Emergency Management Act (S.C. 2007, c. 15)
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Assented to 2007-06-22
2005, c. 10Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Act
11. Subsection 4(2) of the Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Act is replaced by the following:
Marginal note:National leadership
(2) The Minister is responsible for exercising leadership at the national level relating to public safety and emergency preparedness.
Marginal note:Bill C-2
12. If Bill C-2, introduced in the 1st session of the 39th Parliament and entitled the Federal Accountability Act, receives royal assent, then, on the later of the day on which section 154 of that Act comes into force and the day on which section 1 of this Act comes into force — or, if those days are the same day, then on that day — paragraph 35(2)(c) of the French version of the Access to Information Act is replaced by the following:
c) un tiers, s’il est possible de le joindre sans difficultés, dans le cas où le Commissaire à l’information a l’intention de recommander, aux termes du paragraphe 37(1), la communication de tout ou partie d’un document qui contient ou est, selon lui, susceptible de contenir des secrets industriels du tiers, des renseignements visés aux alinéas 20(1)b) ou b.1) qui ont été fournis par le tiers ou des renseignements dont la communication risquerait, selon lui, d’entraîner pour le tiers les conséquences visées aux alinéas 29(1)c) ou d).
Marginal note:Repeal
13. The Emergency Preparedness Act, chapter 6 of the 4th Supplement to the Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, is repealed.
Marginal note:Order in council
14. This Act other than section 12 comes into force on a day to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.
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