend to provide a border of not less than h/6 around the vessel registration number.

  • (6) The vessel registration number shall be located as high as is practicable on both sides of the vessel.

  • (7) Subject to subsection (8), no person shall operate or cause to be operated a fishing vessel that displays, on the exterior of the vessel, any number other than the vessel registration number.

  • (8) Subsection (7) does not apply with respect to

  • SOR/95-242, s. 2

Identification of Fishing Gear

  •  (1) It is prohibited for any person to set, operate or leave unattended in the water any fishing gear other than mobile gear or handlines unless the gear is marked in accordance with subsections (2) to (6) with

    • (a) where a vessel registration number is set out in the licence authorizing the use of that gear, the vessel registration number; or

    • (b) in any other case, the name of the person who owns the gear.

  • (2) The vessel registration number or name referred to in subsection (1) shall be painted on or otherwise securely affixed to a tag, float or buoy attached to the gear and be legible and readily visible at all times without the necessity of raising the gear from the water or, where the water is ice covered, without the necessity of removing any snow or ice.

  • (3) The numerals in a vessel registration number referred to in paragraph (1)(a) shall be solid block Arabic numerals

    • (a) without ornamentation;

    • (b) not less than 75 mm in height; and

    • (c) in a colour that contrasts with their background.

  • (4) The letters forming a name referred to in paragraph (1)(b) shall be solid block capital letters in Roman characters

    • (a) without ornamentation;

    • (b) not less than 75 mm in height; and

    • (c) in a colour that contrasts with their background.

  • (5) The tag, float or buoy referred to in subsection (2) shall have displayed on it only one vessel registration number or one name, as the case may be.

  • (6) A tag, float or buoy referred to in subsection (2) shall

    • (a) where the waters are tidal waters and one end of the fishing gear is fastened to the shore, be affixed to the end of the gear farthest from the shore; and

    • (b) in any other case, be affixed to each end of the gear.

    • (c) [Repealed, SOR/95-242, s. 3]

  • SOR/95-242, s. 3
  • SOR/2013-37, s. 3

 [Repealed, SOR/2013-37, s. 4]

 It is prohibited for any person to display any number or name on fishing gear or on a tag, float or buoy attached to fishing gear that is so similar to a number or name required by section 27 as to be capable of being mistaken for that number or name.

  • SOR/2013-37, s. 4

PART IVGeneral

Obstruction of Mesh

 Subject to section 31, where a person is fishing for a species of fish with fishing gear for which any of the Regulations listed in subsection 3(4) prescribe a minimum mesh size, that person shall not use any device by means of which openings that are smaller in size than the mesh size prescribed for that species are created in any part of the gear.

Chafing Gear

  •  (1) For the purposes of this section, cod-end means a bag-like extension that is attached to the after end of the belly of a trawl net and is used to retain the catch.

  • (2) For the purpose of preventing wear and tear to a trawl net, a person may attach

    • (a) to the underside of the cod-end of the trawl net, any hides, canvas, netting or other similar material; and

    • (b) to the topside of the cod-end, a topside chafer described in Schedule I.

  • (3) No person shall use on an otter trawl any topside chafer other than one that meets the description of one of the topside chafers described in Schedule I.

Trans-shipment of Fish

 No person shall trans-ship any fish from a Canadian fishing vessel to a foreign fishing vessel unless that foreign fishing vessel is licensed under the Coastal Fisheries Protection Regulations to take on board the fish.

Release of Incidental Catch

  •  (1) Subsection (2) applies where a person catches a fish

    • (a) at a time or place at which the person is prohibited from fishing for that fish;

    • (b) by a method or with fishing gear that the person is prohibited from using to fish for that fish; or

    • (c) the possession or retention of which is prohibited.

  • (2) Except where the retention of an incidental catch is expressly authorized by any of the Regulations listed in subsection 3(4), every person who catches a fish incidentally shall forthwith return it

    • (a) to the place from which it was taken; and

    • (b) where it is alive, in a manner that causes it the least harm.

Dumping and Wasting of Fish

  •  (1) This section does not apply in respect of marine mammals.

  • (2) No person who is fishing under the authority of a licence issued for the purpose of commercial fishing shall dump from a vessel any fish that has been caught in accordance with the Act and the regulations made thereunder.

