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Museums Act (S.C. 1990, c. 3)

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Act current to 2024-09-16 and last amended on 2014-08-29. Previous Versions

Museums Act

S.C. 1990, c. 3

Assented to 1990-01-30

An Act respecting museums

Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:

Short Title

Marginal note:Short title

 This Act may be cited as the Museums Act.

Interpretation and Declaration

Marginal note:Definitions

 In this Act,


Board, with respect to a museum, means the Board of Trustees of that museum; (conseil)


Minister, with respect to a museum, means such member of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada as may be designated by the Governor in Council as the Minister responsible for that museum for the purposes of this Act; (ministre)


museum means a corporation established by Part I; (musée)

museum material

museum material means objects and documentary material, regardless of medium or form, of a type normally kept by a museum for reference or exhibition purposes. (matériel de musée)

  • 1990, c. 3, s. 2
  • 2008, c. 9, s. 1

Marginal note:Declaration

 It is hereby declared that the heritage of Canada and all its peoples is an important part of the world heritage and must be preserved for present and future generations and that each museum established by this Act

  • (a) plays an essential role, individually and together with other museums and like institutions, in preserving and promoting the heritage of Canada and all its peoples throughout Canada and abroad and in contributing to the collective memory and sense of identity of all Canadians; and

  • (b) is a source of inspiration, research, learning and entertainment that belongs to all Canadians and provides, in both official languages, a service that is essential to Canadian culture and available to all.

PART IEstablishment

Establishment of the National Gallery of Canada

Marginal note:Establishment

  •  (1) There is hereby established a corporation, to be called the National Gallery of Canada.

  • Marginal note:Affiliated museums

    (2) The National Gallery of Canada shall include the Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography and such other affiliated museums as the Board of the National Gallery of Canada may, by by-law, establish with the approval of the Governor in Council.

Purposes, Capacity and Powers of the National Gallery of Canada

Marginal note:Purposes

 The purposes of the National Gallery of Canada are to develop, maintain and make known, throughout Canada and internationally, a collection of works of art, both historic and contemporary, with special but not exclusive reference to Canada, and to further knowledge, understanding and enjoyment of art in general among all Canadians.

Marginal note:Capacity and powers

  •  (1) In furtherance of its purposes, the National Gallery of Canada has the capacity and, subject to this Act, the rights, powers and privileges of a natural person and in particular, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the National Gallery of Canada may

    • (a) collect works of art and other museum material;

    • (b) document, record, preserve, conserve and restore works of art and other museum material;

    • (c) sell, exchange, give away, destroy or otherwise dispose of works of art and other museum material in its collection and use any revenue obtained therefrom to further its collection;

    • (d) lend or borrow works of art and other museum material on long-term or short-term loan;

    • (e) organize, sponsor, arrange for and participate in travelling exhibitions, in Canada and internationally, of works of art and other museum material in its collection and from other sources;

    • (f) undertake and sponsor any research, including fundamental or basic research and theoretical and applied research, related to its purposes and to museology, and communicate the results of that research;

    • (g) provide facilities to permit qualified individuals to use and study its collection;

    • (h) promote knowledge of and disseminate information about works of art and other museum material in its collection and art in general, throughout Canada and internationally, by such means of education and communication as are appropriate;

    • (i) establish and foster liaison with other organizations with purposes similar to its purposes;

    • (j) share the expertise of its staff by undertaking and sponsoring programs for training and apprenticeship in the professional and technical skills involved in the operation of other organizations with purposes similar to its purposes;

    • (k) provide and arrange for professional and technical services to other organizations with purposes similar to its purposes;

    • (l) acquire property by gift, bequest or otherwise and hold in trust or otherwise, expend, invest, administer and dispose of that property;

    • (m) develop, operate and maintain branches or exhibition centres;

    • (n) operate restaurants, lounges, parking facilities, shops and other facilities for the use of the public;

    • (o) lease or otherwise make available any of its facilities to other persons; and

    • (p) charge for goods, services and admission and use the revenue obtained therefrom for its own purposes.

  • Marginal note:Restriction

    (2) The National Gallery of Canada may not deal with property otherwise than in accordance with the terms, if any, on which it was acquired or is held.

Establishment of the Canadian Museum of History

Marginal note:Establishment

  •  (1) There is established a corporation to be called the Canadian Museum of History.

  • Marginal note:Affiliated museums

    (2) The Canadian Museum of History shall include the Canadian War Museum and any other affiliated museums that the Board of the Canadian Museum of History may, by by-law, establish with the Governor in Council’s approval.

