Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Reproduction of Federal Law Order (SI/97-5)

Regulations are current to 2025-03-03

Reproduction of Federal Law Order


Registration 1997-01-08

Reproduction of Federal Law Order

P.C. 1996-1995  1996-12-19

Whereas it is of fundamental importance to a democratic society that its law be widely known and that its citizens have unimpeded access to that law;

And whereas the Government of Canada wishes to facilitate access to its law by licensing the reproduction of federal law without charge or permission;

Therefore His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Canadian Heritage, the Minister of Industry, the Minister of Public Works and Government Services, the Minister of Justice and the Treasury Board, hereby makes the annexed Reproduction of Federal Law Order.

Reproduction of Federal Law Order

Anyone may, without charge or request for permission, reproduce enactments and consolidations of enactments of the Government of Canada, and decisions and reasons for decisions of federally-constituted courts and administrative tribunals, provided due diligence is exercised in ensuring the accuracy of the materials reproduced and the reproduction is not represented as an official version.


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