Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Weights and Measures Regulations (C.R.C., c. 1605)

Regulations are current to 2024-08-18 and last amended on 2019-06-17. Previous Versions

PART VSpecifications Relating to Devices (continued)

DIVISION VIAutomatic Weighing Machines (continued)

Installation and Use (continued)

 Water from any source shall be drained away from the machine and all surfaces under the machine, including floors of pits, shall be kept dry.

 Before use, a portable machine shall be placed on a level and stable supporting surface and shall be properly levelled.

 [Repealed, SOR/98-115, s. 24]

 A machine shall, before use, be adjusted to register zero when there is no load on the load receiving element, unless another mode of operation is allowed for the class, type or design of machine by specifications established by the Minister or by a notice of approval.

  • SOR/2005-297, s. 41(F)

 [Repealed, SOR/98-115, s. 25]

DIVISION VIILinear Measuring Machines


 In this Division,

known test length

known test length means a sample of a material that is representative in thickness and texture of the kind of material that a machine is designed to measure, the length of which has been determined in relation to a local standard; (longueur de contrôle connue)


machine means a linear measuring machine for use in trade. (appareil)

  • SOR/90-118, s. 28

Design, Composition and Construction

 The measuring element on a machine shall be designed and constructed so as to reduce to a practicable minimum any slippage of material being measured.

 The registering element on a machine shall be readily returnable to a definite zero indication and means shall be provided on the machine to prevent the return of the registering element to less than zero registration.

 Registrations of length and money value shall be accurate when the machine is operated at any speed and in any manner to which it may reasonably be subjected in trade use and when it is operated in either a forward or a backward direction.


  • SOR/2005-297, s. 42(F)

 Where a test that consists of measuring a known test length set out in Column I of an item of the appropriate table to sections 216 to 219 is carried out on a machine, the machine is within the acceptance limits of error in respect of the known test length if the length registered by the machine is

  • (a) not less than the known test length by an amount greater than the amount set out in Column II of that item; and

  • (b) not more than the known test length by an amount greater than the amount set out in Column III of that item.

  • SOR/89-570, s. 6(F)
  • SOR/90-118, s. 29

 Where a test that consists of measuring a known test length set out in Column I of an item of the appropriate table to sections 216 to 219 is carried out on a machine, the machine is within the in-service limits of error in respect of the known test length if the length registered by the machine is

  • (a) not less than the known test length by an amount greater than the amount set out in Column IV of that item; and

  • (b) not more than the known test length by an amount greater than the amount set out in Column V of that item.

  • SOR/89-570, s. 6(F)
  • SOR/90-118, s. 29

 The limits of error set out in the following table apply to all fabric machines registering in terms of metric units of length:


ItemColumn IAcceptance Limits of ErrorIn-Service Limits of Error
Column IIColumn IIIColumn IVColumn V
Known Test LengthUnder Registration of LengthOver Registration of LengthUnder Registration of LengthOver Registration of Length
1Up to 263106
7Over 1525 mm plus 1.5 mm per m of known test length13 mm plus 0.8 mm per m of known test length50 mm plus 3 mm per m of known test length25 mm plus 1.5 mm per m of known test length
  • SOR/89-570, s. 6(F)

 The limits of error set out in the following table apply to all fabric machines registering in terms of Canadian units of length:


ItemColumn IAcceptance Limits of ErrorIn-Service Limits of Error
Column IIColumn IIIColumn IVColumn V
Known Test LengthUnder Registration of LengthOver Registration of LengthUnder Registration of LengthOver Registration of Length
1Up to 2¼1/83/8¼
7Over 151″ plus 1/16″ per yd. of known test length½″ plus 1/32″ per yd. of known test length2″ plus 1/8″ per yd. of known test length1″ plus 1/16″ per yd. of known test length
  • SOR/89-570, s. 6(F)

 The limits of error set out in the following table apply to all machines for measuring rope, cordage, wire or woven screening in terms of metric units of length:


ItemColumn IAcceptance Limits of ErrorIn-Service Limits of Error
Column IIColumn IIIColumn IVColumn V
Known Test LengthUnder Registration of LengthOver Registration of LengthUnder Registration of LengthOver Registration of Length
1Any length25 mm plus 1% of known test length13 mm plus ½% of known test length25 mm plus 1% of known test length13 mm plus ½% of known test length
  • SOR/89-570, s. 6(F)
  • SOR/2017-17, s. 13(F)

 The limits of error set out in the following table apply to all machines for measuring rope, cordage, wire or woven screening in terms of Canadian units of length:


ItemColumn IAcceptance Limits of ErrorIn-Service Limits of Error
Column IIColumn IIIColumn IVColumn V
Known Test LengthUnder Registration of LengthOver Registration of LengthUnder Registration of LengthOver Registration of Length
1Any length1″ plus 1% of known test length½″ plus ½% of known test length1″ plus 1% of known test length½″ plus ½% of known test length
  • SOR/89-570, s. 6(F)
  • SOR/2017-17, s. 14(F)

Installation and Use

 A machine shall be firmly attached to a counter or other stable support before it is used.

 Registration shall be returned to zero before each use of the machine.

DIVISION VIIIArea Measuring Machines


 In this Division, machine means an area measuring machine for use in trade.

Design, Composition and Construction

 A machine shall be designed so that any means of adjustment that can have an effect on its accuracy of measurement has provision for sealing.


  • SOR/2005-297, s. 42(F)

 When a machine is tested in relation to a relevant local standard for either acceptance limits of error or in-service limits of error by measurement of a known area on a surface that is representative of the kind of material for which the machine is designed, the machine is within both the acceptance limit of error and the in-service limit of error in respect of that area and that kind of material if the area registered does not differ from the known area by more than 0.006 square metres or 1.5 per cent of the known area, whichever is greater, and, in the case of a machine measuring in Canadian units of measurement, 1/16 square foot or 1.5 per cent of the known area, whichever is greater.

  • SOR/89-570, s. 6(F)
  • SOR/2017-17, s. 15

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