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Indian (Soldier Settlement) Act (R.S.C. 1927, c. 98)

Act current to 2024-09-16

Indian (Soldier Settlement) Act

R.S.C. 1927, c. 98

An Act respecting Indians

Short Title

Marginal note:Short title

 This Act may be cited as the Indian (Soldier Settlement) Act.

  • R.S., c. 81, s. 1
  • 1927, c. 98, s. 1
  • 1951, c. 29, s. 123

 [Repealed, 1951, c. 29, s. 123]

PART IIISoldier Settlement

Marginal note:Application of Soldier Settlement Act

 The Soldier Settlement Act, excepting sections three, four, eight, nine, ten, eleven, fourteen, twenty-nine, subsection two of fifty-one, and sixty-one thereof, and excepting the whole of Part III thereof, with such amendments as may from time to time be made to said Act shall, with respect to any settler as defined by said Act who is an Indian as defined by this Act, be administered by the Superintendent General.

  • 2 For the purpose of such administration, the Deputy Superintendent General of Indian Affairs shall have the same powers as the Soldier Settlement Board has under the Soldier Settlement Act, the words “Deputy Superintendent General of Indian Affairs” being, for such purpose, read in the said Act as substituted for the words “The Soldier Settlement Board” and for the words “The Board”.

  • 3 Said Act, with such exceptions as aforesaid, shall for such purpose, be read as one with this Part of this Act.

  • 1919, c. 56, s. 3

Marginal note:Title for common lands of band may be granted on land acquired for Indian settler

 The Deputy Superintendent General may acquire for a settler who is an Indian, land as well without as within an Indian reserve, and shall have authority to set apart for such settler a portion of the common lands of the band without the consent of the council of the band.

  • Lands may be security for advances as under Soldier Settlement Act

    2 In the event of land being so acquired or set apart on an Indian reserve, the Deputy Superintendent General shall have power to take the said land as security for any advances made to such settler, and the provisions of the Soldier Settlement Act, shall, as far as applicable, apply to such transactions.

  • Only individual Indian interest is acquired

    3 It shall, however, be only the individual Indian interest in such lands that is being acquired or given as security, and the interest of the band in such lands shall not be in any way affected by such transactions.

  • 1922, c. 26, s. 2

Marginal note:Soldier Settlement Board to assist Deputy Supt. General

 The Soldier Settlement Board and its officers and employees shall, upon request of the Deputy Superintendent General, aid and assist him, to the extent requested, in the execution of the purposes of this Act, and the said Board may sell, convey and transfer to the said Deputy, for the execution of any such purposes, at such prices as may be agreed, any property held for disposition by such Board.

  • 1919, c. 56, s. 3

Marginal note:Power of Governor in Council to settle doubts and define powers

 In the event of any doubt or difficulty arising with respect to the administration by the Superintendent General of the provisions of the Soldier Settlement Act, or as to the powers of the Deputy Superintendent General as by this Act authorized or granted, the Governor in Council may, by order, resolve such doubt or difficulty and may define powers and procedure.

  • 1922, c. 56, s. 3


  • — 1951, c. 29, ss. 123(3), as amended by 1966, c. 25, s. 45

    • References
      • 123 (3) Where in sections one hundred and eighty-seven to one hundred and ninety of the said Act

        • (a) reference is made to the Indian Act, it shall be deemed to be a reference to this Act, and

        • (b) reference is made to the Superintendent General or Deputy Superintendent General of Indian Affairs, it shall be deemed to be a reference to the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development.

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