  • (3) No person who is food fishing for personal use or fishing for recreational or sport purposes shall waste any fish that is suitable for human consumption.

Sale of Fish

  • SOR/93-333, s. 5
  • SOR/2010-270, s. 9
  • SOR/2018-110, s. 7

Identify, Count, Weigh and Measure Fish

  •  (1) No person shall possess fish that were caught by any person while fishing for recreational or sport purposes and that have been skinned, cut, packed or otherwise dealt with in such a manner that

    • (a) the species cannot be readily determined;

    • (b) the number of fish cannot be readily determined;

    • (c) where weight is used to determine catch limits, the weight of the fish cannot be readily determined; and

    • (d) where size limits are applicable, the size of the fish cannot be readily determined.

  • (2) No person who catches and retains a fish under the authority of a licence issued for the purpose of commercial fishing shall have the fish in possession if the fish is skinned, cut, packed or otherwise dealt with in such a manner that

    • (a) the species cannot be readily identified;

    • (b) the number of fish cannot be readily determined;

    • (c) the weight of the fish cannot be readily determined; and

    • (d) where size limits are applicable, the size of the fish cannot be readily determined.

Fishing in or Near Government Facilities

  •  (1) Unless authorized under the Act, these Regulations or any of the Regulations listed in subsection 3(4), no person shall fish in or remove fish from a fish hatchery, fish rearing establishment, fish holding facility or fish collection facility operated by the Department.

  • (2) Subject to subsection (3), no person shall fish within a 100 m radius of any facility operated by or on behalf of the Department, the Province of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, British Columbia, Prince Edward Island or Newfoundland and Labrador, the Yukon Territory or the Northwest Territories for the purpose of the counting, passage or rearing of fish.

  • (3) A fishery officer may determine, taking into account the configuration of the waters, the amount of water flow and any other relevant circumstances, that the distance set out in subsection (2) is longer than required to protect fish, and may shorten the distance by placing a sign or signs, as may be appropriate, to delimit the shorter distance.

  • (4) Where a sign has been placed under subsection (3), no person shall fish between that sign and any facility referred to in subsection (2).

  • SOR/2003-369, s. 4

Authorization to Place Nets in Waters for Cleaning

  •  (1) Notwithstanding section 25 of the Act, a fishery officer may, in writing, authorize a person to place a net in waters closed to fishing with that net for the purposes of cleaning the net.

  • (2) An authorization given under subsection (1) shall specify the location at which the net may be placed, the manner in which the net may be placed and the period of time for which the authorization is valid.

PART VObservers

Designation and Duties

  •  (1) The Regional Director-General may designate as an observer any individual who is qualified and trained to perform any of the duties described in subsection (2) and who

    • (a) does not hold a certificate of accreditation issued under the Professional Fish Harvesters Act, S.N. 1996, c. P-26.1, or a fisher’s registration card;

    • (b) does not purchase fish for the purpose of resale; and

    • (c) is not an owner, operator, manager or employee of an enterprise that catches, cultures, processes or transports fish.

  • (2) The Regional Director-General shall assign to an observer designated under subsection (1) one or more of the following duties:

    • (a) the monitoring of fishing activities, the examination and measurement of fishing gear, the recording of scientific data and observations and the taking of samples;

    • (b) the monitoring of the landing of fish and the verification of the weight and species of fish caught and retained; and

    • (c) conducting biological examination and sampling of fish.

  • (2.1) An observer designated under subsection (1) shall transmit in a timely manner to the Department or to a corporation designated under subsection 39.1(1), as the case may be, the information collected and compiled in the course of their duties under subsection 39(2).

  • (3) An observer who is assigned the duties set out in paragraph (2)(a) shall perform those duties while on board a fishing vessel or in an aquaculture facility.

  • (4) An observer who is assigned the duties set out in paragraph (2)(b) shall perform those duties while at a fish landing station or in an aquaculture facility.

  • (5) An observer who is assigned the duties set out in paragraph (2)(c) shall perform those duties while on board a fishing vessel, at a fish landing station or in an aquaculture facility.

  • (6) The Regional Director-General may revoke the designation of an observer designated under subsection (1) if the observer

    • (a) no longer complies with the criteria set out in that subsection;

    • (b) performs his or her duties in respect of a fisher with whom the observer is not dealing at arm’s length;

    • (c) falsifies any information transmitted in the course of his or her duties or fails to perform those duties; or

    • (d) fails to perform his or her duties in a competent and professional manner.

  • SOR/98-481, s. 3
  • SOR/2003-369, s. 5(F)
  • SOR/2010-270, s. 10
  • SOR/2013-36, s. 1
  •  (1) The Regional Director-General may designate as an observer any corporation that has submitted

    • (a) a description of a program that is capable of accurately collecting and compiling information obtained by individual observers in the course of their duties under subsection 39(2) and that includes

      • (i) a business plan for the corporation that describes the organization of the corporation, its human resources and its plan of operations,

      • (ii) a plan for the training and independent examination of individuals who will be designated as observers to perform the duties described in subsection 39(2), and for the supervision of those observers, and

      • (iii) a quality control system for ensuring the integrity of the information collected and compiled that identifies a person responsible for the system and his or her duties, and that describes the operation of the system, the manner in which records are kept, the control points, the verification procedures and the process for correcting deficiencies in the system;

    • (b) a statement that discloses all conflicts of interest that the corporation or any of its directors, officers or employees, or any shareholder having a significant interest in the corporation may have with the fishing industry, and that explains how those conflicts are to be resolved; and

    • (c) evidence of the corporation’s financial viability, or a performance bond guaranteeing three months of operation.

  • (2) An observer designated under subsection (1) has the following duties:

    • (a) to comply with the program submitted under paragraph (1)(a);

    • (b) to transmit to the Department, in a timely manner, the information collected and compiled as part of the program;

    • (c) to disclose all conflicts of interest that arise after the observer’s designation and explain how they are to be resolved; and

    • (d) to resolve any conflicts of interest disclosed under paragraph (c) or paragraph (1)(b).

  • (3) The Regional Director-General may revoke the designation of an observer designated under subsection (1) if the observer

    • (a) falsifies any information transmitted in the course of its duties or fails to perform those duties; or

    • (b) fails to maintain the performance bond submitted under paragraph (1)(c).

  • SOR/98-481, s. 4
  • SOR/2013-36, s. 2

 The designation of an observer is valid for

  • (a) six months for the first designation and 36 months for any subsequent designation, in the case of an individual; and

  • (b) 12 months for the first and second designations and 24 months for any subsequent designation, in the case of a corporation.

  • SOR/98-481, s. 4
  •  (1) No person shall submit false information to the Regional Director-General for the purpose of obtaining their designation as an observer.

  • (2) No observer shall provide false information in the course of their duties.

  • SOR/98-481, s. 4
  • SOR/2004-263, s. 1

Certificate of Designation

  •  (1) The Regional Director-General shall provide each observer with a certificate that certifies the observer’s designation as such and specifies the duties that have been assigned to the observer.

  • (2) An observer shall, on entering any place to perform the observer’s duties, on request, show the certificate of designation to the person in charge of the place.

PART VIAssisting Persons Engaged in the Enforcement or Administration of the Act


 In this Part,

fisheries patrol-boat pennant

fisheries patrol-boat pennant means a pennant in the shape set out in Part I of Schedule II and the colours set out in Parts I and II of Schedule II, the crest of which has the details set out in Part II of Schedule II; (fanion de patrouilleur des pêches)

inspection pennant

inspection pennant means a pennant in the shape, size and colours set out in Schedule III; (fanion d’inspection)


inspector means a person named by a contracting party set out in Schedule IV to carry out inspections in the Regulatory Area in accordance with the scheme of joint international enforcement established pursuant to Article XVIII of the Convention of Future Multilateral Cooperation in the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries that was ratified by Canada on November 30, 1978 and came into force on January 1, 1979, and who is in possession of an identification card issued by that contracting party in the form set out in Schedule V; (inspecteur)

International Code of Signals

International Code of Signals means the International Code of Signals published by Transport Canada; (Code international de signaux)

Signal L

Signal L means the signal prescribed in the International Code of Signals to mean You should stop your vessel instantly; (signal L)

Signal SQ 1

Signal SQ 1 means the signal prescribed in the International Code of Signals to mean You should stop or heave to, otherwise I shall open fire on you; (signal SQ 1)

Signal SQ 3

Signal SQ 3 means the signal prescribed in the International Code of Signals to mean You should stop, or heave to; I am going to board you. (signal SQ 3)

Flying of Pennants

  •  (1) The flying of a fisheries patrol-boat pennant on a vessel identifies that vessel as a vessel with a fishery officer or fishery guardian on board.

  • (2) The flying of an inspection pennant on a vessel identifies that vessel as a vessel with an inspector on board.


  •  (1) Where a fishery officer or fishery guardian sends the Signal L, the Signal SQ 1 or the Signal SQ 3 to a vessel by any of the methods set out in subsection (2), the master of the vessel shall immediately comply with the direction of that signal.

  • (2) The following methods of signalling may be used to send signals to vessels:

    • (a) flag signalling using alphabetical flags;

    • (b) flashing light signalling using Morse symbols;

    • (c) sound signalling using Morse symbols;

    • (d) Morse signalling using hand-flags or arms;

    • (e) voice with or without using loud hailer;

    • (f) radiotelegraphy; and

    • (g) radiotelephony.

  • (3) Where any signal referred to in subsection (1) has been sent to a vessel, no person on board that vessel shall dump or throw anything overboard from that vessel until the fishery officer or fishery guardian who sent the signal indicates to the master of the vessel that the vessel may proceed.

Assisting Fishery Officer and Fishery Guardian

 The master of a fishing vessel shall provide all reasonable assistance to a fishery officer or fishery guardian, including

  • (a) making the fishing gear used on or from the vessel available for inspection and for that purpose hauling in such gear and thawing the nets, where necessary;

  • (b) permitting the taking of photographs of the fisheries operations, including fishing gear and equipment; and

  • (c) where the fishery officer or fishery guardian is on board for more than four consecutive hours, providing food and accommodation equivalent to that provided to officers of the vessel.

Assisting Inspector

  •  (1) Where an inspector sends the Signal L or the Signal SQ 3 by any of the methods set out in subsection 43(2) to a fishing vessel operating in the Regulatory Area, the master of the vessel shall immediately comply with the direction of that signal.

  • (2) The master of a fishing vessel operating in the Regulatory Area shall

    • (a) at the request of an inspector, permit the inspector to board the vessel; and

    • (b) provide the inspector with all reasonable assistance necessary to enable the inspector to carry out an inspection of the fishing operations, including

      • (i) making the fishing gear used on or from the vessel available for inspection and for that purpose hauling in such gear and thawing the nets, where necessary,

      • (ii) permitting the taking of photographs of the fisheries operations, including fishing gear and equipment, and

      • (iii) where the inspector is on board for more than four consecutive hours, providing food and accommodation equivalent to that provided to officers of the vessel.

  • (2.1) Where an inspector sends the Signal SQ 3 to a fishing vessel, no person on board that vessel shall retrieve any gear from the water for the period of 30 minutes after the signal is sent.

  • (3) Where, during an inspection in the Regulatory Area, an inspector finds any fishing gear or equipment the use or possession of which is contrary to the Act, the Atlantic Fishery Regulations, 1985 or these Regulations, the inspector may place a mark or seal on that fishing gear or equipment in a manner that will preserve the identity of the gear or equipment.

  • (4) No person other than a fishery officer shall remove a mark or seal placed on any fishing gear or equipment in accordance with subsection (3).

  • (5) Where a mark or seal has been placed on any fishing gear or equipment in accordance with subsection (3), no person shall

    • (a) alter or tamper with that mark or seal; or

    • (b) use, destroy or dispose of that fishing gear or equipment unless the mark or seal has been removed by a fishery officer.

  • SOR/95-242, s. 4

Assisting Observers

Monitoring Fishing Activities

  •  (1) This section does not apply in respect of a foreign fishing vessel.

  • (2) The owner or master of a fishing vessel shall, at the request of the Regional Director-General,

    • (a) permit an observer who is assigned the duties set out in paragraph 39(2)(a) to go on board that vessel to perform those duties and to remain on board for the period of time specified in the request; and

    • (b) arrange for the embarkation or disembarkation of the observer at such time and place as is specified in the request.

  • (3) The master of a fishing vessel shall provide all reasonable assistance to an observer who is assigned the duties set out in paragraph 39(2)(a), including

    • (a) providing a suitable work area, including a table and adequate lighting;

    • (b) providing, at the request of the observer, information relating to any matter mentioned in subsection 61(2) of the Act;

    • (c) providing, at the request of the observer, the position of the vessel in latitude and longitude;

    • (d) facilitating the sending and receiving of messages by means of the communications equipment on board the vessel;

    • (e) giving access to all areas of the vessel involved in fishing, processing and storage operations;

    • (f) permitting the taking of samples free of charge;

    • (g) providing suitable storage facilities for samples;

    • (h) assisting, at the request of the observer, in the examination and measurement of fishing gear on board the vessel;

    • (i) permitting the taking of photographs of the fisheries operations, including fishing gear and equipment;

    • (j) permitting the removal from the vessel of samples, records, photographs or film taken or made on board the vessel; and

    • (k) where the observer is on board for more than four consecutive hours, providing food and accommodation equivalent to that provided to officers of the vessel.

Monitoring Landing and Conducting Biological Examinations

  • SOR/98-481, s. 5

 The master of a fishing vessel that is landing fish at a fish landing station shall

  • (a) at the request of an observer who is assigned the duties set out in paragraph 39(2)(b), permit the observer to go on board the vessel to perform those duties; and

  • (b) provide the observer with such assistance as is reasonably necessary to enable the observer to perform those duties.

  • SOR/98-481, s. 6

 The owner or any person who has the care, charge or control of a fish landing station shall

  • (a) at the request of an observer who is assigned the duties set out in paragraph 39(2)(b) or (c), provide the observer with access to the fish landing station; and

  • (b) provide the observer with such assistance as is reasonably necessary to enable the observer to perform those duties, including

    • (i) making the fish at the fish landing station readily accessible to the observer,

    • (ii) providing the observer with a suitable work area, including a table and adequate lighting, and

    • (iii) permitting the observer to remove whole fish or portions of fish from the fish landing station free of charge.

  • SOR/98-481, s. 8

Embarking and Disembarking Assistance

 Where a fishery officer, fishery guardian, inspector or observer has to climb up or down more than 1.2 m to embark or disembark from a fishing vessel, sections 4 to 16 of the Pilot Ladder Regulations apply to the master of the fishing vessel, with such modifications as the circumstances may require.

PART VIIFishing for Experimental, Scientific, Educational, Aquatic Invasive Species Control or Public Display Purposes


 In this Part, licence means a licence to fish for experimental, scientific, educational, aquatic invasive species control or public display purposes.

  • SOR/2015-121, s. 35


 No person shall fish for experimental, scientific, educational, aquatic invasive species control or public display purposes unless authorized to do so under a licence.

  • SOR/2015-121, s. 35

 Despite any provisions of any of the Regulations listed in subsection 3(4), the Minister may issue a licence if fishing for experimental, scientific, educational, aquatic invasive species control or public display purposes would be in keeping with the proper management and control of fisheries.

  • SOR/2015-121, s. 35

Licence Fee

  •  (1) The fee for a licence to fish for public display purposes is $100.

  • (2) There is no fee for a licence to fish for experimental, scientific, educational or aquatic invasive species control purposes.

  • SOR/2015-121, s. 36

PART VIIIRelease of Live Fish into Fish Habitat and Transfer of Live Fish to a Fish Rearing Facility


 In this Part, licence means a licence to release live fish into fish habitat or to transfer live fish to a fish rearing facility.

Release or Transfer of Fish

  •  (1) Subject to subsection (2), no person shall, unless authorized to do so under a licence,

    • (a) release live fish into any fish habitat; or

    • (b) transfer any live fish to any fish rearing facility.

  • (2) Subsection (1) does not apply in respect of fish that is immediately returned to the waters in which it was caught.

Licence to Release or Transfer Fish

 The Minister may issue a licence if

  • (a) the release or transfer of the fish would be in keeping with the proper management and control of fisheries;

  • (b) the fish do not have any disease or disease agent that may be harmful to the protection and conservation of fish; and

  • (c) the release or transfer of the fish will not have an adverse effect on the stock size of fish or the genetic characteristics of fish or fish stocks.

Licence Fee

 There is no fee for a licence issued under this Part.

PART IXAuthorization to Alter Fish Habitat


 [Repealed, SOR/2013-191, s. 9]

PART XRemoval of Obstructions to the Passage of Fish

 Where the Minister is satisfied that any natural obstruction that exists in any waters is interfering or is likely to interfere with the free passage of fish, the Minister may cause the obstruction to be removed in whole or in part.

PART XIPenalties and Forfeitures Proceeds

To Government of Canada

  •  (1) Where an information is laid by a fishery officer or a fishery guardian employed by the Government of Canada relating to an offence under the Act, the payment of the proceeds of any penalty imposed arising from a conviction for the offence shall be made to the Minister.

  • (2) Where an information is laid by a fishery officer or a fishery guardian employed by the Government of Canada relating to an offence under the Act, the payment of any proceeds of the sale of any forfeited articles arising from a conviction for the offence shall be made to the Minister.

To Provincial Government

  •  (1) Where an information is laid by a fishery officer or a fishery guardian employed by a provincial government relating to an offence under the Act and all of the expenses incurred in the prosecution of the offence are paid by the provincial government, the payment of the proceeds of any penalty imposed arising from a conviction for that offence shall be made to that provincial government.

  • (2) Where an information is laid by a fishery officer or a fishery guardian employed by a provincial government relating to an offence under the Act and all of the expenses incurred in the prosecution of the offence and in connection with the custody and disposal of any forfeited articles are paid by the provincial government, the payment of any proceeds of the sale of the forfeited articles arising from a conviction for that offence shall be made to that provincial government.

To Persons

  •  (1) Where an information is laid by a person in circumstances other than those referred to in section 60 or 61 relating to an offence under the Act, the payment of the proceeds of any penalty imposed arising from a conviction for the offence shall be made

    • (a) one half to the person; and

    • (b) one half to the Minister or, where all of the expenses incurred in the prosecution of the offence are paid by a provincial government, to that provincial government.

  • (2) Where an information is laid by a person in circumstances other than those referred to in section 60 or 61 relating to an offence under the Act, the payment of any proceeds of the sale of any forfeited articles arising from a conviction for the offence shall be made, net of any expenses incurred in connection with the custody and sale of the forfeited articles,

    • (a) one half to the person; and

    • (b) one half to the Minister or, where all of the expenses incurred in the prosecution of the offence are paid by a provincial government, to that provincial government.

PART XIITicketable Offences

Prescribed Offences

 The contravention of any provision of these Regulations set out in column I of an item of Schedule VIII is an offence to which section 79.7 of the Act applies and which may be described in tickets in the manner set out in column II of that item.


 Where proceedings are commenced under section 79.7 of the Act, the amount of the fine for an offence described in column II of an item of Schedule VIII is the amount set out in column III of that item.

PART XIIIFishing in Waters Other than Canadian Fisheries Waters


  •  (1) Subject to subsection (2), no person on board a fishing vessel that is subject to the jurisdiction of Canada shall fish or trans-ship fish in waters other than Canadian fisheries waters except under the authority of a licence issued under section 68.

  • (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a person on board a fishing vessel that is subject to the jurisdiction of Canada who is fishing

  • SOR/94-296, s. 2
  •  (1) Subject to subsection (2), no person on board a fishing vessel that is subject to the jurisdiction of Canada shall, in waters that are subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, have any fishing gear on board the fishing vessel unless it is

    • (a) stored below deck; or

    • (b) otherwise removed from the place where it is normally used for fishing and placed where it is not readily available for fishing.

  • (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a person who is fishing under the authority of a licence issued under section 68.

  • SOR/94-296, s. 2

 No person who is on board a fishing vessel that is subject to the jurisdiction of Canada shall, while the fishing vessel is in waters that are subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, resist or obstruct any enforcement officer of the United States while the officer is engaged in the enforcement of the fisheries laws of the United States.

  • SOR/94-296, s. 2
  •  (1) The Minister may issue a licence authorizing the use of a vessel that is subject to the jurisdiction of Canada in fishing or trans-shipping fish in waters other than Canadian fisheries waters if

    • (a) the fishing or trans-shipping of fish carried out under the authority of the licence would not contravene or undermine any international fisheries conservation scheme; and

    • (b) in the case where the fishing or trans-shipping of fish is to be carried out in waters that are subject to the jurisdiction of another state, the fishing or trans-shipping of fish by that vessel is authorized by a competent authority of that state.

