Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Export of Consumable Stores Supplied to Vessels and Aircraft Permit (C.R.C., c. 609)

Regulations are current to 2024-06-19

Export of Consumable Stores Supplied to Vessels and Aircraft Permit

C.R.C., c. 609


General Export Permit No. Ex. 3

Short Title

 This Permit may be cited as the Export of Consumable Stores Supplied to Vessels and Aircraft Permit.


 In this Permit, consumable stores includes fuel oils, lubricants, provisions and supplies required for a voyage or flight and medical and surgical supplies.


 Subject to section 15 of the Export and Import Permits Act, any person may supply from Canada to vessels and aircraft departing from Canada usual and reasonable quantities of consumable stores where such stores are intended for use by or on the vessels and aircraft taking them on board.

 Where completion and validation of a customs entry form is required with respect to any consumable stores that are exported under the authority of this Permit, that form shall be endorsed "Exported under the authority of General Export Permit No. Ex. 3" or "Exporté en vertu de la Licence générale d'exportation no Ex. 3".

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