Canada Oil and Gas Diving Regulations (SOR/88-600)
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Regulations are current to 2024-06-20
SCHEDULE VII(Paragraph 53(b))
Diver’s Medical Examination Record — Part I
All abnormal findings shall be recorded on the diver’s medical examination record.
Family name: First name(s): Birth date: Sex: M/F
Ht: cm Wt: kg Identifying features:
General appearance:
- HEENT: Normal? Yes/No
- URTI: Normal? Yes/No
- Teeth & gums normal? Yes/No
- Any dentures? Yes/No
- Neck normal? Yes/No
- Sinuses normal? Yes/No
- Dental X-rays normal? Yes/No/Not doneFootnote *
- Normal colour vision? Yes/No
Nasal airway | EAM | Eardrums | Eustacian tube | Audiometry | |
Rt. normal? | Yes/No | Yes/No | Yes/No | Yes/No | Yes/No |
Lt. normal? | Yes/No | Yes/No | Yes/No | Yes/No | Yes/No |
Vision: Distant | Dist. with glasses | Near | Near with glasses | Normal visual fields? | Normal fundi? |
Right | Yes/No | Yes/No | |||
Left | Yes/No | Yes/No | |||
Both | Yes/No | Yes/No |
- Rash? Yes/No
- Infection? Yes/No
- Parasites? Yes/No
- Lymph glands normal? Yes/No
- Skinfold thickness:
- Lt. biceps: mm
- Lt. triceps: mm
- Lt. subscapular: mm
- Lt. sacroiliac: mm
- Breasts normal? Yes/No
- Any chest scars or deformity? Yes/No
- Chest auscultation normal? Yes/No
- Any adventitious sounds? Yes/No
- Current chest X-ray normal? Yes/No
- FVC: FEV1/FVC%%.
- BP: /
- Pulse: / min.
- Varicose veins? Yes/No
- Peripheral pulses and circulation normal? Yes/No
- Normal apex beat? Yes/No
- Normal heart sounds? Yes/No
- Murmurs present? Yes/No
- ECG normal? Yes/No
- Exercise tolerance test (eg. Ruffier test) normal? Yes/No
- Stress ECG normal? Yes/No/Not done.Footnote +
- Organomegaly? Yes/No
- Masses present? Yes/No
- Herniae present? Yes/No
- Genitourinary system normal? Yes/No
- Rectal normal? Yes/No
Joint X-rays:Footnote for * Shoulders Hip Knees Rt. normal? Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Lt. normal? Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No - Spine normal? Yes/No
- Limbs & joints normal? Yes/No
- CNS:
- Power & tone of limbs normal? Yes/No
- Normal sensation to pinprick? Yes/No
Reflexes BJ TJ SJ KJ AJ Abdo. Plantar Clonus Right Left - Cerebellar function normal? Yes/No
- Vestibular function normal? Yes/No
- Rombergism present? Yes/No
- Nystagmus present? Yes/No
- EEG normal? Yes/No/Not DoneFootnote *
- Electronystagmograms normal? Yes/No/Not DoneFootnote *
- Hb: g/dL
- HCT:
- Sickle cell trait absent? Yes/NoFootnote * (initial medical examination)
- Blood group:
- BUN: Footnote *
- Creatinine: Footnote *
- Other
- Urine PH:
- Urine free of:
- albumin? Yes/No
- sugar? Yes/No
- protein? Yes/No
- blood? Yes/No
Comment on any abnormalities detected:
- Is the candidate free from physical defect and disease? Yes/No
- Has the candidate the physique for prolonged exertion? Yes/No
- Is the candidate fit for work in all climates if inoculations are up-to-date? Yes/No
- Is the candidate permanently unfit to dive? Yes/No
- Is the candidate temporarily unfit to dive? Yes/No Date for next examination:
- Is the candidate fit to dive with restrictions? Yes/No Specify:
- Name and address of examining doctor:
- Signed: Date: Place:
Return to footnote *At the discretion of the examining doctor
Return to footnote +Mandatory for divers over 35 years of age
Diver’s Medical Examination Record — Part II
To be completed by the diver in ballpoint pen. Circle correct answer. If in doubt, ask the advice of the examining doctor.
- (a)Family name: First name(s): Birth date:
S.I.N.: Provincial Health No.:
- (b)Have you had a commercial diver’s medical examination before? Yes/NoIf yes, when? Where?
When did you first work under pressure?
- (c)Date and place of your last bone and joint X-ray examination:
Other X-ray examinations: Give details of vaccinations:
- (d)Have you ever had any of the following medical problems?
- 1Skin bends? Yes/No
- 2Limb bends? Yes/No
- 3Spinal or cerebral bends? Yes/No
- 4Pulmonary decompression sickness? Yes/No
- 5Vestibular bends? Yes/No
- 6Pulmonary barotrauma (ruptured lung)? Yes/No
- 7Arterial gas embolism? Yes/No
- 8Problems with compression? Yes/No
- 9Dysbaric osteonecrosis (bone necrosis)? Yes/No
Give details of any positive (yes) answers, including date and number of times the problem has occurred:
- (e)Do you have, or have you ever had or been treated for, any of the following medical conditions?
Give details of any positive (Yes) answers, including dates:
- (f)Give date and place of any hospital admissions or operations:
- (g)Have you been under medical treatment during the past year? Yes/NoIf yes, for what?
- (h)Are you taking, or have you ever taken any medicines or drugs? Yes/NoIf yes, specify:
- (i)How much do you smoke? /day How much do you drink? /week Have you ever suffered from any health problems related to mind-altering, “street” or addictive drugs? Yes/NoIf yes, give details:
I (name), , of (address) , declare that all of the above information is true to the best of my knowledge and I give my permission for this information to be communicated to other doctors concerned with my welfare.
Signed: Date: Place:
Doctor’s remarks:
Diver’s logbook inspected? Yes/NoSigned: M.D.
If “no”, state reason: Dated:
- Date modified: