Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Indian Act Amendment and Replacement Act (S.C. 2014, c. 38)

Act current to 2025-01-22 and last amended on 2019-07-15. Previous Versions

Indian Act Amendment and Replacement Act

S.C. 2014, c. 38

Assented to 2014-12-16

An Act to amend the Indian Act (publication of by-laws) and to provide for its replacement


Whereas the Indian Act is an outdated colonial statute, the application of which results in the people of Canada’s First Nations being subjected to differential treatment;

Whereas the Indian Act does not provide an adequate legislative framework for the development of self-sufficient and prosperous First Nations’ communities;

Whereas the Government of Canada is committed to the development of new legislation to replace the Indian Act that better reflects the modern relationship between it and the people of Canada’s First Nations;

And whereas the Government of Canada is committed to continuing its work in exploring creative options for the development of this new legislation in collaboration with the First Nations that have demonstrated an interest in this work;

Now, therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada enacts as follows:

Short Title

Marginal note:Short title

 This Act may be cited as the Indian Act Amendment and Replacement Act.


Marginal note:Report by Ministers

 Within the first 10 sitting days of the House of Commons in every calendar year, the Minister of Indigenous Services must report to the House of Commons committee responsible for Aboriginal affairs on the work undertaken by his or her department in collaboration with First Nations and other interested parties to develop new legislation to replace the Indian Act.

Indian Act


















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