Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
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National Parks of Canada Garbage Regulations (SOR/80-217)

Regulations are current to 2024-12-23 and last amended on 2010-02-02. Previous Versions

National Parks of Canada Garbage Regulations



Registration 1980-03-27

National Parks of Canada Garbage Regulations

P.C. 1980-741 1980-03-27

Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of the Environment, pursuant to subsection 7(1) of the National Parks Act, is pleased hereby to revoke the National Parks Garbage Regulations, C.R.C., c. 1123 and to make the annexed Regulations respecting garbage in the National Parks of Canada in substitution therefor.

 [Repealed, SOR/2001-449, s. 2]


 In these Regulations,

approved enclosure

approved enclosure means an enclosure for the storage of containers between collection times that has been approved by the superintendent in accordance with section 2.2; (enceinte approuvée)


business includes any trade, industry, employment or activity carried on for gain or profit in a Park; (entreprise)


collection means the removal of garbage from a premises to a disposal location whether such removal is effected by the superintendent or a contractor under public or private contract, or an owner; (enlèvement)


container means a type of garbage container listed in Schedule I that has been designated by the superintendent of a park as being acceptable for use in that park or at specific locations in that park; (contenant)


garbage means any kind of waste including

  • (a) animal and agricultural wastes, being manures, crop residues, animal offal such as carcass waste and entrails and other materials obtained from agricultural pursuits, stables, kennels, veterinary establishments and other such premises,

  • (b) bulky wastes, being large items of refuse including appliances, furniture, vehicle parts under 35 kg, large containers and tree cuttings not exceeding 1 m in length or 10 cm in diameter, in bundles not exceeding 35 kg,

  • (c) construction and demolition wastes, being waste building materials and rubble resulting from construction, repair, remodelling or demolition activities,

  • (d) liquid waste, being waste materials or substances that have sufficient moisture or other liquid contents to be free flowing but that are not suitable for disposal through a sewer system,

  • (e) rubbish, being

    • (i) combustibles, consisting of burnable materials such as paper, rags, cartons, boxes, wood excelsior, bedding, rubber, leather and plastics, and

    • (ii) non-combustibles, consisting of materials that are not burnable such as metal objects and containers, ceramics, metal foils and glass,

  • (f) solid wastes, being the useless, unwanted or discarded solid waste materials resulting from normal human activities including semi-liquid or wet wastes with insufficient liquid content to be free flowing,

  • (g) special wastes, being

    • (i) hazardous wastes, consisting of any waste that may present a hazard to persons, flora, fauna or public lands, including wastes of a pathological, an explosive, a highly flammable, a radioactive or a toxic nature,

    • (ii) sanitary wastes, consisting of any putrescible waste that is capable of producing conditions that may present a hazard to health,

    • (iii) natural waste, consisting of tree stumps, soil, sand and stone, and

    • (iv) other special wastes, consisting of materials so classified by the superintendent,

  • (h) trade waste, being petroleum products, scrap metal, machinery and vehicles and parts thereof, and

  • (i) yard rubbish, being prunings, grass clippings, weeds, leaves, and general garden wastes, other than solid wastes; (ordures)

lot volume value

lot volume value, in respect of a lot, means the result obtained by multiplying the aggregate of the volume values for the units on the lot by the number of months of occupancy permitted under the lease, permit or licence of occupation for that lot divided by 12; (valeur volumétrique du lot)


owner means an individual, syndicate, association, corporation, company, club or organization in charge of, or responsible for, a residence or for the operation of any accommodation, activity, business, entertainment, church, hospital, school, university or other facility within a park, and includes an employee, manager, lessee, transferee or partner of such an individual, syndicate, association, corporation, company, club or organization; (propriétaire)


park[Repealed, SOR/96-170, s. 1]


season means, in respect of a park in which garbage is not collected throughout the year, the period in the year during which garbage is collected; (saison)


street means that portion of any throughfare, road, lane, avenue, parkway, viaduct, alley, square, bridge, causeway, trestleway or other place, whether publicly or privately owned, that the public is ordinarily entitled or permitted to use for the passage or parking of motor vehicles but does not include sidewalks, ditches or rights-of-way adjacent to a roadway; (rue)


Superintendent[Repealed, SOR/92-440, s. 1]

total operating and maintenance costs

total operating and maintenance costs means the annual operating and maintenance costs incurred in respect of a park to collect and dispose of garbage generated by owners of lots in the park; (coût total de fonctionnement et d’entretien)

total volume value

total volume value, in respect of a park or service area, means the aggregate of the lot volume values for all lots in that park or service area that receive garbage collection and disposal services; (valeur volumétrique totale)


unit means a building, or a portion of a building, in a park that is designated as a unit by a council or committee of residents of the park and representatives of Parks Canada; (unité)

unit of garbage

unit of garbage, in respect of a service area, means the amount of garbage held by one self-dumping garbage container of the type used in that service area; (unité d’ordures)

volume value

volume value means the numerical value assigned to a unit in a park, determined by comparing the estimated volume of garbage that the unit will generate annually to that generated by a building that has been established as the benchmark of one volume value for that park; (valeur volumétrique)


year means the period commencing on the first day of April in any year and ending on the thirty-first day of March in the year next following. (année)

  • SOR/81-237, s. 1
  • SOR/92-440, ss. 1, 5
  • SOR/96-170, s. 1
  • SOR/2001-449, ss. 3, 12(F)


  •  (1) Subject to subsection (2), these Regulations apply to parks and, subject to sections 40 and 41 of the Canada National Parks Act, to park reserves as if they were parks.

  • (2) These Regulations do not apply in the Town of Banff or in the Town of Jasper.

  • SOR/90-235
  • SOR/2001-449, s. 4
  • SOR/2010-23, s. 5

Approval of Enclosure

 The superintendent shall approve an enclosure for the storage of containers if the enclosure is designed and constructed to prevent access to the garbage in the containers by domestic animals and wildlife.

  • SOR/2001-449, s. 4

Collection of Garbage

 The superintendent may provide for the collection of garbage by a garbage collector in such portions of a park and at such times as he deems advisable.

  • SOR/92-440, s. 5
  • SOR/2001-449, s. 12(F)

Duties of an Owner

 Every owner shall

  • (a) provide and maintain in a serviceable and sanitary condition a sufficient number of containers to hold all garbage accumulated on his premises at any time;

  • (b) subject to paragraphs (h), (i) and (k), ensure that all garbage is placed, and remains, in containers that are of a type set out in Column I of an item of Schedule I and that meet the specifications set out in Column II of that item;

  • (c) drain and wrap all wet garbage before placing it in a container;

  • (d) ensure that containers are set out for collection at such places and such times and in such manner as the superintendent may designate;

  • (e) remove all containers from their designated collection location on any street within such period as may be specified by the superintendent;

  • (f) ensure that all rigid metal containers and disposable plastic bag type containers are securely closed when set out for collection;

  • (g) between collection times, store garbage

    • (i) in Banff National Park of Canada, Glacier National Park of Canada, Jasper National Park of Canada, Kootenay National Park of Canada, Mount Revelstoke National Park of Canada and Yoho National Park of Canada, in self-dumping garbage containers that meet the specifications set out in column II of item 4 of Schedule I, and

    • (ii) in any other park, in an approved enclosure or in steel refuse containers that meet the specifications set out in column II of item 2 of Schedule I;

  • (h) securely tie in bundles any combustible rubbish set out for collection in accordance with any instructions of the superintendent;

  • (i) prepare yard rubbish for collection in accordance with any instructions of the superintendent;

  • (j) extinguish all ashes or coals before setting them out for collection;

  • (k) ensure that bulky wastes are not set out for collection except at such times as may be determined by the superintendent;

  • (l) ensure that liquid wastes, trade wastes, special wastes, animal and agricultural wastes, and construction and demolition wastes are not set out for collection by the superintendent; and

  • (m) keep the street, sidewalk and boulevard abutting, in front of, flanking and at the rear of the owner’s premises, free of garbage.

  • SOR/92-440, s. 5
  • SOR/2001-449, ss. 5, 12(F)

Solid Wastes or Liquid Wastes

  •  (1) The superintendent may post a sign at the entrance to a garbage disposal area or facility requiring a permit to deliver any solid or liquid wastes to that disposal area or facility.

  • (2) Where the superintendent has posted a sign at the entrance to a garbage disposal area or facility pursuant to subsection (1), no person shall deliver solid or liquid wastes to that disposal area or facility without first obtaining a permit from the superintendent.

  • (3) Every person in possession of a permit issued pursuant to subsection (2) shall show such permit at the request of the superintendent or the person in charge of the disposal area or facility.

  • SOR/92-440, s. 5
  • SOR/2001-449, s. 12(F)

Escape of Garbage from Vehicles

  •  (1) No person shall convey or cause to be conveyed any garbage in a vehicle that is not properly constructed and covered so as to prevent the contents thereof from escaping.

  • (2) In the event of an escape of garbage from any vehicle the owner of the vehicle shall be responsible for the immediate clean-up.


  •  (1) Subject to subsection (2), no person shall deposit any yard rubbish on a sidewalk or a street.

  • (2) Where the superintendent has made an arrangement for the collection of yard rubbish on a sidewalk or a street on a day specified by the superintendent, a person may deposit yard rubbish on that sidewalk or street on that day if the yard rubbish does not impede pedestrian or vehicular traffic.

  • SOR/86-377, s. 1
  • SOR/92-440, s. 5
  • SOR/2001-449, s. 12(F)

 No person shall discard or dispose of or deposit garbage anywhere in a park except in such places and at such times and under such conditions as the superintendent may authorize.

  • SOR/92-440, s. 5
  • SOR/2001-449, s. 12(F)
  •  (1) Subject to subsection (2), no owner shall accumulate or allow to accumulate any garbage on his premises.

  • (2) Where, on application to the superintendent, an owner has been issued a permit to accumulate trade waste, he may, in accordance with the permit, accumulate trade waste on his premises for the purposes of sale or recycling.

  • (3) The permit referred to in subsection (2) shall specify

    • (a) the nature and type of trade waste that may be accumulated;

    • (b) the location and manner in which the trade waste is to be accumulated; and

    • (c) the manner in which trade waste is to be removed.

  • (4) No permit to accumulate trade waste shall be issued where the superintendent has reasonable grounds to believe that the accumulation of trade waste could adversely affect

    • (a) the appearance, natural resources or amenity of the park or of any community within the park; or

    • (b) the enjoyment, safety or comfort of residents or visitors to the park.

  • SOR/86-377, s. 2
  • SOR/92-440, s. 5
  • SOR/2001-449, s. 12(F)


 Every owner of a lot of a type set out in column I of an item of Schedule II for which garbage collection and disposal services are provided shall pay the charge set out in column II of that item.

  • SOR/92-440, s. 2
  • SOR/95-526, s. 1
  • SOR/96-170, s. 2

 Every owner of an establishment, in a park referred to in Schedule III, of a class set out in column I of an item of that Schedule to whom garbage collection and disposal services are provided or who delivers or disposes of solid or liquid wastes in a park garbage disposal area or facility shall

  • (a) where the service is provided or the disposal is made throughout the year, pay the charge set out in column II of that item; and

  • (b) where the service is provided or the disposal is made in certain seasons only, pay the charge set out in column III of that item.

  • SOR/96-170, s. 2
  •  (1) Every owner of a lot located in Banff National Park of Canada, Yoho National Park of Canada or Waterton Lakes National Park of Canada shall pay the garbage collection and disposal charge determined by the formula

    A × B/12 × C/D


    is the aggregate of the volume values of the units on the lot,
    is the number of months in the year during which the owner is permitted to occupy the lot under the lease, permit or licence of occupation for that lot,
    is the total operating and maintenance cost incurred in respect of the park, and
    is the total volume value for the park.
  • (2) For each park referred to in subsection (1), the total cost incurred to collect and dispose of garbage generated by owners of lots in the park, the lot volume value for each lot in the park and the total volume value for the park shall be calculated on March 31, 1996 and on that date in every subsequent year.

  • SOR/96-170, s. 2
  • SOR/2001-449, s. 6
  •  (1) Subject to subsection (5), every owner of a lot in Prince Albert National Park of Canada, other than owners of lots in the central business district service area, shall pay the garbage collection and disposal charge determined by the formula

    (A × B × C) / D


    is the total number of units of garbage generated annually by the service area in which the lot is located,
    is the cost to collect and dispose of one unit of garbage in that service area,
    is the number of units on the lot, and
    is the total number of units in the service area.
  • (2) The cost, per unit of garbage, to provide garbage collection and disposal services in Prince Albert National Park and the total number of units in each service area in the park shall be calculated on March 31, 1996 and on that date in every subsequent year.

  • (3) Subject to subsection (5), every owner of a lot in the central business district service area in Prince Albert National Park shall pay the garbage collection and disposal charge determined by the formula

    A × B × C/12 × D/E


    is the total number of units of garbage generated annually by that service area,
    is the cost to collect and dispose of one unit of garbage in that service area,
    is the number of months of the year during which the owner is permitted to occupy the lot under the lease, permit or licence of occupation for that lot,
    is the aggregate of the volume values of the units on that lot, and
    is the total volume value for that service area.
  • (4) The cost, per unit of garbage, to provide garbage collection and disposal services in Prince Albert National Park, the lot volume value for each lot in the park and the total volume value for the central business district service area shall be calculated on March 31, 1996 and on that date in every subsequent year.

  • (5) [Repealed, SOR/99-297, s. 1]

  • SOR/96-170, s. 2
  • SOR/99-297, s. 1
  • SOR/2001-449, s. 11
  •  (1) For the purposes of subsection 12(1), the superintendent of each park referred to in that subsection shall, on March 31 of each year, provide each owner of a lot in that park with

    • (a) the lot volume value for the lot;

    • (b) the volume value for each unit on the lot;

    • (c) the total operating and maintenance cost incurred in respect of the park; and

    • (d) the total volume value for the park.

  • (2) For the purposes of subsection 13(1), the superintendent of Prince Albert National Park of Canada shall, on March 31 of each year, provide each owner of a lot in that park with

    • (a) the total number of units of garbage generated annually by the service area in which the lot is located;

    • (b) the cost to collect and dispose of one unit of garbage in that service area;

    • (c) the number of units on the lot; and

    • (d) the total number of units in that service area.

  • (3) For the purposes of subsection 13(3), the superintendent of Prince Albert National Park of Canada shall, on March 31 of each year, provide each owner of a lot in the central business district service area with

    • (a) the total number of units of garbage generated annually by that service area;

    • (b) the cost to collect and dispose of one unit of garbage in that service area;

    • (c) the lot volume value for the lot;

    • (d) the volume value for each unit on the lot; and

    • (e) the total volume value of that service area.

  • SOR/96-170, s. 2
  • SOR/2001-449, s. 11

 Charges payable under sections 10 to 14 are payable within 30 days after the day on which a statement of account is sent by the superintendent.

  • SOR/96-170, s. 2
  • SOR/2009-322, s. 14

SCHEDULE I(Sections 2 and 4)

Column IColumn II
Type of Garbage ContainerSpecifications
1Rigid metal or plastic70 cm maximum height; 45 cm maximum diameter; 150 L maximum capacity; 35 kg maximum weight when full; tight fitting, waterproof cover; two carrying handles permanently affixed to the sides.
2Steel refuse containerswell fitting and easily operated covers; painted outside; proper brackets for disposal vehicle attachment; free from cracks or major dents; proper base stands or wheels; of a size approved by the superintendent.
3Disposal Plastic Bag (may be used only for containing waste when plastic bags containing waste are stored inside an approved enclosure)close fitting, waterproof, thickness of 3/1000 inches (.0762 mm); maximum height of 100 cm; maximum width of 70 cm; maximum weight when full, 25 kg; free from holes, tears or other damage.
4Self-dumping garbage container
  • (a) capacity of 2 cubic yards (1.5 m3) or more, with a minimum width of 51 inches (1295 mm), a minimum height of 75 inches (1905 mm) and a minimum depth of 88 inches (2235 mm); or

  • (b) compatible with the garbage collection and disposal system used in the park.

  • SOR/92-440, s. 5
  • SOR/96-170, s. 3
  • SOR/2001-449, ss. 7, 12(F)

SCHEDULE II(Section 10)

Charges for Garbage Collection and Disposal Services in Jasper National Park of Canada

ItemColumn IColumn II
Type of lotCharge ($)
1 and 2[Repealed, SOR/2010-23, s. 6]
3Any lot outside the Town of Jasper
  • (a) for one pick-up per week of up to 8 cubic yards, per year blank line

  • (b) for any additional pick-up of self-dumping garbage containers, per cubic yard blank line

  • (c) for any pick-up of garbage not stored in containers set out in Schedule I, per hour blank line

  • (d) for transportation of garbage from the place of removal to the park transfer station, per pick-up, per kilometre blank line

  • SOR/81-237, s. 2
  • SOR/83-290, s. 1
  • SOR/84-42, s. 1
  • SOR/85-507, s. 1
  • SOR/86-314, ss. 1 to 5
  • SOR/88-7, ss. 1 to 6
  • SOR/89-370, s. 1
  • SOR/92-440, ss. 3, 4
  • SOR/93-115, ss. 1 to 7
  • SOR/95-526, ss. 2, 3(F)
  • SOR/96-170, s. 4
  • SOR/96-428, s. 1
  • SOR/2001-449, s. 8
  • SOR/2010-23, s. 6

SCHEDULE III(Section 11)


Charges for Garbage Collection and Disposal Services in Riding Mountain National Park of Canada

ItemColumn IColumn IIColumn III
Class of EstablishmentAnnual charge where garbage is collected or disposed of throughout the year ($)Annual charge where garbage is collected or disposed of seasonally ($)
1Residential dwelling unit blank line95.0055.00
2Hotel or motel, per room blank line31.5018.50
3Retail establishment blank line190.00110.00
4Restaurant or bar, per seat blank line4.752.75
5Business office blank line190.00110.00
6Dance hall, movie theatre or other entertainment or recreational facility blank line95.0055.00
7Ancillary food or beverage facility blank line190.00110.00
8Service station or garage blank line190.00110.00
9Church, school or community hall blank line190.00110.00
10Cabin lot blank line47.5027.50
11Any establishment not listed in items 1 to 10 blank line190.00110.00


Charges for Garbage Collection and Disposal Services in National Parks of Canada Other Than Banff National Park of Canada, Jasper National Park of Canada, Waterton Lakes National Park of Canada, Yoho National Park of Canada, Riding Mountain National Park of Canada and Prince Albert National Park of Canada

ItemColumn IColumn IIColumn III
Class of EstablishmentAnnual charge where garbage is collected or disposed of throughout the yearAnnual charge where garbage is collected or disposed of seasonally
1Apartment building
  • (a) with kitchen or dining room, per suite blank line

  • (b) without kitchen or dining room, per suite blank line

2Auto bungalow camp having a single cabin or unit or multiple cabins
  • (a) with facilities for cooking blank line

  • (b) without facilities for cooking blank line

3Beer parlour
  • (a) serving meals blank line

  • (b) not serving meals blank line

4Bicycle repair shop blank line82.7040.76
5Boarding house or rooming house having
  • (a) 10 bedrooms or more

  • (i) with a dining room, cafeteria or other eating facilities blank line

  • (ii) without eating facilities blank line

  • (b) fewer than 10 bedrooms

  • (i) with a dining room, cafeteria or other eating facilities blank line

  • (ii) without eating facilities blank line

6Bookstore blank line82.7040.76
7Business office blank line32.6116.31
8Butcher shop blank line151.4175.70
9Cabin or tent-house blank line17.46
10China shop blank line138.6068.71
  • (a) with assembly hall blank line

  • (b) without assembly hall blank line

12Clothing store blank line165.3982.70
13Dairy blank line138.6068.71
14Dance hall blank line165.3982.70
15Delicatessen blank line138.6068.71
16Dwelling house
  • (a) single blank line

  • (b) duplex blank line

17Garage, service station or auto body repair shop blank line165.3982.70
18Grocery store blank line177.0388.52
19Hall, other than a church assembly hall or a dance hall, that is rented for public meetings or gatherings blank line138.6068.71
20Hospital having
  • (a) 25 or fewer beds blank line

  • (b) more than 25 beds blank line

21Hotel having
  • (a) 51 or more bedrooms

  • (i) with a dining room, cafeteria or other eating facilities blank line

  • (ii) without eating facilities blank line

  • (b) fewer than 51 but not fewer than 25 bedrooms

  • (i) with a dining room, cafeteria or other eating facilities blank line

  • (ii) without eating facilities blank line

  • (c) fewer than 25 but not fewer than 10 bedrooms

  • (i) with a dining room, cafeteria or other eating facilities blank line

  • (ii) without eating facilities blank line

  • (d) fewer than 10 bedrooms

  • (i) with a dining room, cafeteria or other eating facilities blank line

  • (ii) without eating facilities blank line

22Liquor store blank line221.29110.64
23Lodge hall blank line82.7040.76
24Lunch counter or milk bar blank line110.6454.73
  • (a) with facilities for cooking, per unit blank line

  • (b) without facilities for cooking, per unit blank line

26Novelty or souvenir store blank line138.6068.71
27Photographic store blank line82.7040.76
28Radio sales and service store blank line82.7040.76
29Restaurant having a
  • (a) seating capacity of fewer than 25 persons blank line

  • (b) seating capacity of at least 25 but not more than 50 persons blank line

  • (c) seating capacity of more than 50 but not more than 75 persons blank line

  • (d) seating capacity of more than 75 persons blank line

30School, college or university
  • (a) where board is furnished and there are enrolled

  • (i) fewer than 25 students blank line

  • (ii) at least 25 but not more than 50 students blank line

  • (iii) more than 50 students blank line

  • (b) where board is not furnished and there are enrolled

  • (i) fewer than 25 students blank line

  • (ii) at least 25 but not more than 50 students blank line

  • (iii) more than 50 students blank line

31Shoe repair shop blank line82.7040.76
32Shoe store blank line82.7040.76
33Sporting goods store blank line82.7040.76
34Tobacconists shop blank line82.7040.76
35Any establishment not listed above blank line110.6454.73
  • SOR/96-170, s. 4
  • SOR/99-297, s. 2
  • SOR/2001-449, ss. 9, 10

Date modified: