Health of Animals Regulations (C.R.C., c. 296)
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Regulations are current to 2025-01-22 and last amended on 2024-06-17. Previous Versions
PART XIVFood for Ruminants, Livestock and Poultry, Rendering Plants, Fertilizers and Fertilizer Supplements (continued)
- SOR/2006-147, s. 20
Rendering Plants
165 (1) No person shall operate a rendering plant unless the person does so under a permit issued in accordance with section 160.
(1.1) No person who operates a rendering plant shall manufacture a prohibited material on the same premises as material not prohibited from being fed to ruminants without having dedicated manufacturing lines, equipment and conveyances to prevent the mixing or contamination of material not prohibited from being fed to ruminants with or by prohibited material.
(2) Every person who operates a rendering plant shall keep a record of
(a) the date of production of all products of the rendering plant;
(b) whether or not any product of the rendering plant is, or contains any, prohibited material;
(c) the name, and quantity of, and any other information that is sufficient to identify, the products of the rendering plant; and
(d) the name and address of any person to whom any product of the rendering plant is distributed or sold and the information referred to in paragraph (c) with respect to that product.
(3) The records that are required by subsection (2) to be kept by a person who operates a rendering plant shall be kept by that person for 10 years from the date the requirement arises.
(4) No person who operates a rendering plant shall distribute or sell any product of the rendering plant that contains prohibited material unless the documentation required by these Regulations relating to the product and any label on any packaging or container containing the product is marked conspicuously, legibly and indelibly with the following statement:
“Feeding this product to cattle, sheep, deer or other ruminants is illegal and is subject to fines or other punishment under the Health of Animals Act./Il est interdit d’en nourrir les boeufs, moutons, cerfs et autres ruminants et des amendes ou autres peines sont prévues à cet égard par la Loi sur la santé des animaux.”
- SOR/97-362, s. 4
- SOR/2006-147, s. 22
- SOR/2015-55, s. 8
Importation of Products of Rendering Plants
166 (1) No person shall import any product of a rendering plant unless the person does so under a permit issued in accordance with section 160.
(2) Every person who imports or has the possession, care or control of any product of a rendering plant shall keep for 10 years a record of
(a) the name and address of the rendering plant and the date of production of the product;
(b) the name and address of the exporter;
(c) the name, lot number and quantity of the product and any other information that is sufficient to identify the product;
(d) the name and address of any person to whom any product is distributed or sold and the information referred to in paragraph (c) with respect to that product; and
(e) whether or not the product is, or contains any, prohibited material.
- SOR/97-362, s. 4
- SOR/2006-147, s. 23
- SOR/2015-55, s. 9
Importation or Sale of Products of Rendering Plants
167 No person who imports or has the possession, care or control of a product of a rendering plant shall sell or distribute the product unless the documentation required by these Regulations relating to the product and any label on any packaging or container containing the product is marked conspicuously, legibly and indelibly with the statement referred to in subsection 165(4).
- SOR/97-362, s. 4
- SOR/2009-220, s. 4
Recall Procedures
167.1 (1) Every person who operates a rendering plant shall establish and maintain written procedures to facilitate an effective recall of the products of the plant.
(2) Every person who imports any product of a rendering plant shall establish and maintain written procedures to facilitate an effective recall of the product.
- SOR/2006-147, s. 24
- SOR/2012-286, s. 61(F)
Food and Food Ingredients
168 No person shall import, manufacture, package, label, store, distribute, sell or advertise for sale any animal food for ruminants that contains prohibited material.
- SOR/97-362, s. 4
169 No person shall import, manufacture, package, store, distribute, sell or advertise for sale any animal food for equines, porcines, chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, ratites or game birds that contains prohibited material unless the documentation required by these Regulations relating to the animal food and any label on any packaging or container containing the animal food is marked conspicuously, legibly and indelibly with a statement approved by the Minister that indicates that the animal food shall not be fed to ruminants.
- SOR/97-362, s. 4
170 (1) No person shall have any prohibited material or anything, including an animal food for equines, porcines, chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, ratites or game birds, that contains prohibited material on the same premises or in the same conveyance as a product of a rendering plant that does not contain prohibited material or any animal food for ruminants, without having procedures to prevent the mixing or contamination of the rendering plant product or animal food for ruminants, with prohibited material.
(2) In a case referred to in subsection (1), the person shall
(a) ensure that the procedures are followed from the time the product or animal food is received until it leaves their possession, care or control; and
(b) keep for 10 years a written record of the rendering plant products, the animal food for ruminants and the prohibited material.
(3) If a person fails to comply with subsection (1),
(a) the person shall change the records to show that all of the product or animal food is prohibited material and any label on any packaging or container containing the product or animal food shall be marked conspicuously, legibly and indelibly with a statement approved by the Minister that indicates that the product or animal food shall not be fed to ruminants;
(b) all of the product or animal food shall be considered to be prohibited material for the purposes of section 164; and
(c) the person shall recall any product or animal food that may have been destined for feeding to ruminants if the product or animal food is found to contain prohibited material or if the Minister has reasonable grounds to believe that the product or animal food contains prohibited material.
- SOR/97-362, s. 4
- SOR/2006-147, s. 25
Recall Procedures
170.1 Every person who imports, manufactures, packages, labels, stores, distributes, sells or advertises for sale any animal food for ruminants, equines, porcines, chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, ratites or game birds shall establish and maintain written procedures to facilitate an effective recall of the animal food.
- SOR/2006-147, s. 26
- SOR/2012-286, s. 62(F)
170.2 Every person who manufactures, imports, sells or distributes a fertilizer or fertilizer supplement containing prohibited material, other than a rendered fat, shall establish and maintain written procedures to facilitate an effective recall of the fertilizer or fertilizer supplement.
- SOR/2006-147, s. 26
- SOR/2012-286, s. 62
171 (1) Every person who manufactures animal food for ruminants, equines, porcines, chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, ratites or game birds shall keep, for 10 years, records that contain
(a) the formula for the animal food, including the name and weight of each ingredient used for each lot of the animal food;
(b) a mixing sheet that shows that each lot of the animal food has been produced in accordance with the formula referred to in paragraph (a);
(c) information as to whether or not the animal food contains any prohibited material;
(d) the date of preparation of the animal food;
(e) the lot number and any other information used to identify each lot of animal food; and
(f) the name and address of any person to whom any animal food is distributed or sold and a description of the food, including the name and quantity.
(2) Every person who imports, packages, stores, distributes, sells or advertises for sale animal food for ruminants, equines, porcines, chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, ratites or game birds shall keep, for 10 years, records that contain
(a) the name, the lot number and any other information used to identify the animal food;
(b) the name and address of any person to whom the animal food is distributed or sold and a description of the animal food, including the name and quantity; and
(c) information as to whether or not the animal food contains any prohibited material.
(3) Every person who owns or has the possession, care or custody of a ruminant shall keep copies of all invoices for animal food that contains prohibited material.
- SOR/97-362, s. 4
- SOR/2006-147, s. 27
- SOR/2007-24, s. 7
171.1 (1) Every person who manufactures a fertilizer or fertilizer supplement containing prohibited material, other than a rendered fat, shall keep for 10 years records that are sufficient
(a) to demonstrate that the person
(i) has not used specified risk material in any form, whether or not incorporated into another thing, as an ingredient of the fertilizer or fertilizer supplement, or
(ii) has used specified risk material in any form, whether or not incorporated into another thing, as an ingredient of the fertilizer or fertilizer supplement only in accordance with a permit issued under section 160 for the purpose of section 6.4; and
(b) to facilitate an effective recall of the fertilizer or fertilizer supplement.
(2) The records shall include
(a) the name and address of any person who supplied the prohibited material to the person manufacturing the fertilizer or fertilizer supplement and a statement, signed by the supplier, that the prohibited material does not contain specified risk material or that it contains specified risk material in accordance with a permit issued under section 160 for the purpose of section 6.4;
(b) the formula for the fertilizer or fertilizer supplement, including the name and weight of each ingredient used for each lot of the fertilizer or fertilizer supplement;
(c) a mixing sheet that shows that each lot of the fertilizer or fertilizer supplement has been produced in accordance with the formula referred to in paragraph (b);
(d) the date of preparation of the fertilizer or fertilizer supplement;
(e) any information used to identify each lot of the fertilizer or fertilizer supplement; and
(f) the name and address of any person to whom any of the fertilizer or fertilizer supplement is sold or distributed and a description of the fertilizer or fertilizer supplement, including the name and quantity.
(3) In this section, specified risk material has the same meaning as in section 6.1.
- SOR/2006-147, s. 28
- SOR/2009-18, s. 18
- SOR/2012-286, s. 63(F)
171.2 Every person who imports, sells or distributes a fertilizer or fertilizer supplement containing prohibited material, other than a rendered fat, shall keep for 10 years records that are sufficient to facilitate an effective recall of the fertilizer or fertilizer supplement, including
(a) the name, the lot number and other information used to identify the fertilizer or fertilizer supplement; and
(b) the name and address of any person to whom the fertilizer or fertilizer supplement is sold or distributed and a description of the fertilizer or fertilizer supplement, including the name and quantity.
- SOR/2006-147, s. 28
PART XVAnimal Identification
172 (1) The definitions in this section apply in this Part.
- administrator
administrator[Repealed, SOR/2014-23, s. 3]
- animal
animal means a bison, bovine, ovine or pig. (animal)
- approved slap tattoo
approved slap tattoo means a slap tattoo bearing an identification number issued by the responsible administrator in respect of a site under paragraph 174(2)(a). (tatouage au marteau approuvé)
- approved tag
approved tag means a tag, chip or other indicator approved by the Minister under subsection 173(1) and listed on the Agency’s web site as an approved tag. (étiquette approuvée)
- bison
bison means an animal, other than an embryo or a fertilized egg, of the subspecies Bison bison bison, Bison bison athabascae or Bison bison bonasus. (bison)
- bovine
bovine means an animal, other than an embryo or a fertilized egg, of the species Bos taurus or Bos indicus. (bovin)
- bred
bred means an animal that is mated either naturally or artificially or that has provided semen, ova or embryos for reproduction. (sailli)
- distributor
distributor means an individual, a partnership, a corporation, a cooperative, an association or an organization that sells or distributes approved tags. (distributeur)
- farm
farm means land, and all buildings and other structures on that land, that is used under one management for breeding or raising animals but does not include an artificial insemination unit. (ferme)
- farm of origin
farm of origin means the farm on which an animal is born or, if an animal is not born on a farm, the first farm to which it is moved after its birth. (ferme d’origine)
- farm or ranch
farm or ranch[Repealed, SOR/2014-23, s. 3]
- organization that manages an animal identification system
organization that manages an animal identification system means an individual, a partnership, a corporation, a cooperative, an association or an organization that is authorized by provincial legislation to manage an animal identification system. (organisme de gestion d’un système d’identification des animaux)
- ovine
ovine means an animal, other than an embryo or a fertilized egg, of the genus Ovis. (ovin)
- pig
pig means an animal, other than an embryo or a fertilized egg, of the genus Sus. (porc)
- responsible administrator
responsible administrator means a person who is authorized by the Minister to receive information in relation to animals or things to which the Act or these Regulations apply, is listed on the Agency’s web site as an administrator and administers a national identification program in relation to certain animals of all or part of one or more genera, species or subspecies that are located in one or more provinces. (administrateur responsable)
- site
site means a place where animals or carcasses of animals are kept or collected but does not include a conveyance. (installation)
(2) In this Part, other than in subsection 175.1(2), paragraph 186(1)(a) and subsection 186(2), any reference to the carcass of an animal or to a part of the carcass of an animal does not include any part of the carcass that is intended for human consumption.
- SOR/2000-416, s. 1
- SOR/2003-409, s. 1
- SOR/2005-192, s. 1
- SOR/2014-23, s. 3
- Date modified: