Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Canada Occupational Health and Safety Regulations (SOR/86-304)

Regulations are current to 2024-09-16 and last amended on 2023-12-15. Previous Versions


[Repealed, SOR/98-589, s. 9]

PART VIIIElectrical Safety


 In this Part,

Canadian Electrical Code

Canadian Electrical Code means

  • (a) CSA Standard C22.1-1990, Canadian Electrical Code, Part I, dated January 1990, and

  • (b) CSA Standard C22.3 No.1-M1979, Overhead Systems and Underground Systems, dated April, 1979; (Code canadien de l’électricité)

control device

control device means a device that will safely disconnect electrical equipment from its source of energy; (dispositif de commande)

electrical equipment

electrical equipment means equipment for the generation, distribution or use of electricity; (outillage électrique)


guarantor means a person who gives a guarantee of isolation; (garant)


guarded means covered, shielded, fenced, enclosed or otherwise protected by means of suitable covers or casings, barriers, guardrails, screens, mats or platforms to remove the possibility of dangerous contact or approach by persons or objects; (protégé)


isolated means separated or disconnected from every source of electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic or other kind of energy that is capable of making electrical equipment dangerous; (isolé)

person in charge

person in charge means an employee who supervises employees performing work on or a live test of isolated electrical equipment. (responsable)


 This Part does not apply to the underground workings of mines.

  • SOR/94-263, s. 15


  •  (1) The design, construction and installation of all electrical equipment, if feasible, shall meet the standards set out in the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I.

  • (2) The operation and maintenance of all electrical equipment shall meet the standards set out in the Canadian Electrical Code.

Safety Procedures

  •  (1) All testing or work performed on electrical equipment shall be performed by a qualified person or an employee under the direct supervision of a qualified person.

  • (2) Where the electrical equipment has a voltage in excess of 5,200 V between any two conductors or in excess of 3,000 V between any conductor and ground,

    • (a) the qualified person or the employee referred to in subsection (1) shall use such insulated protection equipment and tools as will protect him from injury during the performance of the work; and

    • (b) the employee referred to in subsection (1) shall be instructed and trained in the use of the insulated protection equipment and tools.

  •  (1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), no employee shall work on electrical equipment unless the equipment is isolated.

  • (2) If it is not feasible to isolate the electrical equipment and an employee is required to work on live equipment, the employer shall instruct the employee in procedures that are safe for live conductors.

  • (3) Where electrical equipment is not live but is capable of becoming live, no employee shall work on the equipment unless

    • (a) procedures that are safe for work on live equipment are used; or

    • (b) a safety ground is connected to the equipment.

  • (4) Subject to subsections (5) and (6), where an employee is working on or near electrical equipment that is live or may become live, the electrical equipment shall be guarded.

  • (5) Subject to subsection (6), if it is not feasible for the electrical equipment referred to in subsection (4) to be guarded, the employer shall take measures to protect the employee from injury by insulating the equipment from the employee or the employee from the ground.

  • (6) Where live electrical equipment is not guarded or insulated in accordance with subsection (4) or (5) or where the employee referred to in subsection (5) is not insulated from ground, the employee shall not work so near to any live part of the electrical equipment that is within a voltage range listed in column I of an item of the schedule to this Part that the distance between the body of the employee or any thing with which the employee is in contact and the live part of the equipment is less than

    • (a) the distance set out in column II of that item, where the employee is not a qualified person; or

    • (b) the distance set out in column III of that item, where the employee is a qualified person.

  • (7) No employee shall work near a live part of any electrical equipment referred to in subsection (6) if there is a risk that an unintentional movement by the employee could bring any part of the body of the employee or any thing with which the employee is in contact closer to that live part than the distance referred to in that subsection.

  • SOR/88-632, s. 18(F)
  • SOR/94-263, s. 17(F)
  • SOR/98-427, s. 2
  • SOR/2002-208, s. 14
  • SOR/2019-246, s. 33

 No employee shall work on or near high voltage electrical equipment unless he is authorized to do so by his employer.

 A legible sign with the words “Danger — High Voltage” and “Danger — Haute Tension” in letters that are not less than 50 mm in height on a contrasting background shall be posted in a conspicuous place at every approach to live high voltage electrical equipment.

Safety Watcher

  •  (1) Where an employee is working on or near live electrical equipment and, because of the nature of the work or the condition or location of the work place, it is necessary for the safety of the employee that the work be observed by a person not engaged in the work, the employer shall appoint a safety watcher

    • (a) to warn all employees in the work place of the hazard; and

    • (b) to ensure that all safety precautions and procedures are complied with.

  • (2) A safety watcher shall be

    • (a) informed of their duties as a safety watcher and of the hazard involved in the work;

    • (b) trained and instructed in the procedures to follow in the event of an emergency;

    • (c) authorized to stop immediately any part of the work that they consider dangerous; and

    • (d) free of any other duties that might interfere with their duties as a safety watcher.

  • (3) For the purposes of subsection (1), an employer may appoint himself as a safety watcher.

Coordination of Work

 Where an employee is working on or in connection with electrical equipment, that employee and every other person who is so working, including every safety watcher, shall be fully informed by the employer with respect to the safe coordination of their work.

Poles and Elevated Structures

  •  (1) Before an employee climbs a pole or elevated structure that is used to support electrical equipment, the employer shall give instructions and training to the employee respecting inspections and tests of the pole or structure to be carried out before the pole or structure is climbed.

