Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Marine Activities in the Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park Regulations (SOR/2002-76)

Regulations are current to 2025-02-17 and last amended on 2017-01-01. Previous Versions

SCHEDULE(Section 19.1)Mouth of the Saguenay

The geographic coordinates below refer to the North American Datum of 1927 (NAD27).

The area of the park bounded

  • (a) on the south by a line approximately 3.65 nautical miles in length

    • (i) commencing at a point near Pointe-aux-Alouettes, having the geographical coordinates 48˚05′52″ N latitude and 69˚42′26″ W longitude,

    • (ii) then to a point near Îlet-aux-Alouettes, having the geographical coordinates 48˚06′27″ N latitude and 69˚41′02″ W longitude,

    • (iii) then to a point near buoy S7, having the geographical coordinates 48˚07′11″ N latitude and 69˚40′30″ W longitude,

    • (iv) then to a point near buoy S8, having the geographical coordinates 48˚07′30″ N latitude and 69˚40′17″ W longitude, and

    • (v) ending at a point near Pointe-aux-Vaches, having the geographical coordinates 48˚08′52″ N latitude and 69˚39′58″ W longitude; and

  • (b) on the north by a line approximately 0.77 nautical miles in length

    • (i) commencing at a point near Baie-Sainte-Catherine ferry wharf, having the geographical coordinates 48˚07′35″ N latitude and 69˚43′47″ W longitude, and

    • (ii) ending at a point near the Tadoussac ferry wharf, having the geographical coordinates 48˚08′21″ N latitude and 69˚43′37″ W longitude.

  • SOR/2016-257, s. 16

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