Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Rules of the Supreme Court of Canada (SOR/2002-156)

Regulations are current to 2024-12-23 and last amended on 2024-06-03. Previous Versions

SCHEDULE B(Rule 83)Tariff of Fees and Disbursements To Be Taxed Between Parties in the Supreme Court of Canada

Part 1 — Counsel’s fees
  • 1 Application for leave to appeal:

    • (a) preparation of an application for leave to appeal or application for leave to cross-appeal, or of a response to one of those applications,

      • (i) if dealt with in writing blank line $800


      • (ii) if oral hearing held blank line $1,000

    • (b) if no response is filed, for the review of an application for leave or application for leave to cross-appeal, at the Registrar’s discretion, up to blank line $300

    • (c) preparation of the first copy of an application for leave to appeal, an application for leave to cross-appeal, a response or a reply, per page blank line $1.35

    • (d) preparation of the electronic version of an application for leave to appeal, an application for leave to cross-appeal, a response or a reply, per page blank line $0.30

  • 2 Motion:

    • (a) preparation of a motion or response to a motion,

      • (i) if dealt with in writing blank line $300


      • (ii) if oral hearing held blank line $800

    • (b) if no response is filed, for the review of a motion, at the Registrar’s discretion, up to blank line $200

    • (c) preparation of the first copy of a motion book, a response or a reply, per page blank line $1.35

    • (d) preparation of the electronic version of a motion book, a response or a reply, per page blank line $0.30

  • 3 Appeal:

    • (a) notice of appeal blank line $75

    • (b) preparation of factum blank line $650

    • (c) preparation of the first copy of factum, record, book of authorities and condensed book, per page blank line $1.35

    • (c.1) preparation of the electronic version of factum, record or book of authorities, per page blank line $0.30

    • (d) hearing of the appeal, preparation for and attendance at hearing,

      • (i) fee for the principal counsel blank line $2,100

      • (ii) fee for the junior counsel blank line $700

    • (e) fee for appeals that are discontinued or dismissed as abandoned appeals blank line $500

  • 4 Miscellaneous:

    • (a) fee to the duly entered agent,

      • (i) on leave blank line $200

      • (ii) on appeal blank line $500

    • (b) cross-examination of a deponent under Rule 90, at the Registrar’s discretion, up to blank line $150

All fees are subject to an increase or decrease in exceptional cases, at the Registrar’s discretion.

Part 2 — Disbursements

The following disbursements shall be taxed at the Registrar’s discretion:

  • 1 Fees paid to the Registrar under Schedule A.

  • 2 A reasonable amount for reproducing documents required to be filed with the Court in accordance with a receipt from the service provider that itemizes the services rendered. The amount must not include counsel’s fees already claimed for the preparation of the printed or electronic version of any document referred to in Part 1. Documents reproduced in-house or not supported by an itemized receipt will be taxed at $0.25 per page.

  • 3 Subject to item 4, reasonable amounts incurred to attend proceedings before the Court for up to two counsel, including travel expenses, lodging expenses for a maximum of two nights for one hearing day plus an additional night of lodging for each additional hearing day, meals and any incidental expenses (for example, parking, taxi and telephone calls). Such expenses shall be supported by detailed and itemized receipts.

  • 4 Amounts incurred for the use of privately owned vehicles driven to attend proceedings before the Court. Those amounts shall be calculated using the kilometric rates set out in Appendix B of the National Joint Council’s Travel Directive; no receipts for those expenses are required.

  • 5 All other itemized and detailed disbursements reasonably incurred, except disbursements incurred for electronic legal research. The disbursements must not include fees referred to in Part 1. Detailed and itemized receipts are required for amounts claimed over $50.

  • 6 Any service, sales, use or consumption taxes paid or payable on any disbursements set out in items 2, 3 and 5, unless those taxes have been reimbursed or are reimbursable.


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