Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


National Parks of Canada Domestic Animals Regulations

Version of section 2 from 2010-06-17 to 2025-01-22:

  •  (1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), these Regulations apply to parks and, subject to sections 40 and 41 of the Canada National Parks Act, to park reserves as if they were parks.

  • (2) The provisions of these Regulations that are applicable to dogs are subject to the Wood Buffalo National Park Game Regulations.

  • (3) These Regulations do not apply in the town of Banff.

  • (4) The prohibition in paragraph 3(2)(b) and the requirement in section 5 that a domestic animal be kept under physical control do not apply

    • (a) in any park, in respect of a dog that is involved in a search and rescue operation or training for a search and rescue operation that is being conducted under the authorization of the superintendent; and

    • (b) in Wapusk National Park of Canada, in respect of a dog trained in the detection of, or protection from, polar bears that is being used in the park in that capacity.

  • (5) The provisions of paragraphs 5(a) and (b) that require a person to ensure that a domestic animal does not chase, molest, bite or injure wildlife or become a nuisance or cause unreasonable disturbance to wildlife does not apply in respect of a dog trained in the detection of, or protection from, polar bears that is being used in that capacity in Wapusk National Park of Canada if the wildlife in question is a polar bear.

  • (6) Section 3, subsections 4(1) to (4) and (6) to (8), paragraphs 5(a) to (c), sections 6 to 8 and subsections 9(1) to (4) and section 10 do not apply in the Town of Jasper.

  • SOR/2005-350, s. 3
  • SOR/2010-23, s. 12
  • SOR/2010-67, s. 26
  • SOR/2010-140, s. 15

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