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Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (SOR/96-445)

Regulations are current to 2024-12-08 and last amended on 2022-09-25. Previous Versions

  •  (1) For the purposes of section 19 of the Act, the determination and allocation of earnings of a person who is claiming benefits under these Regulations shall be made in accordance with subsections (2) to (4).

  • (2) Where a claimant under these Regulations has any earnings from an employment in fishing under a contract of service, whether it is an insurable employment or not, or has any earnings other than from an employment in fishing, the claimant’s total earnings shall be determined in accordance with section 35 of the Employment Insurance Regulations and allocated in accordance with section 36 of those Regulations.

  • (3) The earnings determined in accordance with subsection 5(2) or (3) shall

    • (a) in the case of earnings from a catch consisting of fish other than cured fish, be allocated equally to each day of the fishing trip; and

    • (b) in the case of earnings from a catch consisting of cured fish, be allocated to the week of delivery of the catch.

  • (4) For the purposes of subsection 19(3) of the Act, the period referred to in that subsection is the period in respect of which earnings are allocated under paragraph (3)(a) or (b) of this section.

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