Order Assigning to the Minister of the Environment the Administration, Management and Control of Certain Public Lands (SI/88-138)
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Regulations are current to 2024-12-23
Order Assigning to the Minister of the Environment the Administration, Management and Control of Certain Public Lands
Registration 1988-09-28
Order Assigning to the Minister of the Environment the Administration, Management and Control of Certain Public Lands
P.C. 1988-2036 1988-09-15
Whereas the Governor General in Council is satisfied that the public lands described in the schedule hereto are required for wildlife research, conservation or interpretation;
Therefore, Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of the Environment, pursuant to subsection 4(1) of the Canada Wildlife ActFootnote *, is pleased hereby to assign to the Minister of the Environment the administration, management and control of the public lands described in the schedule hereto.
Return to footnote *S.C. 1973-74, c. 21
1 In the Province of Ontario
St. Clair National Wildlife Area
(1) St. Clair Unit
In the Province of Ontario, in the County of Kent, in the township of Dover west, all that parcel designated as lots 1, 2 and 3, in concession 4 in a deed between The Dover Marshes Limited and Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada, registered in the Land Registry Office for the registration division of the County of Kent at Chatham as Instrument No. 283843; said parcel containing about 242.8 hectares.
(2) Bear Creek Unit
In the Province of Ontario, in the County of Kent, in the township of Dover east, all those parcels being parts of lots 18, 19 and 20 in concession 16 and designated as parts 1, 3, 5 and 6 in the deed registered in the Land Registry Office for the registration division of the County of Kent at Chatham as Instrument No. 419841; said parcels are shown on a plan deposited in said registry office as Number 24R-3414; said parcels containing together about 46.53 hectares.
2 In the Province of Saskatchewan
(1) Stalwart National Wildlife Area
In the Province of Saskatchewan, all those parcels of land in township 26, range 25, west of the second meridian, that part of the northwest quarter of section 2 and that part of the northeast quarter of section 3 which are shown as parcels E and D on plan 71MJ07236 in the Land Titles Office at Moose Jaw; the whole of section 10; that part of the west half of section 11 shown as parcels A, B and C on said plan 71MJ07236 in said Office; the most westerly 295.38 metres in perpendicular width of the southwest quarter of section 14; those parts of the northeast and northwest quarters of said section 14 which are not covered by any of the waters of Lake No. 2, including in said section that part shown as parcel B on plan 71MJ02135 in said Office; that part of section 15 which is not covered by any of the waters of said Lake No. 2, including in said section that part shown as parcel A on said plan 71MJ02135; legal subdivisions 9 and 16 of section 21; legal subdivisions 4, 5, 6 and 12 of section 22; those parts of legal subdivisions 2, 3, 7, 15 and 16 of said section 22 which are not covered by any of the waters of said Lake No. 2; the west half of legal subdivision 13 of said section 22; those parts of legal subdivisions 2, 3, 5 and 6 of section 23 which are not covered by any of the waters of said Lake No. 2; the most westerly 110.64 metres in perpendicular width of the northwest quarter of said section 23 which are not covered by any of the waters of said Lake No. 2; that part of the southwest quarter of section 26 which lies southwesterly of a straight line joining the northwest and southeast corners of said quarter section; those parts of legal subdivisions 2, 7 and 8 and the most northerly 100.58 metres in perpendicular width of legal subdivision 1, all in section 27 and which are not covered by any of the waters of said Lake No. 2; those parts of legal subdivisions 9, 15 and 16 of said section 27 which are not covered by any of the waters of said Lake No. 2; those parts of the most northerly 201.168 metres of legal subdivision 10 and the most easterly 201.168 metres of said legal subdivision 10, both in perpendicular width of section 27 and which are not covered by any of the waters of said Lake No. 2; that part of the southeast quarter of said section 27 included within the limit of Island No. l in said Lake No. 2; the west half of said section 27; the southeast quarter of section 28; the southwest quarter of section 34; the most southerly 213.36 metres in perpendicular width of the most westerly 402.336 metres of the northwest quarter of section 34; LESS: those parts lying within the road rights-of-way as shown on plans T.1133, S.3319 and 82MJ14723 in said Land Titles Office, said parts being those passing through sections 14, 15, 27, 28 and 34.
(2) Tway National Wildlife Area
In the Province of Saskatchewan, all those parcels of land more particularly described as follows: in township 43, range 24, west of the second meridian, legal subdivision 11 of section 33, the southeast quarter of legal subdivision 12 of said section 33, the northeast quarter of legal subdivision 13 of said section 33, the whole of legal subdivision 14 of said section 33; in township 44, range 24, west of the second meridian, the northwest quarter and legal subdivisions 4 and 5 of section 3, the most easterly 402.336 metres in perpendicular width of the northeast quarter of section 4, the southeast quarter of section 4; the south half and the northeast quarter of legal subdivision 3 of said section 4, the southeast quarter of legal subdivision 6 of said section 4; LESS: firstly; that part of said legal subdivision 11 of said section 33 in said township 43 according to plan 85PA12179 in the Land Titles Office at Prince Albert; secondly; the most northerly 20.117 metres in perpendicular width of the said easterly 402.336 metres of the said northeast quarter of said section 4 in said township 44.
NOTE: All mines, minerals and mineral oils within the area herewith described are reserved to the Crown in right of the Province of Saskatchewan excepting those mines, minerals and mineral oils within the area included within the most easterly 402.336 metres of the said northeast quarter of said section 4 in said township 44.
(3) Raven Island National Wildlife Area
In the Province of Saskatchewan, all those parcels of land in township 40, range 21, west of the second meridian, legal subdivisions 3, 5, 6 and 11 of section 17, the east half of legal subdivision 4 of said section 17, those parts of Raven Island included in legal subdivisions 7, 10 and 15 of said section 17 which are not covered by any of the waters of Lenore Lake, (the natural boundaries of said parts are as determined by survey dated September 20, 1906 as stated in Certificate of Title No. 82-H-03380 in the Land Titles Office for the Humboldt Land Registration District at Humboldt), the east half of legal subdivision 12 of said section 17, the east half and the southwest quarter of legal subdivision 14 of said section 17.
NOTE: The minerals within the area herewith described are reserved to the Crown in right of the Province of Saskatchewan.
3 In the Province of British Columbia
Columbia National Wildlife Area
(1) Wilmer Unit
In the Province of British Columbia, all those parcels of land in the Kootenay District, East Kootenay Assessment Authority, containing lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11 and parcel A in lot 13, all in District Lot 377 in said District as shown on plan X-15 deposited in the Land Title Office at Nelson; the whole of District Lot 3946 and Lot 14 of District Lot 4596 in said District as shown on plan X-32 deposited in said Office.
(2) Brisco Unit
In the Province of British Columbia, all those parcels of land in the Kootenay District, East Kootenay Assessment Authority, containing the whole of District Lots 1907 and 11383 in said District as described in Certificate of Indefeasible Title No. P24814 in the Land Title Office at Nelson and received for registration on October 23, 1980;
Subject to the provisions of the Land Title Act as outlined in the Charge attached to said Title under Certificate No. 6617 dated October 1, 1980.
(3) Spillimacheen Unit
In the Province of British Columbia, all those parcels of land in the Kootenay District, East Kootenay Assessment Authority, containing Block “D” of District Lot 9004 in said District as described in Certificate of Indefeasible Title No. N1991 in the Land Title Office at Nelson and dated January 26, 1979; the whole of District Lots 11105, 11453 and 11457 in said District as described in Certificate of Indefeasible Title No. N1984 in said Office and dated January 26, 1979; the whole of District Lot 11387 in said District as described in Certificate of Indefeasible Title No. N462 in said Office and received for registration on January 8, 1979;
Subject to the provisions of the Land Title Act as outlined in the Charges attached to said Titles under Certificate Nos. 6618 and 6619 dated October l, 1980.
(4) Harrogate Unit
In the Province of British Columbia, all those parcels of land in the Kootenay District, East Kootenay Assessment Authority, containing Lot “A”, District Lots 349, 9002 and 9571 in said District as described in Certificate of Indefeasible Title No. T16112 in the Land Title Office at Nelson and received for registration on July 4, 1984;
Subject to the provisions of the Land Title Act as outlined in Charge No. T21751 attached to said Title and dated October 1, 1983.
- SOR/94-684, Sch. I, Pt. I, ss. 1, 2(F)
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