Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Income Tax Regulations

Version of section 1104 from 2022-06-23 to 2025-02-04:

  •  (1) Where the taxpayer is an individual and his income for the taxation year includes income from a business the fiscal period of which does not coincide with the calendar year, in respect of the depreciable properties acquired for the purpose of gaining or producing income from the business, a reference in this Part to

    end of the taxation year

    end of the taxation year shall be deemed to be a reference to the end of the fiscal period of the business; (la fin de l’année d’imposition)

    taxation year

    taxation year shall be deemed to be a reference to the fiscal period of the business. (l’année d’imposition)

  • (2) In this Part and in Schedule II,

    bitumen development phase

    bitumen development phase of a taxpayer’s oil sands project means a development phase that expands the oil sands project’s capacity to extract and initially process tar sands to produce bitumen or a similar product; (phase de mise en valeur du bitume)

    certified feature film

    certified feature film means a motion picture film certified by the Minister of Communications to be a film of not less than 75 minutes running time in respect of which all photography or art work specifically required for the production thereof and all film editing therefor were commenced after November 18, 1974, and either the film was completed before May 26, 1976, or the photography or art work was commenced before May 26, 1976, and certified by him to be

    • (a) a film the production of which is contemplated in a coproduction agreement entered into between Canada and another country, or

    • (b) a film in respect of which

      • (i) the person who performed the duties of producer was a Canadian,

      • (ii) no fewer than 2/3 in number of all the persons each of whom

        • (A) was a person who performed the duties of director, screenwriter, music composer, art director, picture editor or director of photography, or

        • (B) was the individual in respect of whose services as an actor or actress in respect of the film the highest remuneration or the second highest remuneration was paid or payable,

        were Canadians,

      • (iii) not less than 75 per cent of the aggregate of the remuneration paid or payable to persons for services provided in respect of the film (other than remuneration paid or payable to or in respect of the persons referred to in subparagraphs (i) and (ii) or remuneration paid or payable for processing and final preparation of the film) was paid or payable to Canadians,

      • (iv) not less than 75 per cent of the aggregate of costs incurred for processing and final preparation of the film including laboratory work, sound recording, sound editing and picture editing (other than remuneration paid or payable to or in respect of persons referred to in subparagraphs (i), (ii) and (iii)), was incurred in respect of services rendered in Canada, and

      • (v) the copyright protecting its use in Canada is beneficially owned

        • (A) by a person who is either a Canadian or a corporation incorporated under the laws of Canada or a province, or

        • (B) jointly or otherwise by two or more persons described in clause (A),

    other than a film

    • (c) acquired after the day that is the earlier of

      • (i) the day of its first commercial use, and

      • (ii) 12 months after the day the principal photography thereof is completed, or

    • (d) in respect of which certification under this definition has been revoked by the Minister of Communications as provided in paragraph (10)(b); (long métrage portant visa)

    certified production

    certified production, in respect of a particular taxation year, means a motion picture film or video tape certified by the Minister of Communications to be a film or tape in respect of which all photography, taping or art work required specifically for the production thereof and all film or tape editing therefor were commenced after May 25, 1976, certified by him to be a film or tape in respect of which the principal photography or taping thereof was commenced before the end of the particular taxation year or was completed no later than 60 days after the end of that year and certified by him to be

    • (a) a film or tape the production of which is contemplated in a coproduction agreement entered into between Canada and another country, or

    • (b) a film or tape in respect of which

      • (i) the individual who performed the duties of producer was a Canadian,

      • (ii) the Minister of Communications has allotted not less than an aggregate of six units of production, not less than two of which were allotted by virtue of clause (A) or (B) and not less than one of which was allotted by virtue of clause (C) or (D), for individuals who provided services in respect of the film or tape, in the following manner:

        • (A) for the director, two units of production,

        • (B) for the screenwriter, two units of production,

        • (C) for the actor or actress in respect of whose services for the film or tape the highest remuneration was paid or payable (unless in the opinion of the Minister of Communications the individual did not perform a major role in the film or tape), one unit of production,

        • (D) for the actor or actress in respect of whose services for the film or tape the second highest remuneration was paid or payable (unless in the opinion of the Minister of Communications the individual did not perform a major role in the film or tape), one unit of production,

        • (E) for the art director, one unit of production,

        • (F) for the director of photography, one unit of production,

        • (G) for the music composer, one unit of production, and

        • (H) for the picture editor, one unit of production,

        shall be allotted, provided the individual in respect of such allotment was a Canadian,

      • (iii) not less than 75 per cent of the aggregate of all costs (other than costs determined by reference to the amount of income from the film or tape) paid or payable to persons for services provided in respect of producing the film or tape (other than remuneration paid or payable to, or in respect of, individuals referred to in subparagraph (i) or (ii), costs referred to in subparagraph (iv) incurred for processing and final preparation of the film or tape, and amounts paid or payable in respect of insurance, financing, brokerage, legal and accounting fees and similar amounts) was paid or payable to, or in respect of services provided by, Canadians, and

      • (iv) not less than 75 per cent of the aggregate of all costs (other than costs determined by reference to the amount of income from the film or tape) incurred for processing and final preparation of the film or tape, including laboratory work, sound re-recording, sound editing and picture editing (other than remuneration paid or payable to, or in respect of, individuals referred to in subparagraph (i) or (ii)) was incurred in respect of services provided in Canada,

    other than a film or tape

    • (c) acquired after the day that is the earlier of

      • (i) the day of its first commercial use, and

      • (ii) 12 months after the day the principal photography or taping thereof is completed,

    • (d) acquired by a taxpayer who has not paid in cash, as of the end of the particular taxation year, to the person from whom he acquired the film or tape, at least 5 per cent of the capital cost to the taxpayer of the film or tape as of the end of the year,

    • (e) acquired by a taxpayer who has issued in payment or part payment thereof, a bond, debenture, bill, note, mortgage or similar obligation in respect of which an amount is not due until a time that is more than four years after the end of the taxation year in which the taxpayer acquired the film or tape,

    • (f) acquired from a non-resident, or

    • (g) in respect of which certification under this definition has been revoked by the Minister of Communications as provided in paragraph (10)(b),

    and, for the purposes of the application of this definition,

    • (h) in respect of a film or tape acquired in 1987, other than a film or tape in respect of which paragraph (i) applies, the reference in this definition to “commenced before the end of the particular taxation year or was completed no later than 60 days after the end of that year” shall be read as a reference to “commenced before the end of 1987 or was completed before July, 1988”; and

    • (i) in respect of a film or tape acquired in 1987 or 1988 that is included in paragraph (n) of Class 12 in Schedule II and that is part of a series of films or tapes that includes another property included in that paragraph, the reference in this definition to “commenced before the end of the particular taxation year or was completed no later than 60 days after the end of that year” shall be read as a reference to “completed before 1989”; (production portant visa)

    certified short production

    certified short production[Repealed, SOR/86-254, s. 2]


    completion of a specified development phase of a taxpayer’s oil sands project means the first attainment of a level of average output, attributable to the specified development phase and measured over a sixty day period, equal to at least 60% of the planned level of average daily output (as determined in paragraph (b) of the definition specified development phase) in respect of that phase; (achèvement)

    computer software

    computer software includes systems software and a right or licence to use computer software; (logiciel)

    data network infrastructure equipment

    data network infrastructure equipment means network infrastructure equipment that controls, transfers, modulates or directs data, and that operates in support of telecommunications applications such as e-mail, instant messaging, audio- and video-over-Internet Protocol or Web browsing, Web searching and Web hosting, including data switches, multiplexers, routers, remote access servers, hubs, domain name servers, and modems, but does not include

    • (a) network equipment (other than radio network equipment) that operates in support of telecommunications applications, if the bandwidth made available by that equipment to a single end-user of the network is 64 kilobits per second or less in either direction,

    • (b) radio network equipment that operates in support of wireless telecommunications applications unless the equipment supports digital transmission on a radio channel,

    • (c) network equipment that operates in support of broadcast telecommunications applications and that is unidirectional,

    • (d) network equipment that is end-user equipment, including telephone sets, personal digital assistants and facsimile transmission devices,

    • (e) equipment that is described in paragraph (f.2) or (v) of Class 10, or in any of Classes 45, 50 and 52, in Schedule II,

    • (f) wires or cables, or similar property, and

    • (g) structures; (matériel d’infrastructure pour réseaux de données)

    designated asset

    designated asset in respect of a development phase of a taxpayer’s oil sands project, means a property that is a building, a structure, machinery or equipment and is, or is an integral and substantial part of,

    • (a) in the case of a bitumen development phase,

      • (i) a crusher,

      • (ii) a froth treatment plant,

      • (iii) a primary separation unit,

      • (iv) a steam generation plant,

      • (v) a cogeneration plant, or

      • (vi) a water treatment plant, or

    • (b) in the case of an upgrading development phase,

      • (i) a gasifier unit,

      • (ii) a vacuum distillation unit,

      • (iii) a hydrocracker unit,

      • (iv) a hydrotreater unit,

      • (v) a hydroprocessor unit, or

      • (vi) a coker; (bien désigné)

    designated overburden removal cost

    designated overburden removal cost of a taxpayer means any cost incurred by him in respect of clearing or removing overburden from a mine in Canada owned or operated by him where the cost

    • (a) was incurred after November 16, 1978 and before 1988,

    • (b) was incurred after the mine came into production in reasonable commercial quantities,

    • (c) as of the end of the taxation year in which the cost was incurred, has not been deducted by the taxpayer in computing his income, and

    • (d) is not deductible, in whole or in part, by the taxpayer in computing his income for a taxation year subsequent to the taxation year in which the cost was incurred, other than by virtue of paragraph 20(1)(a) of the Act; (coût désigné d’enlèvement des terrains de couverture)

    designated underground storage cost

    designated underground storage cost of a taxpayer means any cost incurred by him after December 11, 1979 in respect of developing a well, mine or other similar underground property for the storage in Canada of petroleum, natural gas or other related hydrocarbons; (coût désigné de stockage souterrain)

    development phase

    development phase of a taxpayer’s oil sands project means the acquisition, construction, fabrication or installation of a group of assets, by or on behalf of the taxpayer, that may reasonably be considered to constitute a discrete expansion in the capacity of the oil sands project when complete (including, for greater certainty, the initiation of a new oil sands project); (phase de mise en valeur)

    eligible liquefaction building

    eligible liquefaction building of a taxpayer, in respect of an eligible liquefaction facility of the taxpayer, means property (other than property that has been used or acquired for use for any purpose before it was acquired by the taxpayer or a residential building ) acquired by the taxpayer after February 19, 2015 and before 2025 that is included in Class 1 in Schedule II because of paragraph (q) of that Class and that is used as part of the eligible liquefaction facility; (bâtiment de liquéfaction admissible)

    eligible liquefaction equipment

    eligible liquefaction equipment in respect of an eligible liquefaction facility of a taxpayer, means property of the taxpayer that is used in connection with the liquefaction of natural gas and that

    • (a) is acquired by the taxpayer after February 19, 2015 and before 2025,

    • (b) is included in Class 47 in Schedule II because of paragraph (b) of that Class,

    • (c) has not been used or acquired for use for any purpose before it was acquired by the taxpayer,

    • (d) is not excluded equipment, and

    • (e) is used as part of the eligible liquefaction facility; (matériel de liquéfaction admissible)

    eligible liquefaction facility

    eligible liquefaction facility of a taxpayer means a self-contained system located in Canada — including buildings, structures and equipment — that is used or intended to be used by the taxpayer for the purpose of liquefying natural gas; (installation de liquéfaction admissible)

    eligible mine development property

    eligible mine development property means a property acquired by a taxpayer after March 20, 2013 and before 2018 for the purpose of gaining or producing income

    • (a) from a new mine or an expansion of a mine, if the property was acquired under a written agreement entered into by the taxpayer before March 21, 2013,

    • (b) from a new mine, if

      • (i) the construction of the new mine was started by, or on behalf of, the taxpayer before March 21, 2013 (and for this purpose construction does not include obtaining permits or regulatory approvals, conducting environmental assessments, community consultations or impact benefit studies, and similar activities), or

      • (ii) the engineering and design work for the construction of the new mine, as evidenced in writing, was started by, or on behalf of, the taxpayer before March 21, 2013 (and for this purpose engineering and design work does not include obtaining permits or regulatory approvals, conducting environmental assessments, community consultations or impact benefit studies, and similar activities), or

    • (c) from an expansion of a mine, if

      • (i) the construction for the expansion of the mine was started by, or on behalf of, the taxpayer before March 21, 2013 (and for this purpose construction does not include obtaining permits or regulatory approvals, conducting environmental assessments, community consultations or impact benefit studies, and similar activities), or

      • (ii) the engineering and design work for the construction of the expansion of the mine, as evidenced in writing, was started by, or on behalf of, the taxpayer before March 21, 2013 (and for this purpose engineering and design work does not include obtaining permits or regulatory approvals, conducting environmental assessments, community consultations or impact benefit studies, and similar activities); (bien admissible à l’aménagement d’une mine)

    eligible non-residential building

    eligible non-residential building means a taxpayer’s building (other than a building that was used, or acquired for use, by any person or partnership before March 19, 2007) that is located in Canada, that is included in Class 1 in Schedule II and that is acquired by the taxpayer on or after March 19, 2007 to be used by the taxpayer, or a lessee of the taxpayer, for a non-residential use; (bâtiment non résidentiel admissible)

    excluded equipment

    excluded equipment means

    • (a) pipelines (other than pipelines used to move natural gas, or its components that are extracted, within an eligible liquefaction facility during the liquefaction process or used to move liquefied natural gas),

    • (b) equipment used exclusively to regasify liquefied natural gas, and

    • (c) electrical generation equipment; (matériel non admissible)

    gas or oil well equipment

    gas or oil well equipment includes

    • (a) equipment, structures and pipelines, other than a well casing, acquired to be used in a gas or oil field in the production therefrom of natural gas or crude oil, and

    • (b) a pipeline acquired to be used solely for transmitting gas to a natural gas processing plant,

    but does not include

    • (c) equipment or structures acquired for the refining of oil or the processing of natural gas including the separation therefrom of liquid hydrocarbons, sulphur or other joint products or by-products, or

    • (d) a pipeline for removal or for collection for immediate removal of natural gas or crude oil from a gas or oil field except a pipeline referred to in paragraph (b); (matériel de puits de gaz ou de pétrole)

    general-purpose electronic data processing equipment

    general-purpose electronic data processing equipment means electronic equipment that, in its operation, requires an internally stored computer program that

    • (a) is executed by the equipment,

    • (b) can be altered by the user of the equipment,

    • (c) instructs the equipment to read and select, alter or store data from an external medium such as a card, disk or tape, and

    • (d) depends upon the characteristics of the data being processed to determine the sequence of its execution; (matériel électronique universel de traitement de l’information)

    oil sands project

    oil sands project of a taxpayer means an undertaking by the taxpayer for the extraction of tar sands from a mineral resource owned by the taxpayer, which undertaking may include the processing of the tar sands to a stage that is not beyond the crude oil stage or its equivalent; (projet de sables bitumineux)

    oil sands property

    oil sands property of a taxpayer means property acquired by the taxpayer for the purpose of earning income from an oil sands project of the taxpayer; (bien de sables bitumineux)


    ore includes ore from a mineral resource that has been processed to any stage that is prior to the prime metal stage or its equivalent; (minerai)

    preliminary work activity

    preliminary work activity means activity that is preliminary to the acquisition, construction, fabrication or installation by or on behalf of a taxpayer of designated assets in respect of the taxpayer’s oil sands project including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the following activities:

    • (a) obtaining permits or regulatory approvals,

    • (b) performing design or engineering work,

    • (c) conducting feasibility studies,

    • (d) conducting environmental assessments,

    • (e) clearing or excavating land,

    • (f) building roads, and

    • (g) entering into contracts; (travaux préliminaires)

    railway system

    railway system includes a railway owned or operated by a common carrier, together with all buildings, rolling stock, equipment and other properties pertaining thereto, but does not include a tramway; (réseau de chemin de fer)

    specified development phase

    specified development phase of a taxpayer’s oil sands project means a bitumen development phase or an upgrading development phase of the oil sands project which can reasonably be expected to result in a planned level of average daily output (where that output is bitumen or a similar product in the case of a bitumen development phase, or synthetic crude oil or a similar product in the case of an upgrading development phase), and in respect of which phase,

    • (a) not including any preliminary work activity, one or more designated assets was, before March 19, 2007,

      • (i) acquired by the taxpayer, or

      • (ii) in the process of being constructed, fabricated or installed, by or on behalf of the taxpayer, and

    • (b) the planned level of average daily output is the lesser of,

      • (i) the level that was the demonstrated intention of the taxpayer as of March 19, 2007 to produce from the specified development phase, and

      • (ii) the maximum level of output associated with the design capacity, as of March 19, 2007, of the designated asset referred to in paragraph (a); (phase de mise en valeur déterminée)

    specified oil sands property

    specified oil sands property of a taxpayer means oil sands property, acquired by the taxpayer before 2012, the taxpayer’s use of which is reasonably required

    • (a) for a specified development phase of an oil sands project of the taxpayer to reach completion; or

    • (b) as part of a bitumen development phase of an oil sands project of the taxpayer,

      • (i) to the extent that the output from the bitumen development phase is required for an upgrading development phase that is a specified development phase of the oil sands project to reach completion, and it is reasonable to conclude that all or substantially all of the output from the bitumen development phase will be so used; and

      • (ii) where it was the demonstrated intention of the taxpayer as of March 19, 2007 to produce, from a mineral resource owned by the taxpayer, the bitumen feedstock required for the upgrading development phase to reach completion; (bien de sables bitumineux déterminé)

    specified temporary access road

    specified temporary access road means

    • (a) a temporary access road to an oil or gas well in Canada, and

    • (b) a temporary access road the cost of which would, if the definition Canadian exploration expense in subsection 66.1(6) of the Act were read without reference to paragraphs (k.1) and (l) of that definition, be a Canadian exploration expense because of paragraph (f) or (g) of that definition; (route d’accès temporaire déterminée)

    systems software

    systems software means a combination of computer programs and associated procedures, related technical documentation and data that

    • (a) performs compilation, assembly, mapping, management or processing of other programs,

    • (b) facilitates the functioning of a computer system by other programs,

    • (c) provides service or utility functions such as media conversion, sorting, merging, system accounting, performance measurement, system diagnostics or programming aids,

    • (d) provides general support functions such as data management, report generation or security control, or

    • (e) provides general capability to meet widespread categories of problem solving or processing requirements where the specific attributes of the work to be performed are introduced mainly in the form of parameters, constants or descriptors rather than in program logic,

    and includes a right or licence to use such a combination of computer programs and associated procedures, related technical documentation and data; (logiciel d’exploitation)

    tar sands ore

    tar sands ore means ore extracted from a deposit of bituminous sands or oil shales; (minerai de sables asphaltiques)

    telegraph system

    telegraph system includes the buildings, structures, general plant and communication and other equipment pertaining thereto; (réseau de télégraphe)

    telephone system

    telephone system includes the buildings, structures, general plant and communication and other equipment pertaining thereto; (réseau de téléphone)

    television commercial message

    television commercial message means a commercial message as defined in the Television Broadcasting Regulations, 1987 made under the Broadcasting Act; (message publicitaire pour la télévision)

    tramway or trolley bus system

    tramway or trolley bus system includes the buildings, structures, rolling stock, general plant and equipment pertaining thereto and where buses other than trolley buses are operated in connection therewith includes the properties pertaining to those bus operations; (réseau de tramway ou d’autobus à trolley)

    upgrading development phase

    upgrading development phase of a taxpayer’s oil sands project means a development phase that expands the oil sands project’s capacity to process bitumen or a similar feedstock (all or substantially all of which is from a mineral resource owned by the taxpayer) to the crude oil stage or its equivalent. (phase de valorisation)

  • (3) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (6), in this Part and in Schedules II and V,

    industrial mineral mine

    industrial mineral mine includes a peat bog or deposit of peat but does not include a mineral resource; (mine de minéral industriel)


    mineral includes peat; (minéral)


    mining includes the harvesting of peat. (exploitation minière)

  • Marginal note:Definitions

    (3.1) The following definitions apply in this Part and Schedules II to VI.

    designated immediate expensing property

    designated immediate expensing property for a taxation year, means property of an eligible person or partnership that

    • (a) is immediate expensing property of the eligible person or partnership;

    • (b) became available for use by the eligible person or partnership in the taxation year; and

    • (c) is designated as designated immediate expensing property in prescribed form filed by the eligible person or partnership with the Minister for the taxation year

      • (i) if the eligible person or partnership is a partnership, on or before the day that is 12 months after the day on which any member of the partnership is required to file an information return under section 229 for the fiscal period to which the designation relates, and

      • (ii) in any other case, on or before the day that is 12 months after the eligible person or partnership’s filing-due date for the taxation year to which the designation relates. (bien relatif à la passation en charges immédiate désigné)

    eligible person or partnership

    eligible person or partnership for a taxation year, means

    • (a) a corporation that was a Canadian-controlled private corporation throughout the year;

    • (b) an individual (other than a trust) who was resident in Canada throughout the year; or

    • (c) a Canadian partnership all of the members of which were, throughout the period, persons described in paragraph (a) or (b). (personne ou société de personnes admissible)

    immediate expensing property

    immediate expensing property for a taxation year, means property of a prescribed class (other than property included in any of Classes 1 to 6, 14.1, 17, 47, 49 and 51 in Schedule II) of an eligible person or partnership that

    • (a) is acquired by the eligible person or partnership

      • (i) if the eligible person or partnership is a Canadian-controlled private corporation, after April 18, 2021, or

      • (ii) if the eligible person or partnership is an individual or a Canadian partnership, after December 31, 2021;

    • (b) becomes available for use

      • (i) if the eligible person or partnership is an individual or a Canadian partnership all the members of which are individuals throughout the taxation year, before 2025, and

      • (ii) in any other case, before 2024; and

    • (c) meets either of the following conditions:

      • (i) the property

        • (A) has not been used for any purpose before it was acquired by the eligible person or partnership, and

        • (B) is not a property in respect of which an amount has been deducted under paragraph 20(1)(a) or subsection 20(16) of the Act by any person or partnership for a taxation year ending before the time the property was acquired by the eligible person or partnership, or

      • (ii) the property was not

        • (A) acquired in circumstances where

          • (I) the eligible person or partnership was deemed to have been allowed or deducted an amount under paragraph 20(1)(a) of the Act in respect of the property in computing income for previous taxation years, or

          • (II) the undepreciated capital cost of depreciable property of a prescribed class of the eligible person or partnership was reduced by an amount determined by reference to the amount by which the capital cost of the property to the eligible person or partnership exceeds its cost amount, or

        • (B) previously owned or acquired by the eligible person or partnership or by a person or partnership with which the eligible person or partnership did not deal at arm’s length at any time when the property was owned or acquired by the person or partnership. (bien relatif à la passation en charges immédiate)


    taxpayer unless the context otherwise requires, includes an eligible person or partnership. (contribuable)

  • Marginal note:Immediate expensing limit

    (3.2) For the purposes of this Part and Schedules II to VI, an eligible person or partnership’s immediate expensing limit for a taxation year is $1,500,000 unless the eligible person or partnership is associated (within the meaning of section 256 of the Act, as modified by subsection (3.6)) in the taxation year with one or more other eligible persons or partnerships, in which case, except as otherwise provided in this section, its immediate expensing limit is nil.

  • Marginal note:Associated eligible persons or partnerships

    (3.3) Despite subsection (3.2), if all the eligible persons or partnerships that are associated with each other (within the meaning of section 256 of the Act, as modified by subsection (3.6)) in a taxation year file with the Minister in prescribed form an agreement that assigns for the purpose of this Part and Schedules II to VI a percentage to one or more of them for the year, the immediate expensing limit for the year of each of the eligible persons or partnerships is

    • (a) if the total of the percentages assigned in the agreement does not exceed 100%, $1,500,000 multiplied by the percentage assigned to that eligible person or partnership in the agreement; and

    • (b) in any other case, nil.

  • Marginal note:Failure to file agreement

    (3.4) If any of the eligible persons or partnerships that are associated with each other (within the meaning of section 256 of the Act, as modified by subsection (3.6)) in a taxation year has failed to file with the Minister an agreement described in subsection (3.3) within 30 days after notice in writing by the Minister has been forwarded to any of them that such an agreement is required for the purpose of any assessment of tax under Part I of the Act, the Minister shall, for the purpose of this Part and Schedules II to VI, allocate an amount to one or more of them for the taxation year.

  • Marginal note:Special rules for immediate expensing limit

    (3.5) Despite subsections (3.2) to (3.4),

    • (a) where an eligible person or partnership (in this paragraph referred to as the “first person”) has more than one taxation year ending in the same calendar year and it is associated (within the meaning of section 256 of the Act, as modified by subsection (3.6)) in two or more of those taxation years with another eligible person or partnership (in this paragraph referred to as the “other person”) that has a taxation year ending in that calendar year, the immediate expensing limit of the first person for each taxation year ending in the calendar year in which it is associated (within the meaning of section 256 of the Act, as modified by subsection (3.6)) with the other person that ends after the first such taxation year ending in that calendar year is, subject to the application of paragraph (b), an amount equal to the lesser of

      • (i) its immediate expensing limit determined under subsection (3.3) or (3.4) for the first such taxation year ending in the calendar year, and

      • (ii) its immediate expensing limit determined under subsection (3.3) or (3.4) for the particular taxation year ending in the calendar year; and

    • (b) where an eligible person or partnership has a taxation year that is less than 51 weeks, its immediate expensing limit for the year is that proportion of its immediate expensing limit for the year determined without reference to this paragraph that the number of days in the year is of 365.

  • Marginal note:Associated - interpretation

    (3.6) For the purposes of this Part and Schedules II to VI, in determining whether an eligible person or partnership is associated (within the meaning of section 256 of the Act, as modified by this subsection) with another eligible person or partnership in a taxation year

    • (a) if the eligible person or partnership is a partnership,

      • (i) the partnership is deemed to be a corporation (in this subsection referred to as a “deemed corporation”) for the year,

      • (ii) the deemed corporation is deemed to have a capital stock of a single class of shares, with a total of 100 issued and outstanding shares,

      • (iii) each member (in this subsection referred to as a “deemed shareholder”) of the deemed corporation is deemed to be a shareholder of the deemed corporation,

      • (iv) each deemed shareholder of the deemed corporation is deemed to hold a number of shares in the capital stock of the deemed corporation determined by the formula

        A × 100


        is equal to
        • (A) the deemed shareholder’s specified proportion for the last fiscal period of the deemed corporation, or

        • (B) if the deemed shareholder does not have a specified proportion described in clause (A), the proportion that the fair market value of the deemed shareholder’s interest in the deemed corporation at that time is of the fair market value of all interests in the deemed corporation at that time, and

      • (v) the deemed corporation’s fiscal period is deemed to be its taxation year; and

    • (b) if the eligible person or partnership is an individual (other than a trust) who carries on a business or has acquired immediate expensing property

      • (i) the individual, in respect of that business or property, is deemed to be a corporation that is controlled by the individual, and

      • (ii) the corporation’s taxation year is deemed to be the same as the individual’s taxation year.

  • (4) For the purposes of this Part and Schedules II to VI, accelerated investment incentive property means property of a taxpayer (other than property included in any of Classes 54 to 56) that

    • (a) is acquired by the taxpayer after November 20, 2018 and becomes available for use before 2028; and

    • (b) meets either of the following conditions:

      • (i) the property is not a property in respect of which an amount has been deducted under paragraph 20(1)(a) or subsection 20(16) of the Act by any person or partnership for a taxation year ending before the time the property was acquired by the taxpayer, or

      • (ii) the property was not

        • (A) acquired in circumstances where

          • (I) the taxpayer was deemed to have been allowed or deducted an amount under paragraph 20(1)(a) of the Act in respect of the property in computing income for previous taxation years, or

          • (II) the undepreciated capital cost of depreciable property of a prescribed class of the taxpayer was reduced by an amount determined by reference to the amount by which the capital cost of the property to the taxpayer exceeds its cost amount, or

        • (B) previously owned or acquired by the taxpayer or by a person or partnership with which the taxpayer did not deal at arm’s length at any time when the property was owned or acquired by the person or partnership.

  • Marginal note:Deemed separate properties

    (4.1) For the purpose of subparagraph (4)(b)(i), if the capital cost to a taxpayer of a depreciable property (referred to in this subsection as the “single property”) includes amounts incurred at different times, then amounts deducted under paragraph 20(1)(a) or subsection 20(16) of the Act in respect of the single property are deemed to have been deducted in respect of a separate property that is not part of the single property to the extent the deducted amounts can reasonably be considered to be in respect of amounts

    • (a) incurred before November 21, 2018; or

    • (b) incurred after November 20, 2018, if any portion of the single property is considered to have become available for use before the time the single property is first used for the purpose of earning income.

  • (5) For the purposes of paragraphs 1100(1)(w) to (ya.2), subsections 1101(4a) to (4h) and Classes 10, 28 and 41 to 41.2 of Schedule II, a taxpayer’s income from a mine, or any expression referring to a taxpayer’s income from a mine, includes income reasonably attributable to

    • (a) the processing by the taxpayer of

      • (i) ore (other than iron ore or tar sands ore) all or substantially all of which is from a mineral resource owned by the taxpayer to any stage that is not beyond the prime metal stage or its equivalent,

      • (ii) iron ore all or substantially all of which is from a mineral resource owned by the taxpayer to any stage that is not beyond the pellet stage or its equivalent,

      • (iii) tar sands ore all or substantially all of which is from a mineral resource owned by the taxpayer to any stage that is not beyond the crude oil stage or its equivalent, or

      • (iv) material extracted by a well, all or substantially all of which is from a deposit of bituminous sands or oil shales owned by the taxpayer, to any stage that is not beyond the crude oil stage or its equivalent;

    • (b) the production by the taxpayer of material from a deposit of bituminous sands or oil shales; and

    • (c) the transportation by the taxpayer of

      • (i) output, other than iron ore or tar sands ore, from a mineral resource owned by the taxpayer that has been processed by him to any stage that is not beyond the prime metal stage or its equivalent,

      • (ii) iron ore from a mineral resource owned by the taxpayer that has been processed by him to any stage that is not beyond the pellet stage or its equivalent, or

      • (iii) tar sands ore from a mineral resource owned by the taxpayer that has been processed by him to any stage that is not beyond the crude oil stage or its equivalent,

      to the extent that such transportation is effected through the use of property of the taxpayer that is included in Class 10 in Schedule II because of paragraph (m) thereof or that would be so included if that paragraph were read without reference to subparagraph (v) thereof and if Class 41 in Schedule II were read without the reference therein to that paragraph.

  • (5.1) For the purposes of Classes 41 to 41.2 of Schedule II, a taxpayer’s gross revenue from a mine includes

    • (a) revenue reasonably attributable to the processing by the taxpayer of

      • (i) ore (other than iron ore or tar sands ore) from a mineral resource owned by the taxpayer to any stage that is not beyond the prime metal stage or its equivalent,

      • (ii) iron ore from a mineral resource owned by the taxpayer to any stage that is not beyond the pellet stage or its equivalent,

      • (iii) tar sands ore from a mineral resource owned by the taxpayer to any stage that is not beyond the crude oil stage or its equivalent, and

      • (iv) material extracted by a well from a mineral resource owned by the taxpayer that is a deposit of bituminous sands or oil shales to any stage that is not beyond the crude oil stage or its equivalent;

    • (b) the amount, if any, by which any revenue reasonably attributable to the processing by the taxpayer of

      • (i) ore (other than iron ore or tar sands ore) from a mineral resource not owned by the taxpayer, to any stage that is not beyond the prime metal stage or its equivalent,

      • (ii) iron ore from a mineral resource not owned by the taxpayer to any stage that is not beyond the pellet stage or its equivalent,

      • (iii) tar sands ore from a mineral resource not owned by the taxpayer to any stage that is not beyond the crude oil stage or its equivalent, and

      • (iv) material extracted by a well from a mineral resource not owned by the taxpayer that is a deposit of bituminous sands or oil shales to any stage that is not beyond the crude oil stage or its equivalent

      exceeds the cost to the taxpayer of the ore or material processed; and

    • (c) revenue reasonably attributable to the production by the taxpayer of material from a deposit of bituminous sands or oil shales.

  • (5.2) For the purpose of subsection (5.1), gross revenue from a mine does not include revenue reasonably attributable to the addition of diluent, for the purpose of transportation, to material extracted from a deposit of bituminous sands or oil shales.

  • (6) For the purposes of Class 10 in Schedule II,

    • (a) income from a mine includes income reasonably attributable to the processing of

      • (i) ore, other than iron ore or tar sands ore, from a mineral resource not owned by the taxpayer to any stage that is not beyond the prime metal stage or its equivalent,

      • (ii) iron ore from a mineral resource not owned by the taxpayer to any stage that is not beyond the pellet stage or its equivalent,

      • (iii) tar sands ore from a mineral resource not owned by the taxpayer to any stage that is not beyond the crude oil stage or its equivalent, or

      • (iv) material extracted by a well from a mineral resource not owned by the taxpayer that is a deposit of bituminous sands or oil shales to any stage that is not beyond the crude oil stage or its equivalent; and

    • (b) mine includes a well for the extraction of material from a deposit of bituminous sands or oil shales or from a deposit of calcium chloride, halite or sylvite.

  • (6.1) [Repealed, SOR/99-179, s. 3]

  • (7) For the purposes of paragraphs 1100(1)(w) to (ya.2), subsections 1101(4a) to (4h) and 1102(8) and (9), section 1107 and Classes 12, 28 and 41 to 41.2 of Schedule II,

    • (a) mine includes

      • (i) a well for the extraction of material from a deposit of bituminous sands or oil shales or from a deposit of calcium chloride, halite or sylvite, and

      • (ii) a pit for the extraction of kaolin or tar sands ore,

      but does not include

      • (iii) an oil or gas well, or

      • (iv) a sand pit, gravel pit, clay pit, shale pit, peat bog, deposit of peat or a stone quarry (other than a kaolin pit or a deposit of bituminous sands or oil shales);

    • (b) all wells of a taxpayer for the extraction of material from one or more deposits of calcium chloride, halite or sylvite, the material produced from which is sent to the same plant for processing, are deemed to be one mine of the taxpayer; and

    • (c) all wells of a taxpayer for the extraction of material from a deposit of bituminous sands or oil shales that the Minister, in consultation with the Minister of Natural Resources, determines constitute one project, are deemed to be one mine of the taxpayer.

  • (8) For the purposes of subsection (7), stone quarry includes a mine producing dimension stone or crushed rock for use as aggregates or for other construction purposes.

  • (8.1) For greater certainty, for the purposes of paragraphs (c) and (e) of Class 28 and paragraph (a) of Classes 41 to 41.2 in Schedule II, production means production in reasonable commercial quantities.

Manufacturing or Processing
  • (9) For the purposes of paragraph 1100(1)(a.1), subsection 1100(26) and Class 29 in Schedule II, manufacturing or processing does not include

    • (a) farming or fishing;

    • (b) logging;

    • (c) construction;

    • (d) operating an oil or gas well or extracting petroleum or natural gas from a natural accumulation thereof;

    • (e) extracting minerals from a mineral resource;

    • (f) processing of

      • (i) ore, other than iron ore or tar sands ore, from a mineral resource to any stage that is not beyond the prime metal stage or its equivalent,

      • (ii) iron ore from a mineral resource to any stage that is not beyond the pellet stage or its equivalent, or

      • (iii) tar sands ore from a mineral resource to any stage that is not beyond the crude oil stage or its equivalent;

    • (g) producing industrial minerals;

    • (h) producing or processing electrical energy or steam, for sale;

    • (i) processing natural gas as part of the business of selling or distributing gas in the course of operating a public utility;

    • (j) processing heavy crude oil recovered from a natural reservoir in Canada to a stage that is not beyond the crude oil stage or its equivalent; or

    • (k) Canadian field processing.

Certified Films and Video Tapes
  • (10) For the purposes of subsection 1100(21) and the definitions certified feature film and certified production and in subsection (2),

    • (a) Canadian means an individual who was, at all relevant times,

      • (i) a Canadian citizen as defined in the Citizenship Act, or

      • (ii) a permanent resident within the meaning of the Immigration Act, 1976;

    • (b) a motion picture film or video tape that has been certified by

      • (i) the Secretary of State, or

      • (ii) the Minister of Communications

      as a certified feature film or certified production, as the case may be, may have its certification revoked by the Minister of Communications where an incorrect statement was made in the furnishing of information for the purpose of obtaining that certification and a certification that has been so revoked is void from the time of its issue;

    • (c) remuneration does not include an amount determined by reference to the amount of income from a motion picture film or video tape;

    • (c.1) revenue guarantee means a contract or other arrangement under the terms of which a taxpayer has a right to receive a minimum rental revenue or other fixed revenue in respect of a right to the use, in any manner whatever, of a certified feature film or certified production;

    • (c.2) a screenwriter shall be deemed to be an individual who is a Canadian where

      • (i) each individual involved in the preparation of the screenplay is a Canadian, or

      • (ii) the principal screenwriter is an individual who is a Canadian and

        • (A) the screenplay for the motion picture film or video tape is based upon a work authored by a Canadian,

        • (B) copyright in the work subsists in Canada, and

        • (C) the work is published in Canada;

    • (d) unit of production means a measure used by the Minister of Communications in determining the weight to be given for each individual Canadian referred to in subparagraph (b)(ii) of the definition certified production in subsection (2) who provides services in respect of a motion picture film or video tape; and

    • (e) where each individual who performed a service in respect of a motion picture film or video tape as the

      • (i) director,

      • (ii) screenwriter,

      • (iii) actor or actress in respect of whose services for the film or tape the highest remuneration was paid or payable,

      • (iv) actor or actress in respect of whose services for the film or tape the second highest remuneration was paid or payable,

      • (v) art director,

      • (vi) director of photoghraphy,

      • (vii) music composer, or

      • (viii) picture editor

      was a Canadian, the Minister of Communications shall be deemed to have allotted six units of production in respect of the film or tape for the purposes of the definition certified production in subsection (2).

Certified Class 34 Properties
  • (11) For the purposes of paragraph (h) of Class 34 in Schedule II, a certificate issued under

    • (a) subparagraph (d)(i) of that class may be revoked by the Minister of Industry, Trade and Commerce, or

    • (b) subparagraph (d)(ii) or paragraph (g) of that class, as the case may be, may be revoked by the Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources


    • (c) an incorrect statement was made in the furnishing of information for the purpose of obtaining the certificate, or

    • (d) the taxpayer does not conform to the plan described in subparagraph (d)(i) or (d)(ii) of that class, as the case may be,

    and a certificate that has been so revoked shall be void from the time of its issue.

Amusement Parks
  • (12) For the purposes of Class 37 in Schedule II, amusement park means a park open to the public where amusements, rides and audio-visual attractions are permanently situated.

Classes 43.1 and 43.2 — Energy Conservation Property
  • [NOTE: Application provisions are not included in the consolidated text
  • see relevant amending Acts and regulations.]
  • SOR/2006-117, s. 4
  • (13) The definitions in this subsection apply for the purposes of this subsection, subsections (14) to (17) and Classes 43.1 and 43.2 in Schedule II.

    basic oxygen furnace gas

    basic oxygen furnace gas means the gas that is produced intermittently in a basic oxygen furnace of a steel mill by the chemical reaction of carbon in molten steel and pure oxygen. (gaz de convertisseur basique à oxygène)


    biogas means the gas produced by the anaerobic digestion of specified waste material. (biogaz)


    bio-oil means liquid fuel that is created from wood waste or plant residues using a thermo-chemical conversion process that takes place in the absence of oxygen. (bio-huile)

    blast furnace gas

    blast furnace gas means the gas produced in a blast furnace of a steel mill, by the chemical reaction of carbon (in the form of coke, coal or natural gas), the oxygen in air and iron ore. (gaz de haut fourneau)

    digester gas

    digester gas means a mixture of gases that are produced from the decomposition of organic waste in a digester and that are extracted from an eligible sewage treatment facility for that organic waste. (gaz de digesteur)

    distribution equipment

    distribution equipment means equipment (other than transmission equipment) used to distribute electrical energy generated by electrical generating equipment. (matériel de distribution)

    district energy equipment

    district energy equipment means property that is part of a district energy system and that consists of pipes or pumps used to collect and distribute an energy transfer medium, meters, control equipment, chillers and heat exchangers that are attached to the main distribution line of a district energy system, but does not include

    • (a) property used to distribute water that is for consumption, disposal or treatment; or

    • (b) property that is part of the internal heating or cooling system of a building. (équipement de réseau énergétique de quartier)

    district energy system

    district energy system means a system that is used primarily to provide heating or cooling by continuously circulating, from a central generation unit to one or more buildings through a system of interconnected pipes, an energy transfer medium that is heated or cooled using thermal energy. (réseau énergétique de quartier)

    eligible landfill site

    eligible landfill site means a landfill site that is situated in Canada, or a former landfill site that is situated in Canada, and, if a permit or licence in respect of the site is or was required under any law of Canada or of a province, for which the permit or licence has been issued. (site d’enfouissement admissible)

    eligible sewage treatment facility

    eligible sewage treatment facility means a sewage treatment facility that is situated in Canada and for which a permit or licence is issued under any law of Canada or of a province. (installation admissible de traitement des eaux usées)

    eligible waste fuel

    eligible waste fuel means biogas, bio-oil, digester gas, landfill gas, municipal waste, plant residue, pulp and paper waste and wood waste. (combustible résiduaire admissible)

    eligible waste management facility

    eligible waste management facility means a waste management facility that is situated in Canada and for which a permit or licence is issued under any law of Canada or of a province. (installation admissible de gestion des déchets)

    enhanced combined cycle system

    enhanced combined cycle system means an electrical generating system in which thermal waste from one or more natural gas compressor systems is recovered and used to contribute at least 20 per cent of the energy input of a combined cycle process in order to enhance the generation of electricity, but does not include the natural gas compressor systems. (système à cycles combinés amélioré)

    food and animal waste

    food and animal waste means organic waste that is disposed of in accordance with the laws of Canada or a province and that is

    • (a) generated during the preparation or processing of food or beverage for human or animal consumption;

    • (b) food or beverage that is no longer fit for human or animal consumption; or

    • (c) animal remains. (déchets alimentaires et animaux)

    food waste

    food waste[Repealed, 2010, c. 25, s. 76]

    fossil fuel

    fossil fuel means a fuel that is petroleum, natural gas or related hydrocarbons, basic oxygen furnace gas, blast furnace gas, coal, coal gas, coke, coke oven gas, lignite or peat. (combustible fossile)

    gaseous biofuel

    gaseous biofuel means a fuel produced all or substantially all from specified waste material that is a gas at a temperature of 15.6°C (60°F) and a pressure of 101 kPa (14.7 psia). (biocarburants gazeux)

    landfill gas

    landfill gas means a mixture of gases that are produced from the decomposition of organic waste and that are extracted from an eligible landfill site. (gaz d’enfouissement)

    liquid biofuel

    liquid biofuel means a fuel produced all or substantially all from specified waste material or carbon dioxide that is a liquid at a temperature of 15.6°C (60°F) and a pressure of 101 kPa (14.7 psia). (biocarburants liquides)

    municipal waste

    municipal waste means the combustible portion of waste material (other than waste material that is considered to be toxic or hazardous waste pursuant to any law of Canada or of a province) that is generated in Canada and that is accepted at an eligible landfill site or an eligible waste management facility and that, when burned to generate energy, emits only those fluids or other emissions that are in compliance with the law of Canada or of a province. (déchets municipaux)

    plant residue

    plant residue means residue of plants (not including wood waste and waste that no longer has the chemical properties of the plants of which it is a residue) that would otherwise be waste material. (résidus végétaux)

    producer gas

    producer gas means

    • (a) in respect of a property of a taxpayer that becomes available for use by the taxpayer before 2025, fuel the composition of which, excluding its water content, is all or substantially all non-condensable gases that is generated primarily from eligible waste fuel or specified waste material using a thermo-chemical conversion process and that is not generated from any feedstock other than eligible waste fuel, specified waste material or fossil fuel; and

    • (b) in respect of a property of a taxpayer that becomes available for use by the taxpayer after 2024, fuel

      • (i) the composition of which, excluding its water content, is all or substantially all non-condensable gases,

      • (ii) that is generated using a thermo-chemical conversion process,

      • (iii) that is generated from feedstock of which no more than 25% is fossil fuel when measured in terms of energy content (expressed as a higher heating value of the feedstock), and

      • (iv) that is not generated from any feedstock other than eligible waste fuel, specified waste material or fossil fuel. (gaz de gazéification)

    pulp and paper by-product

    pulp and paper by-product means tall oil soaps and crude tall oil that are produced as by-products of the processing of wood into pulp or paper and the by-product of a pulp or paper plant’s effluent treatment or its de-inking processes. (sous-produit d’usine de pâtes ou papiers)

    pulp and paper waste

    pulp and paper waste means

    • (a) tall oil soaps, crude tall oil and turpentine that are produced as by-products of the processing of wood into pulp or paper; and

    • (b) the by-product of a pulp or paper plant’s effluent treatment, or its de-inking processes, if that by-product has a solid content of at least 40 per cent before combustion. (déchets d’usines de pâtes ou papiers)

    separated organics

    separated organics means organic waste (other than waste that is considered to be toxic or hazardous waste under any law of Canada or a province) that could be disposed of in an eligible waste management facility or eligible landfill site. (matières organiques séparées)

    solid biofuel

    solid biofuel means a fuel produced all or substantially all from specified waste material that is a solid at a temperature of 15.6°C (60°F) and a pressure of 101 kPa (14.7 psia) (other than charcoal that is used for cooking or fuels with fossil fuel-derived ignition accelerants) and that has undergone

    • (a) a thermo-chemical conversion process to increase its carbon fraction and densification; or

    • (b) densification into pellets or briquettes. (biocarburants solides)

    solution gas

    solution gas means a fossil fuel that is gas that would otherwise be flared and has been extracted from a solution of gas and produced oil. (gaz dissous)

    specified waste material

    specified waste material means wood waste, plant residue, municipal waste, sludge from an eligible sewage treatment facility, spent pulping liquor, food and animal waste, manure, pulp and paper by-product and separated organics. (déchets déterminés)

    spent pulping liquor

    spent pulping liquor means the by-product of a chemical process of transforming wood into pulp, consisting of wood residue and pulping agents. (liqueur résiduaire)

    thermal waste

    thermal waste means waste heat energy extracted from a distinct point of rejection in an industrial process that would otherwise

    • (a) be vented to the atmosphere or transferred to a liquid; and

    • (b) not be used for a useful purpose. (déchets thermiques)

    transmission equipment

    transmission equipment means equipment used to transmit more than 75 per cent of the annual electrical energy generated by electrical generating equipment, but does not include a building. (matériel de transmission)

    wood waste

    wood waste includes scrap wood, sawdust, wood chips, bark, limbs, saw-ends and hog fuel, but does not include spent pulping liquor and any waste that no longer has the physical or chemical properties of wood. (déchets de bois)

  • (14) Where property of a taxpayer is not operating in the manner required by paragraph (c) of Class 43.1, or paragraph (a) of Class 43.2, in Schedule II solely because of a deficiency, failing or shutdown that is beyond the control of the taxpayer of the system of which it is a part and that previously operated in the manner required by that paragraph, as the case may be, that property is deemed, for the purpose of that paragraph, to be operating in the manner required under that paragraph during the period of the deficiency, failing or shutdown, if the taxpayer makes all reasonable efforts to rectify the circumstances within a reasonable time.

  • (15) For the purpose of subsection (14), a taxpayer’s system referred to in that subsection that has at any particular time operated in the manner required by paragraph (c) of Class 43.1, or paragraph (a) of Class 43.2, in Schedule II includes at any time after the particular time a property of another person or partnership if

    • (a) the property would reasonably be considered to be part of the taxpayer’s system were the property owned by the taxpayer;

    • (b) the property utilizes steam obtained from the taxpayer’s system primarily in an industrial process (other than the generation of electrical energy);

    • (c) the operation of the property is necessary for the taxpayer’s system to operate in the manner required by paragraph (c) of Class 43.1, or paragraph (a) of Class 43.2, in Schedule II, as the case may be; and

    • (d) at the time that the taxpayer’s system first became operational, the deficiency, failing or shutdown in the operation of the property could not reasonably have been anticipated by the taxpayer to occur within five years after that time.

  • (16) For the purpose of subsection (14), a district energy system is deemed to satisfy the requirements of paragraph (c) of Class 43.1, or paragraph (a) of Class 43.2, in Schedule II, as the case may be, if the electrical cogeneration equipment that produces the thermal energy used by the system is deemed by subsection (14) to meet the requirements of paragraph (c) of Class 43.1, or paragraph (a) of Class 43.2, in Schedule II, as the case may be.

  • (17) A property that would otherwise be eligible for inclusion in Class 43.1 or Class 43.2 in Schedule II by a taxpayer is deemed not to be eligible for inclusion in either of those classes if

    • (a) the property is

      • (i) included in Class 43.1 because of its subparagraph (c)(i), or

      • (ii) described in

        • (A) any of subparagraphs (d)(vii) to (ix), (xi), (xiii), (xiv), (xvi), (xvii) and (xix) to (xxii) of Class 43.1, or

        • (B) paragraph (a) of Class 43.2; and

    • (b) at the time the property becomes available for use by the taxpayer, the taxpayer has not satisfied the requirements of all environmental laws, by-laws and regulations

      • (i) of Canada, a province or a municipality in Canada, or

      • (ii) of a municipal or public body performing a function of government in Canada

      applicable in respect of the property.

Classes 1 and 47 — Liquefaction Property
  • (18) For the purposes of paragraphs 1100(1)(a.3) and (yb), a taxpayer’s income for a taxation year from eligible liquefaction activities in respect of an eligible liquefaction facility of the taxpayer is determined as if

    • (a) the taxpayer carried on a separate business

      • (i) the only income of which is any combination of:

        • (A) in the case of natural gas that is owned by the taxpayer at the time it enters the taxpayer’s eligible liquefaction facility, income from the sale by the taxpayer of the natural gas that has been liquefied, whether sold as liquefied natural gas or regasified natural gas, and

        • (B) in any other case, income reasonably attributable to the liquefaction of natural gas at the taxpayer’s eligible liquefaction facility, and

      • (ii) in respect of which the only permitted deductions in computing the separate business’ income are those deductions that are attributable to income described in subparagraph (i) and, in the case of income described in clause (i)(A), that are reasonably attributable to income derived after the natural gas enters the eligible liquefaction facility; and

    • (b) in the case of income described in clause (a)(i)(A), the taxpayer acquired the natural gas that has been liquefied at a cost equal to the fair market value of the natural gas at the time it entered the eligible liquefaction facility.

  • [NOTE: Application provisions are not included in the consolidated text
  • see relevant amending Acts and regulations.]
  • SOR/78-137, s. 3
  • SOR/78-502, s. 2
  • SOR/78-948, ss. 2, 3
  • SOR/79-426, s. 3
  • SOR/79-670, s. 3
  • SOR/80-418, s. 1
  • SOR/80-618, s. 2(F)
  • SOR/80-926, s. 1
  • SOR/80-935, s. 1
  • SOR/80-942, s. 2
  • SOR/81-974, s. 1
  • SOR/81-1026, s. 1
  • SOR/82-265, s. 4
  • SOR/83-855, s. 1
  • SOR/84-265, s. 1
  • SOR/85-174, s. 2
  • SOR/86-254, s. 2
  • SOR/86-1092, s. 6(F)
  • SOR/89-27, s. 3
  • SOR/90-22, s. 5
  • SOR/91-79, s. 1
  • SOR/94-169, s. 2
  • SOR/94-686, ss. 11(F), 62, 81(F)
  • SOR/95-244, s. 2
  • SOR/96-200, s. 1
  • SOR/96-451, s. 1
  • SOR/97-377, s. 4
  • SOR/98-97, s. 2
  • SOR/99-179, s. 3
  • SOR/2000-327, s. 2
  • SOR/2001-295, s. 2(E)
  • SOR/2005-371, s. 4
  • SOR/2005-414, s. 3
  • SOR/2005-415, s. 1
  • SOR/2006-117, s. 4
  • SOR/2006-249, s. 1
  • SOR/2007-19, s. 2
  • SOR/2009-115, s. 4
  • SOR/2009-126, s. 4
  • 2010, c. 25, s. 76
  • SOR/2010-93, s. 14
  • 2011, c. 24, s. 79
  • SOR/2011-9, s. 4
  • SOR/2011-195, s. 6(F)
  • 2012, c. 31, s. 61
  • 2013, c. 40, s. 103
  • 2014, c. 39, s. 85
  • SOR/2015-117, s. 3
  • 2017, c. 33, s. 91
  • 2019, c. 29, s. 55
  • 2021, c. 23, s. 87
  • 2022, c. 10, s. 36
  • 2022, c. 10, s. 37
  • 2022, c. 10, s. 38

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