Order Acknowledging Receipt of the Assessments Done Pursuant to Subsection 23(1) of the Act (SI/2022-27)
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Regulations are current to 2024-06-20
Endangered Species
- Molluscs
Whitelip, Striped (Webbhelix multilineata)
Polyspire rayé
- Arthropods
Duskywing, Mottled (Erynnis martialis) Boreal population
Hespérie tachetée population boréale
Duskywing, Mottled (Erynnis martialis) Great Lakes Plains population
Hespérie tachetée population des plaines des Grands Lacs
Lady Beetle, Nine-spotted (Coccinella novemnotata)
Coccinelle à neuf points
Moth, Nuttall’s Sheep (Hemileuca nuttalli)
Hémileucin de Nuttall
Skipper, Oregon Branded (Hesperia colorado oregonia)
Hespérie du Colorado
- Plants
Foxglove, Downy Yellow False (Aureolaria virginica)
Gérardie de Virginie
Threatened Species
- Reptiles
Racer, Western Yellow-bellied (Coluber constrictor mormon)
Couleuvre agile à ventre jaune de l’Ouest
- Plants
Ash, Blue (Fraxinus quadrangulata)
Frêne bleu
Foxglove, Fern-leaved Yellow False (Aureolaria pedicularia)
Gérardie fausse-pédiculaire
Foxglove, Smooth Yellow False (Aureolaria flava)
Gérardie jaune
Pea, Silky Beach (Lathyrus littoralis)
Gesse littorale
- Lichens
Lichen, Smoker’s Lung (Lobaria retigera)
Lobaire réticulée
Special Concern
- Birds
Flycatcher, Olive-sided (Contopus cooperi)
Moucherolle à côtés olive
Nighthawk, Common (Chordeiles minor)
Engoulevent d’Amérique
Sparrow, Harris’s (Zonotrichia querula)
Bruant à face noire
Not at Risk
- Birds
Falcon anatum/tundrius, Peregrine (Falco peregrinus anatum/tundrius)
Faucon pèlerin anatum/tundrius
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