Order Acknowledging Receipt of the Assessments Done Pursuant to Subsection 23(1) of the Act (SI/2010-42)
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Regulations are current to 2024-06-20
Order Acknowledging Receipt of the Assessments Done Pursuant to Subsection 23(1) of the Act
Registration 2010-06-09
Order Acknowledging Receipt of the Assessments Done Pursuant to Subsection 23(1) of the Act
P.C. 2010-681 2010-05-27
Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of the Environment, hereby acknowledges receipt, on the making of this Order, of the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada’s (COSEWIC) assessments under subsection 23(1) of the Species at Risk ActFootnote a with respect to the species set out in the annexed schedule.
Return to footnote aS.C. 2002, c. 29
Extirpated Species
- Plants
Lupine, Oregon (Lupinus oreganus)
Lupin d’Orégon
Endangered Species
- Mammals
Caribou, Peary (Rangifer tarandus pearyi)
Caribou de Peary
- Birds
Grebe, Horned (Podiceps auritus) Magdalen Islands population
Grèbe esclavon population des îles de la Madeleine
- Arthropods
Moth, Edwards’ Beach (Anarta edwardsii)
Noctuelle d’Edwards
Tiger Beetle, Cobblestone (Cicindela marginipennis)
Cicindèle des galets
- Plants
Buttercup, California (Ranunculus californicus)
Renoncule de Californie
Spike-rush, Bent (Eleocharis geniculata) Great Lakes Plains population
Éléocharide géniculée population des plaines des Grands Lacs
Spike-rush, Bent (Eleocharis geniculata) Southern Mountain population
Éléocharide géniculée population des montagnes du Sud
Threatened Species
- Birds
Whip-poor-will (Caprimulgus vociferus)
Engoulevent bois-pourri
- Plants
Desert-parsley, Gray’s (Lomatium grayi)
Lomatium de Gray
Popcornflower, Slender (Plagiobothrys tenellus)
Plagiobothryde délicate
- Mosses
Bryum, Porsild’s (Mielichhoferia macrocarpa)
Bryum de Porsild
Species of Special Concern
- Mammals
Caribou, Barren-ground (Rangifer tarandus groenlandicus) Dolphin and Union population
Caribou de la toundra population Dolphin-et-Union
- Birds
Pigeon, Band-tailed (Patagioenas fasciata)
Pigeon à queue barrée
- Reptiles
Turtle, Snapping (Chelydra serpentina)
Tortue serpentine
- Arthropods
Snaketail, Pygmy (Ophiogomphus howei)
Ophiogomphe de Howe
- Plants
Aster, White-top (Sericocarpus rigidus)
Aster rigide
- Date modified: