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First Nations Oil and Gas and Moneys Management Voting Regulations (SOR/2006-254)

Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2024-12-16. Previous Versions

First Nations Oil and Gas and Moneys Management Voting Regulations



Registration 2006-10-19

First Nations Oil and Gas and Moneys Management Voting Regulations

P.C. 2006-1109 2006-10-19

Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, pursuant to paragraph 62(a) of the First Nations Oil and Gas and Moneys Management ActFootnote a, hereby makes the annexed First Nations Oil and Gas and Moneys Management Voting Regulations.


Marginal note:Definitions

 The following definitions apply in these Regulations.


Act means the First Nations Oil and Gas and Moneys Management Act. (Loi)

Assistant Deputy Minister

Assistant Deputy Minister means the Assistant Deputy Minister, Lands and Economic Development, Department of Indigenous Services. (sous-ministre adjoint)

deputy electoral officer

deputy electoral officer means a person so designated by the electoral officer under subsection 3(2) for the purpose of a vote. (président du scrutin)

electoral officer

electoral officer means the person so designated by the council of a First Nation under paragraph 3(1)(a) for the purpose of a vote. (président d’élection)

eligible voter

eligible voter[Repealed, SOR/2009-150, s. 1]

First Nation

First Nation has the same meaning as first nation in subsection 2(1) of the Act. (Version anglaise seulement)

First Nation member

First Nation member has the same meaning as first nation member in subsection 2(1) of the Act. (Version anglaise seulement)

First Nation membership number

First Nation membership number means the number assigned to a First Nation member on the Band List of the First Nation. (numéro de membre de la première nation)

legal adviser

legal adviser means any person qualified, in accordance with the laws of a province, to give legal advice. (conseiller juridique)

mail-in ballot

mail-in ballot means a ballot delivered or mailed in accordance with section 7. (bulletin de vote postal)

registry number

registry number means the number assigned to a person registered under section 5 of the Indian Act. (numéro de registre)


reserve, in respect of a vote, means a reserve of the first nation that is conducting the vote. (réserve)

Senior Assistant Deputy Minister

Senior Assistant Deputy Minister means the Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, Regional Operations Sector, Department of Indigenous Services. (sous-ministre adjoint principal)

voter declaration form

voter declaration form means a form that, when completed, sets out the information required by section 8. (formulaire de déclaration de l’électeur)


Marginal note:Vote under s. 17 or 18 of the Act

 These Regulations apply to a vote held under section 17 or 18 of the Act.


Marginal note:Duties of council

  •  (1) The council of a First Nation that intends to conduct a vote must

    • (a) designate a person to be the electoral officer for the purpose of the vote; and

    • (b) forward a written resolution to the Minister notifying the Minister of its intention to hold the vote and identifying the electoral officer.

  • Marginal note:Designation of deputy electoral officer

    (2) The electoral officer must designate one or more persons to be deputy electoral officers for the purpose of the vote.

  • Marginal note:Duties of officers

    (3) The electoral officer and the deputy electoral officers must

    • (a) supervise the conduct of the vote in accordance with these Regulations;

    • (b) act with fairness and impartiality in the administration of these Regulations; and

    • (c) perform the duties and functions that are necessary for the administration of these Regulations.

The Question for the Vote

Marginal note:Content of the question

 The question to be put to the eligible voters is set out

  • (a) in Part 1 of the schedule, in the case of the ratification of an oil and gas code and a financial code referred to in section 10 of the Act and the approval of the transfer to a First Nation of the management and regulation of oil and gas exploration and exploitation;

  • (b) in Part 2 of the schedule, in the case of the ratification of a financial code referred to in section 11 of the Act and the approval of the payment of moneys to a First Nation in accordance with the code; and

  • (c) in Part 3 of the schedule, in the case of a single vote on the ratification of an oil and gas code and a financial code referred to in section 10 of the Act, the approval of the transfer to a First Nation of the management and regulation of oil and gas exploration and exploitation, the ratification of a financial code referred to in section 11 of the Act and the approval of the payment of moneys to the First Nation in accordance with the code.

Voters List

Marginal note:Duty to provide names

  •  (1) At least 49 days before the day on which a vote is to be held, a list of all eligible voters must be provided to the electoral officer

    • (a) by the First Nation, if the First Nation has assumed control of its own membership under section 10 of the Indian Act; and

    • (b) by the Registrar, if the Band List of the First Nation is maintained in the Department of Indigenous Services under section 11 of the Indian Act.

  • Marginal note:Content of list

    (2) A voters list must set out

    • (a) the names of all eligible voters, in alphabetical order; and

    • (b) the First Nation membership number or registry number of each eligible voter or, if the eligible voter does not have a First Nation membership number or registry number, the date of birth of the eligible voter.

  • Marginal note:Confirmation of name on list

    (3) On request, the electoral officer or a deputy electoral officer must confirm whether the name of a person is on the voters list.

  • Marginal note:Revision of list

    (4) The electoral officer must revise the voters list if it is demonstrated that

    • (a) the name of an eligible voter has been omitted from the list;

    • (b) the name of an eligible voter is incorrectly set out on the list; or

    • (c) the name of a person not qualified to vote is included on the list.

