Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
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Life Saving Equipment Regulations (C.R.C., c. 1436)

Regulations are current to 2025-01-22 and last amended on 2023-12-20. Previous Versions

SCHEDULE VI(Paragraph 5.2(c) and section 132)Means of Embarkation into Survival Craft

    • 1 (1) Means of embarkation into survival craft shall be designed so that

      • (a) all lifeboats may be boarded and launched from the stowed position or an embarkation deck;

      • (b) davit-launched life rafts may be boarded and launched from

        • (i) a position immediately adjacent to the stowed position, or

        • (ii) where the life rafts are stowed in a location providing for easy side-to-side transfer at a single open-deck level, the location to which the life rafts are transferred prior to launching; and

      • (c) davit-launched survival craft may be brought against the side of the ship at the embarkation station and held alongside so that persons may safely embark.

    • (2) Means of embarkation into rescue boats shall be designed so that

      • (a) where the rescue boat is certified as a lifeboat and the other lifeboats carried by the ship are boarded by the complement and launched from an embarkation deck, the rescue boat may be boarded by its crew and launched, with the crew on board,

        • (i) from the embarkation deck, or

        • (ii) directly from the stowed position; and

      • (b) in any other case, the rescue boat may be boarded by its crew and launched, with the crew on board, directly from the stowed position.

    • 2 (1) On an existing ship, the means of embarkation into survival craft that have been launched shall

      • (a) be placed at each embarkation station; and

      • (b) consist of a Jacob’s ladder with hardwood steps that are

        • (i) at least 19 mm deep, 460 mm long and 100 mm wide,

        • (ii) equally spaced from the other steps by a distance of 355 mm, and

        • (iii) secured so that they remain horizontal.

    • (2) At each embarkation station for life rafts for which launching devices are not provided, the means of embarkation referred to in subsection (1) shall be sufficient in number having regard to the number of persons expected to be embarked at the station, and may be supplemented by knotted manila lifelines.

    • 3 (1) On a new ship that is a passenger ship, the means of embarkation into survival craft that have been launched shall be

      • (a) a slide or chute that is an integral part of a marine evacuation system; or

      • (b) if the embarkation deck is less than 4 m above the waterline of the ship in its lightest seagoing condition, an embarkation ladder that meets the requirements of this section.

    • (2) Means of embarkation shall be provided as follows:

      • (a) in the case of a slide or chute, at least one on each side of the ship; and

      • (b) in the case of an embarkation ladder, one at each embarkation station or at every two adjacent embarkation stations.

    • (3) Every step of an embarkation ladder shall be

      • (a) made of hardwood that is smoothly machined and free from knots or other irregularities, sharp edges or splinters, or made of another material with equivalent resistance, strength and durability;

      • (b) provided with a non-slip surface;

      • (c) at least 25 mm deep, not including the non-slip surface, and at least 480 mm long and 115 mm wide;

      • (d) equally spaced from the other steps at a distance of not less than 300 mm and not more than 380 mm; and

      • (e) secured so that it remains horizontal.

    • (4) Subject to subsection (5), the side ropes of an embarkation ladder shall consist of two uncovered manila ropes on each side that are

      • (a) not less than 65 mm in circumference; and

      • (b) continuous with no joints below the top step.

    • (5) A material other than manila rope may be used for the side ropes of an embarkation ladder if the dimensions, the breaking strength, and the weathering, stretching and gripping properties of the material are at least equivalent to those of manila rope.

    • (6) Side ropes that are made of manila rope or other natural fibre shall be replaced annually.

  • 4 Means of embarkation shall be

    • (a) kept ready for immediate use; and

    • (b) capable of extending from the embarkation deck to the waterline when the ship is in its lightest seagoing condition, under 10° of trim and listing 20°.

  • SOR/80-685, s. 64
  • SOR/81-430, s. 3
  • SOR/96-218, s. 42
  • SOR/2001-179, ss. 60, 76(F)

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