Canada Occupational Health and Safety Regulations (SOR/86-304)
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Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2024-11-30. Previous Versions
SCHEDULE II(Section 15.10)
- SOR/89-479, s. 1
16.1 The definitions in this section apply in this Part.
- ambulance response time
ambulance response time means the time required for an ambulance with qualified persons and emergency medical equipment to reach the work place from the nearest point of dispatch under normal travel conditions. (délai d’intervention ambulancière)
- first aid attendant
first aid attendant means a holder of a valid basic or standard first aid certificate. (secouriste)
- first aid station
first aid station means a place, other than a first aid room, at which first aid supplies or equipment are stored. (poste de secours)
- health unit
health unit means a facility that is under the charge of a physician or a person who is registered or licensed as a nurse under the laws of any province and that, if it is under the control of the employer, meets the minimum requirements of a first aid room contained in this Part. (service de santé)
- medical treatment facility
medical treatment facility means a hospital, medical clinic or physician’s office, at which emergency medical treatment can be dispensed. (installation de traitement médical)
- remote workplace
remote workplace means a workplace for which the ambulance response time is more than two hours. (lieu de travail isolé)
- standard first aid certificate
standard first aid certificate means the certificate issued by either a qualified person or the organization that developed the training, as the case may be, for successful completion of a two-day first aid course; (certificat de secourisme général)
- SOR/88-68, s. 13(E)
- SOR/2000-328, s. 2
- SOR/2012-271, s. 2
- SOR/2019-246, s. 116
16.2 (1) Every employer must establish and keep up-to-date written instructions that provide for the prompt rendering of first aid to an employee for an injury, an occupational disease or an illness.
(2) The employer shall keep a copy of the instructions available at all times for consultation by employees.
- SOR/88-632, s. 70(F)
- SOR/2000-328, s. 2
- SOR/2014-142, s. 5
- SOR/2019-246, s. 117
First Aid Attendants
16.3 (1) At every workplace at which six or more employees are working at any time, the employer shall ensure that there is a first aid attendant.
(2) At every remote workplace at which two or more employees are working at any time, the employer shall ensure that there is a first aid attendant.
(3) At every workplace at which an employee is working on live high voltage electrical equipment, the employer shall ensure that
(a) a first aid attendant is available; or
(b) at least one of the employees has the training necessary to provide resuscitation by mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, cardiopulmonary resuscitation or an equivalent direct method.
(4) At every workplace that is required to have a first aid attendant, the employer shall ensure that the first aid attendant at the workplace is qualified by having at least
(a) if the workplace is an office workplace for which the ambulance response time is
(i) up to two hours, a basic first aid certificate, or
(ii) more than two hours, a standard first aid certificate;
(b) if the workplace is any other workplace, other than a workplace in a wilderness area, and the ambulance response time for the workplace is
(i) less than twenty minutes, a basic first aid certificate, or
(ii) twenty minutes or more but not more than two hours, a standard first aid certificate; and
(c) if the work place is in a wilderness area, a standard first aid certificate and a wilderness first aid course that is specially designed to meet the first aid needs of persons who work, live or travel in such an area.
- SOR/2000-328, s. 2
- SOR/2014-142, s. 6
- SOR/2019-246, s. 118
16.4 (1) A first aid attendant referred to in section 16.3 or paragraph 16.10(1)(a)
(a) shall be assigned to a first aid station or first aid room;
(b) shall be available to employees during working hours;
(c) shall render first aid to employees who are injured or ill at the workplace;
(d) shall, if required, accompany an injured or ill employee to a health unit or a medical treatment facility and render first aid in transit;
(e) shall, in providing care to an injured or ill employee, not be overruled by anyone not trained in first aid; and
(f) shall be in charge of providing care for the injured or ill employee until the treatment is complete or the employee is under the care of an equally or more qualified caregiver.
(2) The first aid attendant referred to in subsection (1)
(a) shall work close to the first aid station or first aid room to which the first aid attendant is assigned; and
(b) shall not be assigned duties that will interfere with the prompt and adequate rendering of first aid.
- SOR/2000-328, s. 2
- SOR/2014-142, s. 7
First Aid Stations
16.5 (1) At least one first aid station shall be provided for every workplace.
(2) In multi-storey buildings, the location of first aid stations shall be such that employees are no more than two stories from a first aid station.
(3) Every first aid station shall be
(a) located at or near the workplace;
(b) clearly identified by a conspicuous sign; and
(c) accessible during all working hours.
(4) The employer shall inspect every first aid station regularly, at least monthly, and shall ensure that its contents are maintained in a clean, dry and serviceable condition.
(5) Subsection (1) does not apply if a first aid room, health unit or medical treatment facility that meets the requirements of subsection (3) is provided by the employer.
- SOR/88-632, s. 71(F)
- SOR/2000-328, s. 2
- SOR/2014-142, s. 8
Communication of Information
16.6 (1) Subject to subsection (2), the employer shall post and keep posted or make available to every employee in a conspicuous place in each workplace
(a) a description of the first aid to be rendered for any injury, occupational disease or illness;
(b) information regarding the location of first aid stations, first aid rooms, health units and medical treatment facilities;
(c) at every first aid station and first aid room, a list of first aid attendants, and information on how they may be located;
(d) near the telephones, a list of telephone numbers kept up-to-date for use in emergencies; and
(e) a description of the transport procedures for injured employees.
(2) At a remote workplace or in a motor vehicle, the information and lists referred to in subsection (1) shall be provided and retained with the first aid kit.
- SOR/96-525, s. 16
- SOR/2000-328, s. 2
- SOR/2014-142, s. 9(E)
- SOR/2021-122, s. 11
First Aid Supplies and Equipment
16.7 (1) At every workplace with a number of employees set out in column 1 of an item of Schedule I to this Part, the employer shall ensure that there is provided a first aid kit of the type set out in column 2 of that item.
(2) A first aid kit of type A, B, C or D shall contain the first aid supplies and equipment set out in column 1 of an item of Schedule II to this Part in the quantity, if any, set out in column 2 of that item for that type.
(3) A first aid kit of type A for use in a remote workplace shall, in addition to the contents required by subsection (2), contain the first aid supplies and equipment set out in column 1 of an item of Schedule III to this Part in the quantity set out in column 2 of that item.
(4) Prescription drugs or other medications not set out in Schedules II, III and IV to this Part shall not be stored in first aid kits or with first aid supplies.
- SOR/2000-328, s. 2
16.8 (1) Subject to subsection (2), if a hazard for skin or eye injury from a hazardous substance exists in the workplace, the employer shall ensure that shower facilities to wash the skin and eye wash facilities to irrigate the eyes are provided for immediate use by employees.
(2) If it is not feasible to comply with subsection (1), the employer shall provide portable equipment that may be used in place of the facilities referred to in that subsection.
(3) If, due to adverse or extreme weather conditions, it is not feasible for the employer to comply with either subsection (1) or (2), the employer shall provide for all employees likely to be exposed to hazardous substances in the work place personal protection equipment for all parts of their bodies that may be exposed.
- SOR/88-68, s. 14
- SOR/88-632, s. 72(F)
- SOR/94-263, ss. 60(F), 65(F)
- SOR/2000-328, s. 2
- SOR/2002-208, s. 43(F)
- SOR/2019-246, s. 119
First Aid Rooms
16.9 (1) If 200 or more employees are working at any time in a workplace, the employer shall ensure that a first aid room is provided and that it is clearly identified by a conspicuous sign.
(2) A first aid room may be used for purposes other than first aid if
(a) the minimum floor area required for first aid is maintained;
(b) there is no potential for delay in the administration of first aid; and
(c) the use for those other purposes will not impede the treatment of an injured employee or pose a hazard to employees.
(3) Subsection (1) does not apply if a health unit or medical treatment facility at which medical treatment is provided without charge to employees is readily accessible.
- SOR/88-632, s. 73(F)
- SOR/94-263, s. 61(F)
- SOR/2000-328, s. 2
16.10 (1) Every first aid room provided in accordance with section 16.9 shall be
(a) under the supervision of a first aid attendant;
(b) located as close as possible to the work place and within easy access to a toilet room;
(c) situated on a minimum floor area of 10 m2 and constructed to allow for optimum ease of access to persons carrying a patient on a stretcher;
(d) maintained in an orderly and sanitary condition; and
(e) equipped with
(i) a washbasin supplied with cold water and hot water that meets the standards set out in Part IX,
(ii) a storage cupboard and a counter,
(iii) a separate cubicle or curtained-off area with a cot or bed equipped with a moisture-protected mattress and two moisture-protected pillows,
(iv) a table and two or more chairs,
(v) a telephone, or other effective means of communication, and an up-to-date list of appropriate emergency contacts and telephone numbers for use in emergencies, and
(vi) the first aid supplies and equipment set out in Schedule IV to this Part.
(2) In every first aid room referred to in subsection (1),
(a) the air shall be changed at least once each hour; and
(b) the temperature
(i) shall be maintained at not less than 21oC, measured one meter above the floor, when the outdoor temperature is 21oC or less, and
(ii) if feasible, when the outdoor temperature in the shade exceeds 24oC, shall not exceed the outdoor temperature.
- SOR/88-632, s. 74(F)
- SOR/2000-328, s. 2
- SOR/2019-246, s. 120(E)
16.11 Before assigning employees to a workplace, the employer shall
(a) ensure that for that workplace there is an ambulance service or other suitable means of transporting an injured or ill employee to a health unit or medical treatment facility; and
(b) provide for that workplace a means of quickly summoning the ambulance service or other suitable means of transportation.
- SOR/2000-328, s. 2
First Aid Courses
- SOR/2019-246, s. 121
16.12 (1) The courses for the basic first aid certificate and for the standard first aid certificate shall include the subjects set out in Schedule V.
(2) Basic, standard and advanced first aid attendant courses, including wilderness first aid courses, shall be given by a qualified person who holds a valid certification from an approved organization attesting that they are competent to deliver first aid courses.
(3) For advanced first aid, including wilderness first aid, the employer shall determine, in consultation with the workplace committee or the health and safety representative, the first aid training requirements for the workplace, having regard to the particular nature of the workplace.
(4) The employer shall review the training program with respect to advanced first aid, including wilderness first aid, in consultation with the workplace committee or the health and safety representative at least once every three years and whenever there is a change of circumstances that may affect the content of the training.
(5) Basic, standard and advanced first aid certificates, including wilderness first aid courses, are valid for a maximum of three years from the date of issue.
- SOR/88-632, s. 75
- SOR/2000-328, s. 2
- SOR/2002-208, s. 35
- SOR/2012-271, s. 3
- SOR/2019-246, s. 122
- Date modified: