Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
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Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (S.C. 2001, c. 27)

Act current to 2024-09-16 and last amended on 2024-08-19. Previous Versions

PART 3Enforcement (continued)

General Offences (continued)

Marginal note:Misrepresentation

 No person shall knowingly

  • (a) directly or indirectly misrepresent or withhold material facts relating to a relevant matter that induces or could induce an error in the administration of this Act;

  • (b) communicate, directly or indirectly, by any means, false or misleading information or declarations with intent to induce or deter immigration to Canada; or

  • (c) refuse to be sworn or to affirm or declare, as the case may be, or to answer a question put to the person at an examination or at a proceeding held under this Act.

  • 2001, c. 27, s. 127
  • 2015, c. 3, s. 115(F)

Marginal note:Penalties

 A person who contravenes a provision of section 126 or 127 is guilty of an offence and liable

  • (a) on conviction on indictment, to a fine of not more than $100,000 or to imprisonment for a term of not more than five years, or to both; or

  • (b) on summary conviction, to a fine of not more than $50,000 or to imprisonment for a term of not more than two years, or to both.

Marginal note:Offences relating to officers

  •  (1) Every person is guilty of an offence who

    • (a) being an officer or an employee of the Government of Canada, knowingly makes or issues any false document or statement, or accepts or agrees to accept a bribe or other benefit, in respect of any matter under this Act or knowingly fails to perform their duties under this Act;

    • (b) gives or offers to give a bribe or consideration to, or makes an agreement or arrangement with, an officer to induce the officer not to perform their duties under this Act;

    • (c) falsely personates an officer or by any act or omission leads any person to believe that the person is an officer; or

    • (d) obstructs or impedes an officer in the performance of the officer’s duties under this Act.

  • Marginal note:Punishment

    (2) Every person who is guilty of an offence under subsection (1) is liable

    • (a) on conviction on indictment, to a fine of not more than $50,000 or to imprisonment for a term of not more than five years, or to both; or

    • (b) on summary conviction, to a fine of not more than $10,000 or to imprisonment for a term of not more than six months, or to both.

 [Repealed, 2001, c. 32, s. 81]

Marginal note:Counselling offence

 Every person who knowingly induces, aids or abets or attempts to induce, aid or abet any person to contravene section 117, 118, 119, 122, 124 or 129, or who counsels a person to do so, commits an offence and is liable to the same penalty as that person.

  • 2001, c. 27, s. 131, c. 32, s. 81
  • 2012, c. 17, s. 45(F)

 [Repealed, 2001, c. 32, s. 81]

Prosecution of Offences

Marginal note:Deferral

 A person who has claimed refugee protection, and who came to Canada directly or indirectly from the country in respect of which the claim is made, may not be charged with an offence under section 122, paragraph 124(1)(a) or section 127 of this Act or under section 57, paragraph 340(c) or section 354, 366, 368, 374 or 403 of the Criminal Code, in relation to the coming into Canada of the person, pending disposition of their claim for refugee protection or if refugee protection is conferred.

Marginal note:Limitation period for summary conviction offences

  •  (1) A proceeding by way of summary conviction for an offence under section 117, 126 or 127, or section 131 as it relates to section 117, may be instituted at any time within, but not later than, 10 years after the day on which the subject-matter of the proceeding arose, and a proceeding by way of summary conviction for any other offence under this Act may be instituted at any time within, but not later than, five years after the day on which the subject-matter of the proceeding arose.

  • Marginal note:Application

    (2) Subsection (1) does not apply if the subject-matter of the proceeding arose before the day on which this section comes into force.

  • 2011, c. 8, s. 3
  • 2012, c. 17, s. 46

Marginal note:Defence — incorporation by reference

 No person may be found guilty of an offence or subjected to a penalty for the contravention of a provision of a regulation that incorporates material by reference, unless it is proved that, at the time of the alleged contravention,

  • (a) the material was reasonably accessible to the person;

  • (b) reasonable steps had been taken to ensure that the material was accessible to persons likely to be affected by the regulation; or

  • (c) the material had been published in the Canada Gazette.

Marginal note:Offences outside Canada

 An act or omission that would by reason of this Act be punishable as an offence if committed in Canada is, if committed outside Canada, an offence under this Act and may be tried and punished in Canada.

Marginal note:Venue

  •  (1) A proceeding in respect of an offence under this Act may be instituted, tried and determined at the place in Canada where the offence was committed or at the place in Canada where the person charged with the offence is or has an office or place of business at the time of the institution of those proceedings.

  • Marginal note:Where commission outside Canada

    (2) A proceeding in respect of an offence under this Act that is committed outside Canada may be instituted, tried and determined at any place in Canada.


Marginal note:Forfeiture

  •  (1) A court that convicts a person of an offence under this Act may, in addition to any other punishment imposed, order that any offence-related property seized in relation to the offence be forfeited to Her Majesty in right of Canada.

  • Marginal note:Regulations

    (2) The regulations may define the expression “offence-related property” for the purposes of this section, may provide for any matter relating to the application of this section, and may include provisions respecting the return to their lawful owner, disposition, or disposition of the proceeds of disposition, of offence-related property that has been seized.

Officers Authorized to Enforce Act

Marginal note:Powers of peace officer

  •  (1) An officer, if so authorized, has the authority and powers of a peace officer — including those set out in sections 487 to 492.2 of the Criminal Code — to enforce this Act, including any of its provisions with respect to the arrest, detention or removal from Canada of any person.

  • Marginal note:Temporary assistants

    (2) An officer may, in cases of emergency, employ a person to assist the officer in carrying out duties under this Act. That person has the authority and powers of the officer for a period of no more than 48 hours, unless approved by the Minister.

Marginal note:Search

  •  (1) An officer may search any person seeking to come into Canada and may search their luggage and personal effects and the means of transportation that conveyed the person to Canada if the officer believes on reasonable grounds that the person

    • (a) has not revealed their identity or has hidden on or about their person documents that are relevant to their admissibility; or

    • (b) has committed, or possesses documents that may be used in the commission of, an offence referred to in section 117, 118 or 122.

  • Marginal note:Search by person of same sex

    (2) A search of a person under this section must be performed by a person of the same sex as the person being searched. If an officer of the same sex is not available, any suitable person of the same sex may be authorized by an officer to perform the search.

Marginal note:Seizure

  •  (1) An officer may seize and hold any means of transportation, document or other thing if the officer believes on reasonable grounds that it was fraudulently or improperly obtained or used or that the seizure is necessary to prevent its fraudulent or improper use or to carry out the purposes of this Act.

  • Marginal note:Interpretation

    (2) Despite subsection 42(2) of the Canada Post Corporation Act, a thing or document that is detained under the Customs Act and seized by an officer is not in the course of post for the purposes of the Canada Post Corporation Act.

  • Marginal note:Regulations

    (3) The regulations may provide for any matter relating to the application of this section and may include provisions respecting the deposit of security as a guarantee to replace things that have been seized or that might otherwise be seized, and the return to their lawful owner, and the disposition, of things that have been seized.

Marginal note:Oaths and evidence

 Every officer has the authority to administer oaths and to take and receive evidence under oath on any matter arising out of this Act.

Peace Officers

Marginal note:Duties of peace officers to execute orders

  •  (1) Every peace officer and every person in immediate charge or control of an immigrant station shall, when so directed by an officer, execute any warrant or written order issued under this Act for the arrest, detention or removal from Canada of any permanent resident or foreign national.

  • Marginal note:Definition of immigrant station

    (2) In this section, immigrant station means, subject to subsection (3), a facility that is operated by the Canada Border Services Agency — or used by a peace officer or any party to an agreement or arrangement entered into under paragraph 13(2)(b) of the Canada Border Services Agency Act — for the purpose of detaining persons under this Act.

  • Marginal note:Area of a penitentiary

    (3) An area of a penitentiary, as defined in subsection 2(1) of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act, may be an immigrant station only if it is designated under subsection 94.4(1) of that Act.

  • Marginal note:Detention

    (4) A person detained under this Act must not be detained in a designated immigrant station, as defined in section 94.1 of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act, unless, subject to subsections (5) to (7), the Minister determines that the person is to be detained in a designated immigrant station because the person requires a high degree of supervision and control, based on

    • (a) the nature and level of the danger to the public that the person poses, having regard to any of the following factors:

      • (i) any conviction in Canada under an Act of Parliament for a sexual offence or an offence involving violence or weapons,

      • (ii) any conviction outside Canada for an offence that, if committed in Canada, would constitute a sexual offence or an offence involving violence or weapons under an Act of Parliament,

      • (iii) any pending charges in Canada under an Act of Parliament for a sexual offence or an offence involving violence or weapons,

      • (iv) any pending charges outside Canada, for an offence that, if committed in Canada, would constitute a sexual offence or an offence involving violence or weapons under an Act of Parliament,

      • (v) association with a criminal organization, within the meaning of subsection 121.1(1), or

      • (vi) association with an organization that engages, or has engaged, in terrorism; or

    • (b) any serious non-compliance by the person with the rules, applicable in an immigrant station, any other detention facility or any correctional facility where the person is or has been detained, with respect to

      • (i) the possession of weapons or the possession of or dealing in controlled substances, as defined in subsection 2(1) of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, or

      • (ii) violent or aggressive behaviour towards any other person.

  • Marginal note:Minor children

    (5) The Minister must not determine that a minor child detained under this Act is to be detained in a designated immigrant station.

  • Marginal note:Requirements prior to determination

    (6) Before determining that a person detained under this Act is to be detained in a designated immigrant station, the Minister must

    • (a) provide the person with a written notice informing them that the Minister is considering making a determination that the person is to be detained in a designated immigrant station and informing them of the right to make submissions and to retain and instruct counsel;

    • (b) allow the person a reasonable opportunity to exercise the rights referred in paragraph (a); and

    • (c) consider the person’s state of health and health care needs, including with respect to their mental health.

  • Marginal note:Written reasons

    (7) If the Minister determines that a person detained under this Act is to be detained in a designated immigrant station, the Minister must provide the person with written reasons for the determination before the person is detained in a designated immigrant station.

  • Marginal note:Emergencies

    (8) Subsections (6) and (7) do not apply in an emergency in which a person detained under the Act must be immediately detained in a designated immigrant station because of a risk to the safety of the person or to other persons in, or a risk to the security of, the immigrant station where the person is or would otherwise be detained.

  • Marginal note:Rights of person detained

    (9) If a person is detained in a designated immigrant station in the circumstances described in subsection (8), the Minister must

    • (a) as soon as feasible after the person is detained in the designated immigrant station, provide the person with a written notice informing them that the Minister is considering making a determination that the person is to remain detained in a designated immigrant station and informing them of the right to make submissions and to retain and instruct counsel; and

    • (b) allow the person a reasonable opportunity to exercise the rights referred in paragraph (a).

  • Marginal note:Written reasons

    (10) If the Minister determines that a person detained in a designated immigrant station in the circumstances described in subsection (8) is to remain detained in the designated immigrant station, the Minister must provide the person with written reasons for the determination.

Marginal note:Authority to execute warrants and orders

 A warrant issued or an order to detain made under this Act is, notwithstanding any other law, sufficient authority to the person to whom it is addressed or who may receive and execute it to arrest and detain the person with respect to whom the warrant or order was issued or made.

Ticketable Offences

Marginal note:Prosecution of designated offences

  •  (1) In addition to other procedures set out in this Act or in the Criminal Code for commencing a proceeding, proceedings in respect of any offence that is prescribed by regulation may be commenced in accordance with this section.

  • Marginal note:Procedure

    (2) An officer may commence a proceeding by

    • (a) completing a ticket that consists of a summons portion and an information portion;

    • (b) delivering the summons portion of the ticket to the accused or mailing it to the accused at the accused’s latest known address; and

    • (c) filing the information portion of the ticket with a court of competent jurisdiction before or as soon as practicable after the summons portion has been delivered or mailed.

  • Marginal note:Content of ticket

    (3) The summons and information portions of a ticket must

    • (a) set out a description of the offence and the time and place of its alleged commission;

    • (b) include a statement, signed by the officer, that there are reasonable grounds to believe that the accused committed the offence;

    • (c) set out the amount of the prescribed fine for the offence and the manner in which and period within which it must be paid;

    • (d) include a statement that, if the accused pays the fine within the period set out in the ticket, a conviction will be entered and recorded against the accused; and

    • (e) include a statement that if the accused wishes to plead not guilty or for any other reason fails to pay the fine within the period set out in the ticket, the accused must appear in the court and at the time set out in the ticket.

  • Marginal note:Consequences of payment

    (4) Payment of the fine by the accused within the period set out in the ticket constitutes a plea of guilty to the offence described in the ticket and, following the payment,

    • (a) a conviction shall be entered against the accused and no further action shall be taken against the accused in respect of that offence; and

    • (b) any thing seized from the accused under this Act relating to the offence described in the ticket, or any proceeds realized from its disposition, are forfeited to Her Majesty in right of Canada and may be disposed of as the Minister directs.

  • Marginal note:Regulations

    (5) The regulations may provide for any matter relating to the application of this section, and may include provisions prescribing

    • (a) the offences referred to in subsection (1) and the manner in which those offences may be described in tickets; and

    • (b) the amount of the fine, not exceeding $10,000, for a prescribed offence.


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