Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Weights and Measures Regulations (C.R.C., c. 1605)

Regulations are current to 2024-08-18 and last amended on 2019-06-17. Previous Versions

PART VSpecifications Relating to Devices (continued)

DIVISION XIVolumetric Liquid Meters (continued)

Performance (continued)

  • SOR/2005-297, s. 42(F)
  •  (1) Subject to subsection (7), the limits of error set out in the tables to subsections (2) to (6) apply in respect of all meters that are designed to measure liquefied gases at ambient temperatures.

  • (2) The limits of error set out in the table to this subsection apply in respect of meters of a size from 25 mm to 50 mm or one inch to two inches, when tested using the liquefied gases the meters are intended to measure and using a narrow neck metal standard of the vapour displacement type.


    Column IColumn IIColumn III
    ItemKnown Test QuantityAcceptance Limits of ErrorIn-Service Limits of Error
    1225 or more50 or more0.5% of known test quantity1% of known test quantity
  • (3) The limits of error set out in the table to this subsection apply in respect of meters of a size 25 mm or larger or one inch or larger, except meters referred to in paragraph (4)(a), when tested using the liquefied gases the meters are intended to measure and using a pipe prover standard or master meter standard.


    Column IColumn IIColumn III
    ItemKnown Test QuantityAcceptance Limits of ErrorIn-Service Limits of Error
    1225 or more50 or more0.25% of known test quantity0.5% of known test quantity
  • (4) The limits of error set out in the table to this subsection apply in respect of

    • (a) meters used to dispense liquid propane to motor vehicles, when tested using the liquefied gases the meters are intended to measure and using a pipe prover standard or master meter standard; and

    • (b) meters of a size smaller than 25 mm or one inch, when tested using the liquefied gases the meters are intended to measure and using a pipe prover standard or master meter standard.


      Column IColumn IIColumn III
      ItemKnown Test QuantityAcceptance Limits of ErrorIn-Service Limits of Error
      1  5160 mL or 2 fluid ounces120 mL or 4 fluid ounces
      210285 mL or 3 fluid ounces170 mL or 6 fluid ounces
      320 or more4 or more0.5% of known test quantity1% of known test quantity
  • (5) The limits of error set out in the table to this subsection apply in respect of

    • (a) meters used to dispense liquid propane to motor vehicles, when tested using the liquefied gases the meters are intended to measure and using a gravimetric prover standard; and

    • (b) meters of a size smaller than 25 mm or one inch, when tested using the liquefied gases the meters are intended to measure and using a gravimetric prover standard.


      Column IColumn IIColumn III
      ItemKnown Test QuantityAcceptance Limits of ErrorIn-Service Limits of Error
      1from 25 to 45from 5 to 101.5%2%
      2more than 45more than 100.8%1%
  • (6) The limits of error set out in the table to this subsection apply in respect of meters of a size 25 mm or larger or one inch or larger, except meters referred to in paragraph (5)(a), when tested using the liquefied gases the meters are intended to measure and using a gravimetric prover standard.


    Column IColumn IIColumn III
    ItemKnown Test QuantityAcceptance Limits of ErrorIn-Service Limits of Error
    1from 100 to 200from 20 to 450.75%1%
    2more than 200more than 450.75%0.75%
  • (7) The acceptance limits of error set out in Column II of the tables to subsections (2) to (6) apply only in respect of tests made under controlled conditions, and for tests made under other conditions the limits of error set out in Column III of those tables apply.

  • SOR/89-570, s. 6(F)
  • SOR/90-118, s. 36
  •  (1) Subject to subsection (4), the limits of error set out in the tables to subsections (2) and (3) apply to all slow-flow meters rated at 115 litres per hour or less or 25 gallons per hour or less for use in trade in pipeline systems to measure fuel oil, stove oil or kerosene supplied to furnaces and other heating equipment, or in any other system where the meter is permanently connected to a point of fuel consumption.

  • (2) The limits of error set out in the following table apply to meters designed to operate at 2.25 to 22.5 litres or more per hour or 0.5 to five gallons or more per hour:


    Column IColumn IIColumn III
    ItemKnown Test QuantityAcceptance Limits of ErrorIn-Service Limits of Error
    1Any volume above the minimum volume set out in specifications established by the Minister for slow-flow meters or for a design of slow-flow meter½% of known test quantity¾% of known test quantity
  • (3) The limits of error set out in the following table apply to meters designed to operate at 0.10 to 3.4 litres or more per hour or 0.02 to 0.75 gallons or more per hour:


    Column IColumn IIColumn III
    ItemKnown Test QuantityAcceptance Limits of ErrorIn-Service Limits of Error
    1Any volume above the minimum volume set out in specifications established by the Minister for slow-flow meters or for a design of slow-flow meter (during tests made at 0.5 litres per hour or 0.10 gallons per hour)3% of known test quantity4% of known test quantity
    2Any volume above the minimum volume set out in specifications established by the Minister for slow-flow meters or for a design of slow-flow meter (during tests made at 3.4 litres per hour or 0.75 gallons per hour)½% of known test quantity¾% of known test quantity
  • (4) The limits of error set out in the tables to subsections (2) and (3) refer to the results of bench tests made in accordance with specifications established by the Minister for slow-flow meters.

