Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada Certificate Regulations (SOR/2004-130)

Regulations are current to 2024-06-19

SCHEDULE 3(Subsection 2(3))Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada Certificate

Certificate issued pursuant to subsection 8.1(4) of the Aeronautics Act

In the matter of the contravention of (specify designated provision) by (identify contravener)

It is hereby certified that, on appeal of the determination of (identify Tribunal member) on (specify date), the Tribunal determined the amount of $(specify amount) to be paid by (identify contravener) on or before (specify date) as a penalty in respect of the contravention of (specify designated provision), which occurred on (specify date).

Dated this blank line day of blank line, 20blank line

Signed by: Name of Each Tribunal Member Considering the Appeal

Address of Tribunal


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