Customs Tariff (S.C. 1997, c. 36)
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Act current to 2025-02-17 and last amended on 2025-01-01. Previous Versions
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- See coming into force provision and notes, where applicable.
- Shaded provisions are not in force. Help
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Amendments *
Amendment Citation | Amendment date |
2023, c. 26 | 2025-01-01 |
2024, c. 3 | 2024-07-01 |
2023, c. 9 | 2024-01-01 |
2023, c. 26 | 2023-06-22 |
2022, c. 10 | 2022-10-01 |
2022, c. 10 | 2022-09-01 |
2019, c. 22 | 2021-06-21 |
2021, c. 1 | 2021-04-01 |
2020, c. 1 | 2020-07-01 |
2019, c. 6 | 2019-09-01 |
* List of amendments since 2019-01-01 (limited to last 10 amendments) [more details]
Regulations made under this Act
- “MV Sonia” Remission Order, 2007
- “SeaRose FPSO” Remission Order, 2004
- “SeaRose FPSO” Repair or Alteration Remission Order, 2012
- 13th IAAF World Junior Championships in Athletics Remission Order, 2010
- 14th IAAF World Half Marathon Championships Remission Order
- 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games Remission Order
- 2015 Pan American and Parapan American Games Remission Order
- AECL Tandem Accelerator Superconducting Cyclotron Complex Remission Order
- Akwesasne Residents Remission Order
- Alaska Marine Lines, Inc. Remission Order
- Albania and the Sultanate of Oman Goods Remission Order
- Alpine Joe Sportswear Remission Order, 1998
- Anti-dumping Duties on Automotive Galvannealed Coil Steel, Order Respecting the Remission of
- Anti-Dumping Duties on Certain Hot-Dipped Galvannealed Steel Sheet for use in the Manufacture of Non-Exposed Motor Vehicle Parts, Order Respecting the Remission of
- Anti-Dumping Duties on Vitreous Type I Cold-Rolled Steel, Order Respecting the Remission of
- Australia and New Zealand Tariff Preference Maintenance Order
- Australia Tariff and New Zealand Tariff Rules of Origin Regulations
- B.C. Place Replacement Turf Remission Order, 1995
- Billiard Cloth Remission Order, 1996
- Blouses and Shirts Remission Order
- Blouses, Shirts and Co-Ordinates Remission Order, 1998
- Bolster and Sideframe Remission Order
- Canada – European Union Tariff Withdrawal Order (United Kingdom)
- Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement Fruit and Vegetable Aggregate Quantity Limit Order
- Canadian Film Certification Regulations
- Canadian Forces Materiel Remission Order
- Canadian Retailers Duty Remission Order, 1993
- CCFTA Remission Order
- CCFTA Remission Order, 2003
- CCFTA Rules of Origin for Casual Goods Regulations
- CCFTA Rules of Origin Regulations
- CCFTA Tariff Preference Regulations
- CCFTA Textile and Apparel Extension of Benefit Order
- CCOFTA Rules of Origin for Casual Goods Regulations
- CCOFTA Rules of Origin Regulations
- CCOFTA Tariff Preference Regulations
- CCRFTA Rules of Origin for Casual Goods Regulations
- CCRFTA Rules of Origin Regulations
- CCRFTA Sugar Aggregate Quantity Limit Order
- CCRFTA Sugar Aggregate Quantity Limit Remission Order
- CCRFTA Tariff Preference Regulations
- CEFTA Rules of Origin for Casual Goods Regulations
- CEFTA Rules of Origin Regulations
- CEFTA Tariff Preference Regulations
- Certain Chloroprene Sheets Remission Order
- Certain Refractory Products Remission Order
- Certain Russian Goods Remission Order
- Certain Ships Remission Order, 2010
- Certified Seed Potatoes Regulations
- CETA Rules of Origin for Casual Goods Regulations
- CETA Rules of Origin Regulations
- CETA Tariff Preference Regulations
- Charitable Food Donations Anti-dumping and Countervailing Duty Remission Order
- CHFTA Rules of Origin for Casual Goods Regulations
- CHFTA Rules of Origin Regulations
- CHFTA Sugar Aggregate Quantity Limit Order
- CHFTA Tariff Preference Regulations
- China Direct Shipment Condition Exemption Order
- China Surtax Order (2024)
- China Surtax Remission Order (2024)
- CIFTA Remission Order
- CIFTA Remission Order, 2003
- CIFTA Rules of Origin for Casual Goods Regulations
- CIFTA Rules of Origin Regulations
- CIFTA Tariff Preference Regulations
- CJFTA Rules of Origin for Casual Goods Regulations
- CJFTA Rules of Origin Regulations
- CJFTA Tariff Preference Regulations
- CKFTA Rules of Origin for Casual Goods Regulations
- CKFTA Rules of Origin Regulations
- CKFTA Tariff Preference Regulations
- Commonwealth Caribbean Countries Tariff Rules of Origin Regulations
- Countries and Military Service Agencies for the Purposes of Tariff Item No. 9810.00.00, Order Designating Certain
- CPAFTA Rules of Origin for Casual Goods Regulations
- CPAFTA Rules of Origin Regulations
- CPAFTA Tariff Preference Regulations
- CPFTA Rules of Origin for Casual Goods Regulations
- CPFTA Rules of Origin Regulations
- CPFTA Sugar Aggregate Quantity Limit Order
- CPFTA Tariff Preference Regulations
- CPTPP Remission Order
- CPTPP Rules of Origin for Casual Goods Regulations
- CPTPP Rules of Origin Regulations
- CPTPP Tariff Preference Regulations
- CTMA Ranger Remission Order
- CUFTA Rules of Origin for Casual Goods Regulations
- CUFTA Rules of Origin Regulations
- CUFTA Tariff Preference Regulations
- CUKTCA Rules of Origin for Casual Goods Regulations
- CUKTCA Rules of Origin Regulations
- CUKTCA Tariff Preference Regulations
- CUSMA Rules of Origin for Casual Goods Regulations
- CUSMA Rules of Origin Regulations
- CUSMA Tariff Preference Regulations
- Customs Bonded Warehouses Regulations
- Customs Diplomatic Privileges Regulations
- Customs Drawback on Toy Skins Regulations
- Customs Drawback Shirting Fabrics Regulations
- Customs Duty Payable on Woollen Fabrics Originating in Commonwealth Countries, Regulations Respecting the
- Deep Panuke Offshore Production Platform Remission Order, 2007
- Definition of Settler for the Purpose of Tariff Item No. 9807.00.00 Regulations
- Denim Apparel Fabrics Remission Order
- Designating Certain Countries for the Purposes of Tariff Item No. 9810.00.00, 1999-1, Regulations
- Designer Remission Order, 2001
- Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations
- Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (Non-CUSMA Countries) Regulations
- Direct Shipment (Most-Favoured-Nation Tariff, General Preferential Tariff, General Preferential Tariff Plus, Least Developed Country Tariff, Commonwealth Caribbean Countries Tariff, Australia Tariff and New Zealand Tariff) Regulations
- Distilled Spirits for Bottling in Bond Remission Order
- DOMCO Remission Order No. 2
- Duties Relief Regulations
- E.S. Fox Limited Remission Order
- Electronic Heated Tobacco Products Remission Order
- Exported Motor Vehicles Drawback Regulations
- Expressions for the Purposes of the Customs Tariff, Regulations Defining Certain
- Fabricated Industrial Steel Components Anti-dumping and Countervailing Duty Remission Order
- Fenner Dunlop (Bracebridge) Inc. Remission Order
- Ferry-Boats Remission Order, 2016
- FIFA Men's U-20 World Cup Canada 2007 Remission Order
- Fondation québécoise du cancer Inc. Remission Order
- Fresh Fruits and Vegetables (United States Tariff) Import Regulations
- Fruit and Vegetable Remission Order, 2003
- Fruit Remission Order, 2006
- Fruit Remission Order, 2008
- Fruit Remission Order, 2011
- General Preferential Tariff Reduction Order, 1996
- General Preferential Tariff Reduction Order, No. 1
- General Preferential Tariff Withdrawal and Extension (2023 GPT Review) Order
- General Preferential Tariff Withdrawal Order (2013 GPT Review)
- General Preferential Tariff Withdrawal Order (Bulgaria and Romania)
- General Preferential Tariff Withdrawal Order (Certain Countries Acceding to the European Union)
- General Preferential Tariff Withdrawal Order (Republic of Belarus)
- General Preferential Tariff, General Preferential Tariff Plus and Least Developed Country Tariff Rules of Origin Regulations
- Goods From the Application of Subsection 118(1) of the Customs Tariff, Regulations Exempting Certain
- Goods Imported and Exported Refund and Drawback Regulations
- Goods Imported by Designated Foreign Countries, Military Service Agencies and Institutions (Tariff Item No. 9810.00.00) Regulations
- Goods Under the Customs Duties Reduction or Removal Order, 1988, Remission Order in Respect of
- Guitar Parts Remission Order, 1994
- Gypsum Board Products Anti-dumping Duty Remission Order, 2017
- Haiti Deemed Direct Shipment (General Preferential Tariff and Least Developed Country Tariff) Regulations
- Hunter Douglas Canada Remission Order
- Imports of Certain Textile and Apparel Goods from Chile Customs Duty Remission Order
- Imports of Certain Textile and Apparel Goods From Costa Rica Customs Duty Remission Order
- Imports of Certain Textile and Apparel Goods from Honduras Customs Duty Remission Order
- Imports of Certain Textile and Apparel Goods from Mexico or the United States Customs Duty Remission Order
- In-Transit Steel Goods Remission Order
- Interest Rate for Customs Purposes Regulations
- Iodinated Contrast Media Anti-Dumping Duty Remission Order
- Large Diameter Line Pipe Anti-dumping Duty Remission Order
- Large Diameter Line Pipe Anti-dumping Duty Remission Order, 2023
- LASMO Drilling Rig Remission Order
- Least Developed Country Tariff Withdrawal (2023 LDCT Review) Order
- Least Developed Country Tariff Withdrawal Order (2013 GPT Review)
- Les Collections Shan Remission Order, 1997
- Limits on the Annual Aggregate Quantity of Roses of Tariff Item No. 0603.10.11 that are Entitled to the Canada-Israel Agreement Tariff, Order Specifying
- Marking of Imported Goods Order
- Marking of Imported Goods Regulations
- Mexico Steel Goods Remission Order
- Mobile Offshore Drilling Units Remissions Order, 2004
- Most-Favoured-Nation Tariff Extension of Benefit Order — Ferro-chromium
- Most-Favoured-Nation Tariff Rules of Origin Regulations
- Most-Favoured-Nation Tariff Withdrawal Order (2022-2)
- Non-residents’ Temporary Importation of Baggage and Conveyances Regulations
- Origin Regulations (Safeguard Measures in Respect of the People’s Republic of China)
- Orion Bus Industries Ltd. Remission Order
- Outerwear Apparel Remission Order, 1998
- Outerwear Fabrics Remission Order, 1998
- Outerwear Greige Fabrics Remission Order, 1998
- Outward Processing Remission Order (Textiles and Apparel)
- Preclearance in Canada Regulations
- Printed Material for Foreign Carriers Remission Order, 1995
- Prison Manufactured or Produced Goods Regulations, 1998
- Refund of Duties on Obsolete or Surplus Goods Regulations
- Regulations Defining “EU country or other CETA beneficiary”
- Renewable Fuel Used as Ships’ Stores Remission Order
- Returning Persons Exemption Regulations
- Safe Food for Canadians Regulations
- Safeguard Surtax Regulations, 1995-1
- Safeguard Surtax Regulations, 1995-2
- Safeguard Surtax Regulations, 1995-3
- Satellites and Satellite Subsystems Remission Order, 1988
- Scientific or Exploratory Expeditions Remission Order
- Ships’ Stores Regulations
- Shirting Fabrics Remission Order, 1998
- Stainless Steel Round Wire Products Anti-dumping Duty Remission Order
- Stranded Steel Wire Remission Order
- Surtax on the Importation of Certain Steel Goods Refund Order
- Surtax on the Importation of Certain Steel Goods Remission Order
- Surtax on the Importation of Certain Steel Goods, Order Imposing a
- Tailored Collar Shirts Remission Order, 1997
- Tankers and Cargo Vessels Remission Order, 2010
- Tariff Item No. 9807.00.00 Exemption Order
- Tariff Item No. 9805.00.00 Exemption Order
- Temporary Importation (Excise Levies and Additional Duties) Regulations
- Temporary Importation (Tariff Item No. 9993.00.00) Regulations
- Temporary Importation of Conveyances by Residents of Canada Regulations
- Temporary Storage Period Regulations
- Territory for the purposes of the definition “country” in the Customs Tariff, Regulations prescribing a
- Textiles and Apparel Remission Order, 2014
- Time Limit for the Application of Subsection 118(1) of the Customs Tariff Regulations
- Ukraine Goods Remission Order
- United Kingdom Trade Continuity Remission Order, 2021
- United States Surtax Remission Order
- Used Mattress Materials Regulations
- Used or Second-hand Motor Vehicles Regulations
- Vessel Duties Reduction or Removal Regulations
Repealed regulations made under this Act
- Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duties on Certain Specialty Sugar Products, Order Respecting the Remission of [Repealed]
- Automotive Goods Rules of Origin Regulations [Repealed]
- Automotive Parts Tariff Removal Order, 1988 [Repealed]
- Beer Originating in the United States Remission Order, 1993 [Repealed]
- British Preferential Tariff Direct Shipment Without Transhipment Exemption Order — Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China [Repealed]
- CCFTA Rules of Origin Regulations [Repealed]
- CCRFTA Non-entitlement to Preference Regulations [Repealed]
- Certain Goods Remission Order (COVID-19) [Repealed]
- CIFTA Rules of Origin Regulations [Repealed]
- CIFTA Tariff Preference Regulations [Repealed]
- CUFTA Rules of Origin Regulations [Repealed]
- Customs Duties Accelerated Reduction Order, No. 1 [Repealed]
- Customs Duties Accelerated Reduction Order, No. 2 [Repealed]
- Customs Duties Accelerated Reduction Order, No. 3 [Repealed]
- Customs Duties Accelerated Reduction Order, No. 4 [Repealed]
- Customs Duties Accelerated Reduction Order, No. 5 [Repealed]
- Customs Duties Accelerated Reduction Order, No. 6 [Repealed]
- Customs Tariff (Conditions for Special Provisions for the Purposes of the United States Tariff (UST)), Order Amending the Schedule to the [Repealed]
- European Union Surtax Order [Repealed]
- General Preferential Tariff and Least Developed Country Tariff Rules of Origin Regulations [Repealed]
- General Preferential Tariff and Least Developed Country Tariff Rules of Origin Regulations [Repealed]
- General Preferential Tariff Withdrawal (Certain Automotive Goods) Order [Repealed]
- Importation of Periodicals Regulations [Repealed]
- Imports of Goods Originating in Commonwealth Developing Countries, Remission Order Respecting [Repealed]
- Mexico Deemed Direct Shipment (General Preferential Tariff) Regulations [Repealed]
- Mexico Fruit and Vegetable Aggregate Quantity Limit Order [Repealed]
- Most-Favoured-Nation Tariff Withdrawal Order (2022-1) [Repealed]
- Motor Vehicles Tariff Order, 1988 [Repealed]
- NAFTA Rules of Origin for Casual Goods Regulations [Repealed]
- NAFTA Rules of Origin Regulations [Repealed]
- NAFTA Tariff Preference Regulations [Repealed]
- Non-alcoholic Wine Remission Order [Repealed]
- Set Top Boxes Remission Order [Repealed]
- Surtax on Boneless Beef Order No. 2, 1994 [Repealed]
- Temporary Importation Remission Order, No. 1 (Customs Tariff) [Repealed]
- Textile and Apparel Extension of Benefit Order [Repealed]
- United States Barley and Barley Products Remission Order [Repealed]
- United States Surtax Order (2025) [Repealed]
- United States Surtax Order (Aluminum 2020) [Repealed]
- United States Surtax Order (Other Goods) [Repealed]
- United States Surtax Order (Steel and Aluminum) [Repealed]
- Woven Fabrics and Shells of Woven Fabrics Remission Order [Repealed]
- Date modified: