Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
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An Act to amend the Criminal Code, the Youth Criminal Justice Act and other Acts and to make consequential amendments to other Acts (S.C. 2019, c. 25)

Assented to 2019-06-21

R.S., c. C-46Criminal Code (continued)

Amendments to the Act (continued)

Marginal note:2001, c. 41, s. 4

 Subsection 83.13(11) of the Act is replaced by the following:

  • Marginal note:Procedure

    (11) Subsections 462.32(4) and (6), sections 462.34 to 462.35 and 462.4, subsection 487(3) and section 488 apply, with any modifications that the circumstances require, to a warrant issued under paragraph (1)(a). Any peace officer who executes the warrant must have authority to act as a peace officer in the place where it is executed.

Marginal note:2001, c. 41, s. 4

 Subsection 83.18(1) of the Act is replaced by the following:

Marginal note:Participation in activity of terrorist group

  • 83.18 (1) Every person who knowingly participates in or contributes to, directly or indirectly, any activity of a terrorist group for the purpose of enhancing the ability of any terrorist group to facilitate or carry out a terrorist activity is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than 10 years.

Marginal note:2013, c. 9, s. 6

 Section 83.181 of the Act is replaced by the following:

Marginal note:Leaving Canada to participate in activity of terrorist group

83.181 Every person who leaves or attempts to leave Canada, or goes or attempts to go on board a conveyance with the intent to leave Canada, for the purpose of committing an act or omission outside Canada that, if committed in Canada, would be an offence under subsection 83.18(1) is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than 10 years.

Marginal note:2013, c. 9, s. 9

  •  (1) Subsection 83.23(1) of the Act is replaced by the following:

    Marginal note:Concealing person who carried out terrorist activity

    • 83.23 (1) Every person who knowingly harbours or conceals another person whom they know to be a person who has carried out a terrorist activity, for the purpose of enabling that other person to facilitate or carry out any terrorist activity, is guilty of

      • (a) an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than 14 years, if the person who is harboured or concealed carried out a terrorist activity that is a terrorism offence for which that person is liable to imprisonment for life; and

      • (b) an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than 10 years, if the person who is harboured or concealed carried out a terrorist activity that is a terrorism offence for which that person is liable to any other punishment.

  • (2) Subsection 83.23(2) of the English version of the Act is replaced by the following:

    • Marginal note:Concealing person who is likely to carry out terrorist activity

      (2) Every person who knowingly harbours or conceals another person whom they know to be a person who is likely to carry out a terrorist activity, for the purpose of enabling that other person to facilitate or carry out any terrorist activity, is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than 10 years.

Marginal note:2004, c. 15, s. 32

 Paragraph 83.231(3)(b) of the Act is replaced by the following:

  • (b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.

Marginal note:2013, c. 9, s. 10

 The portion of subsection 83.3(6) of the Act before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:

  • Marginal note:When person to be taken before judge

    (6) Unless a peace officer is satisfied that a person should be released from custody without conditions before their appearance before a provincial court judge in accordance with the rules in paragraph (a) or (b), and so releases the person, the person detained in custody shall be taken before a provincial court judge in accordance with the following rules:

Marginal note:1995, c. 39, s. 139

 Paragraph 95(2)(b) of the Act is replaced by the following:

  • (b) is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.

Marginal note:1995, c. 39, s. 139

 Paragraph 96(2)(b) of the Act is replaced by the following:

  • (b) is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.

Marginal note:1995, c. 39, s. 139

 Paragraph 102(2)(b) of the Act is replaced by the following:

  • (b) is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.

Marginal note:1995, c. 39, s. 139

 Subsection 103(3) of the Act is repealed.

Marginal note:1995, c. 39, s. 139

 Subsection 104(3) of the Act is repealed.

Marginal note:2015, c. 27, s. 30

 Subparagraph 109(1)(a.1)(i) of the Act is replaced by the following:

  • (i) the person’s intimate partner,

Marginal note:2015, c. 27, s. 31(2)

 Paragraph 110(2.1)(a) of the Act is replaced by the following:

  • (a) the person’s intimate partner;

Marginal note:2015, c. 27, s. 32

 Section 110.1 of the Act is repealed.

 Subsection 121(3) of the Act is replaced by the following:

  • Marginal note:Punishment

    (3) Every person who commits an offence under this section is guilty of

    • (a) an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than five years; or

    • (b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.

Marginal note:2014, c. 23, s. 3

  •  (1) The portion of subsection 121.1(4) of the French version of the Act before subparagraph (a)(i) is replaced by the following:

    • Marginal note:Peine

      (4) Quiconque contrevient au paragraphe (1) est coupable :

      • a) soit d’un acte criminel passible d’un emprisonnement maximal de cinq ans et, si la quantité de produits du tabac est égale ou supérieure à 10 000 cigarettes ou à 10 kg de tout autre produit du tabac, ou si celle de tabac en feuilles est égale ou supérieure à 10 kg :

  • Marginal note:2014, c. 23, s. 3

    (2) Paragraph 121.1(4)(b) of the Act is replaced by the following:

    • (b) is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.

 Section 122 of the Act is replaced by the following:

Marginal note:Breach of trust by public officer

122 Every official who, in connection with the duties of their office, commits fraud or a breach of trust, whether or not the fraud or breach of trust would be an offence if it were committed in relation to a private person, is guilty of

  • (a) an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than five years; or

  • (b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.

Marginal note:2007, c. 13, s. 6

  •  (1) The portion of subsection 123(1) of the Act before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:

    Marginal note:Municipal corruption

    • 123 (1) Every person is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than five years or is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction who directly or indirectly gives, offers or agrees to give or offer to a municipal official or to anyone for the benefit of a municipal official — or, being a municipal official, directly or indirectly demands, accepts or offers or agrees to accept from any person for themselves or another person — a loan, reward, advantage or benefit of any kind as consideration for the official

  • Marginal note:2007, c. 13, s. 6

    (2) The portion of subsection 123(2) of the Act before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:

    • Marginal note:Influencing municipal official

      (2) Every person is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than five years or is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction who influences or attempts to influence a municipal official to do anything mentioned in paragraphs (1)(a) to (d) by


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