  • 1990, c. 3, s. 7
  • 2013, c. 38, s. 2

Purpose, Capacity and Powers of the Canadian Museum of History

Marginal note:Purpose

 The purpose of the Canadian Museum of History is to enhance Canadians’ knowledge, understanding and appreciation of events, experiences, people and objects that reflect and have shaped Canada’s history and identity, and also to enhance their awareness of world history and cultures.

  • 1990, c. 3, s. 8
  • 2013, c. 38, s. 2

Marginal note:Capacity and powers

  •  (1) In furtherance of its purpose, the Canadian Museum of History has, subject to this Act, the capacity of a natural person and, elsewhere than in Quebec, the rights, powers and privileges of a natural person. In particular, the Canadian Museum of History may

    • (a) collect objects of historical or cultural interest and other museum material;

    • (b) maintain its collection by preservation, conservation or restoration or the establishment of records or documentation;

    • (c) sell, exchange, give away, destroy or otherwise dispose of museum material in its collection and use any revenue obtained from that disposal to further its collection;

    • (d) lend or borrow museum material on long- or short-term loan;

    • (e) organize, sponsor, arrange for or participate in travelling exhibitions, in Canada and internationally, of museum material in its collection and from other sources;

    • (f) undertake or sponsor any research related to its purpose or to museology, and communicate the results of that research;

    • (g) provide facilities to permit qualified individuals to use or study its collection;

    • (h) promote knowledge and disseminate information related to its purpose, throughout Canada and internationally, by any appropriate means of education and communication;

    • (i) establish and foster liaison with other organizations that have a purpose similar to its own;

    • (j) share the expertise of its staff by undertaking or sponsoring training and apprenticeship programs that relate to its purpose;

    • (k) provide or arrange for professional and technical services to other organizations that have a purpose similar to its own;

    • (l) acquire property by gift, bequest or otherwise, hold that property in trust or otherwise and expend, invest, administer and dispose of that property;

    • (m) develop, operate and maintain branches or exhibition centres;

    • (n) operate restaurants, lounges, parking facilities, shops and other facilities for the use of the public;

    • (o) lease or otherwise make available any of its facilities to other persons; and

    • (p) charge for goods, services and admission and use the revenue so obtained for its own purposes.

  • Marginal note:Restriction

    (2) The Canadian Museum of History may deal with property only in accordance with the terms on which it was acquired or is held.

  • Marginal note:Support

    (3) The Canadian Museum of History may support other museums or organizations that have a purpose that is complementary to its own by administering programs that

    • (a) provide online content; and

    • (b) support the development of online content, including by providing financial assistance.

  • 1990, c. 3, s. 9
  • 2013, c. 38, s. 2
  • 2014, c. 20, s. 193

Establishment of the Canadian Museum of Nature

Marginal note:Establishment

  •  (1) There is hereby established a corporation, to be called the Canadian Museum of Nature.

  • Marginal note:Affiliated museums

    (2) The Canadian Museum of Nature shall include such affiliated museums as the Board of the Canadian Museum of Nature may, by by-law, establish with the approval of the Governor in Council.

Purpose, Capacity and Powers of the Canadian Museum of Nature

Marginal note:Purpose

 The purpose of the Canadian Museum of Nature is to increase, throughout Canada and internationally, interest in, knowledge of and appreciation and respect for the natural world by establishing, maintaining and developing for research and posterity a collection of natural history objects, with special but not exclusive reference to Canada, and by demonstrating the natural world, the knowledge derived from it and the understanding it represents.

Marginal note:Capacity and powers

  •  (1) In furtherance of its purpose, the Canadian Museum of Nature has the capacity and, subject to this Act, the rights, powers and privileges of a natural person and in particular, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Canadian Museum of Nature may

    • (a) collect natural history objects and other museum material;

    • (b) maintain its collection by preservation, conservation and restoration and the establishment of records and documentation;

    • (c) sell, exchange, give away, destroy or otherwise dispose of natural history objects and other museum material, other than primary type specimens, in its collection and use any revenue obtained therefrom to further its collection;

    • (d) exchange with, lend to or borrow from any other organization or person any exhibits, museum material, knowledge or information;

    • (e) organize, sponsor, arrange for and participate in travelling exhibitions, in Canada and internationally, of natural history objects and other museum material in its collection and from other sources;

    • (f) undertake and sponsor any research, including fundamental or basic research and theoretical and applied research, in the natural sciences, with special but not exclusive emphasis on its collection, and in museology, and communicate the results of that research;

    • (g) provide facilities to permit qualified individuals to use and study its collection;

    • (h) create new knowledge and synthesize existing knowledge into new patterns and models and provide a taxonomic data base for biological and geological research;

    • (i) foster the coordination of collection-based research in natural history in Canada;

    • (j) promote scientific literacy and a better understanding of nature by demonstrating the interrelationships among all organisms, including human beings, and their environment;

    • (k) inform the academic, scientific and technical community and the public of its discoveries and understanding of nature by such means of education and communication as are appropriate;

    • (l) provide expertise in natural history and provide informed advice and opinion on issues dealing with the natural world;

    • (m) establish authoritative centres for the identification of natural history objects and specimens;

    • (n) create and foster, through programs, functions and facilities, active public involvement and interest in the Canadian Museum of Nature, both at the community level and throughout Canada;

    • (o) establish and foster liaison with other organizations with a purpose similar to its purpose;

    • (p) share the expertise of its staff by undertaking and sponsoring programs for training and apprenticeship in the professional and technical skills involved in the operation of other organizations with a purpose similar to its purpose;

    • (q) assist, cooperate with and enlist the aid of other organizations with a purpose similar to its purpose;

    • (r) provide advice and expertise on museology, education and communication;

    • (s) acquire property by gift, bequest or otherwise and hold in trust or otherwise, expend, invest, administer and dispose of that property;

    • (t) develop, operate and maintain branches or exhibition centres;

    • (u) operate restaurants, lounges, parking facilities, shops and other facilities for the use of the public;

    • (v) lease or otherwise make available any of its facilities to other persons; and

    • (w) charge for goods, services and admission and use the revenue obtained therefrom for its own purposes.

  • Marginal note:Restriction

    (2) The Canadian Museum of Nature may not deal with property otherwise than in accordance with the terms, if any, on which it was acquired or is held.

Establishment of the National Museum of Science and Technology

Marginal note:Establishment

  •  (1) There is hereby established a corporation, to be called the National Museum of Science and Technology.

  • Marginal note:Affiliated museums

    (2) The National Museum of Science and Technology shall include the National Aviation Museum and such other affiliated museums as the Board of the National Museum of Science and Technology may, by by-law, establish with the approval of the Governor in Council.

Purpose, Capacity and Powers of the National Museum of Science and Technology

Marginal note:Purpose

 The purpose of the National Museum of Science and Technology is to foster scientific and technological literacy throughout Canada by establishing, maintaining and developing a collection of scientific and technological objects, with special but not exclusive reference to Canada, and by demonstrating the products and processes of science and technology and their economic, social and cultural relationships with society.

Marginal note:Capacity and powers

  •  (1) In furtherance of its purpose, the National Museum of Science and Technology has the capacity and, subject to this Act, the rights, powers and privileges of a natural person and in particular, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the National Museum of Science and Technology may

    • (a) collect scientific and technological objects and other museum material;

    • (b) maintain its collection by preservation, conservation and restoration and the establishment of records and documentation;

    • (c) sell, exchange, give away, destroy or otherwise dispose of scientific and technological objects and other museum material in its collection and use any revenue obtained therefrom to further its collection;

    • (d) lend or borrow scientific and technological objects and other museum material on long-term or short-term loan;

    • (e) organize, sponsor, arrange for and participate in travelling exhibitions, in Canada and internationally, of scientific and technological objects and other museum material in its collection and from other sources;

    • (f) undertake and sponsor any research, including fundamental or basic research, and theoretical and applied research, related to its purpose and to museology, and communicate the results of that research;

    • (g) provide facilities to permit qualified individuals to use and study its collection;

    • (h) inform and educate the public about past, present and future science and technology;

    • (i) create and foster, through programs, functions and facilities, active public and special interest group involvement and interest in science and technology, both at the community level and throughout Canada;

    • (j) establish and foster liaison with other organizations with a purpose similar to its purpose;

    • (k) share the expertise of its staff by undertaking and sponsoring programs for training and apprenticeship in the professional and technical skills involved in the operation of other organizations with a purpose similar to its purpose;

    • (l) provide and arrange for professional and technical services to other organizations with a purpose similar to its purpose;

    • (m) acquire property by gift, bequest or otherwise and hold in trust or otherwise, expend, invest, administer and dispose of that property;

    • (n) develop, operate and maintain branches or exhibition centres;

    • (o) operate restaurants, lounges, parking facilities, shops and other facilities for the use of the public;

    • (p) lease or otherwise make available any of its facilities to other persons; and

    • (q) charge for goods, services and admission and use the revenue obtained therefrom for its own purposes.

  • Marginal note:Restriction

    (2) The National Museum of Science and Technology may not deal with property otherwise than in accordance with the terms, if any, on which it was acquired or is held.


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