Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations (SOR/2001-286)
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Regulations are current to 2025-02-17 and last amended on 2024-10-25. Previous Versions
PART 1Interpretation, General Provisions and Special Cases (continued)
- SOR/2023-155, s. 1
Transitional Period
1.3.2 Despite section 1.3.1, if any of the following documents is amended after the coming into force of this section, instead of the current version of the document, the previous version of the document may be complied with for a period of six months after the day on which the current version is published:
(a) CGSB-43.123;
(b) CGSB-43.125;
(c) CGSB-43.126;
(d) CGSB-43.146;
(e) CGSB-43.151;
(f) CSA B339;
(g) CSA B340;
(h) CSA B341;
(i) CSA B342;
(j) CSA B620;
(k) CSA B621;
(l) CSA B622;
(m) CSA B625; and
(n) CSA B626.
- SOR/2017-137, s. 4
Interpretation of TP 14877
1.3.3 For the purposes of TP 14877, “the coming into force of this Standard” and “the date this standard comes into force” must be read as “the coming into force of section 1.3.3 of the Regulations”.
- SOR/2019-75, s. 3
1.4 The following definitions apply in these Regulations.
- Act
Act means the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act, 1992. (Loi)
- adsorbed gas
adsorbed gas means a gas that when packaged for transport is adsorbed onto a solid porous material resulting in an internal receptacle pressure of less than 101.3 kPa at 20°C and less than 300 kPa at 50°C. (gaz adsorbé)
- aerosol container
aerosol container means an article consisting of any non-refillable means of containment that contains a substance under pressure and that is fitted with a self-closing device that allows the contents to be ejected as
(a) solid or liquid particles in suspension in a gas;
(b) a foam, paste or powder; or
(c) a liquid or gas. (bombe aérosol)
- aircraft
aircraft means any machine capable of deriving support in the atmosphere from reactions of the air, other than a machine designed to derive support in the atmosphere from reactions against the earth’s surface of air expelled from the machine, and includes a rocket. (aéronef)
- biological product
biological product means a product that is derived from living organisms and that is used to prevent, treat or diagnose disease in humans or animals or for development, experiment or investigation purposes and includes finished or unfinished products, live vaccines or attenuated live vaccines. (produit biologique)
CANUTEC means the Canadian Transport Emergency Centre of the Department of Transport. (CANUTEC)
- capacity
capacity means, for a means of containment used to contain
(a) a liquid or a gas, the maximum volume of water, normally expressed in litres, that the means of containment can hold at 15°C and at an absolute pressure of 101.325 kPa; and
(b) dangerous goods other than a liquid or a gas, the maximum volume, normally expressed in cubic metres, that the means of containment can hold. (capacité)
- cargo aircraft
cargo aircraft means an aircraft, other than a passenger carrying aircraft, that is carrying goods or property. (aéronef cargo)
- carrier
carrier means a person who, whether or not for hire or reward, has possession of dangerous goods while they are in transport. (transporteur)
- Category A
Category A means an infectious substance that is transported in a form such that, when it is released outside of its means of containment and there is physical contact with humans or animals, it is capable of causing permanent disability or life-threatening or fatal disease to humans or animals. (catégorie A)
- Category B
Category B means an infectious substance that does not meet the criteria for inclusion in Category A. (catégorie B)
- certification safety mark
certification safety mark[Repealed, SOR/2023-155, s. 4]
- class
class means, when the word “class” is followed by
(a) one digit, the class of dangerous goods listed in the schedule to the Act; and
(b) two digits separated by a point, the class of dangerous goods listed in the schedule to the Act and its division. (classe)
- classification
classification means, for dangerous goods, as applicable, the shipping name, the primary class, the compatibility group, the subsidiary class, the UN number, the packing group, and the infectious substance category. (classification)
- compatibility group
compatibility group means one of the 13 groups of explosives described in Appendix 2 of Part 2 (Classification). (groupe de compatibilité)
- consignment
consignment means a quantity of dangerous goods transported at the same time in one or more means of containment from one consignor at one location to one consignee at another location. (envoi)
- consignor
consignor means a person in Canada who
(a) is named in a shipping document as the consignor;
(b) imports or who will import dangerous goods into Canada; or
(c) if paragraphs (a) and (b) do not apply, has possession of dangerous goods immediately before they are in transport. (expéditeur)
- consolidation bin
consolidation bin means a bin that is used in a road vehicle
(a) to secure one or more small means of containment so that, under normal conditions of transport, they will not shift in a way that might compromise their integrity; and
(b) to allow small means of containment to be added or removed during transport. (conteneur de groupage)
- culture
culture means the result of a process by which pathogens in a specimen are intentionally propagated. This definition does not include specimens taken from a human or animal patient and that are intended to be processed in a laboratory. (culture)
- cylinder
cylinder means a small means of containment, other than an aerosol container, that is cylindrical or spherical in shape and that is capable of withstanding an internal absolute pressure of 275 kPa. (bouteille à gaz)
- dangerous goods safety mark
dangerous goods safety mark[Repealed, SOR/2023-155, s. 4]
- Director General
Director General[Repealed, SOR/2023-155, s. 4]
- drum
drum means a flat-ended or convex-ended cylindrical means of containment made of metal, fibreboard, plastic or other similar material, with a maximum capacity of 450 L, or for a drum made of plywood, a maximum capacity of 250 L. This definition includes means of containment of other shapes such as pail-shaped or round with a tapered neck, but does not include a wood barrel or jerrican (that is, a means of containment of rectangular or polygonal cross-section). (fût)
- dust
dust means a mixture of solid particles and air in which 90% or more of the solid particles have a diameter less than or equal to 10 µm. (poussière)
- emergency
emergency means an immediate danger to public safety
(a) requiring the use of dangerous goods to avert or mitigate the danger; or
(b) arising directly or indirectly from dangerous goods. (urgence)
- employer
employer means a person who
(a) employs one or more individuals; or
(b) provides the services of one or more individuals and from whom the individuals receive their remuneration. (employeur)
ERAP means an emergency response assistance plan. (PIU)
- farmer
farmer means a person engaged in farming in Canada for commercial purposes. (agriculteur)
- farming
farming means the production of field-grown crops, cultivated and uncultivated and horticultural crops, the raising of livestock, poultry and fur-bearing animals, the production of eggs, milk, honey, maple syrup, tobacco, fibre and fodder crops, but does not include aquaculture. (agriculture)
- fire point
fire point means the lowest temperature at which a substance will ignite and will continue to burn for at least 5 seconds. (point d’inflammation)
- flash point
flash point means the lowest temperature at which the application of an ignition source causes the vapours of a liquid to ignite near the surface of the liquid or within a test vessel. (point d’éclair)
- fuel cell
fuel cell means an electrochemical device that converts the chemical energy of a fuel to electrical energy, heat and reaction products. (pile à combustible)
- fuel cell cartridge
fuel cell cartridge means an article that stores fuel for discharge into a fuel cell through one or more valves that control the discharge of the fuel into the fuel cell. (cartouche pour pile à combustible)
- fuel cell engine
fuel cell engine means a device that is used to power equipment and that consists of a fuel cell and its fuel supply, whether integrated with or separate from the fuel cell, and includes all appurtenances necessary to fulfil its function. (moteur pile à combustible)
- gas
gas means a substance that at 50°C has a vapour pressure greater than 300 kPa or that is completely gaseous at 20°C at an absolute pressure of 101.3 kPa and that is
(a) compressed (other than in solution) so that when it is packaged under pressure for transport it remains entirely gaseous at 20°C;
(b) liquefied so that when it is packaged for transport it is partially liquid at 20°C;
(c) refrigerated so that when it is packaged for transport it is made partially liquid because of its low temperature; or
(d) in solution so that when it is packaged for transport it is dissolved in a solvent. (gaz)
- gross mass
gross mass means
(a) for a means of containment, the mass of the means of containment and all of its contents; or
(b) for a quantity of dangerous goods, the gross mass of all minimum required means of containment used to contain the dangerous goods. (masse brute)
- import
import[Repealed, SOR/2023-155, s. 4]
- infectious substance
infectious substance means a substance known or reasonably believed to contain viable micro-organisms such as bacteria, viruses, rickettsia, parasites, fungi and other agents such as prions that are known or reasonably believed to cause disease in humans or animals and that are listed in Appendix 3 to Part 2 (Classification) or that exhibit characteristics similar to a substance listed in Appendix 3. (matière infectieuse)
- inland voyage
inland voyage has the same meaning as in section 1 of the Vessel Safety Certificates Regulations. (voyage en eaux internes)
- in standard
in standard means that a means of containment meets the requirements set out in section 5.2 of Part 5 (Means of Containment). (en règle)
- in transport
in transport means that a person has possession of dangerous goods for the purposes of transportation or for the purposes of storing them in the course of transportation. (en transport)
- large means of containment
large means of containment means a means of containment with a capacity greater than 450 L. (grand contenant)
- LC50
LC50 means the lowest concentration of gas, vapour, mist or dust that, when administered by continuous inhalation to both male and female young adult albino rats for one hour, results in the death within 14 days of one half of the animals. (CL50)
- LD50 (dermal)
LD50 (dermal) means the lowest amount of a substance that, when administered by continuous contact with the bare skin of both male and female young adult albino rabbits for 24 hours, results in the death within 14 days of one half of the animals. (DL50 (absorption cutanée))
- LD50 (oral)
LD50 (oral) means the lowest amount of a substance that, when administered by mouth to both male and female young adult albino rats, results in the death within 14 days of one half of the animals. (DL50 (ingestion))
- liquid
liquid means a substance that
(a) has a melting point less than or equal to 20°C at an absolute pressure of 101.3 kPa; or
(b) is a viscous substance for which a specific melting point cannot be determined but that is determined to be a liquid in accordance with ASTM D 4359. (liquide)
- lithium content
lithium content means the mass of lithium in the anode of a lithium metal or lithium alloy cell. (quantité de lithium)
- mist
mist means a mixture of liquid particles and air in which 90% or more of the liquid particles have a diameter not greater than 10 µm. (brouillard)
- net explosives quantity
net explosives quantity means the net mass of explosives, excluding the mass of any means of containment. (quantité nette d’explosifs)
- neutron radiation detector
neutron radiation detector means a device that detects neutron radiation and includes a device in which a gas may be contained in a hermetically sealed electron tube transducer that converts neutron radiation into a measureable electric signal. (détecteur de rayonnement neutronique)
- offer for transport
offer for transport means, for dangerous goods not in transport, to select or allow the selection of a carrier to transport the dangerous goods, to prepare or allow the preparation of the dangerous goods so that a carrier can take possession of them for transport or to allow a carrier to take possession of the dangerous goods for transport. (demande de transport)
- overpack
overpack means an enclosure that is used by a single consignor to consolidate one or more small means of containment for ease of handling but that is not a minimum required means of containment. This definition does not include a large means of containment or a unit load device, as defined in the ICAO Technical Instructions, that is intended for transport by aircraft. (suremballage)
- packing group
packing group means a group in which dangerous goods are included based on the inherent danger of the dangerous goods; Packing Group I indicates great danger, Packing Group II indicates medium danger and Packing Group III indicates minor danger. (groupe d’emballage)
- passenger
passenger means
(a) for a vessel, a passenger within the meaning of section 2 of the Canada Shipping Act, 2001; and
(b) for a road vehicle, a railway vehicle or an aircraft, a person carried on board the means of transport but does not include
(i) a crew member,
(ii) a person who is accompanying dangerous goods or other cargo,
(iii) an operator, owner or charterer of the means of transport,
(iv) an employee of the operator, owner or charterer of the means of transport, who is acting in the course of employment, or
(v) a person carrying out inspection or investigation duties under an Act of Parliament or of a provincial legislature. (passager)
- passenger carrying aircraft
passenger carrying aircraft means an aircraft that is carrying one or more passengers. (aéronef de passagers)
- passenger carrying railway vehicle
passenger carrying railway vehicle means a railway vehicle that is carrying one or more passengers. (véhicule ferroviaire de passagers)
- passenger carrying road vehicle
passenger carrying road vehicle means a road vehicle that is carrying one or more passengers. (véhicule routier de passagers)
- passenger carrying vessel
passenger carrying vessel means a vessel that is carrying one or more passengers. (bâtiment à passagers)
- permit for equivalent level of safety
permit for equivalent level of safety[Repealed, SOR/2023-155, s. 4]
- primary class
primary class means the first class shown in column 3 of Schedule 1. (classe primaire)
- protective direction
protective direction means a direction issued under section 32 of the Act to cease an activity or to conduct other activities to reduce any danger to public safety. (ordre)
- radiation detection system
radiation detection system means an apparatus that contains a radiation detector as a component. (système de détection des rayonnements)
- railway vehicle
railway vehicle means any vehicle that is designed to be drawn or propelled on rails by any power other than muscle power and that is being prepared for use or being used on rails. (véhicule ferroviaire)
- residue
residue means the dangerous goods remaining in a means of containment after its contents have been emptied to the maximum extent feasible and before the means of containment is either refilled or cleaned of dangerous goods and purged to remove any vapours. (résidu)
- road vehicle
road vehicle means any vehicle that is designed to be drawn or propelled on land, including on ice roads, by any power other than muscle power and includes a machine designed to derive support in the atmosphere from reactions against the earth’s surface of air expelled from the machine, but does not include a railway vehicle that operates exclusively on rails. (véhicule routier)
- ro-ro ship
ro-ro ship has the same meaning as in section 1.2.1 of the IMDG Code. (navire roulier)
- safety mark
safety mark[Repealed, SOR/2023-155, s. 4]
- sheltered waters voyage
sheltered waters voyage has the same meaning as in section 1 of the Vessel Safety Certificates Regulations. (voyage en eaux abritées)
- shipping document
shipping document means a document that relates to dangerous goods that are being offered for transport, handled or transported and that contains the information required by Part 3 relating to the goods but does not include an electronic record. (document d’expédition)
- shipping name
shipping name means an entry in upper case letters (capitals) in column 2 of Schedule 1, but does not include any lower case descriptive text except for the purpose of determining the classification of dangerous goods. (appellation réglementaire)
- small means of containment
small means of containment means a means of containment with a capacity less than or equal to 450 L. (petit contenant)
- solid
solid means a substance that is not a liquid or a gas. (solide)
- special provision
special provision means an item of Schedule 2 referred to in column 5 of Schedule 1. (disposition particulière)
- standardized means of containment
standardized means of containment[Repealed, SOR/2023-155, s. 4]
- subsidiary class
subsidiary class means a class shown in parentheses in column 3 of Schedule 1. (classe subsidiaire)
- substance
substance includes an article. (matière)
- technical name
technical name means the chemical name or another name currently used in a scientific or technical handbook, journal or text but does not include a trade name. (appellation technique)
- train
train means
(a) a train, as defined in the Canadian Rail Operating Rules, published by The Railway Association of Canada and approved by the Minister under the Railway Safety Act on January 16, 1990, as amended to July 1, 2000; or
(b) a number of railway vehicles coupled together moving at a velocity exceeding 24 km/h (15 mph) with at least one railway vehicle providing propulsion and at least one railway vehicle containing dangerous goods for which a placard is required to be displayed in accordance with Part 4. (train)
- transport index
transport index has the same meaning as determined under the Packaging and Transport of Nuclear Substances Regulations, 2015. (indice de transport)
- tube
tube means a large means of containment that is cylindrical in shape and that is capable of withstanding an internal absolute pressure of 12.4 MPa. (tube)
- Type P620 means of containment
Type P620 means of containment means a means of containment that is in compliance with the requirements of CGSB-43.125 for Type P620 packaging or, if it is manufactured outside Canada, is in compliance with the requirements of Chapter 6.3 and Packing Instruction P620 of the UN Recommendations and the national regulations of the country of manufacture. (contenant de type P620)
- Type P650 means of containment
Type P650 means of containment means a means of containment that is in compliance with the requirements of CGSB-43.125 for Type P650 packaging or, if it is manufactured outside Canada, is in compliance with the requirements of Packing Instruction P650 of the UN Recommendations and the national regulations of the country of manufacture. (contenant de type P650)
- UN number
UN number means an entry in column 1 of Schedule 1. (numéro UN)
- UN standardized means of containment
UN standardized means of containment means a means of containment that meets the requirements set out in section 5.6 of Part 5 (Means of Containment). (contenant normalisé UN)
- vapour
vapour means the dispersion in air of imperceptible particles of a substance that is liquid or solid in its normal state. (vapeur)
- watt-hour
watt-hour or Wh the electrical energy developed by a power of 1 watt (W) during 1 hour (h) and expressed as watt-hour (Wh). (wattheure ou Wh)
- SOR/2002-306, s. 4
- SOR/2003-400, s.. 2
- SOR/2005-216, s. 2
- SOR/2008-34, s. 4
- SOR/2011-60, s. 2
- SOR/2012-245, s. 4
- DORS/2014-73, art. 3
- SOR/2014-152, s. 3
- SOR/2014-159, s. 4
- SOR/2014-306, s. 3
- SOR/2016-95, s. 3
- SOR/2017-137, s. 5
- SOR/2017-253, ss. 3, 52
- SOR/2019-101, s. 1
- SOR/2020-23, s. 15
- SOR/2021-135, s. 25
- SOR/2023-155, s. 4
- Date modified: