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National Parks of Canada Fishing Regulations (C.R.C., c. 1120)

Regulations are current to 2025-01-22 and last amended on 2018-11-23. Previous Versions

National Parks of Canada Fishing Regulations

C.R.C., c. 1120


National Parks of Canada Fishing Regulations

 [Repealed, SOR/2003-54, s. 2]


  • SOR/2003-54, s. 3(F)

 In these Regulations,


Act means the Canada National Parks Act; (Loi)


angling means fishing with a hook and line held in the hand or with a hook, line and rod held in the hand but does not include fishing with a set line; (pêche à la ligne)

artificial fly

artificial fly means a single or double hook on a common shank, dressed with silk, tinsel, wool, fur, feathers or other material, or any combination thereof, without a spinning device whether attached to the hook or line; (mouche artificielle)

chemical attractant

chemical attractant means a chemical or scented substance that is applied inside or onto a lure in order to attract fish; (attractif chimique)


Director[Repealed, SOR/96-245, s. 1]


fillet includes any piece of fish from which the internal organs, the head, the fins and the bones, except intramuscular or lateral bones, have been removed; (filet)


fish includes a soft-shell clam (Mya arenaria); (poisson)

fish finder

fish finder means a sonar device for detecting fish; (détecteur de poissons)

fishing permit

fishing permit means a fishing permit that is issued pursuant to paragraph 4(a); (permis de pêche)

foul hooking

foul hooking means fishing with a hook or hooks attached to a line manipulated in such a manner as to pierce a fish in any part of its body other than its mouth; (hameçon illicite)


gaff-hook means any hook attached directly to the end of a rod or pole for the purpose of landing a fish or piercing a fish in any part of its body; (gaffeau)

game fish

game fish means any of the species of fish set out in Schedule I; (poisson de sport)


gang-hook means a combination of two or more hooks used as a unit; (hameçon multiple)

lake trout endorsement

lake trout endorsement means an endorsement to fish for lake trout in the waters of Prince Albert National Park of Canada, issued pursuant to section 4.1; (autorisation de pêcher le touladi)

lead jig

lead jig means one or more weighted hooks that contain more than 1.0 per cent lead by weight and that are tied to a fishing line and used for catching fish; (turlutte plombée)

lead sinker

lead sinker means an object that contains more than 1.0 per cent lead by weight and that can be used to sink a fishing line by attachment of the object to the fishing line; (lest en plomb)


Minister[Repealed, SOR/96-245, s. 1]

natural bait

natural bait means any material used to attract fish that is partly or wholly composed of plants, animals or plant and animal products, but does not include an artificial fly or a wooden plug; (appât naturel)

open season

open season, with respect to any species of fish, means the period of each year during which fishing for that species is permitted in any park waters; (saison de pêche)

overall length

overall length, with respect to a fish other than a soft-shell clam, means the distance measured from the tip of the nose to the fork of the tail or, if there is no fork, to the tip of the tail and, in respect of a soft-shell clam, means the distance measured in a straight line through the longest part of the shell; (longueur totale)


park[Repealed, SOR/93-33, s. 1]

park officer

park officer[Repealed, SOR/99-352, s. 1]


possession has the same meaning as in subsection 4(3) of the Criminal Code; (possession)

salmon licence

salmon licence means a salmon licence that is issued pursuant to paragraph 4(b); (permis de pêche du saumon)

soft-shell clam permit

soft-shell clam permit means a permit that is issued for recreational clam fishing under paragraph 4(c); (permis de pêche de la mye)


Superintendent[Repealed, SOR/90-4, s. 1]


tailer means a device consisting of a wire, cord or rope arranged on a rod or pole in such a manner as to form a noose or snare for the purpose of landing or catching a fish; (serre-queue)


year means the 12-month period commencing on April 1st in any calendar year and terminating on March 31st in the calendar year next following. (année)

  • SOR/81-689, s. 1
  • SOR/86-378, s. 1
  • SOR/90-4, ss. 1, 38(F)
  • SOR/93-33, ss. 1, 34(E)
  • SOR/94-314, s. 1
  • SOR/96-245, s. 1
  • SOR/97-111, s. 1
  • SOR/98-268, s. 1
  • SOR/99-352, s. 1
  • SOR/2003-54, ss. 4, 67
  • SOR/2009-322, s. 1


 These Regulations apply to parks and, subject to sections 40 and 41 of the Act, to park reserves as if they were parks.

  • SOR/2003-54, s. 5
  •  (1) These Regulations do not apply in respect of fishing for commercial purposes for eel, smelt or gaspereau in Kouchibouguac National Park of Canada by persons who

    • (a) in 1967, 1968 or 1969, possessed a commercial fishing licence under the authority of the New Brunswick Fishery Regulations, C.R.C., c. 844, to fish for eel, smelt or gaspereau within the waters of that park; or

    • (b) in 1979, were registered as commercial fishers under the authority of the New Brunswick Fishery Regulations, C.R.C., c. 844, and fished from the Cap St.-Louis or Loggiecroft wharf areas within that park.

  • (2) Fishing for commercial purposes for eel, smelt or gaspereau within Kouchibouguac National Park of Canada shall be subject to the requirements of the Fisheries Act and the regulations made under that Act.

  • SOR/80-33, s. 1
  • SOR/96-245, s. 2
  • SOR/2003-54, s. 68

 With the exception of paragraphs 15.1(a) and (b), these Regulations do not apply in respect of fishing in the marine portion of Forillon National Park of Canada.

  • SOR/90-4, s. 2
  • SOR/98-268, s. 2
  • SOR/2003-54, s. 69

 For those parks within the Inuvialuit Settlement Region, these Regulations do not apply to the beneficiaries of the Inuvialuit Final Agreement as approved, given effect and declared valid by the Western Arctic (Inuvialuit) Claims Settlement Act.

  • SOR/96-245, s. 3
  • SOR/98-268, s. 2

 For those parks within the Nunavut Settlement Area, these Regulations do not apply to the beneficiaries of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement as approved, given effect and declared valid by the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement Act.

  • SOR/98-268, s. 2

 For those parks within the Yukon Territory, south of the Inuvialuit Settlement Region, these Regulations do not apply to the beneficiaries, within their respective traditional territories, of the Champagne and Aishihik First Nations Final Agreement and of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Final Agreement as approved, given effect and declared valid by the Yukon First Nations Land Claims Settlement Act.

  • SOR/98-268, s. 2
  • SOR/99-352, s. 2

 For the Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve of Canada, these Regulations do not apply to people of the Haida Nation to whom the Gwaii Haanas Agreement, authorized by Order in Council P.C. 1992-1591 dated July 16, 1992, applies.

  • SOR/2003-54, s. 6

Fishing Permits

  •  (1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), no person shall fish

    • (a) in any park waters set out in column I of Schedule II unless that person is the holder of a fishing permit;

    • (b) for salmon in any waters in Terra Nova National Park of Canada unless that person is the holder of a salmon licence and is in possession of at least one unused salmon tag;

    • (c) for lake trout in any waters of Prince Albert National Park of Canada unless that person is the holder of a lake trout endorsement and a fishing permit issued pursuant to paragraph 4(a) and is in possession of at least one unused lake trout tag;

    • (d) for soft-shell clams in any waters in Kouchibouguac National Park of Canada unless that person is the holder of a soft-shell clam permit;

    • (e) for salmon in any waters in Cape Breton Highlands National Park of Canada unless that person is the holder of a salmon licence; or

    • (f) for salmon in any waters in Gros Morne National Park of Canada unless that person is

      • (i) the holder of a salmon licence and in possession of at least one unused salmon tag, and

      • (ii) the holder of a salmon licence issued under the Wild Life Regulations, Consolidated Newfoundland and Labrador Regulation 1156/96, made under the Wild Life Act, chapter W-8 of the Revised Statutes of Newfoundland, 1990, and in possession of at least one unused salmon tag issued under those Regulations.

  • (2) Paragraph (1)(a) does not apply to a person under 16 years of age who is accompanied by a person 16 years of age or older who is the holder of a fishing permit.

  • (3) Paragraph (1)(b) does not apply to a person under 16 years of age who is accompanied by a person 16 years of age or older who is the holder of a salmon licence and is in possession of at least one unused salmon tag.

  • (4) Paragraph (1)(c) does not apply to a person under 16 years of age who is accompanied by a person 16 years of age or older who is the holder of a lake trout endorsement and is in possession of at least one unused lake trout tag.

  • (5) Paragraph (1)(d) does not apply to a person under 16 years of age who is accompanied by a person 16 years of age or older who is the holder of a soft-shell clam permit.

  • (6) Paragraph (1)(e) does not apply to a person under 16 years of age who is accompanied by a person 16 years of age or older who is the holder of a salmon licence.

  • SOR/80-51, s. 1(F)
  • SOR/86-378, s. 2
  • SOR/94-314, s. 2
  • SOR/99-352, s. 3
  • SOR/2003-54, ss. 7, 67
  • SOR/2005-206, s. 1

 A superintendent shall, on application by any person and payment by that person of the applicable fee fixed under section 24 of the Parks Canada Agency Act, issue to that person

  • (a) a fishing permit;

  • (b) a salmon licence and, where applicable, one salmon tag; or

  • (c) a soft-shell clam permit.

  • SOR/80-51, s. 2
  • SOR/90-4, s. 38(F)
  • SOR/93-33, s. 34(E)
  • SOR/94-314, s. 2
  • SOR/96-245, s. 4
  • SOR/99-352, s. 4
  • SOR/2003-54, ss. 8, 81(F)

 A superintendent shall, on application by any person who holds a fishing permit, issue to that person a lake trout endorsement and a maximum of two lake trout tags.

  • SOR/99-352, s. 4
  • SOR/2003-54, s. 81(F)

 A fishing permit, salmon licence, soft-shell clam permit or lake trout endorsement

  • (a) is valid for the period in respect of which it is issued; and

  • (b) is valid only when signed by the person to whom it is issued.

  • SOR/86-378, s. 4
  • SOR/88-13, s. 2
  • SOR/99-352, s. 31
  • SOR/2003-54, s. 9

 Where a fishing permit, salmon licence, soft-shell clam permit or lake trout endorsement has been lost, a superintendent shall issue, without charge, a new permit, licence or endorsement, as the case may be, to a person who establishes that the person is the holder of the lost permit, licence or endorsement.

  • SOR/85-426, s. 1
  • SOR/88-13, s. 3
  • SOR/90-4, s. 4
  • SOR/91-402, s. 1
  • SOR/91-664, s. 1
  • SOR/92-233, s. 1
  • SOR/93-33, s. 2
  • SOR/94-314, s. 3
  • SOR/96-245, s. 5
  • SOR/99-352, s. 5
  • SOR/2003-54, s. 10

 Every person shall, when fishing, carry any fishing permit, salmon licence, soft-shell clam permit or lake trout endorsement issued to that person and shall, on request by a superintendent or park warden, produce the permit, licence or endorsement for examination.

  • SOR/80-51, s. 3(F)
  • SOR/86-378, s. 5
  • SOR/90-4, s. 38(F)
  • SOR/93-33, s. 34(E)
  • SOR/99-352, s. 6
  • SOR/2003-54, s. 11
  •  (1) Every person who holds a salmon licence and who catches salmon in a park shall, in the manner set out in a notice posted by the superintendent or, where no such notice is posted, in the manner set out in the salmon licence,

    • (a) register their catch of salmon;

    • (b) maintain a record of their catch of salmon; and

    • (c) submit that record to a park warden.

  • (2) Every person who registers a catch of salmon pursuant to paragraph (1)(a) shall present the entire salmon at the time of registration.

  • (3) [Repealed, SOR/99-352, s. 7]

  • SOR/86-378, s. 6
  • SOR/90-4, s. 38(F)
  • SOR/93-33, s. 3
  • SOR/99-352, s. 7
  • SOR/2003-54, ss. 81(F), 82(F)
  •  (1) Every person who catches and retains a salmon in Gros Morne or Terra Nova National Park of Canada shall immediately affix a salmon tag to it in accordance with subsection (2).

  • (2) A salmon tag shall be affixed through the gill cavity and mouth of the salmon and securely locked.

  • (3) No person shall remove a salmon tag from a salmon except at the time the salmon is prepared for consumption.

  • (4) No person shall be in possession of salmon in Gros Morne or Terra Nova National Park of Canada unless

    • (a) a salmon tag has been affixed to the salmon in accordance with subsection (1); or

    • (b) in the case of salmon caught or taken outside the waters described in subsection (1), the person has possession of the salmon in accordance with the laws of the province within which the park is situated.

  • (5) No person shall affix a salmon tag issued to the person under paragraph 4(b) to a salmon that is caught by another person unless that other person is a person who is under 16 years of age and referred to in subsection 3(3).

  • SOR/86-378, s. 6
  • SOR/90-4, s. 5
  • SOR/93-33, s. 4
  • SOR/96-245, s. 6
  • SOR/99-352, s. 8
  • SOR/2003-54, s. 12
  • SOR/2005-206, s. 2
  • SOR/2009-322, s. 2

 All persons fishing in La Mauricie National Park of Canada shall, in the manner set out in a notice posted by the superintendent at a park wardens’ office, a park information booth or a park entrance, register their daily catch.

  • SOR/94-314, s. 4
  • SOR/2003-54, ss. 70, 81(F), 82(F)

 Every person who holds a lake trout endorsement shall, in the manner set out in a notice posted by the superintendent or, where no such notice is posted, in the manner set out in the lake trout endorsement,

  • (a) register their catch of lake trout;

  • (b) maintain a record of their catch of lake trout; and

  • (c) submit that record to a park warden.

  • SOR/99-352, s. 9
  • SOR/2003-54, ss. 81(F), 82(F)
  •  (1) Every person who catches and retains a lake trout in Prince Albert National Park of Canada shall immediately affix to it a lake trout tag in accordance with subsection (2).

  • (2) A lake trout tag shall be affixed through the gill cavity and mouth of the lake trout and securely locked.

  • (3) No person shall remove a lake trout tag from a lake trout except at the time the lake trout is prepared for consumption.

  • (4) No person shall be in possession of lake trout in Prince Albert National Park of Canada unless

    • (a) in the case of lake trout caught or taken outside Prince Albert National Park of Canada, the person has possession of the lake trout in accordance with the laws of Saskatchewan and has declared possession of the lake trout on entering Prince Albert National Park of Canada in the form provided by the superintendent; and

    • (b) in any other case, a lake trout tag has been affixed to the lake trout in accordance with subsection (1).

  • (5) No person shall affix a lake trout tag issued to the person under section 4.1 to a lake trout that is caught by another person unless that other person is a person who is under 16 years of age and referred to in subsection 3(4).

  • SOR/99-352, s. 9
  • SOR/2003-54, s. 67
  • SOR/2009-322, s. 3
  •  (1) Every person who holds a soft-shell clam permit and who catches soft-shell clams in Kouchibouguac National Park of Canada shall, in the manner set out in a notice posted by the superintendent or, where no such notice is posted, in the manner set out in the permit

    • (a) register their catch of soft-shell clams;

    • (b) maintain a record of their catch of soft-shell clams; and

    • (c) submit the record to a park warden.

  • (2) The superintendent shall, in determining the manner in which the responsibilities referred to in paragraphs (1)(a) to (c) are fulfilled, take into account the park’s natural and cultural resources and the preservation, control and management of the park.

  • SOR/2003-54, s. 13
  •  (1) A superintendent or park warden who has reasonable grounds to believe that a person who is the holder of a fishing permit, salmon licence, soft-shell clam permit or lake trout endorsement has violated these Regulations may suspend and take possession of the fishing permit, salmon licence, soft-shell clam permit or lake trout endorsement, as the case may be, held by that person.

  • (2) Where a fishing permit, salmon licence, soft-shell clam permit or lake trout endorsement has been suspended pursuant to subsection (1), the suspension shall be cancelled and the fishing permit, salmon licence, soft-shell clam permit or lake trout endorsement shall be revalidated and returned to the person to whom it was issued

    • (a) after the expiration of 30 days from the date of the suspension unless before that time proceedings have been instituted in respect of the alleged violation for which the fishing permit, salmon licence, soft-shell clam permit or lake trout endorsement was suspended; or

    • (b) after that person is acquitted of the alleged violation for which the fishing permit, salmon licence, soft-shell clam permit or lake trout endorsement was suspended.

  • (3) Where a person who is the holder of a fishing permit, salmon licence, soft-shell clam permit or lake trout endorsement has been convicted of a violation of these Regulations, any fishing permit, salmon licence, soft-shell clam permit or lake trout endorsement held by that person shall be cancelled.

  • (4) Where a fishing permit, salmon licence, soft-shell clam permit or lake trout endorsement has been suspended pursuant to subsection (1), the person to whom it was issued shall not obtain or be in possession of any other of those documents at any time during the period of suspension.

  • (5) Where a fishing permit, salmon licence, soft-shell clam permit or lake trout endorsement is cancelled pursuant to subsection (3), the person to whom it was issued shall not obtain or be in possession of any other of those documents at any time during the period of one year following the date of cancellation.

  • SOR/80-51, s. 4
  • SOR/86-378, s. 7
  • SOR/90-4, s. 38(F)
  • SOR/93-33, s. 34(E)
  • SOR/94-314, s. 5
  • SOR/96-245, s. 7
  • SOR/99-352, s. 10
  • SOR/2003-54, ss. 14, 80, 81(F), 82(F)

Open Seasons

  •  (1) Subject to subsections (3) and (4) and section 20, the open season in each year in park waters set out in Column I of an item of Schedule II for the species of fish set out in Column II of that item is the period set out in Column III of that item inclusive of the opening and closing dates.

  • (2) No person shall fish for any species of fish in a park except in park waters set out in Column I of an item of Schedule II for the species of fish set out in Column II of that item and during the open season for fish of that species set out in Column III of that item.

  • (3) Where the first day of an open season falls on a Sunday or Monday in any year, the open season shall begin on the Saturday immediately preceding that Sunday or Monday.

  • (4) Where the last day of an open season falls on a Friday or Saturday in any year, the open season shall end on the Sunday immediately following that Friday or Saturday.

Catch and Possession Limits

  • SOR/2003-54, s. 83
  •  (1) No person shall, on any day, catch in the park waters set out in column I of Part I of Schedule III and retain in respect of a species of fish set out in column II, fish that are

    • (a) in total, a number in excess of

      • (i) in the case of the park waters set out in items 1 to 26, the daily catch and possession limit set out in column III, and

      • (ii) in the case of the park waters set out in item 27, the daily catch limit set out in column III; or

    • (b) of an overall length in excess of or less than, as the case may be, the overall length, if any, set out in column III of that item.

  • (2) No person shall have in possession within the boundaries of a park referred to in column I of Part I of Schedule III in respect of a species of fish set out in column II, fish that are

    • (a) in total, a number in excess of

      • (i) in the case of a park referred to in items 1 to 26, the daily catch and possession limit set out in column III, and

      • (ii) in the case of the park referred to in item 27, the possession limit set out in column III; or

    • (b) of an overall length in excess of or less than, as the case may be, the overall length, if any, set out in column III of that item.

  • SOR/80-51, s. 5(F)
  • SOR/93-33, s. 5(F)
  • SOR/94-314, s. 6
  • SOR/96-245, s. 8
  • SOR/2017-21, s. 1

 No person shall,

  • (a) on any day, catch in the park waters set out in column I of Part II of Schedule III and retain a number of fish of the species set out in column II, that is in excess of

    • (i) in the case of the park waters set out in items 1 to 25, the aggregate daily catch and possession limit set out in column III, and

    • (ii) in the case of the park waters set out in item 26, the aggregate daily catch limit set out in column III;

  • (b) have in possession within the boundaries of a park referred to in column I of Part II of Schedule III, a number of fish of the species set out in column II that is in excess of

    • (i) in the case of a park referred to in items 1 to 25, the aggregate daily catch and possession limit set out in column III, and

    • (ii) in the case of the park referred to in item 26, the aggregate possession limit set out in column III; or

  • (c) fish in park waters set out in column I of Part II of Schedule III, on any day after having, on that day, caught in those waters and retained a number of fish of the species set out in column II that is

    • (i) in the case of the park waters set out in items 1 to 25, the aggregate daily catch and possession limit set out in column III, and

    • (ii) in the case of the park waters set out in item 26, the aggregate possession limit set out in column III.

  • SOR/90-4, s. 6(F)
  • SOR/93-33, s. 6
  • SOR/94-314, s. 6
  • SOR/96-245, s. 8
  • SOR/98-268, s. 3(E)
  • SOR/99-352, s. 11
  • SOR/2017-21, s. 2

 Notwithstanding Parts I and II of Schedule III, no person shall fish in La Mauricie National Park of Canada on any day after having on that day caught in the waters of that park and retained

  • (a) two lake trout; or

  • (b) three northern pike.

  • SOR/86-378, s. 8
  • SOR/90-4, s. 7(F)
  • SOR/93-33, s. 7
  • SOR/94-314, s. 6
  • SOR/2003-54, s. 70

 If the daily catch and possession limit set out in column III of Part I of Schedule III is 0, any person who catches a fish of a species set out in column II shall immediately unhook the fish and return it to the water with as little damage to the fish as possible.

  • SOR/98-268, s. 4
  • SOR/2017-21, s. 3
  • SOR/2018-250, s. 2

 Nothwithstanding the limit set out in column III of paragraph 8(a) of Parts I and II of Schedule III, no person shall, in any year, in the waters of Prince Albert National Park of Canada, catch and retain more than two lake trout.

  • SOR/99-352, s. 12
  • SOR/2003-54, s. 67

 Notwithstanding Schedule III, no person shall fish for atlantic salmon in any waters of Cape Breton Highlands National Park of Canada on any day after having caught and released two atlantic salmon measuring 30 cm or more.

  • SOR/2003-54, s. 15

 [Repealed, SOR/94-314, s. 6]

 Where a fish has been filleted, two fillets shall be treated as one fish and, unless the body is shown, every fillet shall be treated as having been taken from a game fish.

  • SOR/94-314, s. 6

 For the purposes of these Regulations, a fish in the possession of a person under 16 years of age who does not hold a fishing permit, salmon licence, soft-shell clam permit or lake trout endorsement, but who is accompanied by a person holding a fishing permit, salmon licence, soft-shell clam permit or lake trout endorsement, shall be considered to be in the possession of the holder of the fishing permit, salmon licence, soft-shell clam permit or lake trout endorsement.

  • SOR/94-314, s. 6
  • SOR/96-245, s. 9
  • SOR/99-352, s. 13
  • SOR/2003-54, s. 80

Prohibitions and General Provisions

  • SOR/96-245, s. 10
  • SOR/2003-54, s. 83
  •  (1) Except as otherwise provided in these Regulations, no person shall fish in park waters by any method other than angling.

  • (2) No person shall be in possession, within 100 m of any park waters, of any equipment that can be used to catch or take fish, unless fishing in those waters by means of that equipment is permitted by these Regulations.

  • (3) Notwithstanding subsection (2), no person shall be in possession at any time, within the boundaries of a park, of any equipment that can be used to catch or take fish, other than equipment used for angling or for taking soft-shell clams or American eel, except when carrying such equipment through the park in a vehicle to a destination outside the park or to a residence in the park.

  • (4) No person shall fish from a bridge or any other structure that crosses the waters of Cape Breton Highlands, Fundy, Gros Morne, Prince Edward Island or Terra Nova National Park of Canada.

  • (5) No person in La Mauricie or Forillon National Park of Canada shall have in possession fishing equipment unless

    • (a) the person holds a fishing permit; or

    • (b) the fishing equipment is kept inside a motor vehicle.

  • (6) No person shall, while fishing in Fundy, Kouchibouguac, Cape Breton Highlands or Terra Nova National Park of Canada, use an artificial fly that incorporates a weight as an integral part of the artificial fly, that is attached to a sinking line, or that has a weight attached to the hook or line, for the purpose of causing the artificial fly to sink.

  • (7) No person shall use a fish finder while fishing in Kejimkujik or La Mauricie National Park of Canada.

  • SOR/80-51, s. 6
  • SOR/86-378, s. 10
  • SOR/90-4, s. 9
  • SOR/94-314, s. 7
  • SOR/96-245, s. 11
  • SOR/2003-54, s. 16
  • SOR/2005-206, s. 3

 No person shall catch and retain

  • (a) subject to paragraph (b), invertebrates from the marine portion of Forillon National Park of Canada unless the person is the holder of a fishing permit, issued by the superintendent, authorizing their removal for scientific or park management purposes;

  • (b) for commercial purposes, lobster or fish used as lobster bait, from the marine part of Forillon National Park of Canada unless the person is the holder of a licence, issued under the National Parks Businesses Regulations, 1998, to carry on that business;

  • (c) subject to paragraph (d), invertebrates from Kouchibouguac National Park of Canada unless the person is the holder of a fishing permit, issued by the superintendent, authorizing their removal for scientific or park management purposes; or

  • (d) for commercial purposes, soft-shell clams from Kouchibouguac National Park of Canada unless the person is the holder of a licence that authorizes that activity and that is issued under the National Parks of Canada Businesses Regulations.

  • SOR/96-245, s. 12
  • SOR/2003-54, s. 17
  • SOR/2009-322, s. 4

 No person shall fish in park waters by foul hooking.

 No person shall, when fishing in park waters, use

  • (a) more than one fishing line;

  • (b) a fishing line having more than one artificial fly or other type of bait;

  • (c) a fishing line having an artificial fly to which is attached any live or dead natural bait;

  • (d) a fishing line having any combination of hooks capable of catching more than one fish at a time;

  • (e) a fishing line having more than one type of lure;

  • (f) a lure having more than

    • (i) two single hooks,

    • (ii) two gang-hooks, or

    • (iii) one single hook and one gang-hook;

  • (g) a gang-hook having more than three hooks; or

  • (h) a lead sinker or lead jig that weighs less than 50 g.

  • SOR/97-111, s. 2
  • SOR/2009-322, s. 5(F)

 No person shall, while fishing for any species of fish in the waters of Riding Mountain or Point Pelee National Park of Canada, use a hook from which the barbs have not been removed unless the barbs have been pinched to the shaft of the hook.

  • SOR/90-4, s. 10
  • SOR/93-33, s. 12
  • SOR/97-111, s. 3
  • SOR/2003-54, s. 18
  •  (1) Subject to subsection (2), no person shall, while fishing in any waters in Kluane National Park of Canada or in Kluane National Park Reserve of Canada, use a hook from which the barbs have not been removed unless the barbs have been pinched to the shaft of the hook.

  • (2) No person shall, while fishing in the waters of the Kathleen River that are located in the area of land referred to in subsection (1), use a hook unless it is a single hook and

    • (a) the barbs have been removed from it; or

    • (b) the barbs have been pinched to the shaft of the hook.

  • SOR/93-33, s. 12
  • SOR/96-245, s. 13
  • SOR/2003-54, s. 19

 No person shall, while fishing in the waters of Kejimkujik National Park of Canada set out in column II of paragraph 2(e) of Schedule V for any species of fish set out in column I of that paragraph, use

  • (a) any method other than angling with an artificial fly; and

  • (b) a hook from which the barbs have not been removed, unless the barbs have been pinched to the shaft of the hook.

  • SOR/96-245, s. 13
  • SOR/2003-54, s. 71

 No person shall, while fishing in park waters for any species of fish, be in possession of any lead sinker or lead jig that weighs less than 50 g.

  • SOR/97-111, s. 4

 No person shall, when angling, leave a fishing line unattended.

  •  (1) Subject to subsection (4), no person shall have in possession, within 100 metres of park waters, a net capable of being used for fishing unless the person

    • (a) is the holder of a fishing permit, salmon licence, soft-shell clam permit or lake trout endorsement;

    • (b) keeps the net inside a motor vehicle;

    • (c) [Repealed, SOR/94-314, s. 8]

    • (d) is in possession of the net in Point Pelee National Park of Canada for purposes of fishing in waters outside the park.

  • (2) No person shall use or have in his possession in a park a gaff-hook or tailer.

  • (3) Subsection (2) does not apply in respect of Riding Mountain National Park of Canada.

  • (4) Nothing in these Regulations prohibits the use of a landing net or a dip net to land a fish caught by angling.

  • SOR/81-689, s. 2
  • SOR/86-378, s. 11
  • SOR/90-4, s. 11
  • SOR/93-33, s. 13
  • SOR/94-314, s. 8
  • SOR/96-245, s. 14
  • SOR/99-352, ss. 14, 31
  • SOR/2003-54, ss. 72, 73, 80

 No person shall fish in

  • (a) any park waters set out in Schedule IV or, where applicable, during the time set out in that schedule;

  • (b) any park waters used for propagating, protecting, conserving or displaying fish; or

  • (c) any part of park waters designated by a superintendent for public swimming or as a marina.

  • SOR/90-4, s. 38(F)
  • SOR/93-33, s. 34(E)
  • SOR/98-268, s. 5
  • SOR/2003-54, s. 81(F)
  •  (1) Despite column I of item 42.2 of Schedule II, no person shall fish for soft-shell clams in any waters of Kouchibouguac National Park of Canada except where waters are marked for that purpose and in the manner set out in a notice posted by the superintendent or, where no such notice is posted, in the manner set out in the soft-shell clam permit.

  • (2) The superintendent shall, in determining the manner in which a person may fish for soft-shell clams, take into account the park’s natural and cultural resources and the preservation, control and management of the park.

  • SOR/2003-54, s. 20
  •  (1) No person shall fish for any species of fish set out in Column I of an item of Schedule V in any park waters set out in Column II of that item by any method except angling with an artificial fly.

  • (2) No person shall fish for salmon in any parks waters set out in Schedule VI.

  • SOR/86-378, s. 12
  •  (1) No person shall fish in park waters, other than in the waters of those parks referred to in subsection (2), during the period from two hours after sunset on any day until one hour before sunrise on the day immediately following.

  • (2) No person shall fish in the waters of Cape Breton Highlands, Fundy, Georgian Bay Islands, Gros Morne, Kejimkujik, Kouchibouguac, La Mauricie, Point Pelee, Prince Edward Island or Terra Nova National Park of Canada during the period starting one hour after sunset on any day and ending one hour before sunrise on the next day.

  • SOR/81-689, s. 3
  • SOR/96-245, s. 15
  • SOR/2003-54, s. 21
  • SOR/2005-206, s. 4

 No person shall fish for or have in his possession in a park any salmon fry, parr, smolt or spent salmon, also known as slink, black or kelt salmon.

  • SOR/86-378, s. 13
  •  (1) No person shall use for bait or have in his possession in a park live fish eggs or live minnows.

  • (2) No person shall use or have in possession for use as bait live or dead fish or any parts thereof

    • (a) in Jasper, Banff, Waterton Lakes, Yoho, Kootenay, Glacier, Mount Revelstoke, Prince Albert, Riding Mountain, Wood Buffalo or La Mauricie National Park of Canada;

    • (b) in Kluane National Park of Canada or in Kluane National Park Reserve of Canada; or

    • (c) in Nahanni National Park Reserve of Canada.

  • (3) No person shall use for bait, or be in possession of, dead fish eggs in La Mauricie, Wood Buffalo, Prince Albert or Riding Mountain National Park of Canada.

  • (4) No person shall use any natural bait or any chemical attractant in any park waters set out in an item of Schedule VII.

  • SOR/78-766, s. 1
  • SOR/83-280, s. 1
  • SOR/88-13, s. 4(E)
  • SOR/90-4, s. 12
  • SOR/96-245, s. 16
  • SOR/2003-54, s. 22

 No person shall fish for soft-shell clams within Kejimkujik or Kouchibouguac National Park of Canada, except through the use of their hands or hand tools.

  • SOR/96-245, s. 17
  • SOR/2003-54, s. 23

 Unless authorized by a superintendent, no person shall place in park waters or transfer between bodies of park waters live fish eggs or live fish.

  • SOR/80-51, s. 7(F)
  • SOR/96-245, s. 42
  • SOR/2003-54, s. 81(F)
  •  (1) Subject to subsection (2), no person shall put any meat, bones, dead fish or offal, grain, dry feed or other food for fish in park waters.

  • (2) A superintendent may designate park waters where offal from fish caught in those park waters is permitted to be put.

  • SOR/90-4, s. 13
  • SOR/2003-54, s. 81(F)

 No person hired or employed in a park as a boatman or fishing guide shall fish in park waters while carrying out the duties for which that person was hired or employed.

  • SOR/98-268, s. 6
  •  (1) Subject to subsection (2), no person shall, when fishing, swimming or diving in park waters, have in his possession a spear, spear-gun or any underwater equipment that may be used for fishing.

  • (2) A person diving in park waters may have in his possession underwater equipment that facilitates diving.

 Unless authorized by a superintendent, no person shall obstruct or alter any park waters in such manner as to prevent, obstruct or redirect the free passage of fish.

  • SOR/96-245, s. 42
  • SOR/2003-54, s. 81(F)
  •  (1) For the purposes of this section, a fish-counting fence means a structure placed in park waters by a superintendent for the purpose of capturing fish or controlling the movement of fish in those waters.

  • (2) No person shall disturb or tamper with a fish-counting fence.

  • (3) No person shall fish within 100 metres of a fish-counting fence.

  • SOR/90-4, s. 14
  • SOR/2003-54, s. 81(F)

 Unless authorized by a superintendent, no person shall sell, offer for sale, trade or barter any fish caught in park waters.

  • SOR/96-245, s. 42
  • SOR/2003-54, s. 81(F)

 No person who has caught, in park waters, a fish suitable for human consumption shall allow that fish to spoil or otherwise be wasted.

 No person shall harass, disturb or chase, or attempt to harass, disturb or chase fish in park waters by throwing stones or by any means other than fishing.

  • SOR/86-378, s. 14

 [Repealed, SOR/99-352, s. 15]

 These Regulations do not apply to a person authorized by a superintendent carry out functions related to fisheries management, investigation or research in a park while the person is engaged in carrying out such functions.

  • SOR/96-245, s. 42
  • SOR/2003-54, s. 81(F)

 Notwithstanding section 15 and subsection 28(1), but subject to section 9, in Kouchibouguac National Park of Canada, a person may fish for American eel by means of a spear held in the hand.

  • SOR/79-333, s. 1
  • SOR/86-378, s. 15
  • SOR/94-314, s. 19
  • SOR/2003-54, s. 68
  •  (1) Every person who engages in ice fishing in park waters shall keep any fish, offal, refuse and deleterious substances in containers suitable for their temporary storage and shall remove the containers at the end of each day of fishing from any area in which the person has been fishing.

  • (2) Where, in any park waters, ice conditions are unsafe for ice-fishing, a superintendent may, by notice in writing, prohibit ice-fishing in any such waters.

  • (3) Every notice issued pursuant to subsection (2) shall contain a description of the park waters in respect of which the notice is issued and shall be posted by the superintendent in a conspicuous place in the park.

  • (4) Where a notice is issued pursuant to subsection (2), no person shall ice-fish in any park waters described in that notice.

  • (5) No person shall engage in ice fishing in any flowing waters in Banff National Park of Canada.

  • (6) No person shall engage in ice fishing in any waters in Cape Breton Highlands National Park of Canada unless otherwise indicated by a notice posted by the superintendent in accordance with section 35.

  • SOR/90-4, s. 15
  • SOR/93-33, s. 14
  • SOR/96-245, s. 19
  • SOR/2003-54, ss. 24, 74, 81(F)
  •  (1) Notwithstanding sections 3 and 10 and Schedule II, a superintendent may, by notice in writing, during an open season close any park waters to fishing or restrict the extent of fishing in such waters where it is necessary to do so for the protection, conservation and management of fish in those waters.

  • (2) Every notice issued pursuant to subsection (1) shall contain a description of park waters in respect of which the notice is issued and shall be posted by the superintendent in conspicuous places in the park.

  • (3) Where a notice is issued pursuant to subsection (1), no person shall

    • (a) fish in any park waters described in that notice, where the notice closes those park waters to fishing; and

    • (b) exceed the extent of fishing set out in the notice, where the notice restricts the extent of fishing in any park waters.

  • SOR/80-51, s. 9(F)
  • SOR/90-4, s. 38(F)
  • SOR/93-33, s. 34(E)
  • SOR/96-245, s. 42
  • SOR/99-352, s. 16
  • SOR/2003-54, s. 81(F)

 Every person shall, when fishing in park waters or when in possession of fishing equipment or bait or any fish in a park, on request by a superintendent or park warden, produce the fishing equipment or bait or the fish for examination.

  • SOR/90-4, s. 16
  • SOR/99-352, s. 17
  • SOR/2003-54, s. 25(F)

 Every person who fishes in Banff, Waterton Lakes, Yoho, Kootenay, Glacier, Jasper or Mount Revelstoke National Park of Canada shall, in the manner set out in a notice posted by the superintendent at a park wardens’ office, a park information booth or any park entrance,

  • (a) register the person’s catch of fish;

  • (b) maintain a record of the person’s catch of fish; and

  • (c) submit that record to a park warden.

  • SOR/94-314, s. 9
  • SOR/99-352, s. 18
  • SOR/2003-54, ss. 26, 81(F), 82(F)

SCHEDULE I(Section 2)

Game Fish

Column IColumn II
ItemCommon NameScientific Name
1GraylingThymallus arcticus
  • (a) Largemouth bass

  • (a) Micropterus salmoides

  • (b) Smallmouth bass

  • (b) Micropterus dolomieui

  • (c) White bass

  • (c) Morone chrysops

  • (d) Striped bass

  • (d) Morone saxitalis

  • (e) White perch

  • (e) Morone americana

3MuskellungeEsox masquinongy
4Yellow perchPerca flavescens
5Northern pikeEsox lucius
  • (a) Atlantic salmon

  • (a) Salmo salar

  • (b) Ouananiche or landlocked salmon

  • (b) Salmo salar ouananiche

  • (c) Kokanee or sockeye salmon

  • (c) Oncorhynchus nerka

7Trout and Charr
  • (a) Arctic charr

  • (a) Salvelinus alpinus

  • (b) Brown trout

  • (b) Salmo trutta

  • (c) Cutthroat trout

  • (c) Oncorhynchus clarki

  • (d) Bull trout

  • (d) Salvelinus confluentus

  • (e) Brook, speckled or sea trout

  • (e) Salvelinus fontinalis

  • (f) Golden trout

  • (f) Oncorhynchus aquabonita

  • (g) Lake or grey trout

  • (g) Salvelinus namaycush

  • (h) Marstoni or red trout

  • (h) Salvelinus alpinus marstoni

  • (i) Rainbow trout

  • (i) Oncorhynchus mykiss

  • (j) Splake trout (hybrid between speckled trout and lake trout)

  • (j) Salvelinus fontinalis crossed with Salvelinus namaycush

  • (k) Dolly Varden

  • (k) Salvelinus malma

8Walleye, pickerel or doréStizostedion vitreum
  • (a) Lake whitefish

  • (a) Coregonus clupeaformis

  • (b) Mountain whitefish

  • (b) Prosopium williamsoni

  • SOR/83-280, s. 2(E)
  • SOR/86-378, s. 16
  • SOR/90-4, s. 17
  • SOR/94-314, s. 10
  • SOR/2009-322, s. 9(F)

SCHEDULE II(Sections 3, 9, 20.1 and 35)

Open Seasons

Column IColumn IIColumn III
Park WatersSpecies of FishOpen Season
The following waters in Banff National Park of Canada
1Bow River, from Bow Lake Outlet to east Park boundary blank lineAllApril 1 to March 31
1.1All the tributaries of the Bow River, except the Cascade River and its tributaries and associated lakes above Lake Minnewanka blank lineAllJuly 1 to August 31
2Lake Minnewanka, Ghost Lakes, Two Jack Lake, Johnson Lake and Johnson Creek beaver ponds, the Three Vermilion Lakes and connecting streams and beaver ponds, Copper Lake, Kingfisher Lake and Pilot Lake blank lineAllVictoria Day to Labour Day
3All other waters except as specified in Schedule IV blank lineAllJuly 1 to October 31
The following waters in Jasper National Park of Canada blank line
4Sunwapta River, Athabaska River (upstream of Athabaska Falls) blank lineAllApril 1 to March 31
5Athabaska River (upstream of 12 Mile Bridge on Hwy 16 East to Athabaska Falls), Fiddle River, Maligne River (below Maligne Canyon), Miette River, Rocky River, Snake Indian River, Snaring River blank lineAllApril 1 to Labour Day and November 1 to March 31
6Athabaska River (downstream of 12 Mile Bridge on Hwy 16 East to east park boundary, including all side channels, Pocahontas Ponds and other connected wetlands) blank lineAllJune 1 to Labour Day and November 1 to March 31
7Annette Lake, Beaver Lake, Dragon Lake, Long Lake, Lorraine Lake, Moab Lake, Mona Lake, No Name Lake (Hwy 93 south Km 48), Pyramid Lake, Lakes Three, Four and Five in the Valley of the Five blank lineAllVictoria Day to Labour Day
7.1Maligne Lake, Talbot Lake, Edna Lake blank lineAllVictoria Day to September 30
7.2Maligne River, from a point 420 m downstream from the Maligne Lake Outlet bridge to Medicine Lake including that part of Medicine Lake within a 180 m radius of a point in the middle of the Maligne River where it enters Medicine Lake blank lineAllAugust 1 to October 1
7.3All other rivers and streams except as specified in Schedule IV blank lineAllJuly 1 to Labour Day
7.4All other lakes except as specified in Schedule IV blank lineAllJuly 1 to October 31
The following waters in Waterton Lakes National Park of Canada
8The Dardanelles, Knights Lake, Waterton River, Maskinonge Lake blank lineAllApril 1 to March 31
9Waterton Lakes, Cameron Lake and Creek, Crandell Lake, Akamina Lake blank lineAllVictoria Day to Labour Day
10All other waters except as specified in Schedule IV blank lineAllJuly 1 to October 31
10.1Blakiston (Bauerman) Creek and all its tributaries blank lineAllJuly 1 to August 31
The following waters in Kootenay National Park of Canada
11Kootenay River and Vermilion River blank lineAllJune 15 to October 31
12Cobb Lake and Olive Lake blank lineAllMay 20 to September 4
12.1Dog Lake and Kaufman Lake blank lineAllJuly 1 to September 4
13All other waters blank lineAllJuly 1 to October 31
The following waters in Yoho National Park of Canada
14Kicking Horse River downstream from the confluence of the Kicking Horse River and the Yoho River to the West Park boundary blank lineAllApril 1 to March 31
15McArthur Lake, Ottertail Lake, Sink Lake, Summit Lake and Wapta Lake blank lineAllVictoria Day to Labour Day
15.1The north bay of Lake O’Hara and Cataract Brook for 1.6 km downstream from Lake O’Hara blank lineAllJuly 15 to October 31
16All other waters blank lineAllJuly 1 to October 31
The following waters in Mount Revelstoke and Glacier National Parks of Canada
17All waters except as specified in Schedule IV blank lineAllJuly 1 to October 31
The following waters in Wood Buffalo National Park of Canada
18All waters blank lineAllVictoria Day to October 15
The following waters in Prince Albert National Park of Canada
19Waskesiu Lake blank lineAllVictoria Day to March 31
20Wassegam Lake and Kingsmere Lake blank lineAllVictoria Day to Labour Day
20.1Crean Lake blank lineAll except Lake TroutVictoria Day to Labour Day
21All other waters except as specified in Schedule IV blank lineAllVictoria Day to September 30
The following waters in Riding Mountain National Park of Canada
22Clear Lake and Lake AudyAllMay 15 to March 31
23All other waters except as specified in Schedule IVAllMay 15 to September 30
The following waters in Georgian Bay Islands National Park of Canada
24All waters blank lineAllJuly 1 to September 30
25[Repealed, SOR/96-245, s. 24]
The following waters in Terra Nova National Park of Canada
26Dunphy’s Pond (also known as Duncan’s Pond) blank lineTrout (other than ice fishing)Victoria Day to the third Sunday of August
Trout (ice fishing)Third Saturday of February to the fourth Sunday of March
26.1North West River blank lineAllFourth Saturday of June to the third Sunday of August
27All other waters, except as specified in Schedule IV or Schedule VI blank lineAllVictoria Day to the third Sunday of August
The following waters in Fundy National Park of Canada
28. and 28.1 [Repealed, SOR/96-245, s. 26]
29All waters except as specified in Schedule IV or Schedule VI blank lineAllVictoria Day to September 15
The following waters in Prince Edward Island National Park of Canada
30All waters blank lineAllApril 15 to September 30
The following waters in Cape Breton Highlands National Park of Canada
30.1All waters blank lineBrook, speckled or sea troutOctober 1 to August 31
31Chéticamp River from the park boundary at the Gulf of St. Lawrence to the lower end of the Terre Rouge pool blank lineAll except SalmonApril 15 to September 30
SalmonVictoria Day to September 30
31.1Chéticamp River and tributaries from the lower end of the Terre Rouge Pool upstream to, and including, the Fence Pool blank lineAll except salmonVictoria Day to September 30
SalmonVictoria Day to October 31
32Chéticamp River and tributaries upstream from the Fence Pool blank lineAllVictoria Day to September 30
32.1Freshwater Lake blank lineAllApril 15 to September 30 and January 15 to March 1
32.2North Aspy River blank lineAll except salmonVictoria Day to September 30
SalmonAugust 15 to September 30
32.3Clyburn Brook from the park boundary at the Cabot Strait to the lower end of the A Frame Pool blank lineAll except salmonApril 15 to September 30
SalmonAugust 15 to October 31
32.4Clyburn Brook and tributaries upstream from the lower end of the A Frame Pool blank lineAll except salmonVictoria Day to September 30
SalmonAugust 15 to October 31
33All other waters except as specified in Schedule IV or Schedule VI blank lineAll except salmonApril 15 to September 30
SalmonVictoria Day to September 30
The following waters in Kejimkujik National Park of Canada
34All waters except as specified in Schedule IV blank lineAllApril 1 to August 31
The following waters in Kluane National Park of Canada and Kluane National Park Reserve of Canada
35All waters except as specified in Schedule IV blank lineAllAll seasons
The following waters in Auyuittuq National Park of Canada
36All waters blank lineAllAll seasons
The following waters in Nahanni National Park Reserve of Canada
37All waters blank lineAllAll seasons
The following waters in La Mauricie National Park of Canada
38All waters except as specified in Schedule IV blank lineBassJune 24 to Labour Day
38.1All waters except as specified in Schedule IV blank lineOther speciesLast Saturday in May to Labour Day
The following waters in Point Pelee National Park of Canada
39[Repealed, SOR/98-268, s. 12]
40All waters except as specified in Schedule IV blank lineAllSecond Saturday of May to the second Sunday of September
The following waters in Kouchibouguac National Park of Canada
41All waters blank lineTroutApril 15 to September 15
42All waters blank lineAmerican eel (with the use of a spear)December 1 to August 31
American eel (with the use of angling equipment)April 15 to September 15
42.1All waters blank lineStriped bassJuly 1 to October 31
42.2All waters blank lineSoft-shell clamMay 15 to September 15
43All waters blank lineOther speciesApril 15 to November 30
The following waters in Ivvavik National Park of Canada
44All waters blank lineAllApril 1 to March 31
The following waters in Quttinirpaaq National Park of Canada
45All waters blank lineAllAll seasons
The following waters in Tuktut Nogait National Park of Canada
46All waters except as specified in Schedule IV blank lineAllApril 1 to March 31
The following waters in Aulavik National Park of Canada
47All waters blank lineAllApril 1 to March 31
The following waters in Gros Morne National Park of Canada
48Trout River, Lomond River, East Lomond River (including any body of water connected to that River that is within 90 metres of the River’s entrance to, or outlet from, the park, and any other body of water connected to the River through which salmon travel), Deer Arm BrookSalmonJune 15 to September 7
49All other waters except as specified in Schedule IV.All other speciesFebruary 1 to April 15 and May 15 to September 7
  • SOR/78-562, ss. 1 to 3
  • SOR/79-333, s. 2
  • SOR/80-51, s. 10
  • SOR/80-403, s. 1
  • SOR/81-689, s. 4
  • SOR/82-523, s. 1
  • SOR/83-280, s. 3
  • SOR/86-378, s. 17
  • SOR/90-4, ss. 18 to 24
  • SOR/91-402, ss. 3 to 6
  • SOR/93-33, ss. 15(F), 16 and 17
  • SOR/94-314, ss. 11, 12, 19
  • SOR/96-245, ss. 20 to 29
  • SOR/98-268, ss. 7 to 12
  • SOR/99-352, ss. 19 to 22
  • SOR/2003-54, ss. 27 to 44, 67, 68, 70 to 79
  • SOR/2005-206, s. 5
  • SOR/2009-322, ss. 6(F), 8(F)

SCHEDULE III(Sections 10, 11, 12, 12.1, 12.2 and 12.3)


Overall Length and Limits on Catch and Possession

Column IColumn IIColumn III
ItemNational Park of Canada WatersSpecies of FishOverall Length (where applicable) and Daily Catch and Possession Limit or Daily Catch Limit and Possession Limit
1(1)Banff (except the waters set out in subitem (2))
  • (a) Brook, speckled or sea trout

  • (b) Brown trout

  • (c) Bull trout

  • (d) Cutthroat trout

  • (e) Lake trout

  • (f) Rainbow trout

  • (g) Splake

  • (h) Whitefish

(2)The waters of Johnson Lake and adjacent inflow streams and beaver pondsTrout and charr (except Bull trout and Cutthroat trout)1
2(1)Jasper (except the waters set out in subitem (2))
  • (a) Northern pike

  • (b) Trout and charr (except Bull trout)

  • (c) Bull trout

  • (d) Whitefish

(2)Lac BeauvertWhitefish0
  • (a) Trout and charr (except Bull trout)

  • (b) Bull trout

  • (c) Whitefish

4Waterton Lakes
  • (a) Grayling

  • (b) Northern pike

  • (c) Trout and charr (except Bull trout)

  • (d) Bull trout

  • (e) Whitefish

5Mount Revelstoke and Glacier
  • (a) Sockeye salmon (Kokanee)

  • (b) Trout and charr (except Bull trout)

  • (c) Bull trout

  • (d) Whitefish

6(1)Kootenay (except the waters set out in subitem (2))
  • (a) Sockeye salmon (Kokanee)

  • (b) Trout and charr (except Bull trout)

  • (c) Bull trout

  • (d) Whitefish

(2)Kootenay River and Vermilion River
  • (a) Sockeye salmon (Kokanee)

  • (b) Trout and charr (except Bull trout)

2, over 30 cm in overall length
  • (c) Bull trout

  • (d) Whitefish

7Riding Mountain
  • (a) Northern pike

3, only one over 76 cm in overall length
  • (b) Trout

  • (c) Walleye

  • (d) Whitefish

  • (e) Yellow Perch

8Prince Albert
  • (a) Lake trout

  • (b) Northern pike

  • (c) Walleye

  • (d) Whitefish

  • (e) Yellow perch

  • (a) Dolly Varden

  • (b) Grayling

  • (c) Lake trout

10Wood Buffalo
  • (a) Grayling

  • (b) Northern pike

  • (c) Goldeye

  • (d) Walleye

3, none under 43 cm in overall length
  • (e) Whitefish

11Nahanni National Park Reserve of Canada
  • (a) Dolly Varden

  • (b) Grayling

  • (c) Lake trout

  • (d) Northern pike

  • (e) Whitefish

12Kluane and Kluane National Park Reserve of Canada, except the waters set out in item 13
  • (a) Grayling

4, under 40 cm in overall length
  • (b) Trout and charr (except Rainbow)

2, no Lake trout over 65 cm in overall length
  • (c) Northern pike

4, under 75 cm in overall length
  • (d) Rainbow trout

  • (e) Whitefish

13The waters of the Kathleen River, Kathleen Lake, Louise Lake and the unnamed river joining those two lakes, in Kluane and Kluane National Park Reserve of Canada
  • (a) Grayling

4, none from 40 to 48 cm in overall length, and only 1 over 48 cm in overall length
  • (b) Trout and charr (except Rainbow)

2, no Lake trout from 65 to 100 cm in overall length, and only 1 Lake trout over 100 cm in overall length
  • (c) Whitefish

  • (d) Rainbow trout

  • (e) Sockeye salmon (Kokanee)

14AuyuittuqArctic charr4
15QuttinirpaaqArctic charr4
16Georgian Bay Islands
  • (a) Bass

  • (b) Muskellunge

  • (c) Northern pike

17Point PeleeAll0 (only catch and release are permitted)
18La Mauricie
  • (a) Bass

  • (b) Brook trout

  • (c) Lake trout

  • (d) Northern pike

19Prince Edward Island
  • (a) Striped bass

1, over 68 cm in overall length
  • (b) Brook, speckled or sea trout

  • (a) American eel

30, over 20 cm in overall length
  • (b) Soft-shell clam (recreational harvesting)

100, over 50 mm in overall length
  • (c) Soft-shell clam (commercial harvesting)

no limit, in the shell and all over 50 mm in overall length
  • (d) Atlantic salmon

  • (e) Striped bass

  • (f) Brook, speckled or sea trout

  • (g) Rainbow smelt

21(1)Kejimkujik (except the waters set out in subitem (2))
  • (a) Brook or speckled trout

  • (b) White perch

  • (c) Yellow perch

  • (d) Soft-shell clam

100, in the shell and all over 50 mm in overall length
(2)Puzzle Lake and North Cranberry Lake, and all waters in the following watersheds, namely, West River, Peskowesk Brook and Shelburne RiverBrook or speckled trout0
22Cape Breton Highlands
  • (a) Atlantic salmon

0 (only catch and release are permitted
  • (b) Salmon (Ouananiche)

0 (only catch and release are permitted)
  • (c) Brook, speckled or sea trout

  • (d) White perch

  • (e) Yellow perch

23Terra Nova
  • (a) Charr

0 h
  • (b) Atlantic salmon

1, from 30 to 63 cm in overall lengt
  • (c) Salmon (Ouananiche)

  • (d) Brook, speckled or sea trout

24FundyBrook, speckled or sea trout5
25Tuktut Nogait
  • (a) Arctic charr

  • (b) Lake trout

  • (c) Broad whitefish

  • (d) Grayling

  • (a) Arctic charr

  • (b) Lake trout

  • (c) Grayling

27All waters in Gros Morne National Park of Canada
  • (a) Trout and Arctic charr

  • (i) Daily catch limit is 12 fish, or 2.2 kg plus 1 fish, whichever is reached first

  • (ii) Possession limit is 24 fish, or 4.4 kg plus 1 fish, whichever is reached first

  • (b) Salmon

  • (i) Daily catch limit is 2 fish, with overall length greater than 30 cm but less than 63 cm

  • (ii) Possession limit is twice the daily catch limit


Aggregate Limits on Catch and Possession

Column IColumn IIColumn III
ItemNational Park of Canada WatersSpecies of FishAggregate Daily Catch and Possession Limit or Aggregate Daily Catch Limit and Aggregate Possession Limit
  • (a) All species of game fish

  • (b) All species other than game fish

  • (a) All species of game fish

  • (b) All species other than game fish

  • (a) All species of game fish

  • (b) All species other than game fish

4Waterton Lakes
  • (a) All species of game fish

  • (b) All species other than game fish

5Mount Revelstoke and Glacier
  • (a) All species of game fish

  • (b) All species other than game fish

  • (a) All species of game fish

  • (b) All species other than game fish

7Riding Mountain
  • (a) All species of game fish

  • (b) All species other than game fish

8Prince Albert
  • (a) All species of game fish

  • (b) All species other than game fish

  • (a) All species of game fish

  • (b) All species other than game fish

no limit
10Wood Buffalo
  • (a) All species of game fish

  • (b) All species other than game fish

11Nahanni National Park Reserve of Canada
  • (a) All species of game fish

  • (b) All species other than game fish

12Kluane and Kluane National Park Reserve of Canada
  • (a) All species of game fish

  • (b) All species other than game fish

  • (a) All species of game fish

  • (b) All species other than game fish

  • (a) All species of game fish

  • (b) All species other than game fish

15Georgian Bay Islands
  • (a) All species of game fish

  • (b) All species other than game fish

16Point PeleeAll species0 (only catch and release are permitted)
17La MauricieAll species5
18Prince Edward IslandAll species10
19KouchibouguacAll species, excluding American eel, soft-shell clams and rainbow smelt10
20KejimkujikAll species, excluding soft-shell clams10
21Cape Breton HighlandsAll species5
22Terra NovaAll species10
23FundyAll species5
24Tuktut Nogait
  • (a) All species of game fish

  • (b) All species other than game fish

25AulavikAll species3
26All waters in Gros Morne National Park of Canada
  • (a) Trout and Arctic charr

  • (i) Aggregate daily catch limit is 12 fish, or 2.2 kg plus 1 fish, whichever is reached first

  • (ii) Aggregate possession limit is 24 fish, or 4.4 kg plus 1 fish, whichever is reached first

  • (b) Salmon

  • (i) Aggregate daily catch limit is 2 fish

  • (ii) Aggregate possession limit is twice the aggregate daily catch limit

  • SOR/79-333, s. 3
  • SOR/80-51, s. 11
  • SOR/82-523, s. 2
  • SOR/83-280, s. 4
  • SOR/86-378, s. 18
  • SOR/90-4, ss. 25 to 34
  • SOR/91-402, ss. 7 to 17
  • SOR/93-33, ss. 18 to 30
  • SOR/94-314, ss. 13 to 16, 20(E), 21(F)
  • SOR/96-245, s. 30
  • SOR/98-268, ss. 13 to 26
  • SOR/99-352, ss. 23(F), 24 to 28
  • SOR/2003-54, ss. 45 to 56
  • SOR/2005-206, ss. 6, 7
  • SOR/2009-322, ss. 7(E), 9(F)
  • SOR/2017-21, ss. 4 to 9
  • SOR/2018-250, s. 3

SCHEDULE IV(Section 20 and Schedule II)

Park Waters Closed To Fishing

1Banff National Park of Canada
  • (a) Forty Mile Creek, in the vicinity of the water intake reservoir located on the access road behind the public stables

  • (b) Agnes Lake

  • (c) That portion of Marvel Lake downstream from a line drawn between the Fisheries Boundary Markers located at the mouth of Marvel Creek to the confluence of Marvel and Bryant Creeks

  • (d) That portion of Luellen Lake downstream from a line drawn between the Fisheries Boundary Markers located at the mouth of the unnamed stream to the confluence of that stream and Johnston’s Creek

  • (e) The two Fish Lakes nearest Campsite “MO 18” at kilometre 18 on the Molar Creek Trail

  • (f) All tributaries and associated lakes in the Clearwater and Siffleur River Systems, excluding Isabella Lake

  • (g) Cave and Basin Marsh

  • (h) The upper portion of the Castleguard River located in the Castleguard Caves Zone I Preservation Area in the east side of the upper drainage of the Castleguard River

2Jasper National Park of Canada
  • (a) [Repealed, SOR/2003-54, s. 58]

  • (b) All streams emptying into Amethyst Lake

  • (c) That part of Amethyst Lake situated within a 180 m radius from a point in the middle of the outlet stream from the southeast end of Amethyst Lake

  • (d) That part of the Astoria River situated between Amethyst Lake and a point 400 m downstream from Amethyst Lake

  • (e) The outlet stream from Moab Lake to its junction with the Whirlpool River including that part of Moab Lake situated within a 180 m radius of a point in the middle of the outlet stream where it leaves Moab Lake

  • (f) The outlet stream from Beaver Lake to its junction with the Maligne Lake Road

  • (g) Osprey Lake

  • (h) Maligne River, that portion including the part of Maligne Lake within a 100 m radius of a point in the middle of the Maligne River where it leaves Maligne Lake, to a point 420 m downstream from the Maligne Lake Outlet bridge

  • (i) Jacques Lake and Jacques Lake Outlet stream between Jacques Lake and the Rocky River

  • (j) Mile 9 (Km 15) Lake, Hwy 16 (East)

3Waterton Lakes National Park of Canada
  • (a) Buffalo Lake and all other waters within the confines of Buffalo Paddock

  • (b) The north fork of the Belly River and all of its tributaries

4Prince Albert National Park of Canada
  • (a) The first or most easterly Heart Lake

  • (b) Waskesiu River

  • (c) Mud Creek

  • (c.1) Amiskowan Lake

  • (d) The Kingsmere River between Kingsmere Lake and Waskesiu Lake

  • (e) That part of Waskesiu Lake adjacent to the outlet from Mud Creek and within a 500 yard radius from a point in the middle of Mud Creek where it discharges into Waskesiu Lake

  • (f) That part of Waskesiu Lake adjacent to the outlet from the Kingsmere River and within a 500 m radius from a point in the middle of the Kingsmere River where it discharges into Waskesiu Lake

  • (g) That part of Kingsmere Lake within a 500 m radius of a point known locally as Clare Point

  • (h) Kapesiwin Creek

  • (i) That part of Halkett Lake adjacent to the outlet of Kapesiwin Creek and within a 500 m radius from a point in the middle of Kapesiwin Creek where it discharges into Halkett Lake

5Riding Mountain National Park of Canada
  • (a) [Repealed, SOR/98-268, s. 28]

  • (b) South Lake and outlet stream

  • (c) [Repealed, SOR/90-4, s. 36]

6Terra Nova National Park of CanadaBlue Hills Pond and Rocky Pond
7Kejimkujik National Park of Canada
  • (a) Joe Rogers Brook from the park boundary to the Mersey River

  • (b) Grafton Brook from Grafton Lake to Kejimkujik Lake

  • (c) Pebbleloggitch Lake

  • (d) Beaverskin Lake

  • (e) Mountain Lake

  • (f) Cobreille Lake

8Kluane National Park of CanadaThe stream from Upper Kathleen Lake to and including Sockeye Lake
9Fundy National Park of Canada
  • (a) The Point Wolfe River from tidewater to the west boundary including Bennett Brook upstream to the lower falls on Bennett Brook

  • (b) The Upper Salmon River and its tributaries, more specifically the Upper Salmon (Alma) River north from Lake Brook and the tributaries Forty Five River, Broad River, Haley Brook to the park boundary, Laverty Brook to Laverty Falls, Second Vault Brook to the Laverty Road and Third Vault Brook to Third Vault Falls

10Cape Breton Highlands National Park of Canada
  • (a) That area of the Chéticamp River known locally as The Barrel

  • (b) [Repealed, SOR/99-352, s. 29]

11La Mauricie National Park of Canada
  • (a) Alice Lake

  • (b) Dion Lake

  • (c) Éclair Lake

  • (d) De l’Est Lake

  • (e) Étienne Lake

  • (f) Français Lake

  • (g) Du Guide Lake

  • (h) Guilinette Lake

  • (i) Messieurs Lake

  • (j) Du Portage Lake

  • (k) Sud-Est Lake

  • (l) Théode Lake

  • (m) William Lake

  • (n) The westernmost bay, from headland to headland, of Lac Baie-des-Onze-Îles

  • (o) Rivière à la Pêche

12Forillon National Park of CanadaAll fresh waters
13Mount Revelstoke and Glacier National Parks of CanadaAll rivers and streams
14Point Pelee National Park of CanadaFrom the second Saturday in May to the last Friday in June: Redhead Pond in its entirety including the connecting channel to Lake Pond and that portion of Lake Pond within 50 metres of its eastern shoreline
15Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve of CanadaAll waters
16Tuktut Nogait National Park of Canada
  • (a) That part of the Hornaday River situated between the park boundary and the La Roncière Falls

  • (b) Seven Islands Lake and stream emptying into the Hornaday River

17Gros Morne National Park of Canada
  • (a) All waters of the Western Brook drainage basin, including Western Brook, Western Brook Pond and Stag Brook

  • (b) Ten Mile Feeder between Ten Mile Pond and Deer Arm Pond

  • SOR/80-403, s. 2
  • SOR/82-523, s. 3
  • SOR/86-378, s. 19
  • SOR/90-4, ss. 35, 36
  • SOR/91-402, s. 18
  • SOR/93-33, ss. 31, 32
  • SOR/94-314, ss. 17, 18
  • SOR/96-245, ss. 31 to 36
  • SOR/98-268, ss. 27 to 29
  • SOR/99-352, s. 29
  • SOR/2003-54, ss. 57 to 60, 67, 69 to 77, 79
  • SOR/2005-206, s. 8
  • SOR/2010-140, s. 1

SCHEDULE V(Section 17.3 and subsection 21(1))

Park Waters Open Only to Artificial Fly Angling

Column IColumn II
Species of FishPark Waters
  • (a) Terra Nova National Park of Canada

    Northwest River

  • (b) [Repealed, SOR/96-245, s. 38]

  • (c) Cape Breton Highlands National Park of Canada

    All waters

  • (d) Kouchibouguac National Park of Canada

  • (e) Gros Morne National Park of Canada

    • (i) 
      Trout River
    • (ii) 
      Lomond River
    • (iii) 
      East Lomond River
    • (iv) 
      Deer Arm Brook

    All waters

2All other species
  • (a) Terra Nova National Park of Canada

    All brooks and streams

  • (b) Fundy National Park of Canada

    • (i) 
      [Repealed, SOR/2003-54, s. 62]
    • (ii) 
      Point Wolfe River from the river mouth to the Point Wolfe Dam
  • (c) Cape Breton Highlands National Park of Canada

    • (i) 
      Cheticamp River and tributaries to the lower end of the pool known locally as Terre Rouge
    • (ii) 
      All of the portion of the North Aspy River within the park
    • (iii) 
      Clyburn Brook and tributaries upstream from the lower end of the area known locally as the A Frame Pool
    • (iv) 
      [Repealed, SOR/98-268, s. 30]
  • (d) Jasper National Park of Canada

    The Maligne River from a point 420 m downstream from the Maligne Lake Outlet bridge to the inlet of and including Medicine Lake

  • (e) Kejimkujik National Park of Canada

    • (i) 
      Puzzle Lake and North Cranberry Lake
    • (ii) 
      All waters in the following watersheds, namely, West River, Peskowesk Brook and Shelburne River
  • (f) Gros Morne National Park of Canada

    • (i) 
      Trout River
    • (ii) 
      Lomond River
    • (iii) 
      East Lomond River
    • (iv) 
      Deer Arm Brook
  • SOR/79-333, s. 4
  • SOR/80-51, s. 12
  • SOR/81-689, s. 5
  • SOR/82-523, s. 4
  • SOR/86-378, s. 20
  • SOR/90-4, s. 37
  • SOR/93-33, s. 33
  • SOR/96-245, ss. 37 to 39
  • SOR/98-268, s. 30
  • SOR/99-352, s. 30
  • SOR/2003-54, ss. 61 to 63, 68, 71, 77 to 79: SOR/2005-206, ss. 9, 10
  • SOR/2009-322, s. 8(F)

SCHEDULE VI(Subsection 21(2) and Schedule II)

Park Waters Closed to Salmon Fishing

1Terra Nova National Park of CanadaAll waters except the Northwest River
2Cape Breton Highlands National Park of CanadaAll waters upstream of that area of the Chéticamp River known locally as The Third Pool
3Fundy National Park of CanadaAll waters
  • SOR/86-378, s. 21
  • SOR/96-245, s. 40
  • SOR/2003-54, ss. 64, 65, 78, 79

SCHEDULE VII(Subsection 24(4))

Park Waters Closed To Fishing Using Natural Bait and Chemical Attractant

ItemPark Waters
1All waters in Banff, Jasper, Kootenay and Yoho National Parks of Canada
2The Waterton and Belly Rivers and all their tributaries except Cameron Creek in Waterton Lakes National Park of Canada
3[Repealed, SOR/98-268, s. 31]
4All waters in Point Pelee National Park of Canada
  • SOR/96-245, s. 41
  • SOR/98-268, s. 31
  • SOR/2003-54, ss. 66, 72, 75

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