  • (2) Where, as a result of an inspection or test of a pole or elevated structure referred to in subsection (1), it appears to an employee that the pole or structure will be safe for climbing only when temporary supports have been installed, pike-poles alone shall not be used for such supports.

  • (3) No employee shall work on any pole or elevated structure referred to in subsection (1) unless they have been instructed and trained in the rescue of employees who may be injured in the course of the work.

 Every pole or elevated structure that is embedded in the ground and is used to support electrical equipment shall meet the standards set out in

  • (a) CSA Standard CAN3-015-M83, Wood Utility Poles and Reinforcing Studs, dated January, 1983; or

  • (b) CSA Standard A14-M1979, Concrete Poles, the English version of which is dated September 1979 and the French version of which is dated November 1987.

Isolation of Electrical Equipment

  •  (1) Before an employee isolates electrical equipment or changes or terminates the isolation of electrical equipment, the employer shall issue written instructions with respect to the procedures to be followed for the safe performance of that work.

  • (2) The instructions referred to in subsection (1) shall be signed by the employer and shall specify

    • (a) the date and hour when the instructions are issued;

    • (b) the date and hour of the commencement and of the termination of the period during which the instructions are to be followed;

    • (c) the name of the employee to whom the instructions are issued; and

    • (d) where the instructions are in respect of the operation of a control device that affects the isolation of the electrical equipment,

      • (i) the device to which the instructions apply, and

      • (ii) where applicable, the correct sequence of procedures.

  • (3) A copy of the instructions referred to in subsection (1) shall be shown and explained to the employee.

  • (4) The instructions referred to in subsection (1) shall be kept readily available for examination by employees for the period referred to in paragraph (2)(b) and thereafter shall be kept by the employer for a period of one year at his place of business nearest to the work place in which the electrical equipment is located.

  •  (1) Subject to subsection (4), no work on or live test of isolated electrical equipment shall be performed unless

    • (a) isolation of the equipment has been confirmed by test; and

    • (b) the employer has determined, on the basis of visual observation, that every control device and every locking device necessary to establish and maintain the isolation of the equipment

      • (i) is set in the safe position with the disconnecting contacts of control devices safely separated or, in the case of a draw-out type electrical switch gear, is withdrawn to its full extent from the contacts of the electrical switch gear,

      • (ii) is locked out, and

      • (iii) bears a distinctive tag or sign designed to notify persons that operation of the control device and movement of the locking device are prohibited during the performance of the work or live test.

  • (2) Where more than one employee is performing any work on or live test of isolated electrical equipment, a separate tag or sign for each such employee shall be attached to each control device and locking device referred to in subsection (1).

  • (3) The tag or sign referred to in subparagraph (1)(b)(iii) or subsection (2) shall

    • (a) contain the words “DO NOT OPERATE — DÉFENSE D’ACTIONNER” or display a symbol conveying the same meaning;

    • (b) show the date and hour that the control device and the locking device referred to in paragraph (1)(b) were set in the safe position or were withdrawn to their full extent from the contacts;

    • (c) show the name of the employee performing the work or live test;

    • (d) where used in connection with a live test, be distinctively marked as a testing tag or sign;

    • (e) be removed only by the employee performing the work or live test; and

    • (f) be used for no purpose other than the purpose referred to in paragraph (1)(b)(iii).

  • (4) If, because of the nature of the work in which the electrical equipment is being used, it is not feasible to comply with subsection (1), no work on or live test of electrical equipment shall be performed unless a guarantee of isolation referred to in section 8.14 is given to the person in charge.

Guarantees of Isolation for Electrical Equipment

  • SOR/88-632, s. 21(F)
  •  (1) No employee shall give or receive a guarantee of isolation for electrical equipment unless he is authorized in writing by his employer to give or receive a guarantee of isolation.

  • (2) Not more than one employee shall give a guarantee of isolation for a piece of electrical equipment for the same period of time.

  • (3) Before an employee performs work on or a live test of isolated electrical equipment, the person in charge shall receive from the guarantor

    • (a) a written guarantee of isolation; or

    • (b) if owing to an emergency it is not feasible for the person in charge to receive a written guarantee of isolation, a non-written guarantee of isolation.

  • (4) A written guarantee of isolation referred to in paragraph (3)(a) shall be signed by the guarantor and by the person in charge and shall contain the following information:

    • (a) the date and hour when the guarantee of isolation is given to the person in charge;

    • (b) the date and hour when the electrical equipment will become isolated;

    • (c) the date and hour when the isolation will be terminated, if known;

    • (d) the procedures by which isolation is assured;

    • (e) the name of the guarantor and the person in charge; and

    • (f) a statement as to whether live tests are to be performed.

  • (5) Where a non-written guarantee of isolation referred to in paragraph (3)(b) is given, a written record thereof shall forthwith

    • (a) be made by the guarantor; and

    • (b) be made and signed by the person in charge.

  • (6) A written record referred to in subsection (5) shall contain the information referred to in subsection (4).

  • (7) Every written guarantee of isolation and every written record referred to in subsection (5) shall be

    • (a) kept by the person in charge readily available for examination by the employee performing the work or live test until the work or live test is completed;

    • (b) given to the employer when the work or live test is completed; and

    • (c) kept by the employer for a period of one year after the completion of the work or live test at his place of business nearest to the work place in which the electrical equipment is located.


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