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Canada Business Corporations Regulations, 2001 (SOR/2001-512)

Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2023-05-04. Previous Versions

PART 11Value of Total Financial Interest

 For the purpose of paragraph 237.5(1)(b) of the Act, the prescribed amount of the value of the plaintiff’s total financial interest is $20,000.

PART 12Cancellation of Articles and Certificates

  •  (1) For the purpose of subsection 265.1(1) of the Act, the prescribed circumstances are that

    • (a) there is an obvious error in the articles or in the related certificate;

    • (b) there is an error in the articles or in the related certificate that was made by the Director;

    • (c) the cancellation of the articles and related certificate is ordered by a court; or

    • (d) the Director lacked the authority to issue the articles and related certificate.

  • (2) For the purpose of subsection 265.1(3) of the Act, the prescribed circumstances are that there is no dispute among the directors or shareholders as to the circumstances of the request for cancellation and

    • (a) the corporation has not used the articles and related certificate; or

    • (b) if it has used them, anyone dealing with the corporation on the basis of the articles and related certificate has consented to the cancellation.

  • SOR/2010-128, s. 20

PART 13Prescribed Fees

  •  (1) The fee payable in respect of a service set out in items 1 to 3, column 1, of Schedule 5 is the applicable fee set out in column 2.

  • (2) There is no fee payable in respect of the following services:

    • (a) the receipt and examination by the Director of articles of amendment sent under section 177 of the Act, if the only purpose of the amendment is to do one or more of the following:

      • (i) add an English or French version to the corporation’s name,

      • (ii) change the corporation’s name as directed by the Director under subsection 12(2), (4) or (4.1) of the Act, or

      • (iii) change the province in which the registered office is situated or the number of directors, if the articles are sent using the Director’s online service;

    • (b) the receipt and examination by the Director of documents sent under subsection 265(1) of the Act or a request for correction referred to in subsection 265(3) of the Act, if the correction relates solely to an error made by the Director;

    • (c) the receipt and examination by the Director of a request for a cancellation referred to in subsection 265.1(1) of the Act, in the circumstance referred to in paragraph 96(1)(b) of these Regulations; or

    • (d) the provision by the Director of

      • (i) an uncertified copy or uncertified extract under subsection 266(2) of the Act, if it is requested by a department or agency of the government of Canada or of the government of a province, by a municipality in Canada or by a police or law enforcement agency in Canada, or

      • (ii) an uncertified copy or uncertified extract of a profile of a corporation generated by the Director.

  • (2.1) In addition to the applicable fees set out in item 1 of Schedule 5, the fee set out in item 4 of Schedule 5 is to be paid for

    • (a) the expedited examination of articles of revival sent under subsection 209(2) of the Act; or

    • (b) the expedited examination of any of the following documents, if sent using the Director’s online service:

      • (i) articles of incorporation sent under section 7 of the Act,

      • (ii) articles of amendment sent under subsection 27(4) or 177(1) of the Act,

      • (iii) articles of amalgamation sent under subsection 185(1) of the Act,

      • (iv) articles of continuance sent under subsection 187(3) of the Act, or

      • (v) a request for a document evidencing the satisfaction of the Director for the purpose of subsection 188(1) of the Act.

  • (3) For the purpose of subsection 49(2) of the Act, the prescribed maximum fee for the issuance of a security certificate is $3.

 On April 1, 2024 and every five years after that date, the fees set out in column 2 of Schedule 5 are to be increased by one per cent and rounded down to the nearest multiple of five dollars.

Coming into Force

 These Regulations come into force on the day on November 24, 2001.


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