Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Canadian Aviation Regulations

Version of section 302.07 from 2019-06-14 to 2024-09-16:

  •  (1) The operator of an airport shall

    • (a) comply

      • (i) subject to subparagraph (ii), with the standards set out in the aerodrome standards and recommended practices publications, as they read on the date on which the airport certificate was issued,

      • (ii) in respect of any part or facility of the airport that has been replaced or improved, with the standards set out in the aerodrome standards and recommended practices publications, as they read on the date on which the part or facility was returned to service, and

      • (iii) with any conditions specified in the airport certificate by the Minister pursuant to subsection 302.03(3);

    • (b) without charge, at the request of a Department of Transport inspector, allow access to airport facilities and provide the equipment necessary to conduct an inspection of the airport;

    • (c) review each issue of each aeronautical information publication on receipt thereof and, immediately after such review, notify the Minister of any inaccurate information contained therein that pertains to the airport;

    • (d) notify the Minister in writing at least 14 days before any change to the airport, the airport facilities or the level of service at the airport that has been planned in advance and that is likely to affect the accuracy of the information contained in an aeronautical information publication;

    • (e) as the circumstances require for the purpose of ensuring aviation safety, inspect the airport

      • (i) as soon as practicable after any aviation occurrence, as that term is defined in section 2 of the Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act,

      • (ii) during any period of construction or repair of the airport or of airport facilities that are designated in the airport certificate, and

      • (iii) at any other time when there are conditions at the airport that could be hazardous to aviation safety;

    • (f) subject to paragraph (d), notify the Minister in writing of any change in airport operations within 14 days after the date of the change; and

    • (g) assign duties on the movement area and any other area set aside for the safe operation of aircraft, including obstacle limitation surfaces, at the airport, which are described in the airport operations manual, only to employees who have successfully completed a safety-related initial training course on human and organizational factors.

  • (2) Subject to subsection (3), the operator of an airport shall give to the Minister, and cause to be received at the appropriate air traffic control unit or flight service station, immediate notice of any of the following circumstances of which the operator has knowledge:

    • (a) any projection by an object through an obstacle limitation surface relating to the airport;

    • (b) the existence of any obstruction or hazardous condition affecting aviation safety at or in the vicinity of the airport;

    • (c) any reduction in the level of services at the airport that are set out in an aeronautical information publication;

    • (d) the closure of any part of the manoeuvring area of the airport; and

    • (e) any other conditions that could be hazardous to aviation safety at the airport and against which precautions are warranted.

  • (3) Where it is not feasible for an operator to cause notice of a circumstance referred to in subsection (2) to be received at the appropriate air traffic control unit or flight service station, the operator shall give immediate notice directly to the pilots who may be affected by that circumstance.

  • (4) The operator of an airport may remove from the surface of the airport any vehicle or other obstruction that is likely to be hazardous to aviation safety at or in the vicinity of the airport.

  • SOR/2007-290, s. 8
  • SOR/2019-119, s. 6(F)

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