  • (2) Subject to subsection (3), the fee for a licence referred to in subsection (1) is $500.

  • (3) There is no fee for a licence referred to in subsection (1) that is issued in respect of waters subject to the jurisdiction of Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon.

  • SOR/94-296, s. 2

SCHEDULE I(Paragraph 31(2)(b) and subsection 31(3))Topside Chafers

Regular Topside Chafer

  • 1 A rectangular piece of netting that

    • a) is at least 1 ½ times the width of the area of the cod-end that is covered, where the width is measured at right angles to the long axis of the cod-end;

    • b) has a mesh size that is not less than the mesh size of the cod-end; and

    • c) is fastened to the cod-end only along the forward and lateral edges of the netting in a manner that will permit it to extend

      • (i) where a splitting strap is used, over not more of the cod-end than that part between the fourth mesh forward of the cod line mesh and the fourth mesh forward of the splitting strap, and

      • (ii) where a splitting strap is not used, over not more than one-third of the cod-end, measured from not less than the fourth mesh forward of the cod line mesh.

Modified Polish Topside Chafer

  • 2 A rectangular piece of netting that

    • a) is made of twine of the same material and size as that of the cod-end, or of any single, thick, knotless twine material;

    • b) has a mesh size that is twice as large as the mesh size of the cod-end;

    • c) is attached to the rear portion of the topside of the cod-end; and

    • d) is fastened to the cod-end along the forward, lateral and rear edges of the netting in a manner that will cause each mesh to exactly overlie four meshes of the cod-end over which it extends.

Multiple Flap-Type Topside Chafer

  • 3 A series of pieces of netting where

    • a) the aggregate length extends less than two-thirds of the length of the cod-end; and

    • b) each piece of netting

      • (i) is attached to the topside of the cod-end so that it overlaps the piece of netting immediately to its rear, if any,

      • (ii) has a mesh size that is not less than the mesh size of the cod-end,

      • (iii) is at least as wide as the cod-end, where the width is measured at right angles to the cod-end,

      • (iv) is not more than 10 meshes long, and

      • (v) is fastened by its forward edge only across the cod-end at right angles to its long axis.

SCHEDULE II / ANNEXE II(Section 41 / article 41)Fisheries Patrol-Boat Pennant / Fanion de patrouilleur des pêches


Fisheries Patrol-Boat pennant, with specifications, in the shape of a triangle that is sideways with the end pointing towards the right. The pennant has a white maple leaf on a black background on the left side, and on the right side on a white background, a crown above a fish in a circle surrounded by maple leaves with the word Canada below.


Crown above a fish in a circle surrounded by maple leaves with the word Canada below with colour specifications listed.

SCHEDULE III / ANNEXE III(Section 41 / article 41)

Inspection Pennant / Fanion d’inspection

Inspection pennant, with specifications, in the shape of a triangle that is sideways with the end pointing towards the right. The pennant is divided into four parts with the letters NW in the top left part.

SCHEDULE IV(Section 41)

ItemContracting Party
4Denmark (in respect of the Faeroe Islands)
6European Economic Community

SCHEDULE V(Section 41)

Inspector’s Identification Card

Inspector’s Identification Card form


[Repealed, SOR/2013-191, s. 9]


[Repealed, SOR/2013-191, s. 9]

SCHEDULE VIII(Sections 63 and 64)

Prescribed Offences and Fines

ItemColumn IColumn IIColumn III
Provision of RegulationsDescription of OffenceAmount of Fine
111Fail to produce licence or fisher’s registration card$35
215(1)(c)Use or produce a document issued to another under pretence of being the holder75
315(3)Permit another person to use licence75
427(1)(b)Set fishing gear not identified by owner’s name35
527(1)(b)Operate fishing gear not identified by owner’s name35
627(1)(b)Leave unattended fishing gear not identified by owner’s name35
733Fail to forthwith return fish to water50
833Fail to release fish in least harmful manner50
936(1)(a)Possess fish the species of which cannot be readily determined50
1036(1)(b)Possess fish the number of which cannot be readily determined50
1136(1)(c)Possess fish the weight of which cannot be readily determined50
1236(1)(d)Possess fish the size of which cannot be readily determined50
  • SOR/94-47, s. 1

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