Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Yukon Territory Fishery Regulations (C.R.C., c. 854)

Regulations are current to 2025-01-22 and last amended on 2023-06-23. Previous Versions

SCHEDULE IV(Section 7)

Catch, Possession and Length Limits

ItemColumn IColumn IIColumn IIIColumn IVColumn V
Common NameWatersLimitLimitLength
1Rainbow (Steelhead and Kamloops) trout
  • (a) Kathleen River downstream from the Haines Road to the confluence with the Dezadeash River, including all tributary creeks and streams, Lower Kathleen Lake, Crescent Lake and Rainbow Lake; McLean Lake

  • (b) Granite Lake

2220 cm
  • (c) All waters other than those described in paragraphs (a) and (b)

51020 cm
2Bull troutall2, of which only 1 may be greater than 50 cm in length4, of which only 1 may be greater than 50 cm in length20 cm
3Dolly varden charall51020 cm
4Lake trout
  • (a) Aishihik Lake; Chain Lakes; Claire Lake; Coghlan Lake; Dezadeash Lake; Ethel Lake; Frances Lake; Frank Lake; Frederick Lake; Granite Lake; Kathleen River downstream from the Haines Road to the confluence with the Dezadeash River, including all tributary creeks and streams, Lower Kathleen Lake, Crescent Lake and Rainbow Lake; Mandanna Lake; McEvoy Lake; Pleasant Lake (Latitude 61°38′N., Longitude 133°23′W.); Sekulmun Lake; Sekulmun River; Tatlmain Lake; Tchawsahmon Lake; Wellesley Lake

2, of which only 1 may be greater than 100 cm and none may be 65 cm to 100 cm in length2, of which only 1 may be greater than 100 cm and none may be 65 cm to 100 cm in length20 cm
  • (b) All waters other than those described in paragraph (a)

3, of which only 1 may be greater than 65 cm in length6, of which only 1 may be greater than 65 cm in length20 cm
5Arctic charall2420 cm
6Mountain whitefishall510
7Lake whitefishall510
8Pygmy whitefishall510
9Kokanee salmonall51020 cm
  • (1) Chinook Salmon

all1220 cm
  • (2) Coho Salmon

all2420 cm
  • (3) Sockeye Salmon

all2420 cm
  • (4) Chum Salmon

all2420 cm
  • (5) Pink Salmon

all2420 cm
  • (6) Chinook, Coho, Sockeye, Chum and Pink Salmon in the aggregate

all2420 cm
11Arctic Grayling
  • (a) Aishihik Lake; Chain Lakes; Claire Lake; Coghlan Lake; Dezadeash Lake; Ethel Lake; Frances Lake; Frank Lake; Frederick Lake; Granite Lake; Kathleen River downstream from the Haines Road to the confluence with the Dezadeash River, including all tributary creeks and streams, Lower Kathleen Lake, Crescent Lake and Rainbow Lake; Mandanna Lake; McEvoy Lake; Pleasant Lake (Latitude 61°38′N., Longitude 133°23′W.); Sekulmun Lake; Sekulmun River; Tatlmain Lake; Tchawsahmon Lake; Wellesley Lake

4, of which only 1 may be greater than 48 cm and none may be 40 cm to 48 cm in length4, of which only 1 may be greater than 48 cm and none may be 40 cm to 48 cm in length20 cm
  • (b) All waters other than those described in paragraph (a)

5, of which only 1 may be greater than 40 cm in length10, of which only 1 may be greater than 40 cm in length20 cm
12Inconnuall51020 cm
13Northern pike
  • (a) Aishihik Lake; Chain Lakes; Claire Lake; Coghlan Lake; Dezadeash Lake; Ethel Lake; Frances Lake; Frank Lake; Frederick Lake; Granite Lake; Kathleen River downstream from the Haines Road to the confluence with the Dezadeash River, including all tributary creeks and streams, Lower Kathleen Lake, Crescent Lake and Rainbow Lake; Mandanna Lake; McEvoy Lake; Pleasant Lake (Latitude 61°38′N., Longitude 133°23′W.); Sekulmun Lake; Sekulmun River; Tatlmain Lake; Tchawsahmon Lake; Wellesley Lake

4, of which only 1 may be greater than 105 cm and none may be 75 cm to 105 cm in length4, of which only 1 may be greater than 105 cm and none may be 75 cm to 105 cm in length20 cm
  • (b) All waters other than those described in paragraph (a)

5, of which only 1 may be greater than 75 cm in length10, of which only 1 may be greater than 75 cm in length20 cm
14Burbotall51020 cm
15Least ciscoall51020 cm
16All other speciesall51020 cm
  • SOR/80-836, s. 4
  • SOR/82-875, s. 10
  • SOR/87-439, s. 8
  • SOR/89-155, ss. 7(F), 8(F)
  • SOR/94-269, ss. 13 to 16
  • SOR/99-98, ss. 11, 12
  • SOR/2003-339, ss. 8, 9(E), 10

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