Order Acknowledging Receipt of the Assessments Done Pursuant to Subsection 23(1) of the Act (SI/2018-112)
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Regulations are current to 2025-02-04
Order Acknowledging Receipt of the Assessments Done Pursuant to Subsection 23(1) of the Act
Registration 2018-12-26
Order Acknowledging Receipt of the Assessments Done Pursuant to Subsection 23(1) of the Act
P.C. 2018-1569 2018-12-14
Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of the Environment, acknowledges receipt, on the making of this Order, of the assessments done pursuant to subsection 23(1) of the Species at Risk ActFootnote a by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) with respect to the species set out in the annexed schedule.
Return to footnote aS.C. 2002, c. 29
Endangered Species
- Birds
Swift, Black (Cypseloides niger)
Martinet sombre
Shearwater, Pink-footed (Ardenna creatopus)
Puffin à pieds roses
Threatened Species
- Birds
Bunting, Lark (Calamospiza melanocorys)
Bruant noir et blanc
Crossbill percna subspecies, Red (Loxia curvirostra percna)
Bec-croisé des sapins de la sous-espèce percna
Longspur, McCown’s (Rhynchophanes mccownii)
Plectrophane de McCown
Waterthrush, Louisiana (Parkesia motacilla)
Paruline hochequeue
Special Concern
- Birds
Auklet, Cassin’s (Ptychoramphus aleuticus)
Starique de Cassin
Grosbeak, Evening (Coccothraustes vespertinus)
Gros-bec errant
Phalarope, Red-necked (Phalaropus lobatus)
Phalarope à bec étroit
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