Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
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Fall Economic Statement Implementation Act, 2023 (S.C. 2024, c. 15)

Assented to 2024-06-20

PART 1Amendments to the Income Tax Act and to Other Legislation (continued)

R.S., c. 1 (5th Supp.)Income Tax Act (continued)

  •  (1) Subsection 122.8(1) of the Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order:

    relevant census

    relevant census means

    • (a) for the 2023 and 2024 taxation years, the 2016 census published by Statistics Canada; and

    • (b) in any other case, the last census published by Statistics Canada before the taxation year. (recensement pertinent)

  • (2) Paragraph (a) of the description of E in subsection 122.8(4) of the Act is replaced by the following:

    • (a) 1.2, if there is a census metropolitan area, as determined in the relevant census, in the relevant province and the individual does not reside in a census metropolitan area at the beginning of the specified month, and

  • (3) Subsections (1) and (2) apply to the 2023 and subsequent taxation years.

  •  (1) The portion of section 123.3 of the Act before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:

    Marginal note:Refundable tax — CCPC or substantive CCPC

    123.3 There shall be added to the tax otherwise payable under this Part for each taxation year by a corporation that is a Canadian-controlled private corporation throughout the year — or a substantive CCPC at any time in the year — an amount equal to 10 2/3% of the lesser of

  • (2) Subsection (1) applies to taxation years that end on or after April 7, 2022.

  •  (1) The portion of paragraph (b) of the definition full rate taxable income in subsection 123.4(1) of the Act before subparagraph (i) is replaced by the following:

    • (b) if the corporation is a Canadian-controlled private corporation throughout the year or a substantive CCPC at any time in the year, the amount by which that portion of the corporation’s taxable income for the year that is subject to tax under subsection 123(1) exceeds the total of

  • (2) Subsection (1) applies to taxation years that end on or after April 7, 2022.

  •  (1) The description of A in subsection 125.2(2) of the Act is replaced by the following:

    • (a) 0.075, if the taxation year begins after 2021 and before 2032,

    • (b) 0.05625, if the taxation year begins after 2031 and before 2033,

    • (c) 0.0375, if the taxation year begins after 2032 and before 2034,

    • (d) 0.01875, if the taxation year begins after 2033 and before 2035, and

    • (e) nil, in any other case;

  • (2) The description of C in subsection 125.2(2) of the Act is replaced by the following:

    • (a) 0.045, if the taxation year begins after 2021 and before 2032,

    • (b) 0.03375, if the taxation year begins after 2031 and before 2033,

    • (c) 0.0225, if the taxation year begins after 2032 and before 2034,

    • (d) 0.01125, if the taxation year begins after 2033 and before 2035, and

    • (e) nil, in any other case; and

  •  (1) Paragraph 127(8.1)(b) of the Act is replaced by the following:

    • (b) the taxpayer’s at-risk amount in respect of the partnership, less the total of all amounts required by a clean economy allocation provision (as defined in subsection 127.47(1)) to be added in computing a clean economy tax credit (as defined in subsection 127.47(1)) of the taxpayer at the end of that fiscal period.

  • (2) The definition government assistance in subsection 127(9) of the Act is replaced by the following:

    government assistance

    government assistance means assistance from a government, municipality or other public authority whether as a grant, subsidy, forgivable loan, deduction from tax, investment allowance or as any other form of assistance, other than as a deduction under subsection (5) or (6) or a deemed payment on account of tax payable under subsection 127.44(2); (aide gouvernementale)

  • (3) The definition government assistance in subsection 127(9) of the Act, as amended by subsection (2), is replaced by the following:

    government assistance

    government assistance means assistance from a government, municipality or other public authority whether as a grant, subsidy, forgivable loan, deduction from tax, investment allowance or as any other form of assistance, other than as a deduction under subsection (5) or (6) or a deemed payment on account of tax payable under subsection 127.44(2) or 127.45(2); (aide gouvernementale)

  • (4) The definition non-government assistance in subsection 127(9) of the Act is replaced by the following:

    non-government assistance

    non-government assistance means an amount (other than an amount received directly from a government, municipality or other public authority) that would be included in income under paragraph 12(1)(x) if that paragraph were read without reference to subparagraphs 12(1)(x)(v) to (vii); (aide non gouvernementale)

  • (5) Subsections (1) and (2) are deemed to have come into force on January 1, 2022.

  • (6) Subsection (3) is deemed to have come into force on March 28, 2023.

  •  (1) The Act is amended by adding the following after section 127.43:

    Marginal note:Definitions

    • 127.44 (1) The following definitions apply in this section, Part XII.7 and in Schedule II to the Income Tax Regulations.

      captured carbon

      captured carbon means captured carbon dioxide that

      • (a) would otherwise be released into the atmosphere; or

      • (b) is captured directly from the ambient air. (carbone capté)

      CCUS process

      CCUS process means the process of carbon capture, utilization and storage that includes the

      • (a) capture of carbon dioxide

        • (i) that would otherwise be released into the atmosphere, or

        • (ii) directly from the ambient air; and

      • (b) storage or use of the captured carbon. (processus de CUSC)

      CCUS project

      CCUS project means a project that is intended to support a CCUS process by

      • (a) capturing carbon dioxide

        • (i) that would otherwise be released into the atmosphere, or

        • (ii) directly from the ambient air;

      • (b) transporting captured carbon; or

      • (c) storing or using captured carbon. (projet de CUSC)

      CCUS tax credit

      CCUS tax credit means an amount deemed under subsection (2) to have been paid by a taxpayer on account of its tax payable under this Part for the year. (crédit d’impôt pour le CUSC)

      dedicated geological storage

      dedicated geological storage, in respect of a CCUS project, means a geological formation that is located in a jurisdiction that was a designated jurisdiction at the time that the first qualified CCUS expenditure was made in respect of the project and that is, at the time a relevant expenditure is incurred,

      • (a) capable of permanently storing captured carbon;

      • (b) authorized and regulated for the storage of captured carbon under the laws of the designated jurisdiction; and

      • (c) a formation in which no captured carbon is used for enhanced oil recovery. (stockage géologique dédié)

      designated jurisdiction

      designated jurisdiction means

      • (a) the provinces of British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Alberta; and

      • (b) any other jurisdiction within Canada (including the exclusive economic zone of Canada) or the United States for which a designation by the Minister of the Environment under subsection (13) is in effect. (juridiction désignée)

      dual-use equipment

      dual-use equipment means equipment that is part of a CCUS project of a taxpayer and that is described in any of the following paragraphs (and, in the case of property acquired before the first day of commercial operations of the CCUS project, is verified by the Minister of Natural Resources as being described in any of the following paragraphs):

      • (a) equipment that is not used for natural gas processing or acid gas injection, and that

        • (i) generates electrical energy, heat energy or a combination of electrical and heat energy, if more than 50% of either the electrical energy or heat energy that is expected to be produced over the total CCUS project review period, based on the most recent project plan, is expected (not including equipment that supports the qualified CCUS project indirectly by way of an electrical utility grid) to directly support

          • (A) a qualified CCUS project, unless the equipment uses fossil fuels and emits carbon dioxide that is not subject to capture by a qualified CCUS project, or

          • (B) hydrogen production from electrolysis or natural gas as long as emissions are abated by a qualified CCUS project, unless the equipment uses fossil fuels and emits carbon dioxide that is not subject to capture by a qualified CCUS project,

        • (ii) delivers, collects, recovers, treats or recirculates water, or a combination of any of those activities, in support of a qualified CCUS project,

        • (iii) is transmission equipment that directly transmits electrical energy from a system described in subparagraph (a)(i) to a qualified CCUS project and more than 50% of the electrical energy to be transmitted by the equipment over the total CCUS project review period, based on the most recent project plan, is expected to support the qualified CCUS project or hydrogen production from electrolysis or natural gas as long as emissions are abated by a qualified CCUS project, or

        • (iv) is distribution equipment that distributes electrical or heat energy;

      • (b) equipment that is physically and functionally integrated with the equipment described in paragraph (a) (for greater certainty, excluding construction equipment, furniture, office equipment and vehicles) and that is ancillary equipment used solely to support the functioning of equipment described in paragraph (a) within a CCUS process as part of

        • (i) an electrical system,

        • (ii) a fuel supply system,

        • (iii) a liquid delivery and distribution system,

        • (iv) a cooling system,

        • (v) a process material storage and handling and distribution system,

        • (vi) a process venting system,

        • (vii) a process waste management system, or

        • (viii) a utility air or nitrogen distribution system;

