Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Victoria International Airport Zoning Regulations (C.R.C., c. 121)

Regulations are current to 2024-06-19

SCHEDULE(Sections 2 and 4)

PART IAirport Reference Point

COMMENCING at the Southwest corner of section 8, Range 1 East; THENCE, Easterly a distance of three hundred and seventy (370) feet to the centre line of Runway 02-20; THENCE, North 44°06′50″ East astronomic a distance of five thousand four hundred (5,400) feet; THENCE, Southeasterly at right angles to the centre line of Runway 02-20, a distance of one hundred and ninety (190) feet.

PART IIDescription of Lands to Which These Regulations Apply

ALL AND SINGULAR those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises, situate, lying and being on the Saanich Peninsula, in the Province of British Columbia, and composed of the whole of sections Two (2) Range Four (4) East, Four (4), Five (5) and Six (6), Ranges Two (2) and Three (3) East, Seven (7) Ranges One (1), Two (2) and Three (3) East, and Ranges One (1) and Two (2) West, Eight (8) Ranges One (1), Two (2), Three (3) and Four (4) East, and Ranges One (1), Two (2) and Three (3) West, Nine (9) Ranges One (1), Two (2), Three (3) and Four (4) East and Ranges One (1), Two (2) and Three (3) West, Ten (10), Eleven (11) and Twelve (12) Ranges One (1), Two (2), Three (3) and Four (4) East and Ranges One (1) and Two (2) West, Thirteen (13), Fourteen (14), Sixteen (16), Eighteen (18) and Nineteen (19) Range One (1) West, and Ranges One (1), Two (2), Three (3) and Four (4) East, Fifteen (15) and Seventeen (17) Ranges One (1), Two (2) and Three (3) East, and Range 1 West; and parts of sections Two (2) and Twenty (20), Range Three (3) East, Three (3) Ranges Two (2) and Three (3) East, Five (5) Ranges Two (2) and Three (3) West, Six (6) Ranges One (1), Two (2) and Three (3) East, and Ranges One (1), Two (2) and Three (3) West, Seven (7) Range Two (2) East and Range Three (3) West, Fifteen (15), Sixteen (16), Seventeen (17), Eighteen (18) and Nineteen (19) Range Two (2) West, and the waters of Tsehum (Shoal) Harbour, Blue Heron Basin, All Bay and Roberts Bay, whose outermost boundaries are described as the horizontal surface limits of paragraph 5(a) of these Regulations where all lands, waters and roads enclosed by the boundaries of the description are affected by these Regulations, but excluding all lands, waters and roads therefrom within the area whose outermost boundary is described as follows:

COMMENCING at the Northwesterly corner of Lot 13, Plan 2818; THENCE, Northeasterly along the Easterly limit of West Saanich Road to the Northwest corner of Lot 14, Plan 1498; THENCE, Easterly and Northerly along the boundary of Plan 1498 to an intersection with the Southerly limit of Mills Road; THENCE, Easterly along said Southerly limit of Mills Road to the Northeast corner of Lot 9, Plan 1001; THENCE, Southerly along the Easterly boundaries of Lots 9, 10, and 11, Plan 1001, to the Southerly limit of Henry Avenue; THENCE, Easterly along the aforesaid Southerly limit to the Northeast corner of Lot B, Plan 113; THENCE, Southerly along the Easterly boundaries of Lot B, Plan 113, and Lot 1, Plan 3861 (Expropriation Instrument No. 13510S) and extension thereof to the Southerly limit of Beacon Avenue; THENCE, Easterly along the Southerly limit of Beacon Avenue to the Westerly limit of the Patricia Bay Highway; THENCE, Southerly along the Westerly limit of the said Patricia Bay Highway to the Northerly limit of Ocean Avenue; THENCE, Westerly along the Northerly limit of Ocean Avenue to the Easterly limit of Canora Road; THENCE, Northerly along the said Easterly limit of Canora Road to the Southwest corner of Plan 115; THENCE, Easterly, Northerly and Westerly along the boundaries of Plan 115 and continuing Westerly to the Westerly limit of Canora Road; THENCE, Southerly along the Westerly limit of Canora and East Saanich Roads to the Northerly limit of Brickyard Road; THENCE, Westerly along the said Northerly limit of Brickyard Road to a Northerly production of the Westerly boundary of Lot 1, Block 9, Plan 1433; THENCE, Southerly along the aforesaid Northerly production of the Westerly boundary of Lot 1, Block 9, Plan 1433, to the Northeast corner of Lot A, Plan 3632; THENCE, Westerly and Southerly along the northerly and westerly boundaries of Block A, Plan 3632, to the Westerly limit of East Saanich Road; THENCE, Southerly along the said Westerly limit of East Saanich Road to the Northeast corner of Lot 4, Block 8, Plan 1433; THENCE, Westerly along the Northerly boundaries of Lots 4 and 3 and its production to the Westerly limit of Basswood Road; THENCE, Southerly along the said Westerly limit of Basswood Road to the Northerly limit of Dickson Avenue; THENCE, Westerly along the said Northerly limit of Dickson Avenue to the Easterly limit of Creswell Road; THENCE, Northerly along the said Easterly limit of Creswell Road to the Northerly boundary of Section 7. R. 1 E.; THENCE, Westerly along the said Northerly boundary of Section 7, R. 1 E. to the Easterly limit of Montrose Avenue; THENCE, Northerly along the said Easterly limit of Montrose Avenue to the Southerly boundary of Section 9, R. 1 E; THENCE, Westerly and Northerly along the Southerly and Westerly boundaries respectively of Sections 9 and 10, R. 1 E. to the Northeasterly corner of Lot 13, Plan 2818; THENCE, Northwesterly along the Northerly boundary of Lot 13, Plan 2818, to the point of commencement.

THE WHOLE as shown within coloured lines on Plan E.900 dated March 15, 1966, of record in the Department of Transport at Ottawa.

All plans referred to in the above description are on record at the Victoria Land Registry Office at Victoria, British Columbia.


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