Canada–Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Cost Recovery Regulations (SOR/2016-21)
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Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2016-02-27. Previous Versions
Part 2Formula Fees (continued)
Payment of Fees
Marginal note:Fees calculated under section 9
10 (1) On the submission of an application in respect of an activity set out in any table to section 9, the applicant must pay to the Board the fee determined in accordance with that section.
Marginal note:Heavy burden coefficient
(2) If the Board uses a heavy burden coefficient to calculate an additional charge in respect of an activity, the Board must invoice the applicant or the operator and the applicant or the operator must pay that amount to the Board within 30 days after the date of the invoice.
Part 3Geodata Centre
Marginal note:Definition of daily access rate
11 In this Part, the daily access rate is the rate established and published by the Board by electronic or other means that is likely to reach applicants and operators.
Marginal note:Sample access fee
12 Any person, except a person requesting access for an academic purpose, the Federal Minister and the Provincial Minister, who accesses a physical sample at the geodata centre must pay the daily access rate for each day the sample is accessed.
Part 4Other Charges
Marginal note:Reimbursement of Board costs
13 The Board may require reimbursement for 100% of its costs for activities that are not set out in Parts 1 to 3 and that are related to the following:
(a) any verification of compliance under the Act involving travel to another location by the Board’s staff;
(b) the Oil and Gas Committee;
(c) any technical analysis or process review that is related to a specific project and that is requested by an applicant or operator;
(d) any public review, written or oral hearing or inquiry that is related to a specific project and that is required or initiated by the Board;
(e) a participant funding program that is part of an environmental assessment conducted under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012; and
(f) information, products or services that are requested by a person.
Part 5General
Marginal note:Compound interest rate of 1.5%
14 Interest on an amount owing to the Board must be calculated and compounded monthly at the rate of 1.5% and is payable and accrues during the period beginning on the due date and ending on the day before the day on which the payment is received by the Board.
Remittance of Fees and Charges
Marginal note:Remittance
15 For the purposes of section 29.3 of the Act, the fees and charges obtained in accordance with these Regulations must be remitted on a quarterly basis subject to the Board’s operational requirements.
Part 6Consequential Amendments, Transitional Provisions and Coming into Force
Consequential Amendments to the Newfoundland Offshore Area Registration Regulations
16 [Amendment]
17 [Amendments]
18 [Amendment]
19 [Amendment]
Transitional Provisions
Marginal note:Non-application of section 3
20 (1) Section 3 does not apply to a project that relates to development, production, abandonment, exploratory drilling or multi-year or complex seismic programs if the applicant or the operator has paid 100% of the Board’s estimated costs for the project for the fiscal year in which these Regulations come into force.
Marginal note:Presumption
(2) All existing projects relating to development, production, abandonment, exploratory drilling or multi-year or complex seismic programs that are under the Board’s regulatory authority before these Regulations come into force and that do not have a regulatory activity plan are considered to have been previously under a regulatory activity plan for the purposes of section 3.
Coming into Force
Marginal note:S.C. 2015, c. 4
Footnote *21 These Regulations come into force on the day on which section 39 of the Energy Safety and Security Act comes into force but if they are registered after that day, they come into force on the day on which they are registered.
Return to footnote *[Note: Regulations in force February 27, 2016.]
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