      • (c) equipment that is

        • (i) used as part of a control, monitoring or safety system solely to support the equipment described in paragraphs (a) or (b),

        • (ii) a building or other structure all or substantially all of which is used, or to be used, for the installation or operation of equipment described in paragraph (a), (b) or subparagraph (i), or

        • (iii) used solely to convert another property that would not otherwise be described in paragraph (a) or (b) or subparagraphs (i) and (ii) if the conversion causes the other property to satisfy the description in the paragraphs (a) or (b) or subparagraphs (i) or (ii); or

      • (d) equipment used solely to refurbish property described in paragraphs (a) or (b) or subparagraphs (c)(i) and (ii) that is part of the CCUS project of the taxpayer. (matériel à double usage)

      eligible use

      eligible use means

      • (a) the storage of captured carbon in dedicated geological storage; or

      • (b) the use of captured carbon in producing concrete in Canada or the United States using a qualified concrete storage process. (utilisation admissible)

      first day of commercial operations

      first day of commercial operations means the day that is 120 days after the day on which captured carbon dioxide is first delivered to a carbon transportation, carbon storage or carbon use system for the purpose of storage or use on an ongoing operational basis. (premier jour des activités commerciales)

      ineligible use

      ineligible use means

      • (a) the emission of captured carbon into the atmosphere, other than

        • (i) for the purposes of system integrity or safety, or

        • (ii) incidental emission made in the ordinary course of operations;

      • (b) the storage or use of captured carbon for enhanced oil recovery; and

      • (c) any other storage or use that is not an eligible use. (utilisation non admissible)

      non-government assistance

      non-government assistance has the same meaning as in subsection 127(9). (aide non gouvernementale)

      preliminary CCUS work activity

      preliminary CCUS work activity means an activity that is preliminary to the acquisition, construction, fabrication or installation by or on behalf of a taxpayer of property described in Class 57 or 58 in Schedule II to the Income Tax Regulations in respect of the taxpayer’s CCUS project including, but not limited to, a preliminary activity that is

      • (a) obtaining permits or regulatory approvals;

      • (b) performing front-end design or engineering work, including front-end engineering design studies (or equivalent studies as determined by the Minister of Natural Resources) but excluding detailed design or engineering work in relation to specific property included in Class 57 or Class 58;

      • (c) conducting feasibility studies or pre-feasibility studies (or equivalent studies as determined by the Minister of Natural Resources);

      • (d) conducting environmental assessments; or

      • (e) clearing or excavating land. (travaux préliminaires de CUSC)

      projected eligible use percentage

      projected eligible use percentage, in respect of a CCUS project, for a period is the amount, expressed as a percentage, determined by the formula

      A ÷ B


      is the quantity of captured carbon that the CCUS project is expected, based on the project’s most recent project plan, to support for storage or use in eligible use during the period; and
      is the total quantity of captured carbon that the CCUS project is expected, based on the project’s most recent project plan, to support for storage or use in both eligible use and ineligible use during the period. (pourcentage d’utilisation admissible prévu)
      project plan

      project plan means a plan for a CCUS project that

      • (a) reflects a front-end engineering design study (or an equivalent study as determined by the Minister of Natural Resources) for the CCUS project;

      • (b) describes the quantity of captured carbon that the CCUS project is expected to support for storage or use in each calendar year over its total CCUS project review period, in

        • (i) eligible use, and

        • (ii) ineligible use;

      • (c) contains information required in guidelines published by the Minister of Natural Resources; and

      • (d) is filed with the Minister of Natural Resources, in the form and manner determined by that Minister, before the project’s first day of commercial operations. (plan de projet)

      qualified carbon capture expenditure

      qualified carbon capture expenditure of a taxpayer for a taxation year means an amount that is the portion of an expenditure incurred by the taxpayer to acquire a property in the year, in respect of a qualified CCUS project of the taxpayer, determined by the formula

      A × (B + C + D + E) × F


      is, in respect of property acquired by the taxpayer in the year (other than property situated outside of Canada),
      • (a) the capital cost of property described in (and, in the case of property acquired before the first day of commercial operations of the project, verified by the Minister of Natural Resources as being property described in)

        • (i) paragraph (a) of Class 57 in Schedule II to the Income Tax Regulations, or

        • (ii) any of paragraphs (d) to (g) of Class 57 in Schedule II to the Income Tax Regulations in relation to equipment described in paragraph (a) of that Class, or

      • (b) the proportion of the capital cost of dual-use equipment that,

        • (i) if the equipment is described in subparagraph (a)(i) of the definition dual-use equipment in this subsection, or is acquired in relation to such equipment, the amount of energy expected to be produced for use in a qualified CCUS project over the project’s total CCUS project review period is of the total amount of energy expected to be produced by the equipment in that period (determined without regard to energy produced and consumed by the equipment in the process of producing energy), based on the project’s most recent project plan,

        • (ii) if the equipment is described in subparagraph (a)(ii) of the definition dual-use equipment in this subsection, or is acquired in relation to such equipment, the mass of water expected to be returned from a qualified CCUS project over the project’s total CCUS project review period is of the total mass of water expected to be returned to the equipment in that period, based on the project’s most recent project plan,

        • (iii) if the equipment is described in subparagraph (a)(iii) of the definition dual-use equipment in this subsection, or is acquired in relation to such equipment, the amount of electrical energy expected to be transmitted by the equipment for use in a qualified CCUS project over the total CCUS project review period is of the total amount of electrical energy expected to be transmitted by the equipment in that period (determined without regard to electrical energy consumed by the equipment in the process of transmission), based on the project’s most recent project plan, and

        • (iv) if the equipment is described in subparagraph (a)(iv) of the definition dual-use equipment in this subsection, or is acquired in relation to such equipment, the amount of electrical or heat energy expected to be distributed by the equipment (or if it is distribution equipment that expands the capacity of existing equipment, the electrical or heat energy expected to be distributed by the existing and new equipment) for use in a qualified CCUS project over the total CCUS project review period is of the total amount of electrical or heat energy expected to be distributed by the equipment (or the existing and new equipment) in that period (determined without regard to energy consumed by the equipment in the process of distribution), based on the project’s most recent project plan;

      • (a) if the time of the expenditure is after the first project period, nil, or

      • (b) in any other case, the projected eligible use percentage for the first project period;

      • (a) if the time of the expenditure is after the second project period, nil, or

      • (b) in any other case, the projected eligible use percentage for the second project period;

      • (a) if the time of the expenditure is after the third project period, nil, or

      • (b) in any other case, the projected eligible use percentage for the third project period;

      is the projected eligible use percentage for the fourth project period; and
      • (a) if the time of the expenditure is before the second project period, 0.25,

      • (b) if the time of the expenditure is during the second project period, 0.33,

      • (c) if the time of the expenditure is during the third project period, 0.5, and

      • (d) if the time of the expenditure is during the fourth project period, 1. (dépense admissible pour le captage du carbone)

      qualified carbon storage expenditure

      qualified carbon storage expenditure of a taxpayer for a taxation year means an amount that is the capital cost incurred by the taxpayer to acquire in the year, in respect of a qualified CCUS project of the taxpayer, a property (other than property situated outside of Canada) that is

      • (a) expected, based on the qualified CCUS project’s most recent project plan before the time the expenditure is incurred, to support storage of captured carbon solely in a manner described in paragraph (a) of the definition of eligible use; and

      • (b) described in (and, in the case of property acquired before the first day of commercial operations of the project, verified by the Minister of Natural Resources as being property described in)

        • (i) paragraph (c) of Class 57 in Schedule II to the Income Tax Regulations, or

        • (ii) any of paragraphs (d) to (g) of Class 57 in Schedule II to the Income Tax Regulations in relation to equipment described in paragraph (c) of that Class. (dépense admissible pour le stockage du carbone)

      qualified carbon transportation expenditure

      qualified carbon transportation expenditure of a taxpayer for a taxation year means an amount that is the portion of an expenditure incurred by the taxpayer to acquire a property in the year in respect of a qualified CCUS project of the taxpayer, determined by the formula

      A × (B + C + D + E) × F


      is, in respect of property acquired by the taxpayer in the year (other than property situated outside of Canada), the capital cost of property described in (and, in the case of property acquired before the first day of commercial operations of the project, verified by the Minister of Natural Resources as being property described in)
      • (a) paragraph (b) of Class 57 in Schedule II to the Income Tax Regulations, or

      • (b) any of paragraphs (d) to (g) of Class 57 in Schedule II to the Income Tax Regulations in relation to equipment described in paragraph (b) of that Class;

      • (a) if the time of the expenditure is after the first project period, nil, or

      • (b) in any other case, the projected eligible use percentage for the first project period;

      • (a) if the time of the expenditure is after the second project period, nil, or

      • (b) in any other case, the projected eligible use percentage for the second project period;

      • (a) if the time of the expenditure is after the third project period, nil, or

      • (b) in any other case, the projected eligible use percentage for the third project period;

      is the projected eligible use percentage for the fourth project period; and
      • (a) if the time of the expenditure is before the second project period, 0.25,

      • (b) if the time of the expenditure is during the second project period, 0.33,

      • (c) if the time of the expenditure is during the third project period, 0.5, and

      • (d) if the time of the expenditure is during the fourth project period, 1. (dépense admissible pour le transport du carbone)

      qualified carbon use expenditure

      qualified carbon use expenditure of a taxpayer for a taxation year means an amount that is the capital cost incurred by the taxpayer to acquire in the year, in respect of a qualified CCUS project of the taxpayer, a property (other than property situated outside of Canada) that is

      • (a) described in (and, in the case of property acquired before the first day of commercial operations of the project, verified by the Minister of Natural Resources as being property described in) any of paragraphs (a) to (e) of Class 58 in Schedule II to the Income Tax Regulations; and

      • (b) expected, based on the qualified CCUS project’s most recent project plan before the time the expenditure is incurred, to support storage or use of captured carbon solely in a manner described in paragraph (b) of the definition of eligible use. (dépense admissible pour l’utilisation du carbone)

      qualified CCUS expenditure

      qualified CCUS expenditure means a

      • (a) qualified carbon capture expenditure;

      • (b) qualified carbon transportation expenditure;

      • (c) qualified carbon storage expenditure; or

      • (d) qualified carbon use expenditure. (dépense de CUSC admissible)

      qualified CCUS project

      qualified CCUS project means a CCUS project of a taxpayer that meets the following conditions:

      • (a) it is expected, based on the project’s most recent project plan, to support the capture of carbon dioxide in Canada for a period that is at least equal to the total CCUS project review period for the project;

      • (b) an initial project evaluation has been issued by the Minister of Natural Resources, in the form and manner determined by the Minister of Natural Resources, in respect of the project;

      • (c) based on the most recent project plan for the project, its projected eligible use percentage equals or exceeds 10% in each of the following periods:

        • (i) if the first project period begins after September of a calendar year, the period beginning on the first day of commercial operations and ending on December 31 of the following calendar year, and

        • (ii) each calendar year of the project’s total CCUS project review period, other than a period that includes a year referred to in subparagraph (i); and

      • (d) it is not a project that is

        • (i) operated to service a unit (as defined under the Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Coal-fired Generation of Electricity Regulations) for which the commissioning date (as defined under the Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Coal-fired Generation of Electricity Regulations) was on or before April 7, 2022, and

        • (ii) undertaken for the purpose of complying with emission standards that apply, or will apply, under the Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Coal-fired Generation of Electricity Regulations. (projet de CUSC admissible)

      qualified concrete storage process

      qualified concrete storage process means a process evaluated against the ISO 14034:2016 standard Environmental management — Environmental technology verification for which a validation statement confirming that at least 60% of the captured carbon that is injected into concrete is expected to be mineralized and permanently stored in the concrete has been issued by a professional or organization that

      • (a) is accredited as a verification body, under ISO 14034:2016, Environmental management – Environmental technology verification and ISO/IEC 17020:2012, Conformity assessment — Requirements for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection, by the Standards Council of Canada, the ANSI National Accreditation Board (U.S.) or any other accreditation organization that is a member of the International Accreditation Forum; and

      • (b) meets the requirements of a third-party inspection body described in ISO/IEC 17020:2012, Conformity assessment — Requirements for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection. (processus de stockage dans le béton admissible)

      qualifying taxpayer

      qualifying taxpayer means a taxable Canadian corporation. (contribuable admissible)

      specified percentage

      specified percentage means, in respect of a

      • (a) qualified carbon capture expenditure if incurred to capture carbon

        • (i) directly from ambient air

          • (A) after 2021 and before 2031, 60%,

          • (B) after 2030 and before 2041, 30%, or

          • (C) after 2040, 0%, or

        • (ii) other than directly from ambient air

          • (A) after 2021 and before 2031, 50%,

          • (B) after 2030 and before 2041, 25%, or

          • (C) after 2040, 0%; and

      • (b) qualified carbon transportation expenditure, qualified carbon storage expenditure or qualified carbon use expenditure if incurred

        • (i) after 2021 and before 2031, 37 1/2%,

        • (ii)  after 2030 and before 2041, 18 3/4%, or

        • (iii) after 2040, 0%. (pourcentage déterminé)

      total CCUS project review period

      total CCUS project review period, in respect of a CCUS project, means the period beginning on the first day of commercial operations of the project and ending on the last day of the fourth project period. (période totale d’examen du projet de CUSC)

    • Marginal note:Tax credit

      (2) Where a qualifying taxpayer files a prescribed form containing prescribed information on or before its filing-due date for a taxation year, the taxpayer is deemed to have paid on its balance-due day for the year an amount on account of its tax payable under this Part for the year equal to the total of

      • (a) the amount, if any, by which the taxpayer’s cumulative CCUS development tax credit for the year exceeds its cumulative CCUS development tax credit for the immediately preceding taxation year, and

      • (b) the taxpayer’s CCUS refurbishment tax credit for the year.

    • Marginal note:Deemed deduction

      (3) For the purposes of this section, paragraph 12(1)(t), subsection 13(7.1), the description of I in the definition undepreciated capital cost in subsection 13(21), subsection 53(2), section 127.45 and Part XII.7, the amount deemed under subsection (2) to have been paid by a taxpayer for a taxation year is deemed to have been deducted from the taxpayer’s tax otherwise payable under this Part for the year.

    • Marginal note:Cumulative CCUS development tax credit

      (4) For the purposes of this Act, a taxpayer’s cumulative CCUS development tax credit for a taxation year is the total of all amounts, each of which is, in respect of an expenditure incurred for a qualified CCUS project of the taxpayer before the first day of commercial operations of the CCUS project

      • (a) a qualified CCUS expenditure incurred in the year or a previous taxation year by the taxpayer multiplied by the applicable specified percentage; or

      • (b) an amount required because of subsection (11) to be added in computing the taxpayer’s cumulative CCUS development tax credit at the end of the year or a previous year.

    • Marginal note:CCUS refurbishment tax credit

      (5) For the purposes of this Act, a CCUS refurbishment tax credit of a taxpayer for a taxation year is the total of all amounts, each of which is, in respect of an expenditure incurred for a qualified CCUS project of the taxpayer in the year and during the total CCUS project review period

      • (a) a qualified CCUS expenditure incurred in the year by the taxpayer multiplied by the applicable specified percentage; or

      • (b) an amount required because of subsection (11) to be added in computing the taxpayer’s CCUS refurbishment tax credit at the end of the year.

    • Marginal note:Changes to project or eligible use

      (6) A taxpayer with a qualified CCUS project shall file, within 90 days after the occurrence of either of the events described in paragraph (a) or (b), a revised project plan for the project with the Minister of Natural Resources, in the form and manner determined by the Minister of Natural Resources if, before the first day of commercial operations of the project,

      • (a) the Minister of Natural Resources determines that there has been a material change to the project and requests that the taxpayer file a revised project plan for the project; or

      • (b) there has been a reduction (as compared to the most recent project plan for the project) of more than five percentage points in the projected eligible use percentage in respect of the project during any project period.

    • Marginal note:Revised project evaluation

      (7) If a taxpayer files a revised project plan in accordance with subsection (6), the Minister of Natural Resources shall issue a revised project evaluation with all due dispatch.

    • Marginal note:Qualified CCUS project determination

      (8) For the purposes of this section and Part XII.7,

      • (a) the Minister may, in consultation with the Minister of Natural Resources, determine that one or more CCUS projects is one project or multiple projects

        • (i) at any time before an initial project evaluation of a CCUS project has been issued by the Minister of Natural Resources, or

        • (ii) if the Minister of Natural Resources has requested the filing of a revised project plan for the project, after the revised project plan has been submitted, but before a revised project evaluation has been issued by the Minister of Natural Resources in respect of the revised project plan,

      • (b) any determination under paragraph (a) is deemed to result in the CCUS project or CCUS projects, as the case may be, being one project or multiple projects, as the case may be;

      • (c) for each project determined under paragraph (a), a project plan shall be filed by a taxpayer with the Minister of Natural Resources (in the form and manner determined by the Minister of Natural Resources) on or before the day that is 180 days after the determination is made; and

      • (d) the Minister of Natural Resources may request from a taxpayer all reasonable documentation and information necessary for the Minister of Natural Resources to fulfill a responsibility under this section, including final detailed engineering designs, and may refuse to verify an expenditure or issue an initial project evaluation or a revised project evaluation under this section if such documentation or information is not provided by the taxpayer on or before the day that is 180 days after it was requested.

    • Marginal note:Special rules — adjustments

      (9) For the purposes of this section and Part XII.7,

      • (a) the capital cost to a taxpayer of a property of Class 57 or 58 in Schedule II to the Income Tax Regulations shall be

        • (i) determined without reference to subsections 13(7.1) and (7.4), and

        • (ii) reduced by the amount of any non-government assistance that, at the time of the filing of the taxpayer’s return of income under this Part for the taxation year, the taxpayer has received, is entitled to receive or can reasonably be expected to receive in respect of the property;

      • (b) the amount of a qualified CCUS expenditure of a taxpayer in a taxation year in respect of a CCUS project shall not include

        • (i) any amount in respect of an expenditure incurred by the taxpayer before 2022 or after 2040,

        • (ii) any amount in respect of any expenditure incurred

          • (A) to acquire property that has been used for any purpose by any person or partnership before it was acquired by the taxpayer,

          • (B) for which a tax credit was previously deducted under this section, by any person in respect of the property to which the expenditure relates (other than an expenditure for repair or replacement of that property), or

          • (C) for which an investment tax credit is claimed under section 127 or a clean technology investment tax credit is claimed under section 127.45,

        • (iii) any amount in respect of an expenditure incurred for a preliminary CCUS work activity,

        • (iv) any amount that has, by virtue of section 21, been added to the cost of a property,

        • (v) an expenditure that is incurred by a taxpayer on or after the first day of commercial operations of the CCUS project to the extent that the total of all such amounts exceeds 10% of the total of all qualified CCUS expenditures incurred by the taxpayer before the first day of commercial operations of the CCUS project, or

        • (vi) except where subsection 211.92(11) applies, an expenditure incurred by a taxpayer to acquire a property that is disposed of, or exported from Canada, by the taxpayer in the same taxation year as it was acquired;

      • (c) except for the purposes of subparagraph (b)(i), and subject to subsection (12), if a taxpayer has acquired property outside Canada, the expenditure is deemed to have been incurred, and the property acquired, at the time it is imported into Canada;

      • (d) subsections 127(11.6) to (11.8) apply in this section in respect of an expenditure or cost to a taxpayer except that

        • (i) the reference in subsection 127(11.6) to subsection 127(11.5) shall be read as a reference to section 127.44,

        • (ii) the reference in subsection 127(11.6) to subsection 127(26) shall be read as a reference to subsection 127.44(12), and

        • (iii) the term “qualified expenditure” is to be read as “qualified CCUS expenditure”;

      • (e) if an expenditure of a taxpayer would be a qualified CCUS expenditure, except that the expenditure is incurred in a different taxation year from the year in which the related property is acquired, the expenditure is deemed to be incurred, and the property is deemed to be acquired, in the later of the two years;

      • (f) for the purposes of determining whether a process is a CCUS process, whether a property is described in Class 57 or 58 of Schedule II to the Income Tax Regulations or whether a property is dual-use equipment, the technical guide published by the Department of Natural Resources shall apply conclusively with respect to engineering and scientific matters;

      • (g) if the taxpayer has failed to file a revised project plan required to be filed under subsection (6) by the deadline in that subsection,

        • (i) subject to subparagraph (ii), a taxpayer’s projected eligible use percentage for a CCUS project is deemed to be nil for the total CCUS project review period until such time as the taxpayer has filed the revised project plan, and

        • (ii) once the taxpayer has filed the revised project plan, subparagraph (i) is deemed never to have applied.

    • Marginal note:Repayment of assistance

      (10) If a taxpayer has, in a particular taxation year, repaid (or has not received and can no longer reasonably be expected to receive) an amount of non-government assistance that was applied to reduce the capital cost of a property under subparagraph (9)(a)(ii) for a preceding taxation year, the amount repaid (or no longer expected to be received) shall be added to the capital cost to the taxpayer of a property acquired for the purpose of determining the taxpayer’s qualified CCUS expenditure (under the relevant paragraph of that definition) for the particular year.

    • Marginal note:Partnerships

      (11) Subject to section 127.47, if, in a particular taxation year of a qualifying taxpayer who is a member of a partnership, an amount would be determined under subsection (2) in respect of the partnership, for its taxation year that ends in the particular year, if the partnership were a taxable Canadian corporation and its fiscal period were its taxation year, the portion of that amount that can reasonably be considered to be the taxpayer’s share thereof shall be added in computing the tax credit of the taxpayer under subsection (2) at the end of the particular year.

    • Marginal note:Unpaid amounts

      (12) For the purposes of this section, a taxpayer’s expenditure that is unpaid on the day that is 180 days after the end of the taxation year in which the expenditure is otherwise incurred is deemed

      • (a) not to have been incurred in the year; and

      • (b) to be incurred at the time it is paid.

    • Marginal note:Designation of jurisdiction

      (13) For the purposes of this section and Part XII.7, the following rules apply in relation to the definition designated jurisdiction in subsection (1):

      • (a) if the Minister of the Environment determines that a jurisdiction within Canada or the United States has sufficient environmental laws and enforcement governing the permanent storage of captured carbon

        • (i) the Minister of the Environment may designate the jurisdiction for the purposes of this section and Part XII.7,

        • (ii) the designation under subparagraph (i) shall specify the time at and after which it is in effect, which time may, for greater certainty, precede the time at which the designation is made, and

        • (iii) the Minister of the Environment shall publish on a website maintained by the Government of Canada the designation referred to in subparagraph (i); and

      • (b) the provinces of British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Alberta are deemed to have been designated by the Minister of the Environment in accordance with this subsection.

    • Marginal note:Revocation of designation

      (14) If a jurisdiction makes significant changes to its environmental laws or enforcement governing the permanent storage of captured carbon, and the Minister of the Environment determines that as a result of those changes a jurisdiction designated pursuant to subsection (13) has ceased to have sufficient environmental laws or enforcement governing the permanent storage of captured carbon, the following rules apply:

      • (a) the Minister of the Environment may revoke the designation of the jurisdiction designated under subsection (13);

      • (b) the revocation under paragraph (a) shall specify the time at and after which it is in effect, which time shall not begin sooner than 30 days after the revocation is made; and

      • (c) the Minister of the Environment shall publish on a website maintained by the Government of Canada the revocation referred to in paragraph (a).

    • Marginal note:Purpose

      (15) The purpose of this section and Part XII.7 is to encourage the investment of capital in the development and operation of carbon capture, transportation, utilization and storage capacity in Canada.

    • Marginal note:Tax shelter investment

      (16) Subsections (2) and (3) do not apply in respect of a CCUS project if a property used in the project — or an interest in a person or partnership that has, directly or indirectly, an interest in, or for civil law, a right in, a property used in the project — is a tax shelter investment for the purpose of section 143.2.

    • Marginal note:Late filing

      (17) The Minister may accept the late filing by a qualifying taxpayer of the prescribed form referred to in subsection (2) until one year after the filing-due date referred to in subsection (2), but no payment by the taxpayer is deemed to arise under that subsection until the form has been filed with the Minister.

  • (2) Subsection (1) is deemed to have come into force on January 1, 2022, except that, before March 28, 2023, subsection 127.44(3) of the Act, as enacted by subsection (1), is to be read without reference to section 127.45 and clause 127.44(9)(b)(ii)(C) of the Act, as enacted by subsection (1), is to be read without the words “or a clean technology investment tax credit is claimed under section 127.45”.


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