Soldier Settlement Act (R.S.C. 1927, c. 188)
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Act current to 2025-02-17
FORM AThe Soldier Settlement Act
Notice of Establishment of a Settlement Area
Limits of Settlement Area No.
All concerned are hereby notified that pursuant to the provisions of Part Three of the Soldier Settlement Act, the Soldier Settlement Board of Canada has established and does hereby establish settlement area number (one, or as the case may be) consisting of the lands within the limits above defined, and that all owners of blocks of land as defined by said Part of said Act situate within said limits are required to comply with the terms of said Part of said Act or suffer the penalties by said Act provided and thereafter comply as aforesaid, notwithstanding.
The Soldier Settlement Board of Canada,
X. Y.,
Ottawa (Date)
- 1919, c. 71, Sch. A
FORM BThe Soldier Settlement Act
Notice of Alteration of Limits of (or of Disestablishment of) a Settlement Area
New Limits of Settlement Area No.
Old Limits of Settlement Area No.
(or “Disestablishment of Settlement Area No.
described as follows” as the case may be.)
All concerned are hereby notified that pursuant to the provisions of Part III of the Soldier Settlement Act, the Soldier Settlement Board of Canada has altered the limits of its Settlement Area No........................., that these are now as first above described and that all owners of blocks of land as defined by said Part of said Act situate within said new limits who have not already complied with the terms of said Part of said Act are required to so comply or suffer the penalties by said Act provided and thereafter comply as aforesaid, notwithstanding. (Or “has entirely disestablished its settlement area No.......................... as above described and that all lands within the limits of such former settlement area are hereby freed from the operation of the provisions of the said Soldier Settlement Act, as the case may be.)
The Soldier Settlement Board of Canada,
X. Y.,
Ottawa (Date)
- 1919, c. 71, Sch. B
FORM CThe Soldier Settlement Act
Return of Owner of Land Within a Settlement Area to the Soldier Settlement Board of Canada
Limits of Settlement Area No.
Names and Post Office addresses of person, or persons making return
The undersigned files this return with a District Superintendent of the Soldier Settlement Board of Canada pursuant to the provisions of Part III of the Soldier Settlement Act.
The undersigned owns or own personally (or if owner along with others state names and extent of interests of others and their post office addresses) within the settlement area above described, the following described parcels of land: —
Parcel No. 1 (insert
location and description).
Parcel No. 2 (insert
location and description).
Parcel No. 3, etc.
Parcel No. 1 was cultivated to the extent of ................... per centum of its area during the season of 19...... and its average cultivation for the two immediately preceding seasons was ....... per centum of its area. Parcel No. 1 is encumbered as follows ..................................... (give description of encumbrances and names and post office addresses of the holders thereof).
Parcel No. 2 (give the same particulars as to each parcel).
The owner is willing to sell his interest in Parcel No. 1 to the Board to be applied to the purposes of the Soldier Settlement Act, for the sum of ................ dollars.
The owner is willing to sell his interest in Parcel No. 2 to the Board to be applied to the purposes of the Soldier Settlement Act, for the sum of ............... dollars.
Give the same information as respects each other parcel.
The owner is willing to sell his interest in all the above- mentioned and described parcels to the Board to be applied to the purposes of the Soldier Settlement Act, for the sum of ................ dollars.
There are buildings and improvements upon such land as follows: — On Parcel No. 1 .............................. (short description). Parcel No. 2 and (like particulars).
Dated at ......................... in the province of ......................... this ......................... day of ......................... 19......
Owner or owners
Signed in the presence of
Witness to signature of
Witness to signature of
- 1919, c. 71, Sch. C
FORM DThe Soldier Settlement Board of Canada
Notice of Compulsory Purchase of Land
Settlement Area No................................
Description of Land Compulsorily Purchased
To all persons in any manner interested as owners or otherwise in the above described land.
Take Notice that the Soldier Settlement Board of Canada, pursuant to power provided in and by Part III, the Soldier Settlement Act, has compulsorily purchased the above described parcel (or parcels) of land, that said Board is willing to pay therefore the sum of ............................. dollars, and that by publication of this notice and by force of said Act the said described land is now vested in said Board as for an estate of fee simple in possession (or, in the province of Quebec “in said Board as absolute owner”) freed and discharged from all other estates and from all encumbrances, liens, claims and interests whatever and as effectually as if it had been conveyed to the Board by deed or conveyance of all persons entitled to any interest therein, but that if the owner or other persons interested in said described land are not willing to accept as payment for his or their respective interests in or claims against said described land in full of their interests and claims the amount of compensation money mentioned in this notice, other compensation to be ascertained as provided in said Part III of said Act, will be paid by said Board.
The Soldier Settlement Board of Canada,
X. Y.,
Ottawa (Date)
- 1919, c. 71, Sch. D
FORM EAffidavit of Vendor of Land to the Board
In the Matter of the Soldier Settlement Act
I, ............................. of ........................... in the ......................... of .............................. Province of ..............................., (occupation) make oath and say as follows: —
1. Produced herewith and shown to me and marked Exhibit A by the functionary before whom this affidavit is sworn is a certain conveyance of land to the Soldier Settlement Board of Canada.
2. I have personal knowledge of the matters hereinafter deposed to.
3. No person, firm or corporation has collected or attempted to collect from me, nor been paid by me nor, so far as I am aware, has any person collected or attempted to collect from any other person, whether interested in the land to which such conveyance relates or otherwise, or charged as against any person, or been paid by any person any fee or commission or advance of price for services rendered in the sale of such land to the Board, whether for the finding of a buyer or otherwise.
4. The last sale of said land (or part thereof) previously to the said conveyance to the Board was made on or about the ................... day of ....................... 19.....
The grantors were ....................................................................... of ....................................................................... and the grantees were ........................................... There was paid for said land on that occasion the sum of ........................................... dollars which is an average of ..................................... dollars per acre. The improvements made upon said land since said sale have been as follows: —
5. The consideration mentioned in said Exhibit is ........................... dollars and the persons who are to receive the same and the amounts that each is entitled to receive, and to whom the Board may make payment direct, are now truly stated, to wit: —
(a) ......................................................... (name, post office address and amount receivable)
(b) ......................................................... (name, post office address and amount receivable)
(c) ......................................................... (name, post office address and amount receivable)
Sworn before me at ............................... in the ................. province of .......................... this .............. day of ................. 19 ..... |
- 1919, c. 71, Sch. E
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