Order Acknowledging Receipt of the Assessments Done Pursuant to Subsection 23(1) of the Act (SI/2018-40)
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Regulations are current to 2024-10-30
Order Acknowledging Receipt of the Assessments Done Pursuant to Subsection 23(1) of the Act
Registration 2018-06-13
Order Acknowledging Receipt of the Assessments Done Pursuant to Subsection 23(1) of the Act
P.C. 2018-609 2018-05-29
Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of the Environment, acknowledges receipt, on the making of this Order, of the assessments done pursuant to subsection 23(1) of the Species at Risk ActFootnote a by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) with respect to the species set out in the annexed schedule.
Return to footnote aS.C. 2002, c. 29
Extirpated Species
- Reptiles
Turtle, Eastern Box (Terrapene carolina)
Tortue boîte de l’Est
Endangered Species
- Reptiles
Softshell, Spiny (Apalone spinifera)
Tortue molle à épines
- Molluscs
Forestsnail, Broad-banded (Allogona profunda)
Escargot-forestier écharge
Globelet, Proud (Patera pennsylvanica)
Patère de Pennsylvanie
- Arthropods
Borer, Hoptree (Prays atomocella)
Perceur du ptéléa
Skipperling, Poweshiek (Oarisma poweshiek)
Hespérie de Poweshiek
- Plants
Beakrush, Tall (Rhynchospora macrostachya)
Rhynchospore à gros épillets
Colicroot (Aletris farinosa)
Alétris farineux
Ironweed, Fascicled (Vernonia fasciculata)
Vernonie fasciculée
Orchid, Phantom (Cephalanthera austiniae)
Céphalanthère d’Austin
Toothcup (Rotala ramosior) Southern Mountain population
Rotala rameux population des montagnes du Sud
Threatened Species
- Molluscs
Taildropper, Blue-grey (Prophysaon coeruleum)
Limace-prophyse bleu-gris
- Plants
Arnica, Griscom’s (Arnica griscomii ssp. griscomii)
Arnica de Griscom
Lady’s-slipper, Small White (Cypripedium candidum)
Cypripède blanc
Sanicle, Bear’s-foot (Sanicula arctopoides)
Sanicle patte-d’ours
Toothcup (Rotala ramosior) Great Lakes Plains population
Rotala rameux population des plaines des Grands Lacs
- Lichens
Lichen, Black-foam (Anzia colpodes)
Anzie mousse-noire
Lichen, Wrinkled Shingle (Pannaria lurida)
Pannaire jaune pâle
Special Concern
- Reptiles
Rattlesnake, Prairie (Crotalus viridis)
Crotale des prairies
Watersnake, Lake Erie (Nerodia sipedon insularum)
Couleuvre d’eau du lac Érié
- Molluscs
Slug, Pygmy (Kootenaia burkei)
Limace pygmée
Slug, Sheathed (Zacoleus idahoensis)
Limace gainée
- Arthropods
Dancer, Vivid (Argia vivida)
Agrion vif
- Plants
Hoptree, Common (Ptelea trifoliata)
Ptéléa trifolié
Podistera, Yukon (Podistera yukonensis)
Podistère du Yukon
Saxifrage, Spiked (Micranthes spicata)
Saxifrage à épis
Sedge, Baikal (Carex sabulosa)
Carex des sables
- Mosses
Tassel, Tiny (Crossidium seriatum)
Petit pompon
- Lichens
Jellyskin, Flooded (Leptogium rivulare)
Leptoge des terrains inondés
Mountain Crab-eye (Acroscyphus sphaerophoroides)
Acroscyphe des montagnes
Not at Risk
- Mosses
Moss, Pygmy Pocket (Fissidens exilis)
Fissident pygmée
- Date modified: