Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Maritime Provinces Fishery Regulations (SOR/93-55)

Regulations are current to 2025-01-22 and last amended on 2022-09-27. Previous Versions

PART XIVStriped Bass


 This Part does not apply in respect of recreational fishing for striped bass by angling or with set lines in the waters set out in Schedule IX during the period beginning on January 1 and ending on March 31.

Gear Restrictions

 No person shall fish for striped bass except by angling or with a bow net.

Close Times

 No person shall fish for striped bass in the waters set out in column I of an item of the table to this section

  • (a) by a method set out in column II of that item during the yearly close time set out in column III of that item; or

  • (b) with a bow net during the weekly close time set out in column IV of that item.


ItemColumn IColumn IIColumn IIIColumn IV
WatersMethodYearly Close TimeWeekly Close Time
Nova Scotia
1The Annapolis River from grid reference 16716671 at Hebbs Landing upstream to the highway bridge at Lawrencetown (Refer to map Bridgetown 21 A/14)
  • (1) Angling

  • (1) Apr. 1 to June 30

  • (2) Bow nets

  • (2) Jan. 1 to Dec. 31

2Tidal waters of Nova Scotia not set out in item 1.
  • (1) Angling

  • (1) Dec. 30 to Dec. 31

  • (2) Bow nets

  • (2) Jan. 1 to Dec. 31

3Inland waters of Nova Scotia not set out in item 1
  • (1) Angling

  • (1) Oct. 1 to Apr. 14

  • (2) Bow nets

  • (2) Jan. 1 to Dec. 31

New Brunswick
4Tidal waters of Kent County.
  • (1) Angling

  • (1) Dec. 30 to Dec. 31

From 08:00 h each Saturday to 08:00 h on the following Monday
  • (2) Bow nets

  • (2) Apr. 1 to Nov. 30

5Tidal waters of New Brunswick not set out in item 4.
  • (1) Angling

  • (1) Dec. 30 to Dec. 31

  • (2) Bow nets

  • (2) Jan. 1 to Dec. 31

6Inland waters of New Brunswick.
  • (1) Angling

  • (1) Sept 16 to Apr. 30

  • (2) Bow nets

  • (2) Jan. 1 to Dec. 31

Prince Edward Island
7Tidal waters of Prince Edward Island.
  • (1) Angling

  • (1) Dec. 30 to Dec. 31

  • (2) Bow nets

  • (2) Jan. 1 to Dec. 31

8Inland waters of Prince Edward Island.
  • (1) Angling

  • (1) Oct. 1 to Apr. 14

  • (2) Bow nets

  • (2) Jan. 1 to Dec. 31

Mesh Size

 No person shall fish for striped bass with a bow net that has a mesh size of less than 127 mm.

Quotas and Length Restrictions

 No person shall catch and retain from the waters set out in column I of an item of the table to this section by a method set out in column II of that item

  • (a) more striped bass in any day than the fishing quota set out in column III of that item; or

  • (b) any striped bass the length of which is less than the minimum length set out in column IV, or more than the maximum length set out in column V.


ItemColumn IColumn IIColumn IIIColumn IVColumn V
WatersMethodFishing QuotaMinimum LengthMaximum Length
Nova Scotia
1The Annapolis River upstream from Goat Island.Angling168 cm150 cm
2Inland and tidal waters of Nova Scotia not set out in item 1.Angling168 cm150 cm
New Brunswick
3Tidal waters of Kent County.
  • (1) Angling

  • (1) 1

  • (1) 68 cm

  • (1) 150 cm

  • (2) Bow nets

  • (2) 1

  • (2) 38 cm

  • (2) 150 cm

4Inland and tidal waters of New Brunswick not set out in item 3.Angling168 cm150 cm
Prince Edward Island
5Inland and tidal waters of Prince Edward Island.Angling130 cm150 cm
  • SOR/2001-452, s. 28

PART XVSturgeon

Gear Restrictions

 No person shall fish for sturgeon except by angling or with a gill net.

Close Times

 No person shall fish for sturgeon in the waters set out in column I of an item of the table to this section by a method set out in column II of that item during the close time set out in column III of that item.


ItemColumn IColumn IIColumn III
WatersMethodClose Time
Nova Scotia
1Inland and tidal waters of Nova Scotia.
  • (1) Angling

  • (1) June 1 to June 30

  • (2) Gill nets

  • (2) June 1 to June 30

New Brunswick
2Inland and tidal waters of New Brunswick.
  • (1) Angling

  • (1) June 1 to June 30

  • (2) Gill nets

  • (2) June 1 to June 30

Prince Edward Island
3Inland and tidal waters of Prince Edward Island.
  • (1) Angling

  • (1) June 1 to June 30

  • (2) Gill nets

  • (2) June 1 to June 30

Mesh Size

 No person shall fish for sturgeon with a gill net that has a mesh size of less than 330 mm.

Length Restriction

 No person shall catch and retain or possess any sturgeon that is less than 120 cm in length.


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