Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


General Pilotage Regulations (SOR/2000-132)

Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2022-05-20. Previous Versions

PART 2Pilotage Authority Regions (continued)

DIVISION 2Laurentian Pilotage Authority Region (continued)

Classes of Licences and Pilotage Certificates

 The classes of licences and pilotage certificates that may be issued by the Minister are the following:

  • (a) Class A or Class B Montreal Harbour licence or pilotage certificate;

  • (b) Class A, Class B or Class C licence or pilotage certificate;

  • (c) Class D apprentice pilot permit.

  •  (1) A Class A Montreal Harbour licence or pilotage certificate authorizes its holder to perform pilotage duties on any ship, regardless of size, in District No. 1-1.

  • (2) A Class B Montreal Harbour licence or pilotage certificate authorizes its holder to perform pilotage duties on any ship not exceeding 210 m in length in District No. 1-1.

  • (3) A Class A licence or pilotage certificate authorizes its holder to perform pilotage duties on any ship in District No. 1 or District No. 2 or any part of those districts.

  • (4) A Class B licence or pilotage certificate authorizes its holder to perform pilotage duties

    • (a) in District No. 1 or any part of that district,

      • (i) in the first year after the date on which the holder obtained the licence or pilotage certificate, on any ship not exceeding 195 m in length, and

      • (ii) in the second and any subsequent year after the date on which the holder obtained the licence or pilotage certificate, on any ship not exceeding 215 m in length; and

    • (b) in District No. 2 or any part of that district, on any ship not exceeding a deadweight tonnage of 50,000.

  • (5) A Class C licence or pilotage certificate authorizes its holder to perform pilotage duties

    • (a) in District No. 1 or any part of that district,

      • (i) in the first six months after the date on which the holder obtained the licence or pilotage certificate, on any ship not exceeding 165 m in length,

      • (ii) in the six months after the period referred to in subparagraph (i), on any tanker not exceeding 165 m in length and on any other ship not exceeding 175 m in length, and

      • (iii) in the second and any subsequent year after the date on which the holder obtained the licence or pilotage certificate, on any tanker not exceeding 165 m in length and on any other ship not exceeding 185 m in length; and

    • (b) in District No. 2 or any part of that district, on any ship not exceeding a deadweight tonnage of 30,000.

  • (6) A Class D apprentice pilot permit authorizes its holder to undertake pilotage training in the presence of a licensed pilot on any ship, in District Nos. 1, 1-1 or 2.


 A licence or pilotage certificate that is issued in respect of a district or part of a district within the compulsory pilotage area and on which that district or part is endorsed authorizes its holder to perform pilotage duties only in the district or part of that district indicated on the licence or pilotage certificate.

 A pilotage certificate on which a seasonal limitation is endorsed authorizes its holder to perform pilotage duties only during the season of the year indicated.

General Qualifications for Applicants for Licences

 Every applicant for a licence shall

  • (a) have a degree of proficiency in the French and English languages sufficient to carry out their pilotage duties; and

  • (b) have obtained a favourable recommendation in respect of their abilities as a pilot from the corporation of pilots of which they are a member.

Qualifications for Holders of Licences for District No. 1-1

  •  (1) Every holder of a Class A licence for District No. 1-1 shall

    • (a) be the holder of a certificate of competency for a Master Mariner or Master, Near Coastal; and

    • (b) have piloted in that district

      • (i) for at least one year, while holding a Class B licence for that district, and completed during that period at least two-thirds of the average number of pilotage assignments completed by licensed pilots for that district, or

      • (ii) during the 12 months before the day on which the licence is issued, while holding a Class A licence for that part of District No. 1 between Montreal and Trois-Rivières, and completed during that period at least two-thirds of the average number of pilotage assignments completed by licensed pilots for that part of District No. 1.

  • (2) Every holder of a Class B licence for District No. 1-1 shall

    • (a) have obtained a passing mark in an examination conducted by the Board of Examiners;

    • (b) within 90 days before the oral test portion of the examination referred to in paragraph (a), have been declared medically fit to perform pilotage duties in accordance with Part 1; and

    • (c) have

      • (i) in the case of a holder who has obtained a passing mark in the examination referred to in paragraph (a) at the first attempt,

        • (A) served as an apprentice pilot holding a Class D apprentice pilot permit for that district and while so serving have completed during a period of not less than four months but not more than six months, 200 movages in that district, if, during the five years before the day on which the application for the permit is made, the holder completed at least 12 months of sea service as master, or

        • (B) served as an apprentice pilot holding a Class D apprentice pilot permit for that district and while so serving have completed during a period of not less than six months but not more than 12 months, 300 movages in that district, if, during the five years before the day on which the application for the permit is made, the holder completed at least 24 months of service as the person in charge of the deck watch of a ship,

      • (ii) in the case of a holder who has obtained a passing mark in the examination referred to in paragraph (a) at a second or subsequent attempt,

        • (A) served as an apprentice pilot holding a Class D apprentice pilot permit for that district and while so serving have completed 300 movages in that district, if, during the five years before the day on which the application for the permit is made, the holder completed at least 12 months of sea service as master, or

        • (B) served as an apprentice pilot holding a Class D apprentice pilot permit for that district and while so serving have completed 400 movages in that district, if, during the five years before the day on which the application for the permit is made, the holder completed at least 24 months of service as the person in charge of the deck watch of a ship, or

      • (iii) completed during the 12 months before the day on which the licence is issued, while holding a Class B licence for District No. 1, at least two-thirds of the average number of pilotage assignments completed by licensed pilots for that part of District No. 1 between Montreal and Trois-Rivières.

Qualifications for Holders of Licences for District No. 1 and District No. 2

  •  (1) Every holder of a Class A licence for District No. 1 or District No. 2 shall

    • (a) have served as a pilot,

      • (i) in the case of a licence for District No. 1, during the 36 months before the date of the application for the licence, while holding a Class B licence for that district, or

      • (ii) in the case of a licence for District No. 2, during a period of at least six years in that district, while holding a Class B licence; and

    • (b) have piloted in District No. 1 or District No. 2, as the case may be, during the 12 months before the date of the application for the licence, while holding a Class B licence for the appropriate district, at least two thirds of the average number of pilotage assignments piloted by the licensed pilots for that district.

  • (2) Every holder of a Class B licence for District No. 1 or District No. 2 shall,

    • (a) while holding a Class C licence, have piloted in District No. 1 ships not exceeding 165 m in length during the first six months after the date on which the holder obtained the Class C licence and have piloted at least 50 trips in that district during the first year after the date on which the holder obtained that licence;

    • (b) while holding a Class C licence, have piloted in District No. 1 tankers not exceeding 165 m in length or any other ship not exceeding 185 m in length during the second year after the date on which the holder obtained the Class C licence and have piloted during that time at least two thirds of the average number of pilotage assignments piloted by the licensed pilots for that district; and

    • (c) while holding a Class C licence, have piloted in District No. 2 ships not exceeding a deadweight tonnage of 30,000 during a period of two years after the date on which the holder obtained the Class C licence and have piloted during that time at least two thirds of the average number of pilotage assignments piloted by the licensed pilots for that district.

  • (3) Every holder of a Class C licence for District No. 1 or District No. 2 shall

    • (a) have obtained a passing mark in an examination conducted by the Board of Examiners;

    • (b) within 90 days before the oral test portion of the examination referred to in paragraph (a), have been declared medically fit to perform pilotage duties in accordance with Part 1;

    • (c) have served at least 24 months as an apprentice pilot and holder of a Class D apprentice pilot permit in the appropriate district;

    • (d) in the case of a holder who has obtained a passing mark in the examination referred to in paragraph (a) at the first attempt, have completed, in the appropriate district, while holding a Class D apprentice pilot permit,

      • (i) during each year, in the case of a holder of a licence for that part of District No. 1 between Montreal and Trois-Rivières, at least

        • (A) 55 dockings or undockings within the Harbour of Montreal,

        • (B) five dockings or undockings within the Harbour of Trois-Rivières,

        • (C) 10 dockings or undockings within the Harbour of Sorel,

        • (D) three dockings or undockings at the Wharf of Contrecoeur,

        • (E) five arrivals and five departures from St. Lambert Lock, including transit between the Lock and a place below Jacques Cartier Bridge, and

        • (F) 138 trips between Montreal and Trois-Rivières, of which

          • (I) 18 were between any places between Montreal and Trois-Rivières, and

          • (II) six were between Montreal and Trois-Rivières during the winter navigation period determined by the Laurentian Pilotage Authority in accordance with subsection 23.38(3),

      • (ii) during each year, in the case of a holder of a licence for that part of District No. 1 between Trois-Rivières and Quebec, at least

        • (A) 20 dockings or undockings within the Harbour of Quebec,

        • (B) five dockings or undockings within the Harbour of Trois-Rivières, and

        • (C) 138 trips between Trois-Rivières and Quebec, of which

          • (I) eight were between any places between Trois-Rivières and Quebec, and

          • (II) six were between Trois-Rivières and Quebec during the winter navigation period determined by the Laurentian Pilotage Authority in accordance with subsection 23.38(3), or

      • (iii) during the 24 months referred to in paragraph (c), in the case of a holder of a licence for District No. 2, at least

        • (A) 15 movages per year in the Harbour of Quebec,

        • (B) five movages per year in the Harbour of Chicoutimi, including Grande-Anse,

        • (C) eight movages per year in the Harbour of Port Alfred, and

        • (D) 113 trips in each year, of which

          • (I) nine were to Chicoutimi or Grande-Anse,

          • (II) 15 were to Port-Alfred, and

          • (III) nine were during the winter navigation period determined by the Laurentian Pilotage Authority in accordance with subsection 23.38(3);

    • (e) in the case of a holder who has obtained a passing mark in the examination referred to in paragraph (a) at the second attempt, have completed, in the appropriate district, while holding a Class D apprentice pilot permit, 150% of the number of dockings, undockings, arrivals, departures, trips or movages required under subparagraphs (3)(d)(i) to (iii), rounded up to the next highest whole number, if necessary; and

    • (f) in the case of a holder who has obtained a passing mark in the examination referred to in paragraph (a) at a third attempt, have completed, in the appropriate district, while holding a Class D apprentice pilot permit, 175% of the number of dockings, undockings, arrivals, departures, trips or movages required under subparagraphs (3)(d)(i) to (iii), rounded up to the next highest whole number, if necessary.


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