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Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Esquimalt Graving Dock Regulations

Version of section 2 from 2010-04-01 to 2018-09-25:

 In these Regulations,


agent means the person who makes an application in respect of a vessel; (agent)


application means an application for the use of the dry dock, in the form set out by the Manager; (demande)


contractor[Repealed, SOR/2003-303, s. 8]


day means, in respect of the calculation of a dock charge, any period of 24 consecutive hours; (jour)


Director[Repealed, SOR/2003-303, s. 8]

dock charge

dock charge means the charges set out in the schedule; (droits de cale sèche)


dockmaster means the person hired by the agent to supervise and control the docking and undocking of a vessel in the dry dock; (maître de cale sèche)

dry dock

dry dock means the graving dock at Esquimalt, British Columbia; (cale sèche)

dry dock property

dry dock property means the dry dock that is under the management, charge and direction of the Minister and all other property of the Government of Canada that is used or is for use in connection with the dry dock, other than property that is under lease to any third party; (terrain de la cale sèche)

dry dock section

dry dock section means that portion of the dry dock between the caissons; (section de cale sèche)

entry book

entry book[Repealed, SOR/2009-324, s. 3]

Gas Hazard Control Standards

Gas Hazard Control Standards means the Standard for the Control of Gas Hazards in Vessels to be Repaired or Altered, published in March 1984 by the Ship Safety Branch of the Department of Transport, having reference number TP 3177E; (Normes pour la protection contre les dangers des gaz)

gross tonnage

gross tonnage means, in respect of a vessel, the gross tonnage measured in accordance with the International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969 or, in the case of a vessel that is registered under the tonnage measurement system in force before that Convention, a gross registered ton; (jauge brute)


hour means an hour or any part of an hour; (heure)


Manager means the officer of the Department who is responsible for the management of the dry dock and the dry dock property; (gestionnaire)

marine chemist

marine chemist has the same meaning as in the Gas Hazard Control Standards; (chimiste de la marine)


section[Repealed, SOR/2009-324, s. 3]


Superintendent[Repealed, SOR/95-462, s. 1]

working day

working day means any day other than a holiday; (jour ouvrable)

working vessel

working vessel[Repealed, SOR/2009-324, s. 3]

  • SOR/95-462, s. 1
  • SOR/2003-303, s. 8
  • SOR/2009-324, s. 3

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