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Permits Authorizing an Activity Affecting Listed Wildlife Species Regulations (SOR/2013-140)

Regulations are current to 2024-07-23

Permits Authorizing an Activity Affecting Listed Wildlife Species Regulations



Registration 2013-06-19

Permits Authorizing an Activity Affecting Listed Wildlife Species Regulations

Whereas, pursuant to subsection 73(10)Footnote a of the Species at Risk ActFootnote b, the Minister of the Environment has consulted with the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans;

Therefore, the Minister of the Environment, pursuant to subsections 73(10)Footnote a and (11)Footnote c of the Species at Risk ActFootnote b, makes the annexed Permits Authorizing an Activity Affecting Listed Wildlife Species Regulations.

Gatineau, June 17, 2013

Minister of the Environment


Definition of Act

 In these Regulations, Act means the Species at Risk Act.

Permit Application

Marginal note:Application

  •  (1) Any person applying for a permit under section 73 of the Act in relation to an activity affecting a listed wildlife species, any part of its critical habitat or the residences of its individuals must submit an application to the competent minister in a form and manner that is satisfactory to that minister.

  • Marginal note:Content — activity

    (2) The application must include information demonstrating that any of paragraphs 73(2)(a) to (c) of the Act applies to the activity.

  • Marginal note:Content — additional information

    (3) The application must also include information

    • (a) demonstrating that all reasonable alternatives to the activity that would reduce the impact on the species have been considered and the best solution has been adopted;

    • (b) demonstrating that all feasible measures will be taken to minimize the impact of the activity on the species, its critical habitat or the residences of its individuals; and

    • (c) describing any changes that the activity may cause to the listed wildlife species, its critical habitat or the residences of its individuals, the possible effects of those changes and the significance of those effects.

  • Marginal note:Notice of receipt

    (4) The competent minister must notify the applicant in writing once the application has been received.

Issuance of Permit

Marginal note:90-day time limit

  •  (1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), the competent minister must either issue a permit or notify the applicant of the refusal to issue a permit within 90 days after the date of the notice indicating that the application has been received.

  • Marginal note:Application incomplete

    (2) The time limit set out in subsection (1) is suspended if the application is incomplete. The suspension begins on the day on which the competent minister notifies the applicant in writing that the information provided is insufficient to allow the competent minister to issue or refuse to issue a permit and ends on the day on which the competent minister receives all of the missing information.

  • Marginal note:Non-application of time limit

    (3) The time limit set out in subsection (1) is not applicable in the following circumstances:

    • (a) additional consultations are necessary, including consultations held under subsections 73(4) and (5) of the Act;

    • (b) an Act of Parliament other than the Act or a land claims agreement requires that a decision be made before the competent minister issues or refuses to issue a permit under section 73 of the Act;

    • (c) the terms and conditions of a permit previously issued to the applicant under section 73 of the Act have not been met;

    • (d) the applicant requests or agrees that the time limit is not to apply; or

    • (e) the activity described in the permit application is modified before the competent minister issues or refuses to issue a permit under section 73 of the Act.

Coming into Force

Marginal note:Registration

 These Regulations come into force on the day on which they are registered.

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