  • Marginal note:Proof required for revision

    (5) For the purpose of subsection (4), a person may demonstrate that

    • (a) the name of an eligible voter has been omitted from, or incorrectly set out on, the voters list by presenting to the electoral officer evidence from the Registrar or from the First Nation that the eligible voter is on the Band List and has reached the eligible age for participation in the vote; or

    • (b) the name of a person not qualified to vote has been included on the voters list by presenting to the electoral officer evidence that the person is not on the Band List or has not reached the eligible age for participation in the vote.

Addresses of Eligible Voters

Marginal note:Duty to provide addresses

 At least 49 days before the day on which a vote is to be held, the latest known addresses, if any, of the eligible voters who do not reside on the reserve must be provided to the electoral officer

  • (a) by the First Nation, if the First Nation has assumed control of its own membership under section 10 of the Indian Act; and

  • (b) by the Registrar, if the Band List of the First Nation is maintained in the Department of Indigenous Services under section 11 of the Indian Act.

Notification of Vote

Marginal note:Duties of officers

  •  (1) On the earlier of 14 days before the day on which the information meeting for a vote is to be held and 42 days before the day of the vote, the electoral officer or a deputy electoral officer must

    • (a) post a notice of the vote and a list of the eligible voters in at least one conspicuous place on the reserve;

    • (b) mail or deliver to every eligible voter of the First Nation who does not reside on the reserve and for whom an address has been provided

      • (i) a notice of the vote,

      • (ii) a mail-in ballot, initialled on the back by the electoral officer or a deputy electoral officer,

      • (iii) an outer, postage-paid return envelope, pre-addressed to the electoral officer,

      • (iv) a second, inner envelope marked “Ballot” for insertion of the completed ballot,

      • (v) a voter declaration form,

      • (vi) a letter of instruction regarding voting by mail-in ballot, and

      • (vii) an information package regarding the vote.

  • Marginal note:Content of notice

    (2) A notice of a vote must state

    • (a) the question to be submitted to the eligible voters;

    • (b) the date on which the vote will be held;

    • (c) the location of each polling station and the hours that it will be open for voting;

    • (d) the fact that eligible voters may vote either in person at a polling station in accordance with subsection 17(3) or by mail-in ballot;

    • (e) the name and telephone number of the electoral officer; and

    • (f) the date, time and location of the information meeting.

  • Marginal note:Provision of material on request

    (3) If an eligible voter makes a request to the electoral officer, at least seven days before the vote, for the material referred to in paragraph (1)(b), the electoral officer must provide the material to the eligible voter.

  • Marginal note:Records about mail-in ballots

    (4) The electoral officer must indicate on the voters list that a ballot has been provided to each eligible voter to whom a mail-in ballot was mailed, delivered or otherwise provided, and keep a record of the date on which, and the address, if any, to which, each mail-in ballot was mailed or delivered.

  • Marginal note:Restriction on voting in person

    (5) An eligible voter to whom a mail-in ballot was mailed, delivered or provided under subsection (1) or (3) is not entitled to vote in person at a polling station other than in accordance with subsection 17(3).

Voter Declaration

Marginal note:Content of declaration

 An eligible voter’s completed voter declaration form must set out

  • (a) the name of the eligible voter;

  • (b) the First Nation membership number or registry number of the eligible voter or, if the eligible voter does not have a First Nation membership number or registry number, the date of birth of the eligible voter;

  • (c) a statement that the eligible voter has read the information in the information package regarding the question that is the subject of the vote, or that the information was read to the eligible voter, and that the eligible voter understood the information;

  • (d) a statement that the eligible voter has voted freely and without compulsion; and

  • (e) the name, address and telephone number of a witness to the signature of the eligible voter.

Information Meeting

Marginal note:Duty to hold meeting

  •  (1) Before the day on which a vote is to be held, the council of the First Nation must ensure that an information meeting is held to provide the eligible voters with information regarding the vote.

  • Marginal note:Persons to be present

    (2) A legal adviser and a financial adviser, designated by the council of the First Nation, must be present at the information meeting and an interpreter must also be present to interpret between those advisers and the eligible voters.

  • Marginal note:Information to be provided by the advisers

    (3) The legal adviser and the financial adviser who are present at the information meeting must advise the eligible voters about the following subjects, according to their respective expertise:

    • (a) the processes for the implementation of the Act, including the voting process;

    • (b) in the case of a vote on the ratification of an oil and gas code and a financial code referred to in section 10 of the Act and the approval of the transfer to the First Nation of the management and regulation of oil and gas exploration and exploitation, the possible legal and financial consequences of the ratification of the oil and gas code, the financial code and the transfer;

    • (c) in the case of a vote on the ratification of a financial code referred to in section 11 of the Act and the approval of the payment of moneys to the First Nation in accordance with the code, the possible legal and financial consequences of the ratification of the financial code and the payment; and

    • (d) the content of the question that is the subject of the vote and the possible legal and financial consequences of an affirmative vote or a negative vote.

  • Marginal note:Questions

    (4) The legal adviser and the financial adviser who are present at the information meeting must, according to their respective expertise, answer the questions of the eligible voters concerning the vote, including any questions about the subjects referred to in subsection (3).

Notice to Minister

Marginal note:Notice to Minister

 The council of the First Nation must send to the Minister after the information meeting is held, but before the vote, the following information and documents about the information meeting:

  • (a) the time when the meeting was held and the place where it was held;

  • (b) the names and addresses of the legal adviser and the financial adviser who were present; and

  • (c) written confirmation, signed by the legal adviser and the financial adviser, that they advised the eligible voters about the subjects referred to in subsection 9(3).


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