Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Canadian Aviation Regulations

Version of section 101.01 from 2022-01-05 to 2024-09-16:

  •  (1) In these Regulations,


    ACAS or Airborne Collision Avoidance System means an aircraft system based on transponder signals that operates independently of ground-based equipment and is intended to provide aural and visual alerts to a flight crew on the risk of collision with an approaching aircraft equipped with a transponder; (ACAS ou système anticollision embarqué)


    Act means the Aeronautics Act; (Loi)

    advanced ultra-light aeroplane

    advanced ultra-light aeroplane means an aeroplane that has a type design that is in compliance with the standards specified in the manual entitled Design Standards for Advanced Ultra-light Aeroplanes; (avion ultra-léger de type évolué)

    aerial work

    aerial work means a commercial air service other than an air transport service or a flight training service; (travail aérien)

    aerial work zone

    aerial work zone means an area, delineated in an aerial work zone plan, in which aerial work is being conducted and that is over a built-up area of a city or town or over or adjacent to an area where persons may assemble; (zone de travail aérien)

    aerial work zone plan

    aerial work zone plan means a risk management plan for proposed aerial work; (plan de zone de travail aérien)

    aerobatic manoeuvre

    aerobatic manoeuvre means a manoeuvre where a change in the attitude of an aircraft results in a bank angle greater than 60 degrees, an abnormal attitude or an abnormal acceleration not incidental to normal flying; (acrobatie aérienne)

    aerodrome traffic

    aerodrome traffic means all traffic on the movement area of an aerodrome and all aircraft operating at or in the vicinity of the aerodrome; (circulation d’aérodrome)


    aeroplane means a power-driven heavier-than-air aircraft that derives its lift in flight from aerodynamic reactions on surfaces that remain fixed during flight; (avion)


    AGL means above ground level; (AGL)

    air operator

    air operator means the holder of an air operator certificate; (exploitant aérien)

    air operator certificate

    air operator certificate means a certificate issued under Part VII that authorizes the holder of the certificate to operate a commercial air service; (certificat d’exploitation aérienne)

    air route

    air route means the airspace identified as such within the boundaries or along the tracks specified

    • (a) in the case of controlled airspace, in the Designated Airspace Handbook, or

    • (b) in the case of uncontrolled airspace, on an aeronautical chart; (route aérienne)

    air show

    air show means an aerial display or demonstration before an invited assembly of persons by one or more aircraft; (spectacle aérien)

    air time

    air time means, with respect to keeping technical records, the time from the moment an aircraft leaves the surface until it comes into contact with the surface at the next point of landing; (temps dans les airs)

    air traffic advisory services

    air traffic advisory services means the provision by an air traffic control unit or flight service station of aeronautical safety information, including aviation weather information and serviceability reports in respect of aerodromes and radio navigation aids, but does not include the provision of IFR air traffic control messages; (services consultatifs de la circulation aérienne)

    air traffic control clearance

    air traffic control clearance means an authorization issued by an air traffic control unit that authorizes an aircraft to proceed within controlled airspace in accordance with the conditions specified by that unit; (autorisation du contrôle de la circulation aérienne)

    air traffic control instruction

    air traffic control instruction means a directive issued by an air traffic control unit for air traffic control purposes; (instructions du contrôle de la circulation aérienne)

    air transport service

    air transport service means a commercial air service that is operated for the purpose of transporting persons, personal belongings, baggage, goods or cargo in an aircraft between two points; (service de transport aérien)

    aircraft flight manual

    aircraft flight manual means a manual, requirements for which may be established by the Minister in Part V, that contains information in respect of an aircraft; (manuel de vol de l’aéronef)


    airport means an aerodrome in respect of which an airport certificate issued under Subpart 2 of Part III is in force; (aéroport)


    airship means a power-driven, lighter-than-air aircraft; (dirigeable)


    airway means the controlled airspace identified as such within the boundaries or along the tracks specified in the Designated Airspace Handbook; (voie aérienne)

    airworthiness directive

    airworthiness directive means an instruction issued by the Minister or by a civil aviation authority responsible for an aeronautical product type design that mandates a maintenance or operation action to ensure that an aeronautical product conforms to its type design and is in a condition for safe operation; (consigne de navigabilité)

    airworthiness limitation

    airworthiness limitation means a limitation applicable to an aeronautical product, in the form of a life limit or a maintenance task that is mandatory as a condition of the type certificate; (limite de navigabilité)


    airworthy, in respect of an aeronautical product, means in a fit and safe state for flight and in conformity with its type design; (en état de navigabilité)

    alert height

    alert height means the height above a runway, based on the flight characteristics of an aircraft and its fail-operational automatic landing system, above which a CAT III precision approach is to be discontinued and a missed approach procedure initiated in the event of a failure of the ground equipment or one of the redundant parts of the aircraft automatic landing system; (hauteur d’alerte)

    all-engines-operating take-off distance

    all-engines-operating take-off distance means the distance from the start of the take-off roll to the point at which the aeroplane reaches the height above the runway elevation specified in the certification basis of the aeroplane; (distance de décollage avec tous les moteurs opérants)

    all-engines-operating take-off run

    all-engines-operating take-off run means the distance from the start of the take-off roll to the point midway between the lift-off point and the point at which the aeroplane reaches the height above the runway elevation specified in the certification basis of the aeroplane; (roulement au décollage avec tous les moteurs opérants)

    alternate aerodrome

    alternate aerodrome means an aerodrome to which a flight may proceed when landing at the intended aerodrome of destination becomes inadvisable; (aérodrome de dégagement)

    altimeter setting region

    altimeter setting region means the low level airspace so specified, and delineated, in the Designated Airspace Handbook; (région de calage altimétrique)


    appliance means any instrument, mechanism, equipment, apparatus or accessory that is

    • (a) used, or intended to be used, in operating or controlling an aircraft in flight,

    • (b) installed in or attached to, or intended to be installed in or attached to, the aircraft, and

    • (c) not part of the airframe, engine or propeller of that aircraft; (appareillage)

    appropriate frequency

    appropriate frequency means

    • (a) the radio frequency specified by an air traffic control unit or flight service station for use by the pilot-in-command of an aircraft,

    • (b) the mandatory frequency for use at or in the vicinity of an aerodrome for which a mandatory frequency has been specified, or

    • (c) in any case not described in paragraph (a) or (b), the frequency specified for an aerodrome or an airspace in the Canada Air Pilot or the Canada Flight Supplement; (fréquence appropriée)


    apron means a part of an aerodrome, other than the manoeuvring area, that is intended to be used for the loading and unloading of passengers and cargo, the refuelling, servicing, maintenance and parking of aircraft and the movement of aircraft, vehicles and persons engaged in services necessary for those purposes; (aire de trafic)


    APU or auxiliary power unit means any power unit that delivers rotating shaft power or compressed air, or both, and that is not intended for direct propulsion of an aircraft; (APU ou groupe auxiliaire de bord)


    APV means approach procedure with vertical guidance; (APV)

    Arctic Control Area

    Arctic Control Area[Repealed, SOR/2006-77, s. 1]


    ASDA or accelerate-stop distance available means, in respect of a runway, the length of the take-off run available plus, if a stopway is provided, the length of the stopway declared available by the operator of the aerodrome; (ASDA ou distance accélération-arrêt utilisable)


    ASL means above sea level; (ASL)

    ATC unit

    ATC unit or air traffic control unit means

    • (a) an area control centre established to provide air traffic control service to IFR aircraft,

    • (b) a terminal control unit established to provide air traffic control service to IFR aircraft while they are being operated within a terminal control area, or

    • (c) an air traffic control tower established to provide air traffic control service at an aerodrome; (unité ATC ou unité de contrôle de la circulation aérienne)


    ATS or air traffic services includes air traffic control services, advisory services and flight information services; (ATS ou services de la circulation aérienne)

    ATS operations certificate

    ATS operations certificate means a certificate issued under Part VIII that authorizes its holder to operate an air traffic control unit or a flight service station; (certificat d’exploitation des ATS)


    AWOS or automated weather observation system means a set of meteorological sensors, and associated systems designed to electronically collect and disseminate meteorological data; (AWOS ou système automatisé d’observations météorologiques)

    AX class

    AX class means a classification of balloons by size, as established by the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI); (classe AX)


    balloon means a non-power-driven lighter-than-air aircraft; (ballon)

    balloon operator

    balloon operator means the holder of a special flight operations certificate — balloons issued under section 603.18; (exploitant de ballons)

    basic ultra-light aeroplane

    basic ultra-light aeroplane means an aeroplane having no more than two seats, designed and manufactured to have

    • (a) a maximum take-off weight not exceeding 544 kg, and

    • (b) a stall speed in the landing configuration (Vso) of 39 knots (45 mph) indicated airspeed, or less, at the maximum take-off weight; (avion ultra-léger de base)

    Canada Air Pilot

    Canada Air Pilot means an aeronautical information publication published by NAV CANADA that contains information on instrument procedures; (Canada Air Pilot)

    Canada Flight Supplement

    Canada Flight Supplement means an aeronautical information publication published under the authority of the Minister of Transport and the Minister of National Defence that is intended to be used to supplement enroute charts and the Canada Air Pilot; (Supplément de vol-Canada)



    • (a) with respect to the operation of a commercial air service for which a licence to operate a domestic service is required under the Canada Transportation Act, has the same meaning as in subsection 55(1) of the Canada Transportation Act, and

    • (b) with respect to the operation of any other commercial air service, means

      • (i) a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident as defined in subsection 2(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act,

      • (ii) a government in Canada or an agent or mandatary of such a government, or

      • (iii) a corporation or entity that is incorporated or formed under the laws of Canada or a province, that is controlled in fact by Canadians and of which at least 75% of the voting interests are owned and controlled by Canadians; (Canadien)

    Canadian Domestic Airspace

    Canadian Domestic Airspace means the airspace specified, and delineated as such, in the Designated Airspace Handbook; (espace aérien intérieur canadien)

    Canadian Technical Standard Order (CAN-TSO) design approval

    Canadian Technical Standard Order (CAN-TSO) design approval means a document issued by the Minister to record the approval of the type design of an appliance or a part identified in the document by a model number, by a part number or by some other identification unique to the appliance or part, and includes a type approval for an aircraft appliance issued before October 10, 1996 under section 214 of the Air Regulations and a type certificate for an aircraft appliance issued before December 1, 2009 under section 511.11 or 511.21; (approbation de la conception selon les spécifications techniques canadiennes (CAN-TSO))


    CAN-TSO or Canadian Technical Standard Order means a standard of airworthiness for an appliance or a part

    • (a) that is published by the Minister, or

    • (b) that is published by a foreign state with which Canada has an airworthiness agreement or similar arrangement and that is adopted by the Minister and specified in Chapter 537 — Appliances and Parts of the Airworthiness Manual; (CAN-TSO ou spécifications techniques canadiennes)

    CAT II minima

    CAT II minima, in respect of an aerodrome, means the minima specified in the Canada Air Pilot for a CAT II precision approach to a runway at that aerodrome; (minimums CAT II)

    CAT III minima

    CAT III minima, in respect of an aerodrome, means the minima specified in the Canada Air Pilot for a CAT III precision approach to a runway at that aerodrome; (minimums CAT III)


    category means

    • (a) when used in reference to flight crew licensing, the classification of aircraft as an aeroplane, a balloon, a glider, a gyroplane, a helicopter or an ultra-light aeroplane, and

    • (b) when used in reference to the certification of aircraft, a grouping of aircraft based upon intended use or operating limitations such as normal, utility, aerobatic, commuter and transport; (catégorie)

    child restraint system

    child restraint system means any device, other than a safety belt, that is designed to restrain, seat or position a person and that conforms to the applicable standards of airworthiness set out in Chapter 551 — Aircraft Equipment and Installation of the Airworthiness Manual; (ensemble de retenue d’enfant)


    class, in relation to the classification of aeroplanes, means aeroplanes having similar operating characteristics to single-engined aeroplanes, multi-engined aeroplanes, centre-line thrust aeroplanes, land aeroplanes or sea aeroplanes; (classe)

    co-authority dispatch

    co-authority dispatch means the shared responsibility of the pilot-in-command and the flight dispatcher for all decisions respecting the operational flight plan prior to its acceptance by the pilot-in-command, and for the flight watch; (régulation des vols en coresponsabilité)

    Commercial Air Service Standards

    Commercial Air Service Standards means the standards published under the authority of the Minister that apply in respect of commercial air services operated by air operators; (Normes de service aérien commercial)

    commercial part

    commercial part, in respect of an aircraft, means a part

    • (a) that is not specifically designed or produced for use as an aeronautical product,

    • (b) that is made to a specification or catalogue description and marked under an identification scheme of the maker, and

    • (c) whose failure does not adversely affect the continued safe flight and take-off and landing of the aircraft; (pièce commerciale)

    company operations manual

    company operations manual means a manual established by an air operator pursuant to Part VII; (manuel d’exploitation de la compagnie)

    contracting state

    contracting state means a state that is a party to the Convention; (État contractant)

    control area

    control area means the controlled airspace within Canadian Domestic Airspace that is specified as the Arctic Control Area, the Northern Control Area or the Southern Control Area in the Designated Airspace Handbook and that extends upwards vertically from a specified altitude or a specified pressure-altitude; (région de contrôle)

    control zone

    control zone means the controlled airspace that is so specified in the Designated Airspace Handbook and that extends upwards vertically from the surface of the earth up to and including 3,000 feet AGL, unless otherwise specified in that Handbook; (zone de contrôle)

    controlled aerodrome

    controlled aerodrome means an aerodrome at which an air traffic control unit is in operation; (aérodrome contrôlé)

    controlled airspace

    controlled airspace means an airspace of fixed dimensions that is so specified in the Designated Airspace Handbook and within which air traffic control service is provided; (espace aérien contrôlé)


    Convention means the Convention on International Civil Aviation signed on behalf of Canada at Chicago on December 7, 1944, as amended from time to time; (Convention)

    crew member

    crew member means a person who is assigned to duty in an aircraft during flight time, or assigned to duty related to the operation of a remotely piloted aircraft system during flight time; (membre d’équipage)

    critical engine

    critical engine means the engine the failure of which would most adversely affect the performance or handling qualities of an aircraft; (moteur le plus défavorable)


    CUSMA has the meaning assigned by the definition Agreement in section 2 of the Canada–United States–Mexico Agreement Implementation Act; (ACEUM)


    CVFR or controlled VFR flight means a flight conducted under the visual flight rules within Class B Airspace and in accordance with an air traffic control clearance; (CVFR ou vol VFR contrôlé)


    CVR or cockpit voice recorder means a system that uses a combination of microphones and other analog and digital devices to record and retain the aural environment of a cockpit as well as communications to, from and between flight crew members; (CVR ou enregistreur de la parole dans le poste de pilotage)

    danger area

    danger area means an airspace of fixed dimensions that is so specified in the Designated Airspace Handbook, within which activities dangerous to the flight of aircraft could take place at the times specified in the Handbook; (zone dangereuse)

    dangerous goods

    dangerous goods means dangerous goods as defined in section 2 of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act, 1992; (marchandises dangereuses)


    day or daylight means the time between the beginning of morning civil twilight and the end of evening civil twilight; (jour)

    decision height

    decision height means the height specified in the Canada Air Pilot or the Restricted Canada Air Pilot at which a missed approach procedure is to be initiated during a precision approach if the required visual reference necessary to continue the approach to land has not been established; (hauteur de décision)

    Designated Airspace Handbook

    Designated Airspace Handbook means the manual that contains information in respect of the designation of airspace and that is published under the authority of the Minister; (Manuel des espaces aériens désignés)

    elementary work

    elementary work means those tasks that are listed as elementary work in the Aircraft Equipment and Maintenance Standards; (travaux élémentaires)


    ELT means an emergency locator transmitter; (ELT)

    empty weight

    empty weight, in respect of an aircraft, means the total weight of the following parts or contents that are part of, or carried on board, the aircraft, namely,

    • (a) the airframe, including the rotor in the case of a helicopter or gyroplane,

    • (b) the power plant,

    • (c) the fixed ballast,

    • (d) the unusable fuel,

    • (e) the maximum amount of normal operating fluids, including oil, power plant coolant, hydraulic fluid, de-icing fluid and anti-icing fluid but not including potable water, lavatory pre-charge fluid or fluid intended for injection into the engines, and

    • (f) all of the installed equipment; (masse à vide)

    ESCAT plan

    ESCAT plan or Emergency Security Control of Air Traffic Plan means the measures to be implemented by Her Majesty in right of Canada in accordance with the North American Aerospace Defence Command (NORAD) Agreement in the case of an air defence emergency; (plan ESCAT ou Plan relatif au contrôle de sécurité d’urgence de la circulation aérienne)


    EUBA or emergency underwater breathing apparatus means a self-contained supplemental air supply that is designed to prolong the breathing capability of a passenger or a crew member during the evacuation of a helicopter that has overturned or is sinking after a ditching; (EUBA ou dispositif respiratoire submersible de secours)

    extended over-water operation

    extended over-water operation means

    • (a) in the case of an aircraft other than a helicopter, a flight over an area of water located at a horizontal distance of more than 50 nautical miles from the nearest shoreline, and

    • (b) in the case of a helicopter, a flight over an area of water located at a horizontal distance of more than 50 nautical miles from the nearest shoreline or more than 50 nautical miles from the nearest offshore heliport structure; (survol prolongé d’un plan d’eau)


    FAF means final approach fix; (FAF)


    FDR or flight data recorder means a digital device that uses a combination of data providers to collect and record parameters that reflect the state and performance of an aircraft; (FDR ou enregistreur de données de vol)

    Federal Aviation Regulations

    Federal Aviation Regulations means the Federal Aviation Regulations published by the Government of the United States, as amended from time to time; (Federal Aviation Regulations)

    fit for duty

    fit for duty, in respect of a person, means that their ability to act as a flight crew member of an aircraft is not impaired by fatigue, the consumption of alcohol or drugs or any mental or physical condition; (apte au travail)


    FL or flight level means the altitude expressed in hundreds of feet, indicated on an altimeter set to 29.92 inches of mercury or 1 013.2 millibars; (FL ou niveau de vol)


    flight, in respect of a balloon in free or tethered flight, means the period of time between the moment when the balloon, including the envelope and basket, leaves a supporting surface and the moment it next comes to rest on landing; (vol)

    flight attendant

    flight attendant means a crew member, other than a flight crew member, who has been assigned duties to be performed in the interest of the passengers in a passenger-carrying aircraft; (agent de bord)

    flight authority

    flight authority means a certificate of airworthiness, special certificate of airworthiness, flight permit or validation of a foreign document attesting to an aircraft’s fitness for flight, issued under Subpart 7 of Part V, or a foreign certificate of airworthiness that meets the requirements of Article 31 of the Convention; (autorité de vol)

    flight crew member

    flight crew member means a crew member assigned to act as pilot or flight engineer of an aircraft during flight time; (membre d’équipage de conduite)

    flight crew member on call

    flight crew member on call means a flight crew member who has been designated by an air operator to be available to report for flight duty on notice of one hour or less; (membre d’équipage de conduite en disponibilité)

    flight crew member on standby

    flight crew member on standby means a flight crew member who has been designated by an air operator or private operator to remain at a specified location in order to be available to report for flight duty on notice of one hour or less; (membre d’équipage de conduite en attente)

    flight deck duty time

    flight deck duty time[Repealed, SOR/2018-269, s. 1]

    flight duty period

    flight duty period means the period that begins when the earliest of the following events occurs and ends at engines off or rotors stopped at the end of a flight:

    • (a) the flight crew member carries out any duties assigned by the private operator or the air operator or delegated by the Minister before reporting for a flight,

    • (b) the member reports for a flight or, if there is more than one flight during the flight duty period, reports for the first flight,

    • (c) the member reports for positioning, and

    • (d) the member reports as a flight crew member on standby; (période de service de vol)

    flight duty time

    flight duty time[Repealed, SOR/2018-269, s. 1]

    flight following

    flight following means the monitoring of a flight’s progress, the provision of any operational information that might be requested by the pilot-in-command, and the notification of the flight training unit and search and rescue authorities if the flight is overdue or missing; (suivi de vol)

    flight information services

    flight information services means

    • (a) the dissemination of aviation weather information and aeronautical information for departure, destination and alternate aerodromes along a proposed route of flight,

    • (b) the dissemination of aviation weather information and aeronautical information to aircraft in flight,

    • (c) the acceptance, processing and activation of flight plans and flight itineraries and amendments to and cancellations of flight plans and flight itineraries,

    • (d) the exchange of flight plan information with domestic or foreign governments or agencies or foreign air traffic services units, and

    • (e) the dissemination of information concerning known ground and air traffic; (services d’information de vol)

    flight inspection

    flight inspection means the operation of an aircraft for the purpose of

    • (a) calibrating air navigation aids,

    • (b) monitoring or evaluating the performance of air navigation aids, or

    • (c) obstacle assessment; (inspection en vol)

    flight itinerary

    flight itinerary means the information required to be filed in the form of a flight itinerary pursuant to Division III of Subpart 2 of Part VI; (itinéraire de vol)

    flight plan

    flight plan means the information that is required to be filed in the form of a flight plan pursuant to Division III of Subpart 2 of Part VI; (plan de vol)

    flight relief facility — bunk

    flight relief facility — bunk means a bunk that meets the requirements of Aerospace Recommended Practice ARP4101/3, Crew Rest Facilities, published by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), and is configured in accordance with the requirements of section 3.2.9 of Aerospace Recommended Practice ARP4101, Flight Deck Layout and Facilities, published by the SAE; (poste de repos — couchette)

    flight relief facility — seat

    flight relief facility — seat means a fully reclining seat that is separated and screened off from the passengers and flight deck, that is equipped with a call device, a restraint system designed to restrain a sleeping person and portable oxygen equipment, and that is not subject to distraction from noise generated in the cabin; (poste de repos — siège)

    flight service station

    flight service station means a ground station established to provide air traffic advisory services, flight information services and emergency assistance services for the safe movement of aircraft; (station d’information de vol)

    flight simulation training device

    flight simulation training device means an apparatus, including synthetic flight training equipment, that replicates or emulates an aircraft or aircraft component for the purpose of training and testing; (dispositif de formation simulant le vol)

    flight time

    flight time means the time from the moment an aircraft first moves under its own power for the purpose of taking off until the moment it comes to rest at the end of the flight; (temps de vol)

    flight training

    flight training means a training program of ground instruction and airborne training that is conducted in accordance with the flight instructor guide and flight training manual applicable to the aircraft used; (entraînement en vol)

    flight training service

    flight training service means a commercial air service that is operated for the purpose of conducting flight training; (service d’entraînement en vol)

    flight training unit

    flight training unit means

    • (a) in the case of an aeroplane or helicopter, the holder of a flight training unit operator certificate, or

    • (b) in the case of a glider, balloon, gyroplane or ultra-light aeroplane, a person, club, school or other organization that conducts flight training; (unité de formation au pilotage)

    flight training unit operator certificate

    flight training unit operator certificate means a certificate issued under Subpart 6 of Part IV that authorizes the holder of the certificate to operate a flight training service; (certificat d’exploitation d’unité de formation au pilotage)

    flight visibility

    flight visibility means the visibility forward from the cockpit of an aircraft in flight; (visibilité en vol)

    flight watch

    flight watch means maintaining current information on the progress of a flight and monitoring all factors and conditions that might affect the flight; (surveillance de vol)


    glider means a non-power-driven heavier-than-air aircraft that derives its lift in flight from aerodynamic reactions on surfaces that remain fixed during flight; (planeur)

    ground station

    ground station means a location on the ground equipped with radio transmitting and receiving equipment capable of two-way voice communications with an aircraft; (station au sol)

    ground visibility

    ground visibility, in respect of an aerodrome, means the visibility at that aerodrome as contained in a weather observation reported by

    • (a) an air traffic control unit,

    • (b) a flight service station,

    • (c) a community aerodrome radio station,

    • (d) an AWOS used by the Department of Transport, the Department of National Defence or the Atmospheric Environment Service for the purpose of making aviation weather observations, or

    • (e) a radio station that is ground-based and operated by an air operator; (visibilité au sol)


    gyroplane means a heavier-than-air aircraft that derives its lift in flight from aerodynamic reactions on one or more non-power-driven rotors on substantially vertical axes; (autogire)

    hang glider

    hang glider means a glider that is designed to carry not more than two persons and has a launch weight of 45 kg (99.2 pounds) or less; (aile libre)


    heading means the direction in which the longitudinal axis of an aircraft is pointed, usually expressed in true, magnetic or grid degrees from North; (cap)

    heavier-than-air aircraft

    heavier-than-air aircraft means an aircraft supported in the atmosphere by lift derived from aerodynamic forces; (aérodyne)


    helicopter means a power-driven heavier-than-air aircraft that derives its lift in flight from aerodynamic reactions on one or more power-driven rotors on substantially vertical axes; (hélicoptère)

    helicopter Class A external load

    helicopter Class A external load means an external load that cannot move freely, cannot be jettisoned and does not extend below the landing gear; (charge externe de classe A pour hélicoptère)

    helicopter Class B external load

    helicopter Class B external load means an external load that can be jettisoned and that is not in contact with land, water or any other surface; (charge externe de classe B pour hélicoptère)

    helicopter Class C external load

    helicopter Class C external load means an external load that can be jettisoned and that remains in contact with land, water or any other surface; (charge externe de classe C pour hélicoptère)

    helicopter Class D external load

    helicopter Class D external load means an external load with a person carried externally or any external load, other than a Class A, B or C external load; (charge externe de classe D pour hélicoptère)


    heliport means an aerodrome in respect of which a heliport certificate issued under Subpart 5 of Part III is in force; (héliport)

    high level airspace

    high level airspace means airspace at or above 18,000 feet ASL that is within Canadian Domestic Airspace; (espace aérien supérieur)

    high seas

    high seas means any body of water, or frozen surface thereof, that is not within the territorial waters of any state; (haute mer)

    home base

    home base means the location where a flight crew member normally commutes to in order to report for a flight duty period or positioning; (base d’affectation)


    HUD means head-up display; (HUD)


    ice means water that has frozen on a surface and includes the condition commonly known as black ice and the condition in which compacted snow has turned into a polished ice surface; (glace)


    IFR means instrument flight rules; (IFR)

    IFR air traffic control message

    IFR air traffic control message means a message that contains an air traffic control clearance or instruction, a position report or procedure related to the conduct of an IFR flight; (message IFR du contrôle de la circulation aérienne)

    IFR aircraft

    IFR aircraft means an aircraft operating in IFR flight; (aéronef IFR)

    IFR flight

    IFR flight means a flight conducted in accordance with the instrument flight rules; (vol IFR)


    IMC or instrument meteorological conditions means meteorological conditions less than the minima specified in Division VI of Subpart 2 of Part VI for visual meteorological conditions, expressed in terms of visibility and distance from cloud; (IMC ou conditions météorologiques de vol aux instruments)


    infant means a person under two years of age; (enfant en bas âge)

    instrument approach

    instrument approach means the orderly positioning of an IFR aircraft from the enroute phase to a position and altitude from which a landing may be completed or a missed approach procedure may be initiated; (approche aux instruments)

    instrument approach procedure

    instrument approach procedure means, in respect of an aircraft on an instrument approach to a runway or aerodrome, a procedure for an instrument approach determined by the pilot-in-command of the aircraft on the basis of the information specified in the Canada Air Pilot for an instrument approach to that runway or aerodrome or, if no such information is specified in the Canada Air Pilot, the information specified in the Restricted Canada Air Pilot for an aircraft operated under Subpart 6 of Part IV, Subpart 4 of Part VI, or Part VII; (procédure d’approche aux instruments)

    instrument time

    instrument time means

    • (a) instrument ground time,

    • (b) actual instrument flight time, or

    • (c) simulated instrument flight time; (temps aux instruments)

    invited assembly of persons

    invited assembly of persons means any number of persons who have been invited, by any means, to attend a special aviation event. The term excludes competition judges, the holder of a special flight operations certificate, members of a certificate holder’s staff and members of a participant’s support team; (rassemblement de personnes invitées)

    land aircraft

    land aircraft means an aircraft that is not capable of normal operations on water; (aéronef terrestre)


    landing means

    • (a) in respect of an aircraft other than an airship, the act of coming into contact with a supporting surface, and includes the acts immediately preceding and following the coming into contact with that surface, and

    • (b) in respect of an airship, the act of bringing the airship under restraint, and includes the acts immediately preceding and following the bringing of the airship under restraint; (atterrissage)

    large aeroplane

    large aeroplane means an aeroplane with an MCTOW of more than 5 700 kg (12,566 pounds); (gros avion)

    launch weight

    launch weight means the total weight of a hang glider or an ultra-light aeroplane when it is ready for flight, including any equipment, instruments, fuel or oil, but not including

    • (a) the weight of the occupants,

    • (b) the weight of any float equipment to a maximum of 34 kg (74.93 pounds), or

    • (c) the weight of any ballistic parachute installation; (poids au départ)


    LDA or landing distance available means the length of a runway at an aerodrome that the aerodrome operator declares available and suitable for the ground run of an aeroplane that is landing; (LDA ou distance d’atterrissage utilisable)

    life-limited part

    life-limited part means a part that, as a condition of the type certificate, may not exceed a specified time, or number of operating cycles, in service; (pièce à vie limitée)

    light turbulence

    light turbulence means turbulence that momentarily causes slight, erratic changes in altitude or attitude or turbulence that causes slight, rapid and somewhat rhythmic bumpiness without appreciable changes in altitude or attitude; (turbulence légère)

    lighter-than-air aircraft

    lighter-than-air aircraft means an aircraft supported in the atmosphere by its buoyancy; (aérostat)

    limited supplemental type certificate

    limited supplemental type certificate[Repealed, SOR/2009-280, s. 1]

    low level airspace

    low level airspace means airspace below 18,000 feet ASL that is within Canadian Domestic Airspace; (espace aérien inférieur)

    low-visibility procedures

    low-visibility procedures means procedures specified for an airport in the Canada Air Pilot that restrict aircraft and vehicle operations on the movement area of the airport when the runway visual range is less than 1,200 feet; (procédures par faible visibilité)


    maintenance means the overhaul, repair, required inspection or modification of an aeronautical product, or the removal of a component from or its installation on an aeronautical product, but does not include

    • (a) elementary work,

    • (b) servicing, or

    • (c) work performed on an aircraft by the manufacturer prior to the issuance of whichever of the following documents is issued first:

      • (i) a certificate of airworthiness,

      • (ii) a special certificate of airworthiness, or

      • (iii) an export airworthiness certificate; (maintenance)

    maintenance release

    maintenance release means a certification made following the maintenance of an aeronautical product, indicating that the maintenance was performed in accordance with the applicable provisions of these Regulations and the standards of airworthiness; (certification après maintenance)

    maintenance schedule

    maintenance schedule means a schedule required pursuant to section 605.86 for the performance of the inspections and other maintenance required by these Regulations; (calendrier de maintenance)

    major modification

    major modification means an alteration to the type design of an aeronautical product in respect of which a type certificate has been issued that has other than a negligible effect on the weight and centre-of-gravity limits, structural strength, performance, power plant operation, flight characteristics or other qualities affecting its airworthiness or environmental characteristics; (modification majeure)

    major repair

    major repair means a repair to an aeronautical product in respect of which a type certificate has been issued, that causes the aeronautical product to deviate from the type design defined by the type certificate, where the deviation from the type design has other than a negligible effect on the weight and centre-of-gravity limits, structural strength, performance, power plant operation, flight characteristics or other qualities affecting the aeronautical product’s airworthiness or environmental characteristics; (réparation majeure)

    mandatory frequency

    mandatory frequency means a VHF frequency specified in the Canada Air Pilot or the Canada Flight Supplement for the use of radio-equipped aircraft operating within an MF area; (fréquence obligatoire)

    manoeuvring area

    manoeuvring area means that part of an aerodrome, other than an apron, that is intended to be used for the take-off and landing of aircraft and for the movement of aircraft associated with take-off and landing; (aire de manoeuvre)

    Manual of All Weather Operations (Categories II and III)

    Manual of All Weather Operations (Categories II and III) means the manual that contains information in respect of the operation of aircraft in various weather conditions and that is published under the authority of the Minister; (Manuel d’exploitation tous temps (catégories II et III))


    manufacture means the making, assembly and fabrication, other than the fabrication of parts as part of a repair, of aeronautical products, and includes, in the case of newly manufactured aircraft, any work performed on an aircraft prior to the issuance of the first certificate of airworthiness or export certificate of airworthiness by the manufacturer; (construction)


    manufacturer means the holder of a type certificate for an aeronautical product or, where no type certificate has been issued by the Minister, the maker of the aeronautical product; (constructeur)

    manufacturer certificate

    manufacturer certificate means a certificate issued under Subpart 61 of Part V; (certificat de constructeur)

    maximum permissible take-off weight

    maximum permissible take-off weight means the maximum take-off weight for an aircraft as authorized by the state of registry of the aircraft or as provided for in the aircraft type certificate; (masse maximale admissible au décollage)


    MCTOW or maximum certificated take-off weight means the weight identified as such in the type certificate of an aircraft; (MMHD ou masse maximale homologuée au décollage)

    medical evacuation flight

    medical evacuation flight means a flight that is carried out for the purpose of facilitating medical assistance and on which one or more of the following persons or things is transported:

    • (a) medical personnel,

    • (b) ill or injured persons,

    • (c) human blood products or organs,

    • (d) medical supplies; (vol d’évacuation médicale)


    MEL or minimum equipment list means a document approved by the Minister pursuant to subsection 605.07(3) that authorizes an operator to operate an aircraft with aircraft equipment that is inoperative under the conditions specified therein, and may specify certain equipment that must be operative; (MEL ou liste d’équipement minimal)

    MF area

    MF area means an area of specific dimensions that consists of the surface area and airspace in the vicinity of an uncontrolled aerodrome and

    • (a) to which a mandatory frequency has been assigned,

    • (b) in respect of which the reporting procedures specified in Division V of Subpart 2 of Part VI are applicable, and

    • (c) that is identified as an MF area in the Canada Air Pilot or the Canada Flight Supplement; (zone MF)

    minimum descent altitude

    minimum descent altitude means the altitude ASL, specified in the Canada Air Pilot or the Restricted Canada Air Pilot for a non-precision approach, below which descent is not to be made until the required visual reference necessary to continue the approach to land has been established; (altitude minimale de descente)

    minimum enroute altitude

    minimum enroute altitude[Repealed, SOR/2006-77, s. 1]

    minimum rest period

    minimum rest period means a period during which a flight crew member is free from all duties, is not interrupted by the air operator or private operator, and is provided with an opportunity to obtain not less than eight consecutive hours of sleep in suitable accommodation, time to travel to and from that accommodation and time for personal hygiene and meals; (période de repos minimale)


    Minister means the Minister of Transport; (ministre)

    missed approach procedure

    missed approach procedure means the procedure to be followed if, for any reason after conducting an instrument approach, a landing is not effected; (procédure d’approche interrompue)


    MMEL or master minimum equipment list means a document established by the Minister pursuant to subsection 605.07(1) that lists the aircraft equipment that is allowed to be inoperative for a particular type of aircraft under the conditions specified therein; (MMEL ou liste principale d’équipement minimal)


    MOCA or minimum obstruction clearance altitude means the altitude ASL that is specified on an IFR chart between fixes on an airway, on a fixed RNAV route or on an air route and that meets the IFR obstruction clearance requirements; (MOCA ou altitude minimale de franchissement d’obstacles)

    model aircraft

    model aircraft[Repealed, SOR/2019-11, s. 1]

    model rocket

    model rocket means a rocket that

    • (a) is equipped with model rocket motors that will not generate a total impulse exceeding 160 N.s,

    • (b) has a gross weight, including motors, not exceeding 1 500 g (3.3 pounds), and

    • (c) is equipped with a parachute or other device capable of retarding its descent; (modèle réduit de fusée)

    Mode S transponder

    Mode S transponder means the airborne Mode S air traffic control (ATC) transponder referred to in CAN-TSO-C112; (transpondeur mode S)

    movement area

    movement area means a part of an aerodrome that is intended to be used for the surface movement of aircraft, and includes the manoeuvring area and aprons; (aire de mouvement)


    night means the time between the end of evening civil twilight and the beginning of morning civil twilight; (nuit)

    non-piloted aircraft

    non-piloted aircraft[Repealed, SOR/2003-271, s. 1]

    non-precision approach

    non-precision approach means an instrument approach by an aircraft using azimuth information; (approche de non-précision)

    Northern Domestic Airspace

    Northern Domestic Airspace means the airspace so specified, and delineated, in the Designated Airspace Handbook; (espace aérien intérieur du Nord)


    NOTAM means a notice to airmen concerning the establishment or condition of, or change in, any aeronautical facility, service or procedure, or any hazard affecting aviation safety, the knowledge of which is essential to personnel engaged in flight operations; (NOTAM)

    obstacle limitation surface

    obstacle limitation surface means a surface that establishes the limit to which objects may project into an aerodrome’s airspace, so that aircraft operations for which the aerodrome is intended may be conducted safely, and consists of a transitional surface, a take-off surface, an approach surface and an outer surface; (surface de limitation d’obstacles)

    offshore operations flight

    offshore operations flight means a flight that is conducted to or from an offshore location and that is

    • (a) a flight in support of offshore oil, gas or mineral exploitation,

    • (b) a sea-pilot transfer flight, or

    • (c) a search and rescue flight; (vol d’exploitation extracôtière)

    one-engine-inoperative take-off distance

    one-engine-inoperative take-off distance means the distance from the start of the take-off roll to the point at which the aeroplane reaches 35 feet above the runway elevation, where failure of the critical engine is recognized at V1; (distance de décollage avec un moteur inopérant)

    one-engine-inoperative take-off run

    one-engine-inoperative take-off run means the distance from the start of the take-off roll to the point midway between the lift-off point and the point at which the aeroplane reaches 35 feet above the runway elevation, where failure of the critical engine is recognized at V1; (roulement au décollage avec un moteur inopérant)


    operator, in respect of an aircraft, means the person that has possession of the aircraft as owner, lessee or otherwise; (utilisateur)


    operator in respect of an airport or heliport, means the holder of the appropriate Canadian aviation document that is in force with respect to the airport or heliport or the person in charge of the airport or heliport, whether as employee, agent or representative of the holder of the Canadian aviation document; (exploitant)


    ornithopter means a heavier-than-air aircraft supported in flight chiefly by the reactions of the air on planes to which a flapping motion is imparted; (ornithoptère)


    overhaul means a restoration process that includes the disassembly, inspection, repair or replacement of parts, reassembly, adjustment, refinishing and testing of an aeronautical product, and ensures that the aeronautical product is in complete conformity with the service tolerances specified in the applicable instructions for continued airworthiness; (révision majeure)


    owner, in respect of an aircraft or remotely piloted aircraft system, means the person who has legal custody and control of the aircraft or system; (propriétaire)

    part design approval

    part design approval means a document issued by the Minister to record the approval of the design of a replacement part, identified by a part number or by some other means of identification unique to the part, for use on an aeronautical product that is identified by type or model; (approbation de la conception de pièce)


    passenger means a person, other than a crew member, who is carried on board an aircraft; (passager)


    PED or portable electronic device means any lightweight, electrically powered electronic device capable of transmitting or producing electromagnetic signals; (PED ou appareil électronique portatif)

    permanent resident

    permanent resident means a permanent resident as defined in subsection 2(1) of the Immigration Act; (résident permanent)

    personal flotation device

    personal flotation device[Repealed, SOR/2019-49, s. 1]

    pilot self-dispatch

    pilot self-dispatch means the responsibility of the pilot-in-command for all decisions respecting the operational flight plan and for the flight watch; (régulation du vol par le pilote)


    positioning means the transfer of a flight crew member from one location to another, at the request of an air operator, but does not include travel to or from suitable accommodation or the member’s lodging; (mise en place)

    powered glider

    powered glider means an aeroplane that, with engines inoperative, has the flight characteristics of a glider; (planeur propulsé)

    powered parachute aircraft

    powered parachute aircraft means a power-driven heavier-than-air aircraft that derives its lift in flight from aerodynamic reactions on surfaces of a flexible parachute-type aerofoil; (aéronef pour parachute entraîné par moteur)

    precision approach

    precision approach means an instrument approach by an aircraft using azimuth and glide path information; (approche de précision)

    primary structure

    primary structure means a structure that carries flight, ground or pressure loads; (structure primaire)

    private aircraft

    private aircraft means an aircraft that is registered as a private aircraft pursuant to sections 202.16 and 202.17; (aéronef privé)

    private operator

    private operator means the holder of a private operator registration document; (exploitant privé)

    private operator certificate

    private operator certificate[Repealed, SOR/2014-131, s. 1]

    private operator registration document

    private operator registration document means a document issued under subsection 604.04(2); (document d’enregistrement d’exploitant privé)

    protective breathing equipment

    protective breathing equipment means equipment designed to cover the eyes, nose and mouth of the wearer, or the nose and mouth where accessory equipment is provided to protect the eyes, and to protect the wearer from the effects of smoke, carbon dioxide or other harmful gases; (inhalateur protecteur)

    quick-donning mask

    quick-donning mask means an oxygen mask that can be secured by a person using one hand on the person’s face within five seconds, and that provides an immediate supply of oxygen; (masque à mise rapide)

    registered aerodrome

    registered aerodrome means an aerodrome registered by the Minister pursuant to Subpart 1 of Part III; (aérodrome enregistré)

    remotely piloted aircraft

    remotely piloted aircraft means a navigable aircraft, other than a balloon, rocket or kite, that is operated by a pilot who is not on board; (aéronef télépiloté)

    remotely piloted aircraft system

    remotely piloted aircraft system or RPAS means a set of configurable elements consisting of a remotely piloted aircraft, its control station, the command and control links and any other system elements required during flight operation; (système d’aéronef télépiloté ou SATP)


    repair means the rectification of deficiencies in an aeronautical product or the restoration of an aeronautical product to an airworthy condition; (réparation)

    repair design approval

    repair design approval means a document, including a repair design certificate issued before December 1, 2009 under section 513.11 or 513.22, issued by the Minister to record the approval of

    • (a) a repair design in respect of a repair to an aeronautical product identified in the document by a serial number, or

    • (b) a repair process in respect of a repair to an aeronautical product or any of its components, identified in the document by a serial number, by a part number or by some other identification unique to the component; (approbation de la conception de réparation)

    repair design certificate

    repair design certificate[Repealed, SOR/2009-280, s. 1]

    reportable service difficulty

    reportable service difficulty means a service difficulty that affects or that, if not corrected, is likely to affect the safety of an aircraft, its occupants or any other person; (difficulté en service à signaler)

    required inspection

    required inspection means an inspection of an aeronautical product that is required by a maintenance schedule, an airworthiness limitation or an airworthiness directive, except where the airworthiness directive specifies that the inspection may be performed by a flight crew member; (inspection obligatoire)

    required take-off distance

    required take-off distance means the one-engine-inoperative take-off distance or 115 per cent of the all-engines-operating take-off distance, whichever is greater; (distance de décollage exigée)

    required take-off run

    required take-off run means the one-engine-inoperative take-off run or 115 per cent of the all-engines-operating take-off run, whichever is greater; (roulement au décollage exigé)

    required visual reference

    required visual reference, in respect of an aircraft on an approach to a runway, means that portion of the approach area of the runway or those visual aids that, when viewed by the pilot of the aircraft, enable the pilot to make an assessment of the aircraft position and rate of change of position, in order to continue the approach and complete a landing; (référence visuelle requise)

    rest period

    rest period means the continuous period during which a flight crew member is off duty, excluding the travel time to or from suitable accommodation provided by a private operator or air operator; (période de repos)

    restricted airspace

    restricted airspace means airspace of fixed dimensions that is so specified in the Designated Airspace Handbook and within which the flight of aircraft is restricted in accordance with certain conditions specified in that Handbook; (espace aérien réglementé)

    Restricted Canada Air Pilot

    Restricted Canada Air Pilot means an aeronautical information publication published by NAV CANADA that contains information on restricted instrument procedures; (Canada Air Pilot restreint)


    rocket means a projectile that contains its own propellant and that depends for its flight on a reaction set up by the release of a continuous jet of rapidly expanding gases; (fusée)

    runway visibility

    runway visibility means the distance along a runway over which a person can see and recognize a visibility marker or lights having an intensity of more or less 1,000 candelas; (visibilité sur la piste)


    RVR or runway visual range means the range over which the pilot of an aircraft on the centre line of a runway can expect to see the runway surface markings or the lights delineating the runway or identifying that centre line; (RVR ou portée visuelle de piste)

    RVR A

    RVR A, in respect of a runway, means RVR detection equipment that is located adjacent to the runway threshold; (RVR « A »)

    RVR B

    RVR B, in respect of a runway, means RVR detection equipment that is located adjacent to the runway mid-point; (RVR « B »)

    RVSM airspace

    RVSM airspace or Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum airspace means airspace where a vertical separation minimum of 1,000 feet applies, whose horizontal and vertical limits are

    • (a) in respect of Canadian airspace, specified in the Designated Airspace Handbook, and

    • (b) in respect of foreign airspace, designated or otherwise recognized by the competent aviation authority of the foreign country; (espace aérien RVSM ou espace aérien à espacement minimum vertical réduit)

    safety belt

    safety belt means a personal restraint system consisting of either a lap strap or a lap strap combined with a shoulder harness; (ceinture de sécurité)

    safety management system

    safety management system means a documented process for managing risks that integrates operations and technical systems with the management of financial and human resources to ensure aviation safety or the safety of the public; (système de gestion de la sécurité)

    safety pilot

    safety pilot means a pilot who acts as a lookout for another pilot operating an aircraft in simulated instrument flight; (pilote de sécurité)

    SCATANA plan

    SCATANA plan or Security Control of Air Traffic and Navigation Aids Plan[Repealed, SOR/2002-352, s. 1]

    SCDA non-precision approach

    SCDA non-precision approach means stabilized constant-descent-angle non-precision approach; (approche de non-précision SCDA)

    scheduled maintenance

    scheduled maintenance means any maintenance performed at predetermined intervals pursuant to these Regulations, a maintenance schedule or an airworthiness directive; (maintenance planifiée)


    seaplane means an aeroplane that is capable of normal operations on water; (hydravion)


    serviceable, in respect of an aircraft or aircraft part, means fit and safe for flight; (en état de service)

    service difficulty

    service difficulty means a failure or malfunction of, or defect in, an aeronautical product; (difficulté en service)


    servicing, in respect of an aeronautical product, means cleaning, lubricating and the replenishment of fluids not requiring the disassembly of the product; (entretien courant)

    shoulder harness

    shoulder harness means any device that is used to restrain the upper torso of a person and that consists of a single diagonal upper torso strap or dual upper torso straps; (ceinture-baudrier)

    sightseeing operation

    sightseeing operation means aerial work in the course of which passengers are disembarked at the point of departure; (excursion aérienne)

    small aircraft

    small aircraft means an aeroplane having a maximum permissible take-off weight of 5 700 kg (12,566 pounds) or less, or a helicopter having a maximum permissible take-off weight of 2 730 kg (6,018 pounds) or less; (petit aéronef)

    small remotely piloted aircraft

    small remotely piloted aircraft means a remotely piloted aircraft that has a maximum take-off weight of at least 250 g (0.55 pounds) but not more than 25 kg (55 pounds); (petit aéronef télépiloté)

    Southern Domestic Airspace

    Southern Domestic Airspace means that airspace so specified, and delineated, in the Designated Airspace Handbook; (espace aérien intérieur du Sud)

    special aviation event

    special aviation event means an air show, a low level air race, an aerobatic competition, a fly-in or a balloon festival; (manifestation aéronautique spéciale)

    special VFR flight

    special VFR flight means a VFR flight authorized by an air traffic control unit that is conducted within a control zone under VMC in accordance with Division VI of Subpart 2 of Part VI; (vol VFR spécial)

    specialty air services

    specialty air services means aerial mapping, aerial surveying, aerial photography, forest fire management, fire fighting, aerial advertising, glider towing, parachute jumping, aerial construction, heli-logging, aerial sightseeing, flight training, aerial inspection and surveillance and aerial spraying services; (services aériens spécialisés)

    Standard 621

    Standard 621 means the Obstruction Marking and Lighting Standard of the General Operating and Flight Rules Standards, published by the Department of Transport; (norme 621)

    standard of airworthiness

    standard of airworthiness, in respect of the design, manufacture or maintenance of an aeronautical product, means the description, in terms of a minimum standard, of the properties and attributes of the configuration, material and performance or physical characteristics of that aeronautical product, and includes the procedures to ascertain compliance with or to maintain that minimum standard, as specified in Part V; (norme de navigabilité)

    standard part

    standard part, in respect of an aircraft, means a part manufactured in conformity with a specification that

    • (a) is established, published and maintained by an organization setting consensus standards or by a government agency, and

    • (b) includes design, manufacturing, test and acceptance criteria and identification requirements; (pièce standard)

    standard pressure region

    standard pressure region means all of the Canadian Domestic Airspace not within the altimeter setting region; (région d’utilisation de la pression standard)


    station means a facility used for providing aeronautical information or services; (station)


    stopway means a rectangular area on the ground at the end of a runway in the direction of take-off and having the same width as the runway, prepared as a suitable area for stopping an aeroplane in the case of a rejected take-off; (prolongement d’arrêt)

    suitable accommodation

    suitable accommodation means a single-occupancy bedroom that is subject to a minimal level of noise, is well ventilated and has facilities to control the levels of temperature and light or, where such a bedroom is not available, an accommodation that is suitable for the site and season, is subject to a minimal level of noise and provides adequate comfort and protection from the elements; (poste de repos approprié)

    supplemental type certificate

    supplemental type certificate means a document, including a limited supplemental type approval and a supplemental type approval issued before October 10, 1996 under section 214 of the Air Regulations and a limited supplemental type certificate issued before December 1, 2009 under section 513.11 or 513.22, issued by the Minister to record the approval of a change to the type design of

    • (a) an aeronautical product identified in the document by a single serial number,

    • (b) several aeronautical products of the same type or model, approved under a single type certificate and identified in the document by their serial numbers, or

    • (c) several aeronautical products of differing types or models, approved under separate type certificates and identified in the document; (certificat de type supplémentaire)


    surface means any ground or water, including the frozen surface thereof; (surface)


    take-off means

    • (a) in respect of an aircraft other than an airship, the act of leaving a supporting surface, and includes the take-off run and the acts immediately preceding and following the leaving of that surface, and

    • (b) in respect of an airship, the act of freeing the airship from restraint, and includes the acts immediately preceding and following the freeing of that airship from restraint; (décollage)


    TAWS or Terrain Awareness Warning System means an aircraft system that is intended to provide a flight crew with both aural and visual alerts to aid in preventing controlled flight into terrain, obstacles or water; (TAWS ou système d’avertissement et d’alarme d’impact)

    terminal control area

    terminal control area means controlled airspace that is established in the vicinity of a major aerodrome and within which an air traffic control service is provided based on the airspace classification; (région de contrôle terminal)

    tethered flight

    tethered flight, in respect of a balloon, means flight while the balloon is attached to a supporting surface by a restraining device; (vol captif)


    TODA or take-off distance available means, in respect of a runway, the length of the take-off run available plus, if a clearway is provided, the length of the clearway declared available by the operator of the aerodrome; (TODA ou distance de décollage utilisable)


    TORA or take-off run available means the length of a runway declared available and suitable by the operator of the aerodrome for the ground run of an aeroplane during take-off; (TORA ou distance de roulement utilisable au décollage)


    track means the projection on the earth’s surface of the path of an aircraft, the direction of which path at any point is usually expressed in true, magnetic or grid degrees from North; (route)

    transponder airspace

    transponder airspace means controlled airspace consisting of the airspace referred to in section 601.03, within which the aircraft equipment requirements prescribed in section 605.35 apply; (espace aérien à utilisation de transpondeur)

    transport category aircraft

    transport category aircraft means an aeroplane certified pursuant to Chapter 525 of the Airworthiness Manual or an equivalent foreign airworthiness standard, or a helicopter certified pursuant to Chapter 529 of the Airworthiness Manual or an equivalent foreign airworthiness standard; (aéronef de catégorie transport)

    true Mach number

    true Mach number means the ratio of the true air speed of an aircraft to the local speed of sound at the flight altitude; (nombre de Mach vrai)


    TSO-C112[Repealed, SOR/2009-280, s. 1]


    TSO-C118[Repealed, SOR/2009-280, s. 1]


    TSO-C119a[Repealed, SOR/2009-280, s. 1]


    TSO-C119b[Repealed, SOR/2009-280, s. 1]


    type means

    • (a) when used in reference to personnel licensing, a specific make and model of aircraft, including modifications thereto that do not change its handling or flight charateristics, and

    • (b) when used in reference to the certification of aircraft, a classification of aircraft having similar design characteristics; (type)

    type certificate

    type certificate means

    • (a) a document, including a type approval issued before October 10, 1996 under section 214 of the Air Regulations, issued by the Minister to certify that the type design of an aircraft, aircraft engine or propeller identified in the document meets the applicable standards for that aeronautical product recorded in the type certificate data sheets, or

    • (b) a document issued by the foreign airworthiness authority having jurisdiction over the type design of an aeronautical product that is equivalent to a document referred to in paragraph (a) and that has been accepted by the Minister for the purpose of issuing a certificate of airworthiness; (certificat de type)

    type design

    type design means

    • (a) the drawings and specifications, and a listing of those drawings and specifications that are necessary to define the design features of an aeronautical product in compliance with the standards applicable to the aeronautical product,

    • (b) the information on dimensions, materials and manufacturing processes that is necessary to define the structural strength of an aeronautical product,

    • (c) the approved sections of the aircraft flight manual, where required by the applicable standards of airworthiness,

    • (d) the airworthiness limitations section of the instructions for continued airworthiness specified in the applicable chapters of the Airworthiness Manual; and

    • (e) any other data necessary to allow, by comparison, the determination of the airworthiness and, where applicable, the environmental characteristics of later aeronautical products of the same type or model; (définition de type)


    UHF means ultra-high frequency; (UHF)

    ultra-light aeroplane

    ultra-light aeroplane means an advanced ultra-light aeroplane or a basic ultra-light aeroplane; (avion ultra-léger)

    unforeseen operational circumstance

    unforeseen operational circumstance means an event, such as unforecast adverse weather, or an equipment malfunction or air traffic control delay, that is beyond the control of an air operator or private operator; (circonstance opérationnelle imprévue)

    unmanned air vehicle

    unmanned air vehicle[Repealed, SOR/2019-11, s. 1]


    UTC means Coordinated Universal Time; (UTC)


    vessel means any ship, boat or other floating structure, other than an aircraft, used for navigation on water; (navire)


    VFR means visual flight rules; (VFR)

    VFR aircraft

    VFR aircraft means an aircraft operating in VFR flight; (aéronef VFR)

    VFR flight

    VFR flight means a flight conducted in accordance with the visual flight rules; (vol VFR)


    VFR OTT means VFR over-the-top; (VFR OTT)


    VHF means very high frequency; (VHF)

    visibility marker

    visibility marker means a dark object of suitable dimensions for use as a reference in evaluating runway visibility; (balise de visibilité)

    visibility report

    visibility report means a report that may include runway visibility, ground visibility and RVR; (compte rendu de la visibilité)


    VMC or visual meteorological conditions means meteorological conditions equal to or greater than the minima specified in Division VI of Subpart 2 of Part VI, expressed in terms of visibility and distance from cloud. (VMC ou conditions météorologiques de vol à vue)

  • (2) Unless otherwise indicated in these Regulations, any reference to a classification, standard, procedure or other specification that is incorporated by reference is a reference to that classification, standard, procedure or specification as amended from time to time.

  • SOR/98-526, s. 1
  • SOR/2000-405, s. 1
  • SOR/2002-112, s. 1
  • SOR/2002-345, s. 1
  • SOR/2002-352, s. 1
  • SOR/2003-123, s. 1
  • SOR/2003-129, s. 1
  • SOR/2003-154, s. 1
  • SOR/2003-271, s. 1
  • SOR/2005-173, s. 1
  • SOR/2005-348, s. 1
  • SOR/2006-77, s. 1
  • SOR/2006-199, s. 1
  • SOR/2007-87, s. 1
  • SOR/2007-133, s. 1
  • SOR/2007-136, s. 1
  • SOR/2007-290, s. 1
  • SOR/2009-280, ss. 1, 39
  • SOR/2011-285, s. 1
  • SOR/2012-136, s. 1
  • SOR/2014-131, s. 1
  • SOR/2015-84, s. 1
  • SOR/2015-127, s. 1
  • SOR/2015-160, s. 1
  • SOR/2018-143-1, s. 1
  • SOR/2018-269, s. 1
  • SOR/2019-11, s. 1
  • SOR/2019-49, s. 1
  • SOR/2019-118, s. 1
  • SOR/2019-119, s. 1
  • SOR/2019-130, s. 1
  • SOR/2019-296, s. 1
  • SOR/2020-150, s. 1
  • SOR/2020-151, s. 1
  • SOR/2020-253, s. 1(F)
  • SOR/2021-269, s. 1

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