Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Kettles Regulations (SOR/2016-181)

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Regulations are current to 2024-06-19

SCHEDULE(Section 2)Test Method

  • 1 The following method is to be used for determining the quantity of lead that is released by a kettle:

    • (a) prepare the kettle for use in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions;

    • (b) place 1 L of distilled and deionized water in the kettle;

    • (c) heat and boil the water in the kettle, for a total of 15 minutes; and

    • (d) when the water has cooled to room temperature, measure the quantity of lead present in the water in terms of parts per million w/w, calculated on the basis of 1 L of water.


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