  • SOR/89-570, s. 6(F)
  •  (1) In this section,

    API Gravity

    API Gravity means the amount obtained using the following formula:

    API Gravity = 141.5 ÷ (relative density 60/60°F) – 131.5;

    (densité API)

    API Standard

    API Standard means the Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards, published by the American Petroleum Institute in August, 1980, with the designation “API, Standard 2540”; (norme API)


    ASTM means the American Society for Testing and Materials; (ASTM)


    ASTM-IP means the American Society for Testing and Materials — Institute of Petroleum; (ASTM-IP)


    VCF means, in respect of a mechanical or electronic automatic temperature compensator, the applicable volume correction factor

    • (a) at the temperature of the measured liquid during each test of the compensator, in the column corresponding to the density at 15°C in kilograms per cubic metre for which the compensator is marked or adjusted, or to the density corresponding to the cubical coefficient of thermal expansion, relative density or API gravity for which the compensator is marked or adjusted, that is set out

      • (i) in the case of natural crude oil, in Table 54A of the API Standard,

      • (ii) in the case of generalized liquid petroleum products, in Table 54B of the API Standard, and

      • (iii) in the case of lubricating oils, in Table 54D of the API Standard,

    • (b) at the temperature of the measured liquid during each test of the compensator, in the column corresponding to the agreed or experimentally determined cubical coefficient of thermal expansion at 15°C for that liquid and for which the compensator is marked or adjusted, that is set out, in the case of special petroleum liquids to which Tables 54A, 54B and 54D of the API Standard are not applicable, in Table 54C of the API Standard, or

    • (c) at the temperature of the measured liquid during each test of the compensator, in the column corresponding to the density at 15°C in grams per litre for which the compensator is marked or adjusted, or to the density corresponding to the cubical coefficient of thermal expansion, relative density or API gravity for which the compensator is marked or adjusted, that is set out, in the case of liquefied petroleum gases, natural gas liquids and asphalts, in Table 54 of the ASTM-IP Petroleum Measurement Tables, with designation ASTM D1250, 1953 Metric Edition. (FCV)

  • (2) Subject to subsections (4) to (6), the limits of error set out in the table to this subsection apply in respect of mechanical automatic temperature compensators used in conjunction with meters in the measurement of liquids.


    Column IColumn IIColumn III
    ItemKnown Test QuantityAcceptance Limits of ErrorIn-Service Limits of Error
    1Test volume shall be in accordance with specifications established pursuant to section 13 for mechanical automatic temperature compensators for use with any device or class, type or design of deviceThe ratio NET/GROSS shall lie in the range from






    The ratio NET/GROSS shall lie in the range from






  • (3) In the table to subsection (2) and in subsections (5) and (7),

    • (a) NET is the corrected registration of the register and GROSS is the uncorrected registration of the register; and

    • (b) ΔT is the difference in degrees Celsius

      • (i) between the test temperature and 15°C where the compensator is used with a meter designed to measure liquids at ambient temperature, or

      • (ii) between the test temperature and the mid-range temperature of the compensator, where the compensator is used with a meter designed to measure liquids at temperatures other than ambient temperature, and for the purposes of calculating the limits of error, “ΔT” shall not exceed 15°C except in the case of a compensator used with a meter designed to measure liquids at ambient temperature.

  • (4) The acceptance limits of error set out in Column II of the table to subsection (2) apply only to tests made under controlled conditions, and for tests made under other conditions the limits of error set out in Column III of that table apply.

  • (5) In addition to being within applicable limits of error, the NET/GROSS ratios shall agree within 0.001 on at least two of three consecutive tests at the same temperature under controlled conditions.

  • (6) The limits of error for mechanical automatic temperature compensators submitted for approval pursuant to section 3 of the Act shall be one half the limits of error set out in the table to subsection (2).

  • (7) The limits of error set out in the table to this subsection apply in respect of electronic automatic temperature compensators used in conjunction with meters in the measurement of liquids.


    Column IColumn IIColumn III
    ItemKnown Test QuantityAcceptance Limits of ErrorIn-Service Limits of Error
    1Test volume shall be in accordance with specifications established pursuant to section 13 for electronic automatic temperature compensators for use with any device or class, type or design of deviceThe VCF applied to the gross registration shall be not more than the VCF corresponding to a temperature that is 0.5°C less than the test temperature, and not less than the VCF corresponding to a temperature that is 0.5°C more than the test temperatureThe VCF applied to the gross registration shall be not more than the VCF corresponding to a temperature that is 1°C less than the test temperature, and not less than the VCF corresponding to a temperature that is 1°C more than the test temperature
  • (8) Where an automatic temperature compensator referred to in subsection (7) is not marked as described in the definition VCF in subsection (1), the printed ticket, card, bill of lading or other printed record of a transaction shall specify the density, relative density, API gravity or cubical coefficient of thermal expansion, as appropriate, for which the compensator is adjusted, for each delivery by the meter.

  • SOR/89-570, s. 6(F)
  • SOR/90-118, s. 37
  • SOR/2005-297, s. 20

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